26.11% Bread For My Family / Chapter 41: Humiliation

章 41: Humiliation

"Secretary Noah, these came for the Madam, could you do me the favor of delivering them to her office for me?" the receptionist on the first-floor hands a bundle of mail over to Noah.

"Sure, no problem, thank you" he grabs the mail skimming through it when he noticed a yellow envelope, different from the rest. As he entered her office, he sees the mess of papers and starts organizing them, placing the mail on the desk's corner.

When he hits the desk trying to reach for a file, the mail falls. He hurriedly grabs it when the yellow envelope opens. He curiously checks but quickly freezes upon seeing what was inside.

"Secretary Noah. Secretary Noah. Hello?" an employee asks, waving her hand in his face. He twitches from his flashback, "Yes?" he remembers that now is not the time to think about what he saw inside that yellow envelope because the meetings will start soon. If anything, it's more of a distraction. He wants to ask Belen about it but knows right now is not the time. So he refrains himself, but he has to get his head out of the clouds and focus on today's meetings with the directors and investors.

At this time, he's busy preparing the folder presentations for each attendee and mentally preparing his information that he will present to them all. It's stressful, but Noah's used to this kind of task. It's not his first or last. He's gotten quite good over the years and only continues to impress them.

A frown appears on his face remembering that this will be Everest's first time attending the meeting. He can't help but worry while at the same time wonder why does Everest even need to be there.

It irritates Noah, but there is nothing he can do since Belen has already made the final decision, allowing Everest to observe merely. Meaning that for next time, she expects Everest to participate? That's what Noah is afraid. He does not want Everest to steal something that belongs to him only.

The conference room is slowly filling with the directors and investors sitting across from one another. Soon the directors notice a shortage of representatives on their side versus the investors who continue to come in. It looks like a battle of numbers, but more importantly, the directors can't help but look impressed by Belen's countless well-known investors that have millions of dollars to their brand names.

The tension is heavy in the room, like a thick cloud of fog. When suddenly, the last investor arrives. He's intimidating to boot but has an authoritative aura surrounding him, like a different species than everyone present. The man Belen met at the private social gatherings, Joao Carlos Montes, the President of Zeroxene Mobile Incorporation.

He wasn't the only billionaire investor attending. There were many others. But his presence as the last one to arrive made it very rare since he does not typically invest time attending anything.

As he took his seat, Noah announces, "the Madam President of A Star, Belen Astares."

She made a bold entrance with steel-like heels, sharp eyes, and keeping a stern expression. Though following from behind her was Everest, timidly entering as if he were a child walking behind his mom.

Once, she sat down and glanced the room, noticing Noah on her right and Everest on her left standing like soldiers ready for her orders. She notices the room's tension when the corners of her mouth rise, "I see everyone is here, why don't we start the meeting," she says sweetly underneath her façade.


Meanwhile, within A Star, the employees noticed Everest and Noah's absence, they were present during the morning inspections, but they are nowhere to be found. "I wonder where Everest is. It's been pretty quiet today."

"Could it be he went home early?"

"He's probably embarrassed from what happened that day."

"You mean with that VIP customer? Nah, I don't think so."

"But even secretary Noah isn't here, or is he? it's odd for him not to be here."

"That is true, but the leaders of the departments are, why don't we ask them?"

They approach the department leader, Alberto Ramirez, a 40-year-old Hispanic-American, "excuse me, Mr. Ramirez, where is secretary Noah and Everest?"

He respectfully answers, "they are currently busy right now. Do you need anything?"

They're shocked by his gentle response, "oh! It's just, Everest didn't get fired, did he? because of what happened that day?"

Alberto stares at them, confused, "Why would the Madam do that? As far as I know, both secretaries are attending an important meeting with the Madam. Secretary Noah said the meeting should end around the afternoon." He checks his watch, "yep, it shouldn't be that long."


During the meeting, they've finished discussing the small matters and finally move onto the climax. Belen nods, glancing over at Noah on her right. He takes her signal, clearing his throat while striking a professional smile.

"Now, onto the main topic, if you'll all redirect your attention to Noah, he will be informing us." At that moment, Everest is passing out the copies of the presentation to follow along.

Though as Noah began projecting his PowerPoint on the blank screen across from her. Belen couldn't help but glance sideways at Everest, noticing his shining bright eyes.

