31.79% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 76: Vol. 6 - Chapter 2: Aleister and Uriel; Face to Face

章 76: Vol. 6 - Chapter 2: Aleister and Uriel; Face to Face

Part 1 – Outside the High school Division.

The dance ended and with that the conclusion of the school years as well. The Lefleur family was giving Uriel their final goodbyes. Marinette suggested:

"Uriel, come and teach in France for us, we will continue our University careers in France and you could be an excellent teacher."

Ana overhears their conversion and exclaims: "NO! He must come to Spain, in our private University, you will love it Uriel."

Marinette and Ana begin to argue on which place Uriel should go. Uriel sighs with his eyes close and smiles at them:

"Thank you for your offers, but right now I must go on a trip in the U.S. to do some investigations, however after I finish I will gladly go to both of you schools as the Substitute Teacher."

The girls smile and grab both of Uriel´s hands shouting: "It´s a promise!"

"Ay Hermano, you sure are popular." Valerie says to Uriel as she hits him in the head. Everybody begins to laugh, the students begin to say their final goodbyes to Uriel, each of them hug him and some cry over, as they know that the high school years has ended. Uriel smiles and expresses his feelings to all of them:

"Students listen to me; this journey has ended but please continue with your studies and live your life to the fullest, and let us meet again someday."

Every student nods in sign of agreement with tears in their eyes. Alejandro cries hugging Uriel, Victoria punches Alejandro and proceeds in hugging Uriel along with Angela. Raul stretches his hand smiling and saying goodbye, one by one the students leave. Marjorie saw Aleister and went after him. Uriel begins to think:

"Where has Marjorie gone to?"

Part 2 – In the ally next to the high school.

In an ally next to the high school division, Marjorie follows Aleister who was walking too fast for her to catch up. Marjorie takes off her heels to run faster.

"WAIT, ALEISTER!" Marjorie shouts at him. In the ally there is a small car under a solitary light post. There is the wall of the school in right side, and a tall fence that connects to the field on the other side.

Aleister stops at the post and with a sarcastic tone, he says to Marjorie; "Oh Marjorie, I did not hear you, did you enjoy the dance?"

Marjorie stops, she breathes heavily and responds: "Where were you, why did you not come?"

"I told you that I was busy, the most important question is; did you enjoy your dance with Uriel?" Aleister replies with a fake smile at Marjorie. Marjorie looks surprise to have learned that Aleister saw them. She begins to feel fear looking at Aleister as a purple aura comes out of his body.

"W-W-Wait is not what it looks like; it was just a dance that´s all." Marjorie tries to explain with a shaky voice.

Aleister begins to walk towards her, Marjorie feels frozen, as Alesiter gets closer to her. Aleister begins to touch her arm slowly Marjorie feels scared and tears come out of her eyes. Aleister´s hands move to her hips, and go up to her back hugging her.

"Tell me, do you feel fear for me?" Aleister whispers in Marjorie´s ears; Marjorie turns to see his eyes, the eyes look more red than usual. Marjorie begins to shake and response with a fearful tone: "No, you are my boyfriend right, why would I fear you?"

"Well then, we did not have our last dance, let´s dance like you did with Uriel." Aleister says to Marjorie as they begin to move slowly under the light of the post. Aleister and Marjorie dance in a waltz rhythm. He makes Marjorie put her head in his chest just as she did with Uriel. Marjorie is crying of fear, making Aleister notice and he says:

"Aww, you´re crying, I know that this dance makes you sentimental because we finish high school, but don´t worry we will always be together."

Marjorie opens her eyes wider in fear and tries to get away from Aleister, he pulls Marjorie and kisses her in her lips. Marjorie struggles and frees herself, she slaps Aleister in his face and says:

"Listen, I don´t want to be your girlfriend anymore!"

Aleister looks shocked and begins to laugh at her; he looks at her and responds:

"You, break up with me at the last day of high school?"

"That's right, you changed, and you look scarier than before why?" Marjorie responds crying, Aleister looks at her and says:

"I never changed, you are the one who changed, the moment that bastard came"

"Who do you mean?" Marjorie replies knwing it was Uriel.

"I am not stupid; I know it´s Uriel the one you love, tell me!" Aleister demands Marjorie an answer in which Marjorie she nods as agreement.

Part 3 – A few moments before: Uriel´s side.

"So, we leave tomorrow Uriel, be prepared." Johanna whispers at Uriel´s ear causing him to panic. Uriel replies:

"Sure, we will meet up at the café"

Johanna kisses Uriel in the check ad leaves waving at them. Katsumi looks jealous at Uriel and demands an explanation:

"What does she mean tomorrow?"

"Well you see, tomorrow I will head with Johanna to New Mexico to do some investigation." Uriel responds, Katsumi looks angry frowning at him.

"If you´re going, I´m going as well." Katsumi says to Uriel, suddenly Katsumi´s phone rings. It was Allen calling Katsumi, she answers and Allan says:

"I´m sorry Katsumi, but your mission is the Borderland, you cannot leave your post, even if it´s for your boyfriend sorry"

"Wait Allan…" Katsumi tries to say something but Allan hangs up. Katsumi begins to say:

"That is so unfair."

"I´m tired now Uriel, I want to go home." Valerie says frowning at Uriel. Uriel pats her head and replies:

"Sure let´s go."

