6.49% Unusual world / Chapter 10: New Home part 1

章 10: New Home part 1

A few days after Little Soul fell into the river he was running for his life from three huge Orcs. clothed in leather armor and wielding iron weapons both axes and swords. The weapons and armor looked a bit worn out but it's only added to their fierce image.

"Come on every single day something wants to kill me. All I did was take a leak in a bush how was I supposed to know those things were sleeping there. Those big green ugly bastards ... oh shit one of them picked up a tree".

Over the past couple of days, Little Soul has met constant danger. there were all kinds of strange beasts he had to avoid, luckily during his journey through the forest he stumbled upon the dead body of a gray fur color gorilla.

He used its flesh to reassemble his body, the gorilla had a massive hole in his chest. Whatever killed it also ate the crystal in its chest but left everything else why? Don't those creatures need to eat why would the crystal be more important to them?.

After stitching the Gorillaz flash onto his body he also used the red potion to seal the pieces together wasn't all too perfect but he looked a lot more normal than before. If anyone asked about his weird body he can just make something up later.

"oh my God" while running little soul saw the org that pulled the tree out of the ground that was twice his body length Chuck it at him like it was nothing. Seeing it coming he rolled in a different direction avoiding the tree from crushing him, as it crashed into the ground he then kept sprinting away.

"Don't those guys get tired they've been chasing me for most of the day if I wasn't a soul inhabiting this body pushing it to the max I'd be dead". Running for his life little soul notice something in the distance above the trees it was a wall a massive wall it had to be over a hundred stories tall for him to see it's so clearly even from this distance.

"I'm saved I can have those guys fight these things".

Happy about finally finding a way out from this mess of his he pushed his old butt to run even faster than he was already. He felt like his lungs were on fire thighs hurt his feet hurt and he is beginning to get light headed but, he pushed through with his goal in sight.

After running for a couple of minutes little soul found himself exiting the Forest into an enormous clearing that expanded an entire 20 mile distance from the wall to the forest in every direction. There was only dirt not even a blade of grass for miles except for behind him and behind him, there were still three Orcs chasing him.

"What's going on I thought that these trees couldn't be destroyed they should have regrown instantly this clearing is clearly not normal". Not in a position to think about it he just put it all in the back of his mind and focused on running for his life. He still had 20 miles to cover before he's safe.


Memorial wall, Delmar City

At the top of the memorial wall which is over 130 stories tall three armed guards equipped in exquisite armor could be seen laughing and having the time of their lives.

"Trent looks at this old man he's running faster then captain Tusk when he has got the runs".

"Well if you have ever eaten his wife's food you know why he spends most of his time in the toilet Trevor."

" I know what you mean Trent Captain Tusk might as well just make the toilet his office and lead us from there, hahaha I can picture it now".

"That would be one of the best days of my life Derek but, still wouldn't beat a night with Miss Sally".

"Sally you're still hung up on her, you know it's never going to happen." Derek replied.

"It's been how many years and you still haven't even talked to her more than 5 to 10 minutes even then it was just basic greetings". Trevor said with a look of pity for his friend.

"Screw both of you me and miss Sally will be together forever then we will open up a restaurant together above ground right on Kings Road just like I know she always dreamed about".

" Whatever you say Mr.romantic but, shouldn't we do something about that guy he might die soon".

" You're right Trevor, I completely forgot about that guy. Derek, you're the only decent sharpshooter I know within reasonable walking distance making you the best in all the lands so, care for some target practice".

"In walking distance, oh screw you I'd be the best archer in the city guard if it wasn't for that blasted woman ... uhh, whatever just give me room".

Raising his magic longbow Derek fired three shots simultaneously. The bow needed no arrows to fire it could create them by itself. When it fired 3 splendidly glowing arrows shot out, they cut through the air at supersonic speed.


20 miles away Little Soul was still running for his life with all he had when 3 glimmering lights caught his eyes. "what is that?" he only saw the light for a second before he heard three explosions behind them. Turning around while still running he saw three dead Orcs lying on the ground with no heads, blood splat out of their bodies dying the ground red.

"What the hell was that?".

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


