3.96% I Got Reincarnated as a K-POP Superstar Prodigy / Chapter 4: The Gathering Part 1

章 4: The Gathering Part 1

AN: I will now be introducing the important supporting characters in the story – the other 8 prodigies. There are 9 prodigies in this world. JayB is just one of them but at the same time, he is the most successful one among them and is considered their leader. He is the reason why these people became the prodigies because he saw the talent before anyone else did, and he helped in developing those talents. They are very famous but not everyone has seen them all except for those who actually had to go and meet people like the athlete, the fighter and lawyer.

Jin Bo Kim – The Businessman – BizMan

Jiwoo Lee – The Athlete – WooTheSportsmaster

Matthew Nakrop – The Fighter – Sensei

Yo Chul Park – The Chef – KitchenKing

Zihao Yang – The Programmer – ZeeZee

Seiji Hayashida – The Chemist – LaBomber

Shentong Zhang – The Musician – Muzix

Dominic Cane – The Doctor – DocOfTheHouse

Jeong Do Oh – The Lawyer – IamTheLaw

Though they are experts in their field. They will also be joining JayB on his journey as a kpop Idol


In a group chat somewhere…

WooTheSportsmaster; Woo! Finally! After 5 years! We'll get to see each other again!

ZeeZee: Ikr? Ya'll just got so busy! Zzzzz

LaBomber: Look who's talking? We all know you were holed up inside a military base in China Zee! Were they asking you to develop that security system again?

ZeeZee: Yeah… I barely got to play games! T.T

Muzix: You and your games… I went to visit you one time and you were just playing Lineage Online.

ZeeZee: Eheheh… about that…

DocOfTheHouse: Come on guys… don't bully him that much…

IAmTheLaw: Yeah… we're finally gathering again! Wooh!

ZeeZee: T.T you always understand me the most Dom! I missed you guys! Especially you Mr. I-am-in-a-different-country-right-now-and-really-can't-visit-you-because-I-have-a-case-to-work-on!

Sensei is Online

KitchenKing is Online

IAmTheLaw: Ewww…

Sensei: Hey guys! What did I miss?

KitchenKing: You guys are so noisy! Can you at least hold it off until the gathering?!

WooTheSportsmaster: @Sensei, not much… we were just excited to finally gather again.

ZeeZee: And… they are bullying me again… Help me @Sensei!

KitchenKing: When did they ever stop bullying you @ZeeZee?

ZeeZee: Do you hate me that much @KitchenKing?

KitchenKing: No… it's just fun to tease you.

Muzix: Ok enough… by the way… Where is leader-nim?

Sensei: Yeah, he called me earlier and he said to cancel everything and meet you guys here at this time.

LaBomber: Same here… I wonder what happened.

WooTheSportsmaster: Probably not much. It's probably about the gathering for the hotel again. They are the ones hosting it after all.

ZeeZee: Probably… but I heard that he has spent his time these past years training for a k-pop company and has been selling songs to k-pop groups which are most of the k-pop songs we hear now.

Muzix: Excuse me? What is he trying to do? He's already the best among us! Don't tell me he's trying to crossover?

IAmTheLaw: No way… he can't… Well... I do remember at a gathering when I was 8, he noticed a loophole on one of my cases. Good thing he noticed it or I would have failed at that trial big time!

ZeeZee: I know what you mean. He was the one who cracked the code that I've been working on for a year. After that, I questioned myself as to who was the real programmer between the two of us is.

WooTheSportsmaster: This meeting is probably related to that…

KitchenKing: I doubt it has anything to do with them launching another company. It's probably about him wanting to be a k-pop star. Besides, he's already scouted Tzuyu Chou for JYP Entertainment.

DocOfTheHouse: That's true. I met her mom at a board meeting. Her mother is an investor for one of my hospitals in Taiwan. She said her daughter would train in Korea to be a K-pop star.

Muzix: You heard that @WooTheSportsmaster? @BizMan is making THE moves. Maybe Tzuyu is that "dream girl" that he was always talking about.

BizMan is online

ZeeZee: When are you going to confess to Tzuyu about your crush on her, man? You're going to lose against @BiZMan


BizMan: Sorry I'm late. And @WooTheSportsmaster, everyone already knows about your crush towards her so no pressure. She's going to be there in the gathering anyway. Time to make your move man or someone else will. Even if you think you're a prodigy, you might end up losing to someone normal because you're so slow.

LaBomber: Boom!

KitchenKing: Yeah…

ZeeZee: Youch!




Sensei: That's got to hurt! Come on man! And I thought I was the rough one!

WooTheSportsmaster:  Why do you have to be right?

BizMan: I'm just giving you a little push…

WooTheSportsmaster: Thanks dude, but I'll do it at my own pace. Besides, she's going to train as a k-pop star. So it'll be difficult to have her as a girlfriend.

KitchenKing: Who says she's saying yes to you?

Muzix: OUCH MAN!


