I looked at all the shelters my disciples had made with a critical eye, inspecting them carefully.
To be honest, I wasn't really expecting much since this would be their first time making something like this. I just wanted to see if they could improvise or come up with anything interesting when put in this position.
Sometimes nature is the best teacher for these types of things. I wouldn't want them to only know how to follow my instructions and never going out to experiment on their own.
I have to say though, all of them did way better than I expected.
Lian Li made something that looked like a shed of some sort, the kind that you can find behind shops where they would store their wares.
It wasn't professionally made in any sense of course, since both Lian Li and Keqing were not carpenters, but it was quite well done for someone who had limited building experience.
A shed, a fox hole, a pile of rocks and a giant mushroom. Which one to pick?