I told Kiyomi everything while Eris ate her pie and her hot chocolate slowly.
"I see… And Master Lin took care of everything?"
"Hmm… Of course I did. Who do you think I am?"
She gave me a wry smile, "Master Lin, you truly have a talent for this, would you like to help out with our story department next year?"
I grinned, "You think I made all of this up, don't you?"
"Kukuku~ You failed to consider one thing, Master Lin. Why would the real Master Lin of Heaven Sect start up a small business like this? Other Practitioners would have surely heard about this and flocked here by now and yet, all of your customers are normal non-Practitioners."
"Mmm… But have you thought maybe I hid my identity before coming here?"
"Oh? Is the real Master Lin of Heaven Sect that much of a prankster?"
"I wouldn't say prankster but more of wanting to stay low profile."
"Kukuku~ Very likely indeed~"
The fox sisters are together again! Can I fluff them now?