35.88% Life in DXD / Chapter 101: Rias vs Riser 4

章 101: Rias vs Riser 4

Rating game field:

Currently at the top of the new school building Rias is confronting Riser with a barrier shield in front of her blocking the fireballs coming her way.

Riser looked at Rias whose clothes now are turned into rags, hiding nothing and smirked and said, "Rias you might as well forefeit, it will only cause you more pain and humiliation if you continue in your condition."

Rias gritted her teeth and said, "There is no way I am giving up after coming this far, after defeating your whole peerage (except ravel) there is no way that I am stopping when I am only a step away from my freedom."

Riser snorted and said, "You cannot defeat Riser anyway so why continue this one sided battle."

Rias didn't said anything and fired a wave of her power of destruction towards Riser destroying his hand in process which immediately set on fire and regenerated.

Riser then looked at her with an unintrested expression and said, "Well it does not matter if you forefeit now or not. The amount of damage you have taken will slowly result in your loss."

Rias glared at Riser and wanted to retort bit knew that what Riser said was true. She was not sure for how long will she be able to remain concious. She has depleted most of her demonic Power and the attacks that Riser's attacks were also not completely blocked by the shield.

Riser then said, "Let's get a bit serious, Riser is getting bored." and started to prepare for a big attack and started gathering a lot of flames in his hands.

Riser then launched his attack in Rias's direction but before it could connect a sound was heard.



and a red energy wave clashed with the flames coming in Rias's direction making a huge explosion as a result. Though Rias was not completely saved as she got blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

Rias was about to crash to a wall behind her but before they could collide Koneko caught her.

Riser looked at the two new girls who were standing in front of her and said, "Ho~ the pawn and the rook has came to save their master."

He then looked at Isami and saw her red gauntlet in her hand and said, "You must be the weilder of the boosted gear. Riser has to say, Riser is impressed with the power you just showed. Riser is willing to make you Riser's woman after Riser's marriage with Rias, how about it?"

Isami continued to be on her guard and said, "Sorry, but I am Tatsuya's."

Riser who heard the name suddenly got pale and said, "Then Riser guess that there is no way for you to be Riser's woman. Riser apologizes." 'There is no way Riser wants to be on Tatsuya-san's bad side, it is better to apologise to her even if she is a low class.'

Riser then turned serious and said, "But even if you are Tatsuya-san's woman Riser is not going to hold back. Riser will certainly defeat you."

Isami who was still on her guard asked, "Koneko-chan is prez fine?"

Koneko looked towards Isami and said in her neutral voice, "She is concious but has sustained a lot of injuries, she will not be able to fight." Isami nodded her head and said. "Then let's finish him on our own."

Koneko came by her side and cracked her knuckles.

Isami then raised her gauntlet and said, "Koneko-chan buy me some time I will start boosting."


Koneko nodded and launched towards Riser while readying a punch while Riser looked at her with a smirk.

Koneko who saw the smirk on Riser's face got a bit angry and started punching him and even though she was doing some damage, Riser was getting regenerated immediately.

Koneko gritted her teeth and was about to hit punch Riser on the face, but before she was able to Riser punched Koneko with a fist covered with fire and stopped her attack and made Koneko back away.

Koneko who was now again beside Isami groaned in pain. Even though the punch in itself was not enough to cause much damage. The fire around it burned her skin a bit even after her defence as a Rook was high.

Isami then said, "Don't worry I am ready"



Isami then chanelled her magic power to a spot and then punched forward while shouting, "DRAGON SHOT!!!" and a huge red energy wave launched towards Riser engulfing him along with most of the building behind him.

Isami who was now breathing heavily looked at the dust cloud in front of her and asked, "Did we get him?"

But as she said that fire began to ignite in front of her and Riser materialised in front of him completely unscathed but his breathing a bit uneven.

He then looked at Isami and said, "That attack took a lot out of Riser." He then covered both his hand in fire and said, "But too bad, you are facing an immortal."

He was about to attack but suddenly jumped away. At the same moment when he jumped away lightening hit that spot and caused a whole in the roof.

"Ara ara, you were able to Dodge my attack even at such speed, as expected of you Phenex-sama."

Riser looked at the sky and said, "and to be able to make Riser dodge the attack instead of taking it head on, Riser is impressed priestess of thunder."

Riser then narrowed his eyes and said, "But Riser has no time to chat. Riser had already wasted a lot of Riser's prescious time." and then fired towards both Akeno's and Isami's group.

