25% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 -

章 5: Chapter 5 -

Harry and Sirius said goodbye to Regulus before making their way to the platform. The goodbye was quite lengthy and Harry had given Regulus some presents as a way to make up for not being there. The presents combined with a vow from Harry that said he'd call him every day on the mirrors seemed to make things easier for Reggie.

Once they got to the station, their parents gave them a quick goodbye and left. Harry saw two people struggling to get a trunk inside the train. Upon closer inspection he recognized the two, it was Severus Snape and Lily Evans. His mother, except this time she was not his mother, at least not in this world. Still, no reason she couldn't be his friend.

He walked over and Sirius followed behind him, Lily was trying to get her trunk inside and Severus was trying to help her. Harry was hoping that setting up a good relationship between Snape and the marauders could save them years of conflict.

"Hello" Harry greeted them "would you two like some help?"

"Yes please" Lily nodded "I'm Lily Evans, and this is Severus Snape, pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you two" Harry said, he aimed a finger at the trunk and it rose in the air.

"You! You're Hadrius Black!" Snape exclaimed

"The one and only" Harry nodded "this is my youngest brother Sirius, come on. We'll find you an empty compartment" Harry got in the train and Sirius followed him. Severus and Lilly followed behind them.

"Is he famous or something?" Lily whispered

"Famous?!" Snape whispered back but was close to shouting "Lily he is a magical genius! I've heard stories about him, he is always top of his class and he has mastered the ability to perform wandless magic! Most adults can't even do basic spells without a wand!"

"Are you for real?" Lily asked as she looked at the guy who Severus was hero worshipping

"Yes, he's even the world's youngest animagus. That means someone who can turn in to an animal"

"So he is like a celebrity?"

"Found a compartment" Harry said as he opened the door and stowed her trunk overhead. "Do you mind if me and my brother stay here as well"

"No" Lily said "what about you Sev?"

"No" Severus said quickly "I don't mind"

"Brill" Sirius said as they all put their trunks away and sat down "like he said, I'm Sirius Black, the funny one. This big lug is Hadrius, he is the awesome one, our other brother Regulus is the smart one but he's at home for another year."

"Nice to meet you" Lily said. A little while after the train left the station, a knock was heard on the door. Sirius opened it and Harry saw the face of one James Potter.

"Excuse me" He said "do you mind if I come and sit here? The other compartments are empty and I'd like someone to talk to"

"No problem" Harry said "come in"

"Thanks" James came in and plopped right down "I'm James Potter, nice to meet ya"

"Wait a sec, James Potter? As is son of Charles Potter?" Harry asked, James was about to reply but then he saw Harry's Slytherin robes.

"Is that a problem?" He said defensively

"Problem? You're dads a legend" Harry said, hoping he could quickly get his not-father over the house rivalry "one of the few men I actually respect"

"What? Really?" James said with disbelief, he couldn't believe a Slytherin was being nice to him.

"Yeah, even my dad and granddad respects him. Not my mum though but don't take it personal, she don't like anybody."

"Funnily enough, nobody likes her" Sirius commented with a grin on his face.

"You know, you're alright for a Slytherin" James said eventually

"Let me guess, Gryffindor?" Harry said with a raised eyebrow and a smile

"Of course!" James puffed up his chest "The home of the brave!"

"Good on you" Harry patted him on the back "go make the lions proud"

"Wait" Severus said "you're a Slytherin?"

"That is my understanding" Harry nodded

"But I thought Slytherin's and Gryffindor's were supposed to hate each other"

"Yeah but I find it stupid"

"What are you guys talking about? You mean the houses?" Lily asked

"Yeah" Sirius nodded "there's Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor"

"Gryffindor and Slytherin also have a bit of a rivalry" James added

"Yeah but I always found it stupid" Harry said "I mean, separate houses and a bit of competition I can understand but escalating it to the point of hating each other is ridiculous. I mean what if you wanted to have a friend in one of the other houses but couldn't because of a stupid rivalry that had nothing to do with you"

"But why do they hate each other?" Lily asked curiously

"Well it comes down to pride and opinions" Harry explained "for example, Hufflepuff is the home of the hardworking and loyal but everyone outside of Hufflepuff thinks that they're worthless. Ravenclaw is the home of the intelligent but everyone else sees them as book worms, then we have Gryffindor and Slytherin. Gryffindor is the home of the brave but people see them as reckless while Slytherin is the home of cunning and ambition but everyone thinks their evil.

