4.44% BTS FF'S / Chapter 2: Jimin FF "Fogive Me" 2/2 (*idol adition*)

章 2: Jimin FF "Fogive Me" 2/2 (*idol adition*)

"Is this all you can do? cry? get this in your head" I looked at my feet as Layla entered the room she scoffed loudly.

"What are you doing here worthless bitch?"

She said tilting her head and smirking happily. I looked at her is she even the same girl I know?

"It's the practice room, isn't it? I'm here to practice. Use some common sense..." She looked at me in disbelief

"Are you y/n? you little foolish bitch think you can-" I interrupted her.

"What? huh? Why are you so upset about what happened a year ago...why can't we move on happily? Why can't you just forgive me?! is it too much to ask for?!? I just want to be happy I don't want to live in guilt anymore... just forgive me... please... I am begging you..." I looked back down I was crying.

she poked my head moving forward making me walk backwards. "You." *poke* "Will" *poke* "NEVER" *pokes harder* I hit the wall. banging my head off of it. But she didn't stop. "BE FORGIVEN!" she punched me across the face beating me but I didn't fight back I couldn't the air was running out of my lungs as she was choking me.

Just then Jimin and all the guys walked into the practice room. "Hey what are you doing?" Taehyungs deep voice spoke. My vision was so blurry I forgot that Raehyung does boxing.

"Y/n? Hey! wait are you ok?" Jimin spoke running to us.

"She-she fell off the stairs earlier and found me practicing here-" Layla spoke quickly.

"What the hell did you do to yourself y/n?" Jimin spoke worriedly mad. I tried so hard to look at his face but Layla quickly came in front of me.

"Oppa~ are you going to use the practice room? if so we'll leave!" She grabbed my arm forcefully and way too tightly it hit my cuts all up on my arm. I collapsed.

"...no...i...don"t...want...to...go...with...you" I fell on the floor.

Everything turned black.


"Y/n?! what the hell did you do to her?!" I looked at this shameless bitch in front of me. I slapped her. "You are lucky you are a girl, although you are more like a monster." I carried Y/n walking to the door. Kicking the door open and running to the nurse center.


nurse: uhh... can any of you explain why this girl has cuts all over herself? On her arms, most of them are fresh... and the bruise on her back it's huge!

"Wait? what? How come the company doesn't know this didn't they perform last month-"

"She said most of them are fresh Jimin maybe no one noticed?" Jin whispers the hideous truth.

Jimin: or was it that no one cared?

I clenched my fists. I walked to the practice room to see Layla crying. I chuckle.

"Are you feeling guilty or are you crying because of that slap? You knew she had problems right? You know if you're feeling guilty right now. Her guilt was heavier and she carried it around for days she couldn't sleep anymore. She worked her ass off for this damn career that is destroying her... her beautiful dream is turning into a fucking nightmare because of you. Your selfishness! How you kept tormenting her day after day reminding her of all the shit she's been through!" I finished. I could hear her sobbing as I turned around. "Stop torturing her, or else I don't know what I'll do to you," before I could finish Tae interrupted me.

"Hyung stop. just stop it." he looked at me with a glare. I scoff looking to the side.

"Really?! She took away my life from me... how...can you tell me to... how can you not see how much pain your best friend is in? Are you willing to give up our friendship because of her?" I looked him in the eyes he was standing in pure seriousness. I nodded seeing how it was. "You just lost your best friend," I said nudging his shoulder as I was walking out.

I ran up the stairs crying. blurred by the tears I bumped into someone. "Mr. cold bodyguard?" I sniffled looking up at Oh Young.

"Jimin? hey, are you alright?" he said holding my shoulders and looking me in the eyes like a father I never had. I hugged him tightly.

"... I lost my best friend just now my love might have just died back there I feel like I lost everything...I don't want this book of mine to end like this I want to live happily with my love..." he held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes again.

"Jimin you can never I mean never think you're hopeless or think you can run away from your problem by ending your book yourself you have to face every problem you have out there one by one. You'll be the damn warrior Y/n always thought you were, I promise you. I will always be here and I will never give up on you that's a promise." he was looking me clearly in the eyes. "thanks cold bodyguard..." I sniffed as I was walking back to the practice room. I walked in and Taehyung was there curled into a corner hiding in his girlfriend's arms. then it hit me he was crying too.

"Hey, tallie....your best friend's right here you coming?" I said while letting tears escape and smiling. he looked up with so much hope he pushed his girl aside and ran to me jumping on me and hugging me tightly. What a softie. I fell on the floor while hugging him. "Damn tallie I'm not that tall yet." I laughed.

"You're the worst fucking best friend I ever had. You scared the shit out of me." he was sobbing and weeping. damn, I love this kid...