Both the groups dodged the attacks and then gathered together and Akeno asked, "How is the situation, do you think that we can win?"

Koneko looked at Akeno and said, "President is injured and cannot fight anymore and my attacks have no effect on him. But Isami-senpai's was able to make him exhausted quite a bit some more continuous attacks and we might be able to finish him."

Akeno nodded and looked at Riser with her guard up and said, "Hear this we will only get one chance, use the strongest attacks that you have. Koneko, Kiba you are up first. Isami start boosting and attack immediately after me."

All three of them nodded their head and said, "Roger."

Koneko then started gathering magic in her fists and again launched at Riser.

Riser who was now serious unlike before didn't stand still and launched his flames at her with full intensity, but before the flames could attack Koneko Kiba came as well and slashed his sword at the flames, which started absorbing them making Riser's eyes widen and say, "Another sacred gear."

And immediately Koneko and Kiba started slashing and punching him with their full strength and this time Riser actually felt pain because Koneko's fists which were covered with magic as well Kiba who was using his fire absorbing sword were hindering his healing quite bit.

Riser glared at them and suddenly erupted his body into flames and said, "Don't underestimate Riser!!" and the flames started to run wild.


At the administration room:

Tatsuya looked at the fight taking place on the roof through the monitor and thought, 'The anime really didn't showcase Riser's true might. Now I know why he is able to win all the 8 games he played seriously. This match might be a bit tricky now.'


Back to the rating game field:

The members of the Gremory peerage were sweating under the heat of Riser's flames and were very surprised by the power he suddenly released.

Akeno looked at the scene in front of her and shouted, "BOTH OF YOU FALL BACK!!"

Kiba and Koneko who heard their queen's order immediately jumped back and were groaning in pain. Their bodies were burnt very badly and now their movements were hindered.

Akeno who was preparing her spell looked at his team and said, "Be prepared it is going to get a bit chaotic here. Make sure to not get caught in the attack." and then executed her magic.

Suddenly black clouds started to form around the building. Akeno then looked at Riser and said, "Take this!!" and the a huge bolt of thunder hit Riser head on.


Riser who was hit by the thunder was screaming in pain and was healing his body continuously so as to not get defeated.

Akeno who was surprised to see Riser still enduring the attack started to get worried and looked at Isami and said, "Isami are you ready, my attack is going to stop any instant now, you have to hit him immediately after that."

Isami looked at Akeno with a serious expression and said, "I understand." She then looked at her gauntlet and said, "Ddraig do you think that I am ready for that?"

The gem on the gauntlet suddenly glowed and said, "You are more than ready you just require a proper catalyst to fuel your emotions."

Isami who heard that gritted her teeth and thought, 'What catalyst I need now, I thought that if I increased my strength I will be able to handle it but what should I do now?"


Isami who heard Tatsuya's voice in her mind started to imagine the situation that Tatsuya was in and shouted, "DON'T TOUCH HIM WHEN I AM NOT THERE I WANT TO DO THAT AS WELL!!!"


and Isami's body began to emit a red glow.


At the administration room:

Sona was glaring at Tatsuya and said, "Why did you do that?"

Tatsuya just waved his hand and said, "Well she wanted motivation and i just gave her that, dont fuss that much."

Sona's gaze only intensified and seeing that Tatsuya said, "You angry?" Sona nodded her head.

Tatsuya then smirked and took out a photograph and said, "Hey why don't we put up the photos of magical girl So-tan on the school notice board."

Hearing that Sona's expression immediately changed and she said, "Well I guess I can overlook this."

Tatsuya nodded and looked back at the screen.


Isami was covered in a red glow and then the gauntlet shined again and and both Isami and Ddraig shouted at the same time, "BOOSTED GEAR: BALANCE BREAKER SCALE MAIL!!!"

The light then died down and reveal Isami covered in red draconic armour.

All the people who looked at her were shocked that she was able to unleash the balance breaker.

Isami then looked at Riser and said, "I have to beat this shit soon, otherwise all the fun that they are having with Tatsuya's body will be over. I want to do it as well" and started flying towards Riser at full speed.


At the administration room:

All the people were who listened what Isami said had a complex feeling and Tatsuya was twitching his lips.

Sona then broke the silence and said, "Well at least she has motivation."

Tsubaki then interjected her and said, "But the source of that motivation is the problem."

All of them then nodded their heads and looked at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya then looked at all of them and asked, "What?"