Since my first year, which was last year, I've started getting friends from all the houses. Hopefully I can cut down the hate enough so it's back to a friendly rivalry and if I'm lucky then everyone we'll get along better"

"That's nice" Lily smiled

"Wow, really?" James asked, he was beginning to think he had the wrong idea about Slytherin's, or at least he had the wrong idea about ALL Slytherin's being jerks.

"Yeah, so I hope we can remain friends no matter what houses we're sorted in"

"Sure" Lily replied

"Err, yeah. Sure mate" James responded

"Um...okay" Severus said slowly "but what about the other students?"

"Don't worry" Harry said calmly "if anyone messes with you just say you're under my protection"

"What would that do?" James asked. Sirius and Harry looked at each other and shared a smile that was practically evil.

"You'll see" Was Harry's answer "so Lily, if you don't mind me asking, are you muggleborn?"

"Yes I am" She said proudly, not noticing the tensing of James and Severus.

"How long have you known you were a witch?" Harry asked

"A year or so, Severus told me all about it"

"Cool, wait I have something for you" Harry pulled something out of his pocket and enlarged it, it was a book.

"Wow!" Lily exclaimed

"I know, cool isn't it?" Harry smiled as he handed Lily the book "this is a book on wizarding traditions and customs. It's a good read, some of the prefects will hand out a copy when you get to Hogwarts, I'd recommend reading it so you can fit in better"

"Fit in?"

"Yes, the thing is Wizarding Britain is a bit different from muggle Britain. It'd be easier to imagine you're in another country, read the book and if you have any questions after I'll be glad to answer them."

"Wait, you don't hate muggleborns?" James asked

"I see no reason to hate them" Harry shrugged "if magic feels their worthy enough to possess some then who am I to argue? Hold that thought, I'm going to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a bit" With that Harry left the compartment, he felt happy, he knew from Sirius's stories that the rivalry started over house rivalries and he had hopefully prevented that.

"You're brother is not what I expected a Slytherin to be like" James said to Sirius "I thought they'd be all 'I hate muggleborns' and be greasy idiots but he was alright"

"Yeah, Harry is different from the other members of our family" Sirius said proudly "he has always protected me and our other brother Regulus, mum wanted us to be like her and hate muggles"

"What? Why?" Lily interrupted

"Some people discriminate" Sirius sighed "not all people but some do, mother was one of them. If it wasn't for Harry we could've grown up hating muggles"

"Really?" Severus asked, this was not what he expected Hadrius Black to be like.

"Yeah" Sirius nodded "one day he took me and Regulus up to his room and he said that 'one of the things muggles and wizards have in common is that they're people, and people are different. Some are jerks and some are nice, and you should get to know them before you decide what they are'."

"Wow" James whispered "that's like some wise old wizard crap, are you sure he didn't get that line from a chocolate frog packet or something?"

"He might have" Sirius laughed "but in my experience, listen to Hadrius and you'll be fine"

"What do you mean?" Severus asked, wanting to know more.

"Well, the one time we didn't listen to him was when he took us to Diagon alley to shop for his school stuff. He left me and my brother in the ice cream shop for a bit and said he'd be right back and he told us not to wander off. But then we saw the quidditch shop and went to look at it when someone grabbed us and dragged us into Knockturn alley." Lily gasped and placed her hands around her mouth, Severus and James listen more closely.

"Then what happened?" James asked

"Well, it was these two men and a witch. I don't know what they were planning to do to us but thankfully we didn't need to find out. Harry came and rescued us, we saw him beat the three with ease."

"What? On his own?!"

"Yeah" Sirius nodded "he looked bloody terrifying as well"

"Terrifying?" Severus asked

"It was his eyes" Sirius shivered

"Does...does he hurt you?" Lily asked slowly

"No!" Sirius screamed before realizing how loud he was "Sorry but no he would never hurt me or my brother, in fact he spends a lot of time threatening anyone who even thinks about it. But when he was fighting those guys, his eyes turned green"

"Like hers?" Severus gestured to Lily

"No, his was brighter. It looked like green flames, I thought the killing curse was going to come out of his eyes. Me and my brother know he'd hurt himself before he hurts us but we agreed to do our best to make sure we don't ever see him angry again."

Once Harry had left the compartment, he went to a private location on the train where nobody else was so he could meet a very special person. The special person immediately hugged him once they saw each other.

"I've missed you Gin"

"Missed you too Harry" She smiled before reluctantly letting go "it's funny, I would've thought that I would've gotten bored of you after all of these years"

"Yeah but we both know you'd get bored without me" He replied

"True" Ginny nodded "I have to admit, even though I loved the original, I like the Hadrius Black look. You look so noble and rich"

"Thank you Ginny, or is it Gwen Peterson? I have to say yours isn't too bad either" Ginny still had her trademark red hair, but her eyes were blue and her face was thinner than before and her cheek bones were higher.

