28.02% Bread For My Family / Chapter 44: Baby

章 44: Baby

"You're still a baby," Leena says, sincerely looking over at Everest's shriveled up face from his tears.

"Feeling better?" she says as he turned to her, "Leena…" he says in a low powerless voice, "why was I left behind by mother that day?"

Leena freezes upon hearing his question, slightly panicking in her voice, "w-what do you mean? When?"

It's evident to Everest that she is lying, "that was not a dream. It was a forgotten memory. What are you hiding from me, Leena?"

She sighs, feeling a bit of a headache, "I don't want you to hate mother any more than you already do. If I tell you, it'll be like if I'm adding more fuel to your fire."

"…did she not want me?" he asks bluntly.

Leena bites her tongue, wishing to prevent herself from answering when she says, "no, that's not the reason. Dad adores mother, it's just…" she hesitates, "she ran away and used you as an excuse to leave the house that day."

"Ha. On my birthday? Using her son's birthday to run away?"

"Look, Everest, I don't want you to think that our parents don't want us. Right now, papa is trying hard to help mother-"

Everest yells, losing his patience, "papa papa papa! Stop calling that bastard papa! He does not deserve to be called dad so favorably. Neither does that woman!" he sits down, breathing tiredly as if he ran. In reality, he was dehydrated. Everest was starving himself to save the last bit of money he had left. Because once that money from his previous check ran out, he'd become homeless, or better yet be forced to live in his car.

The only pizza he was able to afford was from the convenience store. Which at most was about five to six dollars a box. At this rate, he only had enough energy to go to the bathroom and didn't even bother to shower.

Leena tries to calm his anger, "I can't deny that mother is in the wrong, but we shouldn't let it affect us."

Everest turns his back to her, "they're our parents. right?" he says sadly, "just because we're grown up, do they think we don't need them?"

Her eyes widen when she slumps her shoulders back, "I know, they have no idea how much we need them, but you have me, don't you?" she brightens her voice.

He sarcastically laughs, "Leena. You're my older sister. We're supposed to be fighting with each other anytime we can. Instead, you act more like a mom than THAT woman ever did!"

"I don't understand. Why is dad obsessed with her? She keeps on running away, and now all of a sudden, she wants to start cooking?" Everest asks indefinitely.

"Let me ask you this instead, would you do the same if that woman was Sun-young?" she side glances at him trying to prove her point.

He sighs irritably, "this isn't about her anymore," he stammers, "I-I m-moved on!"

She giggles, "come on! Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" she purses her lips, "this isn't only about what happened between you and who knows what that woman was, but it has to do with Sun-young, doesn't it?"

She hit the bullseye. Everest gets flustered, turning to her in surprise, "how did you?," he hangs his head, dishearten.

Leena cups his face in her fragile palms, "Everest, you're my little brother. You mean so much to me." She stammers, trying to say what's in her heart, "I wish I can take away your pain. I know I'm no mom, but at least try to rely on me as your older sister" she smiles, "please."

Everest tightly hugs Leena laying his head on her shoulders, wailing in his tears. She nods, patting his back, continuously apologizing, "I'm sorry you have to go through such, don't worry. I'll find whoever set you up" her cold eyes glare at the wall.


The next day Belen is nervously standing outside a house, trying to prepare herself to ring the doorbell mentally.

Ding Dong!

A woman opens the door, "yes? Who is it?" she stops, shocked.

Belen's mood quickly shifts to cold eyes, "where is my dad?"

Edy grumpily swings the door open, "Leah, what's is going on? Whose at the door?" he freezes upon staring at Belen, who is standing in his doorway.

"B-Belen?!!" his eyes widen, "Que haces aqui?" he yells out.

She rudely strides inside, ignoring Leah by slightly striking a grin, "is that what a dad should say to his daughter who decided to visit?"

A fatherly yet proud smile forms on Edy's face when he quickly caters to her, "come in! Come in! we're just about to eat breakfast! Join us!"

Belen cheekily turns around to give Leah an evil look, as if proving to her that as long as she calls her dad favorably, he will treat her like a princess.

But Leah did not react negatively; instead, she was left speechless because Belen would typically never look her way. If anything, Leah felt a significant improvement from other times.

Edy escorts Belen to the back yard near the kitchen, where a round table and chairs are set up, "what a unique setting you've done here," she comments, half-heartedly picking out a chair to sit.