While Noah was presenting, Everest's eyes glistened. He felt overwhelmed yet was shaking with excitement over the news of a mall opening abroad. Suddenly ideas started flowing in his head as if this mall was an opportunity to change everything as if it were his.

After Noah finished his presentation, Everest turned on the lights. Everyone in the room was speechless. When Belen speaks in an authoritative tone, "It's confirmed, but A Star mall in New York won't be the same as it is here and in South Korea. It will become a plaza."

As soon as she said this, everyone in the room murmur amongst one another, but Everest can't help but feel their hostility towards the idea. On the other hand, he likes the idea of a plaza but is heavily confused about their harsh reactions.

Nonetheless, he tries to remain emotionless because this is not a simple matter he can poke his head into.

The directors are taken aback, trying to process everything when they start voicing their opinions about the plaza.

"Madam, with due respect, you are aware of the idea that opening a plaza will cause for more funds for security measures."

"Not to mention the idea of selling highly expensive materials in public, even with the appropriate amount of security, there is a high risk of theft."

"I agree with director Moses. Madam, you must take into consideration the investors and sponsorships who are in attendance here. Would they risk investing in such a ridiculous idea that can resolve in thievery? I-It's like selling a rare jewel in east LA. What'll happen? You know the answer already, Madam. It'll only attract bad people with ill intentions."

Another director rebuttals, "you do know A Star has been doing well over in Seoul and here in LA. I believe opening another mall in New York City, the district home to shopping worldwide, is a great idea. Though Madam, I must admit, opening a plaza is a different matter. Over the past years, plaza's have not lasted more than five years after a constant customer decline. It's very risky if I may say so myself."

"Wouldn't it be safe to open another A Star as it is now? Why do you feel the need to change it, Madam?"

Belen nods, "Is that all you have to say?" she glares at them, making their eyes quiver. She glanced at the investors, seeming unbothered and quiet as if waiting for her to speak before they can say anything.

A pleasant smirk forms on her face, "I put everything you've mentioned into consideration. Why else would I bother opening A Star as a plaza. It's not an experiment, it's permanent," she sighs confidently rising from her seat. "You are all aware that once A Star opened in South Korea, it was given only one level for the common people, whereas the rest of the store was exclusively meant for VIP. Nothing happened. If anything, A Star is succeeding more than it does in LA. Do you all understand what it is I'm trying to do?" she stares at their harsh, confused gazes without a flinch.

She grins, "hmph, variety…that is my answer. If people want to shop in an all VIP mall, then they can travel to Korea. Or if there are people who prefer to shop in both the VIP and normal departments, they can come to A Star in LA. Then some prefer to shop outdoors, then they can go to A Star plaza that is in New York." She pauses, "that is my main goal, A Star Plaza will be completely different from A Star in LA and Seoul. That is one way of attracting different kinds of shoppers worldwide" she smiles professionally.

Everyone murmur again, but as they are, it seems to bother Everest so much, making him angry as he clenched his fist, hiding it behind his back. One of the investor's comments, "Madam Astares, I assume you have a blueprint of A Star Plaza prepared for us?"

Belen smiles, "yes, I do," she gestures Noah to pass them around only to the investors, but the directors seem bothered when they rudely ask, "and ours?"

Belen crosses her arms, "hmm, there is no need for you to see it if you aren't pleased with the idea" she smiles savagely.

They scoff, feeling embarrassed about the difference in treatment, "we'd like to have a look at it since we are the representatives of widely known stores. Its essential we know the structure that is the plaza you are planning out."

Another comment, "as you may know by now, there are six directors dismissed from their corporations and have yet to replace them. They didn't even bother sending a representative. Wouldn't it be right to give us an idea to discuss amongst ourselves first?"

Belen raises an eyebrow, confused by what they just said, "Those directors will no longer be working with us. I am in the middle of establishing new directors that will be in attendance in the next month's meetings."

An investor asks, "Madam, sorry for interrupting, but how can we reserve the spot we want to take over?"

Hearing this overtakes the directors, and Everest shocking to see how fast they are with the plaza's idea.

That is until Joao Carlos Montes comments, "I like the idea of a plaza, but I don't like the blueprint" he smiles brightly cocking his head.

