(Eris POV)
Our first thoughts after that was to chase after Master but Cai Hong mentioned that if Master's body here were to be destroyed by the tentacled freaks, Master might lose His anchor to this Universe making this no longer the main Universe anymore.
Thus our plan to leave the other versions of me here to fight against those tentacled things while we go off to search for Master was scrapped.
Cai Hong then said that she would go off to find her other siblings to help and flew off into the sky. I'm not sure if it was just because she's in her older form but I felt a little unnerved that she was so calm about the situation.
After placing Master's empty vessel in His room and putting up defensive inscriptions on the room, we were all gathered in the courtyard again with the other versions of me that came from other Universes.
Someone is lost in the multiverse? Then we just need to jump in to find them! What's the worse that could happen?