ZeeZee: Enough already guys… @BizMan why did you ask to meet us? And to cancel every "less important" agenda and projects for the next 3-5 years. Man, we can't do that.

BizMan: I might sound like a bad guy right now but…

KitchenKing: Yeah you do…

Sensei: Ya! Park Yo Chul! Hush! Everything we have right now is because of JB. We OWE HIM! Let's hear what he has to say first.

KitchenKing: Alright. My bad… go on dude.

DocOfTheHouse: Are we going to work together on a new project? Is it the new building that your family is going to launch?

BizMan: Yes to the project… no, it's not about the building. I've already talked to my parents about it and they are willing to support me with my decision. They also have contacted your parents as well to work with the previous project so you can focus on this instead.

LaBomber: Okaaay… what "project" is this?

BizMan: I found her…

ZeeZee: WHAT?!

Sensei: You Serious?!

Muzix: Miss Dream Girl? THE miss dream girl?!

BizMan: Yes…

IAmTheLaw: Well? Where is she?

BizMan: She's a trainee in JYP.

DocOfTheHouse: JB, when you woke up from that coma years ago, you told us about this woman, and your intent to do whatever it takes to find her. That's why you invested your time into that industry. You also helped us get out of life-or-death hurdles in those years, and we wanted to repay you. But instead, you said that when the time is right, you'd ask for our help on something that would heavily change our lives. Is this it?

BizMan: Yes, this is it…

ZeeZee: You want US… ALL of US… to help YOU… with a girl?

BizMan: Yes, and No…

LaBomber: So what is it? You know I hate riddles…

BizMan: The gathering's tomorrow, it might be best if we meet in person.

LaBomber: oh come on! I said I hate these riddles!

BizMan: Sorry man… I have to go. See you all at the secret room of the hotel.


"You want us to do WHAT?!" Park Yo Chul who is also known as the prodigy in cooking yelled at me.

We were now in our secret room in one of our family's hotels. And the atmosphere was very intense.

"Hyung, you DO hear yourself right now, don't you?" Zhang Shentong who is known to be a prodigy in music doubted me as well.

I sighed at the thought that everyone in the room isn't sold out with the plan, "Yes… I do but–"

"No JayB! Absolutely not!" Hayashida Seiji complained. Seiji is a well-known chemist and is also the oldest one among us.

I could hear another sigh in the room and saw Dominic Cane, an American Doctor who is also a prodigy like me, shaking his head. "Bro… please tell me you're joking."

I tried to explain, "I'm not… it's just–"

"But nothing! This is impossible! Us? Become k-pop stars! Is that why we had to master all those lessons you asked us do 5 years ago?! You're forecast must be really useful to be used on us like this, huh?" Oh Jeong Do who was the prodigy lawyer, was completely angry at me.

Why won't they just listen to me?

"Look at us hyung… We are prodigies but are you seeing the same thing as we are? An athlete, a fighter, a chef, a lawyer, a chemist, a programmer, a doctor and a musician. You might be THE businessman but you had a head start among all of us because you trained. Zhang might be able to do it since he already has the background." The prodigy of programming, Yang Zihao tried to explain their side.

The youngest member who is also the prodigy in sports, Jiwoo Lee, tried to smooth things over, "Technically, we trained at the same time he did but on specifics–"

"Shut it!" Zee (Yang Zihao), said.

"Okay…" Jiwoo answered.

"Hah… at least tell us why you chose us out of all the people you could possibly do this with." Matthew Nakrop, who is the prodigy in fighting, calmly asked me to explain things on my end.

Finally, someone reasonable…

I nodded and answered them. "In this room is a collection of the most brilliant minds this planet could ever have. Our minds can process things faster than anyone else. That's why we get to understand, deliver, and create, or in my case 'forecast' better than anyone else. That's why I asked you to train secretly all these years because I know it would be easier for you guys to do it. And tell me, in the 5 years that you secretly trained, did you really not like it at all?"

None of them answered and just avoided my eyes.

"Besides…" They all turned their attention at me before I continued. "There's no one else I'd rather do this with than with my best friends."

There was silence at first followed by Zee chuckling loudly, "Pfft! Why are you being so cheesy? It's so cringy… brrr…" he pretended to have goosebumps.

After that comment the atmosphere in the room began to ease up.

Dominic sighed and said, "Why did we even allow him to speak up? You know we can't out argue his speeches. Why do you think he's called THE businessman?"

Everyone just laughed at his remark

"Well, Jeong Do-hyung can…" Jiwoo said.

"Shut it Woo… I can't rebut that!" Jeong Do replied and everyone laughed again.

And with that we started talking about how we are going to do things. Zhang helped me with analyzing everybody's rapping and singing skills, while Woo (Jiwoo) was analyzing everybody's dancing skills. We found out that everybody can actually be a main rapper, vocal and dancer if we were going to debut in different groups.

I guess being a prodigy helps you learn and adapt quickly.

Jeong Do then suggested to do a facial expression test. He said that when performing, we won't really know when the camera is pointing at us so we have to be ready.