The directors hide their smirks, "I guess even the princess is no match for the billionaire."

Belen asks, "really?" she pauses, "then do enlighten me, Mr. Montes."

He lifts the paper, "it's missing an important aspect," he flicks it, "creativity." He sighs, placing the paper down, "I love plazas. Your idea is very intriguing. But I'd recommend hiring an innovative architecture. This blueprint you call seems like a rough draft. It's displeasing to see its simplicity since plazas are known to fail as malls. Therefore I was looking forward to seeing a new and different creative idea for this new mall. But if this is your current idea process, well, I'm a bit taken aback."

Noah replies, "with all due respect Mr. Montes thi-"

He cuts him off, "I believe I was talking to Miss Madam Astares, was I not?" he says arrogantly yet demanding enough to make Noah gulp.

Belen nonchalantly nods, "I agree, this blueprint is nothing but a rough draft."

Noah's eyes widen, "Miss!" she lifts her hand to stop him, "actually, we've already hired countless of architectures to brainstorm the plaza, but it'd be a waste of time to bring out all of those sketches to this meeting since time is of the essence. Today, my goal is to get your ideas for what you would be looking for in this plaza. That is why there is a blank side for everyone to write and submit your ideas in the back of the blueprint. This may be my plaza, but what's important is your satisfaction with your investments."

The director's comment, "this whole idea is worthless, wouldn't it be best to go the safe route of opening A Star as it is now!"

Mr. Montes replies, "in life, nothing is concrete until you learn to take risks. Seeing as how you are but simple directors is meaningless. The successors of your corporations are long dead, but I'm sure the corporations wouldn't be where they are now if they hadn't taken risks along the way." He arrogantly smirks at the director's hostile expressions, "I believe Miss Madam Astares is seeking to change A Star into many forms other than a simple mall that anyone can consume. She wants to turn it into a fun experience in which the people will continue to come. Is that correct, Madam?"

Belen smiles, "it is as Mr. Montes says, I was planning on leaving that as a homework for the directors. Unfortunately, Mr. Montes seemed to have solved it for you. Well then, I will hold another meeting for the investors separately once the blueprints have been finalized so we can discuss the marketing, advertising, and design of the plaza overall."

The directors interrupt her claiming, "this isn't fair! Madam! What about us?"

Noah firmly replies, "please, directors, the Madam has not finished speaking!"

But at that moment, the directors somehow notice Everest silently staring at them blankly. He's their next target, "says Mr. Fox!" one says aloud, catching everyone's attention, including Belen's.

She winces angrily, trying to keep her wrath from revealing itself, when Everest confusedly replies, "Yes? Me?"

A director gestures, "what are you doing over there? You are Madam president's fiancé, am I right?"

Everest nods, "yes, I am."

"Well then, why don't you tell us your opinion about this matter?"

Belen's eyes widen, turning to Everest, seeing her flustered makes the directors smile maliciously, "excuse me?" Everest innocently asks.

"Don't you think A Star should remain as it is now? I mean, once you marry Miss Astares, you will hold ownership over A star. Its only fair to include you into this meeting as well, don't you think?"

Everest stares at them bewilderedly when Noah tries to redirect their attention, "director Philip, Everest Fox is only an observer during this meeting. He"

Another director comments, "huh?! Are you saying her fiancé has no word in such an important meeting when it has to do with his future? What nonsense."

"Come on, Mr. Fox. Go ahead, tell us your opinions!" they hurry him like hungry hyena's ready to chew and spite on his opinion.

Belen sighs, shaking her head, though Everest is reluctant to speak, one thing is for sure, should he take the opportunity to say something to get their attention?

Everest takes a deep breath, "I don't want to be disrespectful to everyone here, but I agree with Mr. Montes. If the Madam decides to open a plaza, it would only seem to attract customers if, for example, there'd be decorations outside, food-stalls, interactive activities like competitions or winning a lottery. It would profit A Star more in the future, and the plaza can change its appearance once the seasons change, or for holidays like for Halloween!" he gets caught in his excitement. But the directors interrupt him, "I see, I see. Suppose you don't mind me asking, Mr. Fox. I'd love to see your presentation and a copy of the ideas you've just mentioned right now. Hmm?"