"Good bye Valerie, it was fun to dance with you." Alejandro says to Valerie. Valerie proceeds to kiss Alejandro in the check making Angela jealous at her. Valerie with a seductive voice replies:

"No, thank you Alejandro for keeping me entertained." Alejandro´s heart "comes out" of excitement. Uriel looks at Alejandro angry causing him to sweat. Victoria pulls Angela who was angry with Valerie saying:

"I told you to make a move or that would happen."

Uriel was laughing on what was happening; suddenly he hears a strange sound coming from the ally. He turns to Valerie and says:

"Something´s wrong, the rhythm I sense in the ally is very evil, sorry I must go check it out."

Uriel runs towards the ally with Valerie screaming; "URIEL WAIT!"

Uriel runs at great speed to the ally, suddenly he hears a strange sound:


Uriel turns to ally, his face looks shocked, he begins to shake of what he has witness. He sees Marjorie in the ground holding her cheek, bleeding from her nose, and Aleister laughing at her.

Part 4 – Aleister vs. Uriel

Uriel is shocked on what he is seeing. Aleister begins to kick Marjorie screaming:

"You bitch, you will not break up with me, I will break up with you."

"AAAHHHHHH" Marjorie screams of pain as Aleister steps on her, causing her to spit blood.

"Uriel what´s wrong!" Valerie screams at Uriel. Uriel´s eyes change into a crimson color similar to a beast; he makes a fist and disappears from Valerie´s sight. Aleister senses Uriel, he looks up and Uriel punches him in the face.


Uriel sends Aleiter flying to the car bending the door. Aleister begins to spit blood, Uriel breaths heavily as he begins to scream:


Aleister begins to stand up and replies; "It´s none of your business, I can treat Marjorie however I want to."

Uriel gets angrier and with great speed punches Aleister one more time.


However, this time Aleister blocked the punch grabbing Uriel´s hand. He begins to laugh saying: "So, you thought it was going to be easy huh, Charro Negro." Uriel is shocked to hear those words; Aleister punches Uriel in the face causing him to fly to the wall.


Uriel stands up surprised at Aleister. He begins to laugh: "So, you know who I am, well no matter, I will kick your ass."

Aleister and Uriel with great speed clash one more time. Uriel punches Aleister in the face. Aleister responds punching him in the face as well. Aleister grabs Uriel and hits him with his knee in the stomach, Uriel feels pain however he responds giving Aleister a jaw hook. Aleister kicks Uriel, Uriel grabs Aleiter´s leg and throws him to the post. The post falls and illuminates Aleister´s shadow.

Uriel grabs Marjorie, as he looks shocked to see the shadow of Aleister, his shadow is huge with wings and horns. Aleister gets angry as he says:

"Well now, I had it with you and this city, I´m going to destroy it all."

Aleister begins to emit a powerful aura causing Marjorie to pass out. Uriel begins to shake and think about releasing his form. Aleister smiles and says; "Well show me your true power Charro Negro"

"Well then prepare yourself Aleister." Uriel replies grabbing his arm.

"That´s enough both of you" Ms. Jameson appears between both of them. Uriel and Aleister look surprised. Ms. Jameson lifts her hand and releases a beam to attack Uriel. Katsumi appears and blocks it with her katana. Uriel charges at Aleister but Alejandro who holds him from behind and Valerie who hugs him in front screaming stop him:

"Come down Big Brother!"

Uriel´s body begins to heat up burning Alejandro and Valerie. He begins to walk slowly without thinking his harming them.

"AAAHHHHHH URIEEEELLLLL" Uriel comes to his senses as he sees Valerie crying and stops. Katsumi and Olivia look at each other.

"Well then Katsumi I think it´s time for all of us to go am I right?" Ms. Jameson says as she and Aleister begin to disappear in a black portal.

"Very well I will see you again Ms. Jameson or should I say Olivia Lucifugus?" Olivia begins to laugh as Aleister and Uriel see each other with rage. Both of them disappear in the portal. Valerie cries because of the burns, Alejandro tries to cheer her up. Uriel still looks angry; Katsumi turns around and slaps Uriel.


"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to kill them?" Katsumi grabs Uriel from his jacket, looking furious at him with tears in her eyes. Uriel looks at Valerie and Alejandro; she has her gloves burned along with part of her skin, for Alejandro the arms of his jacket burned as well.

Uriel runs and hugs both of them, he cries at them; "I´m sorry, please forgive me I lost control."

"It´s okay Uriel, it´s just a scratch." Alejandro says smiling. Valerie cries and hugs him saying:

"Please Big Brother, don´t ever do that again, you really scared me."

Uriel runs towards Marjorie, he grabs her arm and says:

"Marjorie, please forgive me, I never should have left you alone."

"D-D-Don´t worry Uriel, I am grateful that you helped me. Aleister really wanted to hurt me." Marjorie begins to cry, Uriel hugs her, Johanna who was watching from behind the wall begins to think:

"Well, well, Aleister has much more power than what he appears."

In the Lucifugus Mansion, Aleister walks in the entrance furious. Olivia is scolding him:

"What were you thinking, what if that boy released his power, you could have been killed, or worse you two would have destroyed this city?"

Alesiter turns around and grabs Olivia´s throat beginning to choke her as he says:

"Mother, if you ever intervene with my life again. I WILL KILL YOU!"

Aleister let´s go of Olivia who begins to cough rapidly; servants come to help her. Aleister walks upstairs furious saying:

"Damn you Uriel, next time I will kill you for sure, but not before you give me those powers of yours."

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