As she sat down, Edy excitedly asks, "do you want anything to drink? Water? Juice? Or tea?"

"Nothing, I don't plan on staying long enough," she says coldly, observing Leah walking inside the house, leaving the two alone.

She finally sighs, "dad," she says, irritated, "what exactly were you doing at my house? What gave you the right to enter my gates?"

He stares at her, perplexed, "I was there to see you."

"Then how come I didn't see you? You trespassed into my territory without my permission. You think the title of 'dad' is enough for you to enter my estate?"

Edy clears his throat, "ahem, Belen, I am your father, why can't I go into your house…"

Belen coldly cuts him off, "Because! It's MY HOUSE! THAT house is MINE! I got it with the money I saved and earned! I may be a product you and my mom made, but I am still ME! As my property, I give the right to let whoever I want permission to enter!"

He's taken aback by her blunt words, hurting his ego, "I've taught you that in the bible it says you must respect and honor your…"

Belen scoffs, rolling her eyes, "oh please! Don't start with your bible crap again! That was one way of manipulating me into doing your bidding. I won't fall for it again!"

Silence occurs when Edy says, calming his angry tone, "I was worried about you."

"Huh? Worried about what? Nothing happened to me."

"I know you and Everest were just starting to get along, and so I thought the news of his affairs would cause you harm…like me," he says caringly.

Belen sneers, "Everest is nothing more than my employee. There is nothing special going on between him and me," she sighs tiredly, rubbing her head, "but he's caused me too much trouble lately because of that scandal."

Edy feels for her when he says, "I should've known better than to trust Reuben with another chance. I thought you two got along."

Belen stares at him in disbelief, "am I supposed to announce to the whole world what I'm doing? Who I'm meeting and what I'm wearing? Dad, I'm not like you. Don't you get tired of people-pleasing? It's disgusting!!"

"I know, baby, but that is the only way to survive in this world, in the world of business. You'll get used to it with time."

"I don't want to! It feels I've stepped right into a trap you've set for me to drown."

"Ha! Don't be so dramatic. Now I know you're exaggerating," he laughs proudly.

Belen takes in his smile as the corner of her mouth. Unknowingly rises, "Dad," she calls out sincerely, "I don't want to get married. Will you honestly be happy seeing me go? You want me to marry someone like Everest? A man who cheats? You should know better than I do how disgusting that must be!"

Edy nods, "you're right. I mean, you are 24, you're still young, but I want you to be happy and have kids."

"Woah!" Belen waves her hands, stopping her dad from finishing his sentence, "I don't want kids! I mean, I do, but I can't imagine myself with one right now! Look, dad, I can handle everything. I don't need a husband. He'll only get in my way."

"But baby, you said you wanted a boyfriend ever since you were young" he looks at her with sad eyes.

Bewildered by his blunt words fluster, Belen, "that's true, but I don't need one right now. As a matter of fact, I don't want to get married or have a boyfriend. I'm happy being by myself and with my best friend" she smiles.

Edy curiously asks, "who? I've never seen you hang out with any other women your age."

Belen tilts her head, side-ways, "It's Noah, my secretary. Since you watch the gossip news a lot, I take it you've seen him with me. He's always by my side. Noah is my best friend."

Edy's eyebrows furrow in a twist, "what?!" his tone shifts angrily, "that man is the one you're seeing?"

"What are you talking about?" she asks confusedly.

"I don't want to see you with that man! Hire another secretary!" he firmly insists.

Belen is surprised by his sudden change of tone, "excuse me? What the heck are you talking about? Why are you talking to me as if you own me? Noah is my secretary. No one will replace him!"

Edy's face reddens, "he is no match for you, Belen! Don't you know what men like him are after? They only want your money!"

Belen hysterically bursts out laughing, "who are you to talk about the kind of people I can hire? I'm not a charity event for the homeless like you are! And what did they do after receiving money from you? Oh right! They left! But of course, you being the dumb 'humble' person you think you are. All you say is that you did a good deed," she scoffs arrogantly, "you only did that to make yourself feel good. When I asked you for money you never gave me any. Instead, you said I had to EARN it! Remember that?!"

"Baby, the reason I don't want that man working for you is that he's an orphan! If you entrust everything to him. He can take A Star from right under our nose! And he's Asian! You know how smart they are!"