So we did, and most of us passed except for Yo Chul who was probably almost always stoic and mysterious. The other one is Woo who was always doing cute faces even with the music being serious. Well, you really can't have everything.

We spent about 2 hours in that room to analyze and see what we needed to work on before flying over to Korea.

Oh yeah… we're in France by the way…

"So we're really doing this, huh?" Matt sat beside me. He was already tired from all the dancing.

"Yeah… we are. Didn't you have a hard time learning how to dance hyung?" I asked him.

He just gave me a smirk before he answered, "Nah… dancing is somewhat like martial arts. Most of the stuff I learned are like capoeira too."


It was like he was born to dance. Even though we were good at it. He was probably the one who'd stand out the most because he was elegant when he danced.


My phone suddenly rang and seeing who it was, I immediately turned the music off. Everyone gave me a "what the hell?" look.

I just signaled them to keep quiet.

I then answered the phone. "Hey mom… what's up?"

"KIM JIN BO! Don't you 'what's up' me! Where in the world are you? The party started 10 minutes ago!" my mom yelled.

Everyone shuddered when they heard my mom. I just checked my watch and saw that we were running late. "I'm with the boys. We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"10 minutes! Not a minute later!" Man, she can be strict whenever she wanted to.


After hanging up, we immediately headed for the showers and got changed. 10 minutes later, we were already at the grand hall of the hotel.

"JayB! Over here!" I heard a voice called out to me and I saw my mom waving at me.

I walked over to her and she introduced me to some people.

"Mrs. Chou, this is my son, Kim Jinbo." She introduced us. I already knew who these people were. I met her once before in my previous life. The person beside her on the other hand…

"It's an honor to meet you Mrs. Chou. You're looking very lovely tonight." I politely said and bowed at her.

"Oh nonsense! It's an honor to meet YOU! It's hard to meet one of THE 9 prodigies. Well, have you met my daughter?" she then pushed her daughter lightly towards me. She was obviously shy.

"Mr. Kim, this is my daughter, Chou Tzuyu. Say hello, dear." She said.

The girl bowed before she introduced herself. Wow… she really is the Tzuyu of TWICE. I only met her a couple of times to write some songs for them. Other than that, we were practically strangers.

"Nice to meet you Miss Tzuyu. I hope we can become good friends." I told her in Mandarin and gave her a warm smile. She was surprised at that and returned the greeting.

I could feel someone staring daggers at me. When I looked to see who it was, I saw Joy crossing her arms while glaring at me.

She's actually the daughter of my dad's secretary. That's why she's also here. She's practically family to us.

I wonder what she's mad at though…

"Excuse me Mrs. Chou, Miss Tzuyu." I bowed at them before heading towards where Joy is.

She then turned around and started walking away. I ran after her.

What's going on with her?

We were already in the hallway towards the exit so I started calling for her name. But she won't even turn to answer me.

When I was already close enough, I grabbed her wrist to get her attention, "Ya! Park Sooyoung! What's going on with you?"

"I should ask you the same question! Why the hell did you just up and leave like that huh?" She turned to face me and there were tears in her eyes while forcefully yanking her arm away.

Oh shoot… I forgot to tell her.

"Sooyoung-ah…" I tried to comfort her.

"Don't you 'Sooyoung-ah' me, Kim Jinbo!" She yelled.

I just stayed silent and waited for her to calm down.

"Why did you do it?" She then asked while glaring at me.

"Sooyoung-ah…" I tried to answer her but was cut off again.

Seriously… why won't people let me finish my sentence?

"Did you hate it that I was already debuting and you weren't?" She asked.

I tried to explain again, "What? No! That's not it. It's bec–"

"Is it because I haven't been spending time with you?" She then said while tears streaming down her eyes.

Not having this anymore, I held both of her shoulders and said, "I found her, Sooyoung-ah… I finally did."

Her eyes widened in surprised before she screamed out of joy.



Supporting Character's feature's

Jin Bo Kim – The Businessman – BizMan

- Looks like Cha Eunwoo from ASTRO

Jiwoo Lee – The Athlete – WooTheSportsmaster

- Looks like V from BTS

Matthew Nakrop – The Fighter – Sensei

- Looks like TEN from NCT

Yo Chul Park – The Chef – KitchenKing

- Looks like Kim Mingyu from SEVENTEEN

Zihao Yang – The Programmer – ZeeZee

- Looks like Lucas from NCT

Seiji Hayashida – The Chemist – LaBomber

- Looks like Yuto from Pentagon

Shentong Zhang – The Musician – Muzix

- Looks like Suho from Exo

Dominic Cane – The Doctor

- Looks like Vernon from Seventeen

Jeong Do Oh – The Lawyer – IamTheLaw

- Looks like Kim Jinwoo from Winner

Although they look like them they are NOT them. This is just so you can imagine something. Thanks!

Doxi Doxi

Again, please don't forget to comment, vote, rate, and leave a review! Thanks!

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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