Allison descended the staircase and her feet landed on the floor. She looked at Caroline. "Ready?"
Caroline nodded her head and answered. "Yes!"
"Alright, let's go, girl!" Allison said.
The two women were about to move forward towards the door when Owen interrupted them.
"You want me to drive for you, girls?" he offered his services.
Allison shook her head. "Not today, Owen."
"Okay Madam," he said and proceed to climbs the stairs.
The two women exited the door and went to the car parked outside.
Allison slid into the driver's seat, Caroline sits on the backseat.
The vehicle was now slowly moving out of the gate and was heading to the busy street.
The two women were silent during the ride.
Caroline fixed her gaze outside, watching other vehicles moving in all directions as they were passing buildings after buildings.
Take care everyone!
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Wear your mask all the time!