She bites the corner of her lips, trying to control her anger, "He may be an orphan, but you know what, dad? He never chose to be one, but I have the choice to become one too!"

"What nonsense are you saying?!" Edy yells.

"Everything! I went through all of my suffering and pain! I went through it, ALONE! You were never there for me! And when those bastards touched me! You did nothing! I had to learn to protect myself because you and everyone around me never did!!" She pauses, trying to catch her breath, "so stop trying to control my life again after four years. I was better off without you then!" she rises from her seat, violently wiping away her tears.

Edy frustratedly yells, "what was I supposed to do, baby?!"

"PROTECT ME! BELIEVE ME!" Her voice cracks, "...BE THERE FOR ME," she says painfully.

"Baby! Wait!" Edy runs after her inside the house. Belen violently turns around, "don't call me that. I'm not your baby anymore. I am Belen!"

Edy's eyes widen, seeing an illusion of Belen as a young girl carrying her favorite pink blanket. He shakes his head to rid himself of the illusion to see a 24-year-old, grown-up Belen staring harshly with sad eyes at him.

"I'll marry Everest. If that is what you want, then I'll marry him, but that is the last favor. I'll ever grant you" she turns away, hiding her fallen tears.

Seeing her in this state only makes Edy give up on his pursuit to follow after her. Instead, he turns around, noticing Leah wearing a worried expression. He doesn't even try to smile and instead chooses to ignore her by walking into his office.

Though as Belen walked to her car, she notices Iris pull up to the driveway. After drying her tears, she boldly walks out of the vehicle to catch Iris.

"You stink!" Belen comments, surprising Iris to flinch at her voice.

"What the? Belen?" Iris twitches, unable to believe her eyes, "what are you doing here? Are you going to give me the money I asked you last time?"

Belen looks away with a disgusted expression waving her hand, "you reek! Is dad stupid enough to not know you smoke weed?"

Iris quickly hushes her, "shh! Belen! is dad home right now?" she frantically glances around, checking her breath, "hmm, I smell?"

She sighs annoyingly, "Iris, never mind dad. I need to warn you about your…hobbies."

"Ooh! That's a smart way of calling it," she dumbly laughs.

Belen reaches for her purse taking out pictures, though as Iris flipped throw them, she couldn't help but gasp and angrily say, "are you spying on me now?! What the fuck is this?!"

Belen shushes her, "shut up! I didn't take these! I don't have time to waste on you!"

"then who took these?" Iris demands.

"A gossip reporter, he threatened me to pay a large sum to keep him from exposing these to the public."

"Oh, hell no! tell me who it is! They don't have the right to do that!" Iris says, getting heated up with fury.

Belen shows a smirk, "I paid it already, but you own me now."

"You paid? How much?"

"Iris, even if you knew you wouldn't be able to pay me back, but I need you to do me a favor," Belen asks maliciously.


Noah is secretly talking to an unknown on the phone, "I only agreed to help you. I don't plan on hiding anything from her. The evidence will soon disappear if you wait too long. It should've been solved long ago, during that day!"

His other phone rings, "I won't be able to contact you anymore" he hangs up quickly, answering the other, "Yes, Madam?" he answers modestly.

"Come to the office."

Few minutes later.

Noah enters her office, "Madam, you called for me? Is something the matter?" he asks nervously.

Belen is reviewing some files on her computer when saying, "how are the blueprints coming along?"

"Ah! Yes! They are all ready. They've agreed to email me the final sketch by evening today."

"Mm, great," she says unenthusiastically, glancing at other documents on her desk, "are you going to come over tonight? We've got to start planning the plaza."

"So early? I don't mind, but wouldn't it be best to wait until the investors have confirmed their-"

She abruptly interrupts, "it doesn't matter. Some of them want a summary of the plaza beforehand while others are willing to wait. There is much to do right now. I hardly have time to sleep" she looks at him with a smile.

Noah picks up a pile of files that are scattered on the sofa when asking, "Have you heard anything about Everest lately?"

Belen stops what she's doing, staring at Noah in confusion, "why are you asking me that?"

Noah nervously averts his eyes, "Well, he never came to pick up his last check. I don't know what to do with it."

Belen continues casually, "just mail it to him."

