Liberty in a certain bar.....
"Did you hear the news? Nine squadrons were destroyed with almost no survivors... What are the elders doing? How can they let this happen?"
"no, I heard it was 12 squadrons,"
"Heh, obviously they become so fat from getting all that resources from the Ganesh, they treat it like a game."
"Resources, what are you talking about?" Asked the girl.
"Well, I'm not surprised you didn't know." He looked around, seeing many people looking at him waiting for him to continue, he smiled. Increasing his voice "my cousin is a part of the intelligence division, I overheard him talking about how much credit the GFA are earning in the war with the Ganesh, Of course, I couldn't verify all of that, but if I think about it no organization will do anything without getting anything out of it."
"That's not entirely true. I heard GFA was created using many superpowers as supporters. It's those supporters who were funding the GFA." Said another young man.
"Well you are not entirely wrong, GFA is indeed created using the support of many Superpowers. But no matter how much they give as support without earning anything out of the war. GFA would be long gone by now." Said the middle-aged man who was drinking in the corner of the bar.
"I agree, in the black market, Ganesh materials are in demand, and their prices are sky-high. At first, I thought it was just an isolated incident, but only later I found out many adventurers and mercenaries are joining the war to get those so-called Ganesh materials, as there's a lot of demand and only a few are selling."
"In other words, GFA are all lying to us. This war was never about avenging our fallen heroes, it was all about profits. I wouldn't even be surprised if we are the one who started this war in the first place just to get those materials." Said a passionate youth.
"My brother is one of those who went missing after the so-called attacks of the Ganesh." Said the young girl who was about to cry.
The bar went quiet when everyone heard it.
"Sigh, in the end we are all just pawns to those in power. Our lives are just a numbers to them." Said another man, anger visible on his face.
A man standing in the corner nodded his head. A slight smile can be seen on his face.
This kind of thing is happening all over Liberty, even online several forums were created to accommodate this kind of discussion, online protests are already showing signs of progress, and the number of supporters swelled in just a few days.
Even the official website of GFA is bombarded with hate comments. Fake and unofficial news about the sudden surprise attacks of Ganesh proliferated all media outlets, especially online media. GFA public relations are trying their best to save the situation, but their refusals to answer any questions regarding the said events are only making things worse.
Conspiracy theories are throwing one theory after another, and fake news are spreading everywhere. And GFA keeping quiet only fuels more power to conspiracies.
As days go by, more and more people who once supported GFA are now starting to believe the many nasty rumours about GFA. Even GT didn't escape such criticism.
After all, GT can be considered the biggest arms manufacturer in the Galaxy, and its those weapons who are being used in the war with Ganesh.
But those who criticize GT are few and far between, and they are mostly drowned by the wave of GT supporters.
"One comment stated that if you choke on rice and die, should we blame the farmers and food manufacturers who produce those rice? Are they the one responsible because you don't know how to eat rice properly? Heh what an idiot. Weapons don't kill people it's those who use them that are to blame." Said GT_fanboy8910
"I agree."
"Yeah, he probably applied for a job position in GT but got rejected. But it's really not hard to see why he was rejected, haha."
"Hahaha agreed."
The forums on GT are full of this kind of discussion where the majority is still in support of GT.
GT staying out of the war is one of the major reasons many still support them, while those same people are cursing the GFA.
Of course, many still tried to sow the seed of hate against GT. They said that even though GT is not participating in the war, they are supporting many who participate in it.
But when asked who GT supports, they mentioned Fallen Angels, the end result of them, being cursed to death form all of those that idolized the Fallen angels.
They are being cursed from all ranges of ages, from middle school kids to old men, even alien races are cursing them. And that's not all; they also received many counter-attacks from many hackers who idolized the fallen angels.
It can be said that even the number one hacker in the Galaxy has posters of fallen angels in his bedroom.
So when he found out someone is implicating his idols, he was the first to respond.
Unfortunately the same could not be said to other companies or organizations who are fighting the Ganesh. Especially the GFA. Not only they lost several squadrons and a massive amount of lives, but the people who once supported them are also now cursing them.
Never has been GFA in a more precarious situation. They are losing the people's support, and the soldier's morale is at an all-time low.
But despite that, GFA remains quiet about the situation.
No elders made any statement.
Even GT is concerned about it, especially Oda and Dianna, for they know how important the existence of GFA is to them.
Without the GFA, they will be forced to fight the Ganesh in the open, revealing many of their secrets.
And so Dianna was forced to save GFA during this grave situation. Maybe not save, but at the very least elevated their burden even a little.
And to accomplish that Dianna schedules a press conference.
GFA elders made a gag order to not talk about the attacks, but GT is not under GFA and therefore can speak about it however they want.
When the elders of GFA heard Dianna scheduling a press conference they were worried. Only Commander Markos seems not to care.
On GT product presentation building a press conference is being prepared. GT's PPB is big enough to display several mecha and ships. This is where GT always presents its new product. It's several times bigger than the biggest stadium on Earth. And right now countless droids are installing chairs and tables for the media and many selected individuals.
The press conference is scheduled in 3 hours from now. And outside the venue, countless people can be seen. Luckily there are GT drones and Liberty security personnel making things peaceful because there's no shortage of people trying to cause trouble.
This sudden press conference from GT Caught everyone in surprise, not just GFA even the agents of Karou's are surprised by it. And what's worse for them they have no idea what this press conference is all about.
EDITOR: King of Mortals
Another chapter for you guys!!
Discord: GraveDagger#6135, #factory-worker
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Editors and Proofreaders: NikTitanik866, Firmament, King of Mortals.