60% Not Quite Enough / Chapter 12: Kraem

章 12: Kraem

A furious Kraem greeted Jemman the next morning.

"What did you do?" he shouted into her face. "What did you do to uncle?"

His screams were countersunk with sobs.

"I didn't do anything!" she cried, lightly dodging the blows that came with the screams.

"He's so sick. It looks like he's aged a decade."

Though Jemman looked eight the soul of a woman resided in her body.

"Why don't we talk with him before you have your little tantrum?" Saying this she headed into Jardin's room.

Kraem followed behind like an obedient child.


Surprisingly it was Jemman not Kraem that called out.

"Uncle, Baby Puppy is very worried and doesn't know what's happening. He thinks a little eight year old girl has hurt his whopping great wolof uncle. Use small words, he's not that smart."

"Play nice, Only Eight, he's worried and you really are scarier than you think."

"Okay then, I'm off to train. Don't forget you promised to get me body refining materials for tonight."

"I remember, you little brat. Now, you're on your own all day. I'll be busy with Kraem or resting. You make sure you practice what I've taught you. That includes focusing your qi to a point and having it flow through your opened meridian."


With that Jemman exited the building leaving a confused and very angry Kraem behind.

Wolof society has a very strict hierarchical system. Although Jemman didn't know it Jardin was at the apex of this race. It was a conglomeration of political, religious and military power. In any other society Jardin could live in luxury. Wolofs see leaders as servants. The higher they are the more they're expected to do. Jardin was known as a "Servant of All". It was a title earned through regular and deep sacrifices.

So Kraem waited till his uncle and mentor spoke.

"Describe our people to me." Jardin said then waited giving Kraem time to think.

"We are the ones. We watch and act so that our world does not stagnate."

"Yes, to remain unchanged is to die. Our race has begun to stagnate and this world has become lazy along with us. Jemman is a Catalyst. She will change this world if we help her. We must do everything thing to help her. By that, I mean everything."

Kraem contemplated what Kardin might mean for a moment.

"You didn't." His eyes filled with horror. It was the dominant emotion until anger took front and centre.

Kraem started to stutter, beginning and ending sentences almost randomly. He finally ended with an indignant, "You Had No Right!"

For the first time Jardin looked angry. "I have every right! If I don't have the right who does?"

Jardin settled himself before saying, "So now you know. There's two options for you. You need to destroy Jemman and me. If not, then you must become her Omair."

For a moment Kraem contemplated destroying Jardin. He had given his right to rule to a precocious brat. He had given his bloodline to another. He had given his life, potential and inheritance to someone outside the family. A wolof could only give their life essence once, and they gave it to their heir, the one who would take their responsibilities. No wolof had more responsibility than Jardin among the Wolof.

At that moment his face contorted into a hideous scowl.

"You're tempted, I see." Jardin said, sadness overwhelming his aged face. "'Servant of All' is more than a title, it is who I am. I do what our race needs not what it wants.

"Even if you kill me, and her, you will be proving my choice that you misunderstand how wolof live. You cannot be Amair if you are unwilling to serve. Become Omair and find the freedom and strength that comes from sacrifice. I promise you, she will sacrifice more than you will ever know, because of my gift."

Unwilling to look at the now ancient wolof Kraem stormed out of Jardin's presence looking for someone to kill. He hoped it was someone less than nine.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