"I will…umm Belen, do you ever think about hiring another secretary? If somehow something occurs in the future and I won't be able to be here, maybe that other secretary can help you?"

Belen stops, raises a brow to look at him, "what are you saying? I thought you didn't want Everest to become my secretary in the first place. Do I hear correctly?"

Noah hides his awkwardness with a chuckle, "no, that's not what I meant. It's just. You are going to get busier with A Star Plaza in the process. I don't think I'd be capable of handling everything."

Belen reveals, "But my only secretary is you," her shoulders slump.

Noah somehow blushes, hiding his face away from Belen, "b-but you never know what might happen in the future. It'll be too much responsibility to travel between New York and LA for A Star."

Belen walks over to Noah, leaning against the sofa, perplexed, "why do you sound as if you know what'll happen in the future?"

Noah looks up, meeting her clear brown eyes, "ugh," his eyes quiver, "well, it's never too late to plan," he fakes a smile.

"You didn't answer my question. Are you going to leave?"

He nervously licks the corner of his lips, "no," he smiles, "I hope not until I find my parents," he smiles bitterly.

Belen notices his weak smile and turns away, hanging her head, "right…once you find them."

Noah replies, "I think I've gathered everything I need," he walks near the door about to leave. Until Belen asks, "so what time will you be at my house tonight?"

Noah pauses to think but then smiles, "why don't we leave together?"

Belen cheerfully winks, "sure."

As he left, Belen walks back to her desk, releasing a deep sigh, "I got Iris on board, now how am I going to get Mabel to agree? She hates the media more than anyone…"


A week later, Belen and Noah are in the elevator after finishing their routinely morning inspections. He comments, "what should I say if the employees continue to ask about Everest's absence?"

She scoffs, "ha, they suddenly care when not too long ago they all gave him the cold shoulder? Hypocrites, just tell them he's on vacation. That'll shut them up," she says coldly, walking out of the elevator.

But before Belen can even start her day, Noah rushes through her office, panting, "Ma-Madam! Someone is here to see you!"

Seeing his reaction lets her know it must be someone important, "who?"

Right then, Leena pops her head beside Noah's wearing a bright sisterly smile, "yuhuu~! Good morning, Belen!" she waves, surprising Belen with her cheerful personality, "may I talk to you privately~?"

Belen couldn't utter a word and simply nods, "s-sure."

As soon as Leena sat down, Belen immediately asks, "would you like anything to drink?"

Leena pauses, "hmm, how about a mimosa~" she chuckles, "I'm kidding!" she turns to Noah, "can I have a glass of water? my throat is parched."

Belen did not understand her humor and instead smiled politely, "well then, Miss Leena Fox, what do I."

Leena interrupts, "come on~ there is no need to be so formal, just call me Leena."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Belen reluctantly replies, "then, Leena, may I ask why you are here?"

Her bright facial expression shifts, "actually Belen, I came to talk about Everest."

Her mood changes at the mention of Everest's name, "ah yes, your brother, are you here to pick up his last check?"

Leena's expression widens, "no, if he really wants that check, then he'd come for it himself. Well, that's what I'm here to talk about," she hesitates, "you see, Everest moved out to rebel against our fathers wishes to marry you."

Belen raises an eyebrow, "suddenly?"

"It's been a whole month since he left, and well, as of right now, he's currently staying in a motel, so…""you want me to fish him for you?" Belen asks curiously yet annoyed, thinking that's probably what Leena is after.

"NO, no, no! that's not it! Let me show you instead," she takes out an envelope from her purse. Belen stares at it, "what is it?"

"Look inside.���

Belen cautiously opens the envelope. Because of past experiences, she fears what'll be inside but instead takes out a voice recorder. After taking out many papers and the voice recorder, Belen asks, "what is all of this?"

Leena's complexion darkens, "it's the truth behind Everest's scandal. This is evidence proving it was a set up all along."

Belen coldly drops the papers on the side, "by who? What makes you think I care?"

Leena warmly responds, "because you helped my brother, you took him under your wing. Honestly, if it weren't for you, I don't think he'd be capable of changing. I know you care for business reasons. My brother told me a lot about your love for your employees. That is why I decided to come here myself and show you the evidence before the reporters spread them in the afternoon."

"So you already planned on releasing the truth to the media? Impressive, though this will change nothing, Everest is the one who quit. I can't beg him to work for me when he's the one who left."