"Hold on, let me just run a quick mental check on what you've been doing since you got here" Ginny quickly looked into his mind and saw him conversing with Sirius, his father, Snape and his mother "oh my god! Harry, that's brilliant!"

"I know, we have to pretend we don't know each other so why don't we organize our first ever meeting?" He asked with a hint of mischief

"What do you have in mind?" Ginny smiled

Ginny or Gwen, made her way to the compartment where the four were sitting. She knocked on the door and Lily opened it.

"Hi" Ginny said "I was wondering if I could sit here? The boys in my last compartment are being idiots"

"Sure" Lily moved out of the way and let Ginny in "I'm Lily Evans, pleasure to meet you."

"Gwen Peterson but you can call me Ginny" Ginny answered as she sat down "are you muggleborn too?"

"Yes I am" Lily nodded "it's finally nice to meet another one, and a girl too. I've been stuck with pureblood boys since the train left"

"Hey" The boys objected

"Fine" Lily sighed "three purebloods and a half-blood" She gestured to Severus.

"Severus Snape" He nodded to her

"I'm Sirius Black and this is James Potter" Sirius held out a hand and Ginny shook it, Sirius planted a small kiss on her hand and smiled at her.

"Nice try" Ginny smiled before taking back her hand

"Ah well, worth a shot" Sirius smiled

"Hold on" Ginny said "you said three purebloods earlier, where's the other one?"

"Well, oh wait here he is" Lily gestured to the door which Harry opened

"Sorry guys, there was a bit of a queue" Harry apologized, he then looked at Ginny and sat down opposite her. "Hello, my name is Hadrius Black, you can call me Harry if you want"

"Gwen Peterson" Ginny extended a hand "you can call me Ginny"

"Interesting name" Harry took her hand and gave it a small kiss, keeping eye contact with Ginny as he did.

Once the kiss was done, Harry looked up at Ginny but didn't let go of her hand. They looked deeply into each other's eyes, Harry had a big smile on his face and Ginny wasn't fairing any better and neither were willing to stop looking at each other. Severus and James were a bit confused, Lily looked amused while Sirius looked like he wanted to burst in happiness. He actually placed his hand over his mouth to stop himself from making any noises, Lilly leaned closer to Sirius.

"What's going on?" She whispered

"He found his soul mate" Sirius whispered back

"His what?"

"Hadrius always told us that he had a soul mate somewhere and he'd meet them eventually and marry them. Looks to me like he just found me a sister-in-law"

"Are you sure? I mean, they're a bit young?"

"Well it's not like he's going to marry her this very second, but it's definitely her. I've seen tons of girls try to get Hadrius to look at them the same way he is looking at her, I'd better find a good way to welcome her into the family."

James was about to snap Hadrius back to reality by shaking him a little but Sirius quickly grabbed his arms to stop him.

"What?" James asked

"Don't" Sirius said "we don't know how he'll react"

"React?" Severus repeated

"Well, he has just met the person who he thinks is his soul mate so I'd advise not interrupting and being quite. Because if we do, best case is he won't mind but worst case is he gets angry and trust me when I say an angry Harry is a scary Harry.

"So" Harry eventually spoke "Ginny?"

"Yes" Ginny nodded "It's just a nickname I've always liked. What about Harry?"

"It's basically the same as my real name, just more...normal" Harry replied

"You don't seem normal, no offence"

"None taken"

"Lucky for you, I like not normal"

"Lucky for you I like being not normal"

"Excuse me" James interrupted, Harry slowly let go of her hand "sorry to interrupt but you two were sort of zoning out"

"So Harry" Sirius said with a grin "have you found me a sister-in-law?" Harry for his part didn't answer, simply smiled which was all the confirmation Sirius needed.

"By the way" Lily said "Sirius said you can make your eyes turn green, is that true?"

"Yes" Harry nodded "in fact I'm actually a metamorphmagus, meaning I can change my shape at will" To prove his point Harry turned his hair yellow which got him a bunch of applause before he turned it back "but my eyes turning green has nothing to do with that"

"Can we see your green eyes?" James asked

"NO!" Sirus shouted quickly "Hadrius I love you but for the love of Merlin, don't show the eyes!"

"I wasn't going to" Harry said calmly

"Good" Sirius sighed

"Is it really that bad?" Severus asked

"Scariest thing I've ever seen" Sirius answered

"Sorry" Harry apologized

"Don't worry about it" Sirius waved a hand "I'm not scared of you, just in no hurry to see you angry"

Eventually they arrived at Hogwarts, Harry left on the carriage while the others took the boats. Soon came time for the sorting, much like in the previous lives the marauders and Lily were sorted into Gryffindor while Snape was sorted into Slytherin. Harry saved him a seat so he wouldn't have to sit with Lucius Malfoy, who was a big part of why Severus had become a death eater in the first place.

