"Long live Mr. Feng Luo." Everyone simultaneously gave longevity greetings to the old man next to Feng Xue.
This old man's name is Feng Luo.
"Thanks to all of you who wanted to come to my birthday tonight, this old man was very happy to receive all of you." Feng Luo thanked everyone who wanted to attend his birthday.
After the event's welcoming words began, as usual birthday people have to say their wishes, Feng Luo only has one hope that the Feng family will continue to be victorious.
After saying Feng Luo's wish, together with Feng Xue started cutting the immense cake, after the cake was cut, the maids started distributing it to everyone who was here.
"My old friend Feng Luo, happy birthday." An old man came to Feng Luo, this person is a person who has just played a very good musical instrument.
"Hahaha, Mr. Ji, thank you for being here." Feng Luo looked very respectful of this old man.
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