"Please, Belen," she begs, lowering her head and crossing her fingers, "please save him. I can't let Everest suffer."

Belen's eyebrows furrow, coldly saying, "he'll have to learn his lesson for trusting others. Why do you care so much if he suffers a little?"

Leena stares at her cold gaze, "because I am his older sister, I want to protect him," she says warmly, though as she said this, Belen's couldn't help but feel touched by her sentiment, thinking, "I almost forgot, I had a little brother who I wished I could protect too, but I couldn't. Keebo…" she makes a fist.

Leena desperately begs, "I can't get through to him, but I know you can! Please Belen, please help him…" she falls to her knees, trembling like a leaf hanging her head to the ground.

Belen isn't shaken by this but rather impressed, "she cares so much for him, that dimwit is lucky to have such a sister. Why couldn't anyone of mines ever do this for me?" she wonders bitterly inside.

"I'll think about it," she says, arrogantly turning her head.

Leena looks up at Belen with hopeful eyes, "what did you say?"

Belen genuinely smiles, "I said, I'll think about it, don't worry. He has a sister who cares about him so much, so I'm sure he'll get back up soon."

Leena couldn't believe her eyes when she sits back down on the sofa, fidgeting her fingers, "there is something important I wish to tell you about Everest, will you listen?"

Belen glances around the room, nodding, "sure."


That night Belen couldn't sleep. So many things happened today than the usual meet and greet with others about A Star. But this time, Belen was mentally exhausted because she had to deal with her problems. And meeting with Leena triggered some memories from her past to resurface.

Her unsettled feelings got in the way of her sleep. She kept turning and moving from one end of the bed to another as if something were wrong with the mattress. In truth, her mind couldn't stop replaying the conversation she had with her father.

She finally stopped moving, laying her head against a soft pillow, "what do I want? Why am I so annoyed?" she softly grunts, closing her eyelids.

"Could he be the same as me?" she wonders aloud, "ugh! I don't have time to worry about others" she forces her eyelids shut. Slowly but surely, she falls into a deep sleep where she is surrounded by immense heat, "why is it so hot? I can't breathe…." She touches her throat, "wait a minute. I remember this feeling, fire!" she frantically glances sideways, noticing a bursting fire of flames. Her eyes widen in shock when she runs away but is met with another fire as if preventing her from escaping when she crouches down like a child praying, "save me…please, someone save me!"

Suddenly a tiny white shining spec of light approaches her. Belen quickly looks up at the sound of a gentle voice, "Belen, Belen."

"Huh? W-Who are you?" she asks with trembling lips. The white spec of light gently answers her curiosity, "you know the truth, save him."

Belen can't see anyone when she covers her face with her arms, "I don't see anyone!" she cries, "I'm scared, I'm going to die!!"

"You are not going to die. Stand up. I will protect you."

She sniffs, picking up her head from burying it into her arms, glancing around at the fury of the fire as if it were alive. The voice reassures her, "I promise nothing will harm you."

Belen walks closer to the fire, trusting the spec of light's words, "I don't see," her eyes widen, "there is someone!!" she frantically points!

"Go ahead and help him."

"help him?" Belen cocks her head to the side, wondering, "him? whose him?"

There appears a figure within the fire, the gentle voice guides her, "he's in trouble, help him."

"B-But I can't! I'll get burned! I'll die! I don't want to. I'm scared!!" she cries, begging the spec of light.

"I promised you, didn't I?"

Belen hesitates, taking a short step within the fire with her eyes tightly shut, though as she did, she carefully peaks widening her eyes when looking down at her feet to see that the fire has made a path for her. She excitedly shouts, "wow! I-It doesn't burn!" she turns to the light.

"Keep going, don't look back, I'll be right beside you, always…"

Belen continues to walk through the fire bravely until she tapped the dark figure within the core of the fire. As she did, color spread throughout it. She was giving it life. Belen looks up at it, proudly saying, "Come!" dragging its hand out of the fire.

But as she looked back, her eyes widen to see the familiar figure as tears unknowingly run down her face. She mouths out, "you?"

In that instant, Belen awakens from the dream panting, gasping for oxygen, and looking around the room in a panic state, slightly confused.

An_Rome An_Rome

Look forward to next week's chapter! :)

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C44
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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