The show from the Jing Clan went quite lively, the show went lively accompanied by beautiful female voices.
The audience in this place also looked quite excited, they all seemed very excited when they saw the performance of the extraordinary beautiful girl.
In this place only Ye Chen was still waiting patiently, Ye Chen was waiting for the main show to be held.
Luckily Ye Chen was patient enough, otherwise he would have forced everyone in the Jing Clan.
"Quickly finish everything" Ye Chen wanted to finish everything quickly, he couldn't help but finish everything.
Ye Chen's plan was to make a mess when Qiao Xin was about to appear, he intended to make a mess after that he would make a clone to take Qiao Xin.
Ye Chen had already prepared everything, he would definitely bring Qiao Xin along with him.
There were countless shows that went on, there were battles and countless attractions put on by the Jing Clan.
what will happen to mc