Everest flinches, "Ooh, well," he timidly scratches his head, "I-I don't have anything prepared. It was just an idea," he chuckles awkwardly.

"Hmm, I see now, you must've been busy fulfilling your role as Miss Astares's secretary, right? And you were saying anything you want in the spur of the moment. I take it? hmm...that's very disappointing indeed. You see, when I first heard of Miss Astares taking in a new secretary, I was impressed to know it was her fiancé. I should've known better than to ask you for your opinion on this matter when you are not even equivalent to everyone in this room," he pauses, mocking him, "I believe you need more training. A Star wouldn't want problems to arise like last time? Right? When you had to kneel in front of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson," the director grins maliciously embarrassing Everest in front of everyone there.

The director continues to taunt him, "you should've been an obedient dog and not open your mouth if you had nothing planned according to your ideas like secretary Noah. And I know such a respected person as yourself would never waste the time of the people here who came out of their way to attend and listen to a detailed plan like Miss Astares already presented, right?"

Another comment, "leave him be director Philip, it must be difficult dealing with far more important SECRETARY matters."

Philip sighs disappointedly, "well then. Until the next meeting, right? Secretary Everest. I'll wait for the anticipation of your ideas that you've presented just now to everyone in attendance."

Everest nods, looking frustrated with his head facing down, but at the same time, he slightly turns to see Belen's face when she turns her back to him. It made him think as if she were embarrassed because everyone was staring at him as he walked back to the door. He starts hearing murmurs of their voices negatively trash-talking him with side chuckles. Once director Philip started talking, Belen knew what was about to happen and looked away, not even bothering to save Everest. She only closed her eyes to keep her composure from exploiting due to her bad temper. Seeing this made Noah accept the fact that he too should not say anything.

Soon after the meeting came to an end, Everest was holding the door for everyone when he'd overhear the investors talking amongst themselves about the plaza's idea. He was impressed to overhear them talking about it in a positive light.

Hearing such positivity wipes away his frown and shame from earlier since the directors put him on the spot. He guesses everyone should be out of the conference room. He checks as his eyes widen seeing Belen and Joao C. Montes talking at a distance.

From his perspective, they look more of a powerhouse couple compared to himself. Suddenly his self-esteem slumps. Noticing Belen's smile while talking to Joao C. Montes, they both walk out of the conference room, when Montes sees Everest locking the door.

Belen walks into her office, telling Montes to wait for her. And just then runs into Everest, when he asks, "ah! Are you the man those directors mocked earlier? What was your name again?"

Everest already knows where this conversation is heading and reluctantly answers, "Everest Fox," he says annoyingly.

"That's right!" Montes snaps his fingers, "I'll call you Fox, that's an easier way to remember you. Or I can just call you Miss Astares's fiancé too. Which would you like?" he teases.

Everest, on the other hand, dislikes his personality, "it doesn't matter, either one will suffice," he walks away irritated.

Montes clears his throat, "ahem, it's a shame she chose you as her fiancé."

Everest turns with his eyebrows furrowed in a knot, "what?"

"Let me say it in simpler terms, you don't deserve her," he mockingly grins, "it's a pity I didn't propose to her in time, maybe then she would've chosen me."

Everest scoffs, acting indifferent, "go ahead," He says confidently, "we're in an arranged marriage, I doubt you'd be able to break that off."

"Hmm," his eyebrows rise, "interesting, between families? Well, you can never be too sure," he pauses for a moment, "Belen Astares is my kind of woman."

Everest grits his teeth wearing a dark complexion, "then take her for all I care" he walks away, clenching his fist.

He notices Noah walking into the stairs. He follows him but immediately stops when he overhears the directors' voices.

"Secretary Noah! This is not what we agreed!"

"That bitch is trying to keep us in the dark!"

"I found out she was the one who got rid of the directors who were absent today!"

"She's only going to waste money on this stupid plaza idea!"

"Come on, Noah! How much do we have to pay you to give us a bigger chip of A Star!"

"If we're not careful, we can lose our positions as well!"

Noah calms them, "don't worry, with what you're all giving me now is enough, just give me a bit more time to figure out what she's planning. I will be in contact with you all."