All of them then immediately said, "Thinking whether to really violate you now or not."

Tatsuya who saw the look in their eyes immediately tied them again and said, "I should have not released them in the first place AND WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME WITH THE SAME GAZE AS THEM GRAYFIA?"

As soon as he as the question all the girls other than Grayfia said in unison, "She wants the D"

Tatsuya was speeches by their answer and decided to ignore them and looked back at the screen.


Back at Rating game field:

Isami who was covered in the armour started boosting once again and was waiting for the thunder to die down.

Just as the attack died down. Isami launched at Riser and said, "Here I come." and started attacking Riser with all her might.

Riser who was feeling pain from all the attacks started to attack Isami as well while he was still covered in flames. He attacked her blindly without caring for his defence and with his full power. He knew that his regeneration could stop any moment now and decided to finish them as soon as possible.

Akeno who saw the brawl between the both of them was a bit worried.

She then looked at both Koneko and Kiba and asked, "Can you guys still move?"

Both of them were on the floor and tried to stand up but were unable to do so and said, "Sorry Akeno-san but at best we can move our hands."

Akeno who heard that was a bit disheartened but suddenly an idea came in her mind and she looked at both of them and asked, "Kiba can you still weild your sword without moving?" Kiba who heard her question nodded his head. Akeno then looked at Koneko and asked, "And can you throw some with you strength to the height where both of them are fighting." Koneko looked at the sky to check the height and nodded her head.

Akeno got serious and said, "Listen both of you we have to finish this now. Koneko be prepared to throw Kiba at them and Kiba be ready to slash him with all your remaining strength. I will attack him with all the magic left in me. Listen we have to create an opening for Isami to land a decessive blow on him to get this over with."

Both Kiba and Koneko turned serious and nodded their heads.

Akeno then sent the information to Isami through the transmitter and then said, "Let's do it."

Koneko then picked Kiba's legs and floated a bit b by her wings but had pained expression on her face. She gritted her teeth and started to gain momentum by rotating and once she was confident enough she threw Kiba with all her might.

Kiba formed two swords I'm his hands and started channeling his magic through them to make them more stronger. He then came closer to both of them and shouted, "ISAMI MOVEEEE!!!"

Isami immediately got away from Riser who was confused by her actions and was immediately slashed by Kiba.

Akeno didn't miss the opportunity and also fired all the lighting at Riser making him groan in pain but he was still resisting to go down.

Akeno gritted her teeth and then immediately fell on her knees and said. "That's all I had." and Koneko came back to her supported her. Kiba came flying towards them as well and said, "Now all we can do is believe on her." Both of them then nodded and then looked back at the sky.

Riser who was now completely healed but was breathing heavily looked was angry and said, "You have made Riser angry, very angry, now you will feel Riser's wrath." and started to gather all the remaining power in his body for the next attack. He didn't care anymore, the only thing that he now wanted was to defeat them whether it killed them or not was not his concern.

Akeno and the others who felt the sudden surge in power were shocked once again, but then they heard a voice.




Isami then made a very large magic orb in front of her which was almost of her size.

Isami then said, "This is the best I got, FULL POWER DRGON SHOT!!!" and a huge wave which made all the others look at the attack with a shocked expression was launched at Riser and almost half the school was destroyed by that.

Riser who took the attack head on experienced a lot of pain and shouted, "NOOOOOOO" and then disappeared into whit light.

"Riser-sama retired"

Isami came back to roof and was about to tell Rias that they won when she heard, "Rias-sama retired"

Hearing that the whole Gremory peerage was shocked and looked back to see in the direction where Rias was only to see some light particles fading away.

"Since Riser-sama retired before Rias-sama the winner of the game is Rias Gremory."

The peerage members then sighed in relief but were still not sure whether to be happy about it or not.


At the administration room:

Sona looked at the others in disbelief and said, "Well, that was anticlimactic."

All of them nodded and their heads in approval.

Tatsuya then closed his eyes and said, "You know even if Rias got her so called freedom, I don't think that it was worth it?"

All of them got surprised by his words and Grayfia asked, "Why do you think so?"

Tatsuya then opened his eyes and said, "If Rias was defeated in the game she would not be humiliated that much as she was a amateur, but since she won the the game like this her name will be recorded in the history as the first devil peerage who won the game with the only piece that they lost being the king piece which was not even able to defeat a single enemy."

All of them who heard his words had their mouths open wide and were not sure whether to laugh or feel sad about Rias.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C101
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


