100% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 106: Mo Ye: The Azure Divine Beast

章 106: Mo Ye: The Azure Divine Beast

"Whom do you mean ayi? Who are the two immortals who perished today?"

"The situation is grave. You need to go to the eternal sword pool located at the top of the ninth heaven to retrieve their golden core. If you will fail, our hope is lost. The crimson moon will rise!"

Moxiao's eyes grew wide. He knew his twin sister is in grave danger. With no time to waste, Moxiao set forth outside the kingdom's garden and summoned his spear. LanRong showed just in time before he set out to the ninth heaven.

"Moxiao... Did something happen?"

"Yes. My sister... She is in grave danger."

"Do what you have to. I will wait for you."

Looking back at her eyes, Moxiao raised his divine weapon and in a flash of light, he was transported above the ninth heaven. Two guards who were guarding the gate crossed their spears addressing Moxiao not to enter the gates.

"Halt! Who goes there?"

"It is I, Na Moxiao. Let me inside, I need to get to the eternal sword pool quick."

One guard examined him carefully while the other looked at him from top to toe.

"You reek of something mortal. Are you a mortal though?"

"I am part mortal. Let me in. My sister is in danger!"

"Hah. A part mortal! Look Li Jiang! It's a part mortal! We're even pure immortals but we can't go near at the eternal sword pool!"

The guards laughed it off and Moxiao is now getting mad.

"Now, where I'm from they say that only skills define someone's character."

Hearing Moxiao's words, both of the guards stopped laughing.

"Huh what did you say? So you are referring to both of us pure immortals that we're inferior than you? A part mortal? Hah."

"Technically, yes. I am saying that I can take both of you at once."

Feeling offended, the guards unsheathed their spears and hurled it towards Moxiao. He dodged the two flying spears and afterwards landed on the ground with a smirk on his face.

"Is that the best you can do? My turn."

Moxiao twisted his spear and transformed it into twin daggers. In a speed of light, Moxiao rushed towards the guards piercing their armors crushing it into thousands of pieces. The guards were astonished as Moxiao's hands calmed down gripping the daggers in his hands.

"W-what was that? Who are you?!"

Moxiao reverted his divine weapon back into a spear and sheathed it back looking back at the guards with an amused look on his face.

"So guards in heavenly realm aren't as trained compared to the royal guards back at the mortal realm? This is way too hilarious." He said inwardly as he stepped up the staircase leading inside the gates of ninth heaven. However, as he took one step inside the gates, an unseen force pulled him to his knees making him kneel unknowingly.

His eyes widened as he forced himself to stand up and take a look at the woman walking towards him.

"Deity Mo Ye... We apologize for such rude behavior." The two guards exclaimed anxiously as the woman walks in front of them. She looked at them in such cold gaze.

"It is such a shame that you all act arrogant in front of a half-deity but got beaten up instead. Heavenly realm does not need you anymore."

The two guards continued to beg for mercy but Mo Ye ignored them and turned to Moxiao who is constantly kneeling our of the sheer pressure put on his body.

"Hmm... Interesting." Mo Ye said as she examined Moxiao from head to foot. Looking at him, she used her divine ability known as Cold Gaze. Through this, she can peer inside the very core of Moxiao's primordial soul and divine weapon. Peering inside him, the results shocked herself and instantly, she released the pressure seal allowing Moxiao to move freely.

"You! What kind of an abomination are you?"

"People ask me the same thing but I don't know what abomination do you think I am... My mother's or my father's?"

"What a glib-tongued half-breed you are! Let's see if you can withstand my Ice Jade technique."

Mo Ye confidently drew her Ice Jade sword and pointed it to Moxiao. Moxiao drew his spear but this time, he did not dare transform it into a new weapon. He unsheathed the spear as it is.

"Confident not to use the same technique as you did are you? Ha... You underestimate me boy. Now, taste this!"

Summoning a mass amount of hail clouds, Mo Ye showered Moxiao with large sharp icicles falling form the sky. During the attack, Moxiao deflected some of the icicles by rotating his spear very fast melting all of the icicles in an instant. Mo Ye became irritated by this move and decided to pull out her greatest technique.

"Why- you! Insignificant little half-breed!!!!"

"Ready to accept defeat?"

Mo Ye pulled out her great sword and tore a rift in the sky summoning a large boulder of ice. Her pride and rage got the best of her. A fire lit up inside her icy heart. It's like something was torn off into shreds. HER PRIDE.

"Give me my pride back!!!!" She shrieked as she commanded her sword to hurl the large boulder of ice at Moxiao.

Moxiao stood ready to face the boulder but...

"Enough, Mo Ye!"

A manly voice boomed across the sky and within a split second, a great fire smashed through the large boulder of ice melting it into pieces which created a rainbow-like mirage. The man walked towards them quenching the fire in his other hand. Mo Ye's knees weakened in humiliation. Her eyes are now filled with rivers of tears.

"Gan Jia! You- you dare try to stop me from getting back my pride? To think, my own husband would owe me this great shame!?" She sobbed like a child however, Gan Jia took her in his arms.

"That's enough Mo Ye. We are divine beasts and as divine beasts of great status, we should not dare to draw our swords to half-breeds. Do you understand?"

Finally, Mo Ye calmed down at the last minute and let Moxiao off the hook. She took one last gaze at Moxiao before disappearing in a cloud along with Gan Jia.

"Moxiao, you are one abomination. I will never forget this encounter." Mo Ye whispered to herself.

Moxiao carried on with his journey leading towards the eternal sword pool. He stood up but felt a sting from his left arm. An icicle penetrated his skin burying slowly on his flesh. He took out his divine weapon and tried to melt the ice but it was not enough.

As Mo Ye and Gan Jia were walking back to the Tianshan pavillion, a smile curved up Mo Ye's lips.

"What are you so happy about? Didn't you get offended abit earlier?"

"That boy's gonna get it."

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