"Is she ok?!" I yelled walking into the nurse's room.

"Jimin... her condition was so bad they had to take her to the hospital..." Jin hyung spoke with his swollen eyes. He had been bawling his eyes out for y/n the past half an hour. I couldn't even feel the tears in my eyes anymore. I couldn't feel my legs I was numb. I collapsed on Taehyung. "Taehyung...i-i can't live without her...-she is my life!- she is the only one good thing I have tae... I love her. I can't live without her- I fucking need her-"

Namjoon: guys the show can't be cancelled ARMY's are waiting for us...

Jimin: hyung...how can we possibly do that?!

Jin: Jimin... we can't cancel the show. and we can't wait for y/n either... and we can't just stay here staring up at the ceiling praying this would be better...

Jimin: hyung I was just about to get all my happiness back! my y/n back... how can you say such things? about y/n! you should be praying for her but-

Jin: Jimin we are grown, adults we should be able to handle this, especially you.

I remembered my eomma dying right in front of me I didn't understand how and what was going on unaware of my surroundings the rose's thorns had grown my heart broke my tears had shed but did time repeat itself with me and y/n? anger rushed over me once again I held hyung's collar.

"YOU.ARE.FUCKING.UNBELIEVABLE." those were the exact words that came out of my mouth before Taehyung grasped me. pulling me back.

"That's enough hyung..." he whispered in disbelief.


It was near the end of the concert.

"You guys saw that I didn't sing or dance the whole concert... and are probably wondering why... Lee Y/n is in the hospital... because she had fallen to depression and started torturing herself for things that don't matter. because every time she went online there was always something against her. and I could only tell her to ignore it because it doesn't matter..." Jimin took a deep breath. "I regret saying that. if something I hurting you please... doesn't ignore it I desperately beg you not to please stick up for yourself and speak up. because no one had the right to puppet around her life like that. So please pray for her. and speak up for her. because every time I look at her face it reminds me why I smile and can live with a grateful heart every day it teaches me how to live so Y/n if you're still fighting out there I hope you can forgive me."

I burst out crying and hugged Namjoon hyung crying into his chest his heart was beating insanely fast. we collapsed together crying.

"Jimin! Hey Chim Chim!" I turned around with my blurred torn eyes. I saw y/n looking like a damn angel. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Forgive me" I whispered in sobs.

"Yah! I've heard you've cried a lot! how could you doubt me I'm so strong I am like a superman!" she put her thin arms up flexing them showing only a bit of fat. I chuckled crying.

"This is why I love you..." she hit my arm blushing because my head mic was on and everyone heard me. I grasped her waist and held her tightly pushing her up in the air above my head while twirling around with her I could hear her laughing and blushing at once. Damn, I fell hard for you as I put her on the ground I held her hand.

"If you really love me please respect our decision. We love each other it is not a sin or something you can take away from us. I hope you understand!" I smiled through all the tears because I had here with me right this moment the girl my dreams.

"I LOVE YOU LEE Y/N! I will never stop loving you ever I will love you till the day I die. because all I know is that this heart can't control itself when it's near you. these lips can't control any longer. these eyes are always longing to see you beside me all the time no matter how old you get. I wanna be here with you all the time everywhere as an angel or with your hand in mine side by side. I have no role in this world without you. Will you love me and become my beautiful highly talented wife?" I looked at her beautiful face shining like a star she hugged me tightly burying her face in my neck softly whimpering.

"Yah! you risked everything for my love in front of everyone you think I can reject that? Park Jimin I loved you since the beginning and now I will to the end forever with you..."

She broke the hug looking down really embarrassed. I put her head up and gently kissed her. her lips perfectly fit with mine going in the same gentle sync. we broke the kiss. and all the Army's cheered. I intertwined our hands and left the stage. awe's were spread everywhere this time I know I made the right choice. I can never let go of this beauty in front of me and I'm never gonna break your heart. And if I ever do I'm the stupidest person in this whole world.

I love you Y/n.


should i make a bonus episode please let me know! and who should I do next! only if it's possible tysm for the view they mean sooooooo much to me! also i will not upload in winter break i will upload every Friday hopefully this week's Friday too. (yes probably!) tysm for reading but plz let me know who i should do next! and have a great winter break! happy early new year! and Merry Early Christmas! (this was your early Christmas present!) yes, every single holiday i will upload up to 2 or 3 times in a week! (it will all be free for season and ect. i won't torture you!) I honestly don't deserve this much attention but thank you all so so so much! you can even tell me your biases (favourite member) or just recommend a genre! (comedy,romance,dark,horror,sad, ect.) happy holidays! see ya'll on Friday! and please keep in mind English isn't my first language! so i tried really hard. Bye! have the best life you can possibly have! FIGHTING!~ UwU


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