Everest closes his mouth, letting out a small gasp, and quietly walks away, carrying soundless footsteps until entering his office "what the fuck is going on?" his eyebrows twist, "is…is Noah working for them? a mole, but how can he? Shit! Should I tell Belen about this? She has to know, but…will she even believes me?"


That night Everest was able to leave early due to the meeting but felt heavily stressed, and one way of relieving his stress is going to the beach.

"Hermosa beach, huh…I guess it's not bad," he says underneath his breath. He walks around the square, "this is a plaza in a way," he mumbles, noticing small handcrafted stalls, pastry stores, and, most importantly, music blasting between bars.

He notices the long line of a specific bar. He walks away, "EVEREST!!!"

Everest walks inside the bar bumping into many sweaty bodies until entering a soundproof room. He sees Markus Leonel, the President of Hollywood Cinema, better known as his friend, or the man who embarrassed him during the social gatherings.

Everest annoyingly sees Markus sitting on a red sofa with female strippers on both sides like a king. In a way, it almost disgusts him to think he was once a close friend.

"Aye! Ever! Or should I say Mr. Soon-to-be Astares!" he laughs, "shit! You did it, bro! I don't know how you managed to tame such a bitch, but you got that Astares chick! You're getting so much attention as her fiancé, do you know that?"

Everest is just standing there done with his attitude, showing an angry expression, "can I leave now?"

"Why the sour face? What's the hurry to leave? Oh!" he stands, "are you on your way to fuck her?"

Everest's eyes redden with wrath grabbing his collar, "shut the fuck up, you piece of shit!"

Markus teases, releasing himself from his grip, "chill out! I can't believe you still have that same temper. If that's not one of the reasons for leaving, then what is?"

Everest bluntly responds in a low tone, "I-I have to work early tomorrow."

"What?!" Markus bursts out laughing along with the strippers at his side, "ahh! My bad, I did hear that you work for your fiancé, but it sounds weird coming from you. Why don't you chill for now and have a drink?"

Everest sighs, shaking his head, "I can't," but just as he turned to open the door, he's met with two beautiful women dressed in mini bodycon dresses revealing their slender bodies. The two women push Everest more inside, wrapping their arms around him.

They pull Everest to the bar, "what would you like?" the bartender asks.

"uhh," he stalls, when the women order, Everest reveals, "I'm not paying for you two."

One of them whines, "aww, come on!"

While the other simply says, "fine with me."

Markus says, "it's on the house, same with you Ever! Just drink as much as you'd like, you can always pay me back once you marry that rich barbie."

The women stare intently at Everest, "I knew you looked familiar!"

"You're that Astares fiancé?"

Though as much as he denied spending time there, the more drinks he had, the more intoxicated he became, letting go of himself to the taste of freedom. He became very vulnerable to the fact of revealing his problems with those around him. And the women comforting him encouraged him to drink more and more. That night became fuzzy to Everest, making him remember almost nothing as far as what he said and did.


The next morning Noah is eating breakfast at Belen's house. While they're eating, Belen gets irritated at the constant notification sounds coming from his phone.

"Can you turn it off? I'm trying to eat here!"

Noah teases, "easy for you to say, since you always have your phone on silent, I'm the one who is contacted the most when you don't answer."

"Whatever! Just answer whoever it is! And put it on silent!"

But as Noah checked his phone, his smile disappears, and frantically pulls Belen to the living room, "Hey!"

He turns on the tv. Belen asks, "what are you doing?" she stares at the tv, reading the headlines, "Belen Astares's fiancé is a cheater."

She quickly turns up the volume when they show a video of a woman walking out of a hotel room, which afterward follows Everest wearing a bathrobe. "Well, there you have it, seems like Belen Astares's fiancé, Everest, is a Fox! What a sly two-timing bastard! Stay tuned to see Belen's reaction~!"

Belen panics, staring at Noah when he rushes to tell her, "Belen! There's more bad news!"

Her eyes widen in rage, "more than this?!" she shouts angrily.

"Reporters are surrounding A Star and your house!" he panickily reveals.

Belen's face turns red, "damn!" she looks away, clicking her tongue, gripping onto the sofa, sinking her nails while maliciously staring at the video replay on tv, "EVEREST FOX!!" she grits her teeth furiously shaking.

An_Rome An_Rome

I apologize for the late update. But anyways, thank you for reading! Enjoy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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