Bellatrix was also sorted into Slytherin, and happily took a seat next to her favorite cousin, Harry. Who gave her a quick hug as she sat next to him. Ginny had chosen to get sorted into Ravenclaw, she figured that she'd change from Gryffindor as well and Slytherin was too much effort with her being muggleborn.

After the food started talking, Harry talked with Severus and Bellatrix for a bit while he ate. He then excused himself and made his way over to the Gryffindor table.

"Alright bro?" Harry said as he sat down next to Sirius "How's the food?"

"It's brilliant!" Sirius exclaimed happily before turning to his brother "Harry, are you sure that you're not upset with me not being in Slytherin?" James and Lily stopped eating and listened in, as did Remus as they were all interested in his answer.

"Nah" Harry shook his head "Slytherin wouldn't suit you, besides I got Bellatrix to keep my company so don't worry about me. Plus I'm actually really happy you're in Gryffindor"

"You are?"

"Yeah, me and grandfather had a bet going on. He thought you'd be in Slytherin and I said Gryffindor, thanks to you I'm ten galleons richer"

"You bet on me?!" Sirius replied

"Oh yeah" Harry nodded "I'll give you a galleon to make up for it, oh and I got you a present" Harry pulled out a small red ball and placed it on the table. "Tap it with your wand"

Sirius pulled his wand out and gently tapped the ball, the ball transformed into a miniature lion with a yellow mane. It started walking around and roaring at everyone before it settled by Sirius's hand.

"That's amazing" Lily said "where did you buy that?"

"I didn't, I made it" Harry grinned "oh, hi Remus"

"Uh, hello Harry" Remus replied

"Told you, you'd be in Gryffindor" Harry said proudly

"Do you two know each other?" Sirius asked

"We met in Diagon Alley when I went to buy your supplies" Harry responded "now I'm going to go back to my table, just wanted to say that if you lot need anything then just call me and I'll come as soon as I can" Harry walked off.

"So" Sirius said to Remus "you met my brother?"

"Yes, to be honest he was nothing like what I expected the wandless wonder of the wizarding world to be like" Remus replied "he saved my life that day"

"He what?" James asked

"There was a death eater attack that day" Remus explained "I thought I was going to die but then he comes along like a superhero and beats them all, the aurors arrived just after they were all defeated"

"Not surprised" Sirius shrugged "Harry has always been good at magic, I swear he is like the next Merlin."

Soon the first years made their ways to the common rooms, Bellatrix was talking with Severus as they made their way to the Slytherin common room. Once they were inside the prefects made their speech before leaving the first years alone. Soon some of the older Slytherin's entered the common room.

"Look over here" A third year gestured to Severus "fresh meat"

"How original" Severus commented with a roll of his eyes.

"What did you say boy?!" The third year snapped "do you know who I am? I'm Ronald, the heir to the Woodcase family"

"Do you know who I am?" Bellatrix interrupted

"No, should I little girl?"

"Well, I am Bellatrix Black" She said in a sweet voice "and my cousin is Hadrius Black"

"It's true" Hadrius said as he walked into the common room, the third year immediately took a step back along with everyone else in the room. He walked up to Bellatrix and gave her a one arm hugged "how are we cousin?"

"Doing good, except this prat" She gestured to Woodcase "was irritating me and my new friend" She gestured to Snape.

"Was he?" Hadrius looked towards Woodcase who was trying to decide if he should run or not "were you?"

"I...uh...I didn't know..."

"I'll take that as a yes" Harry interrupted "do remind me Woodcase, what happened the last time you irritated me?"

"Y...you hanged me upside down in my boxers off the ceiling after you put me in a body bind and burnt my clothes, then you put an itching charm on me that lasted the whole day" He said quickly.

"Nice to know your brain is still somewhat functional" Harry replied "bother my cousin or her friends again and I can change that, understand?"

"Y...Yes sir"

"Good, now off you go Bell."

"Goodnight cousin" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then waved goodbye to Severus before going to her room.

"Now, I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. If any of you disturb me then I shall be very angry"

Harry waked away, his warning still hanging in the common room. Severus was not sure what to think, at first his idol was entirely different from what he expected. He was nice, kind and treated muggleborns with respect. But just then he was commanding respect and fear, according to his brother he was a very different person when he was angry. Severus was curious but not sure if he wanted to make him angry, he would observe for now.

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