96.82% Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC / Chapter 61: Special for Women's day

章 61: Special for Women's day

On the occasion of Women's Day. I would like to wish all the female readers of my novel all the best.

First of all, I wish your dreams come true. And if any of you dream of a funny guy. I am single then. ;D.

And most of all, I dedicate this chapter to all the girls who read it. So expect lots of sugar and romance. It's for you girls.



And for dessert, questions for readers.

1.Are you a girl or a boy? (I'm curious how many girls read my novel. I won't be offended if you add a phone number to the answer ... Hehe ... Joke....Maybe)

2.List your Waifu. (For male)

My are....Raven(DC), Posion Ive(DC), Mina Ashido(BNHA), Miroko(BNHA), Rukia(Bleach), Yoruichi (Bleach),Shion(Slime),Leone(Akame), Mileena(MKX) .

3.List your male Waifu.(For Female)

I don't have .... for obvious reasons.... Im 100% Heterosapien.

The person who gives the best answer, perhaps justifying his or her Waifu. He will be able to choose how Zeus will die.



I invite you to read.


Krius shook himself from this unusual state after Rachel touched his arm. As Dick left the terrace.

Raven and Ultor turned to the source of the sound. And they saw Grayson who obviously had too much on his mind. You can see it on his face, but as he approached the two, he shook himself and looked at Rachel and Krius with a smile.

(Dick)-Aaaa...yes...wait a moment.

Dick quickly stepped out onto the terrace and from what Krius had seen. Dick fired the hook line onto the roof of an adjoining building, then headed there. And moments later, he came back holding a small backpack in his hands.

He approached the pair of loving demons again. And holding the backpack between her and Rachel. He took a rather thick photo album out of his backpack.

The album had a purple cover with the Teen Titans logo.

Dick handed it to Rachel and he hugged her as he spoke.

(Dick)-Happy birthday, Raven.

(Rachel)-I have no birthday.

(Dick)-hehe ... well ... It's women's day today, sister. And you've got me and the rest of the team here. A little trifle. it's half empty so you and Krius can fill it up.

(Dick)-Star said that you should fill it with photos not only with your boyfriend. But and with all the friends you have met and bury them under the family home. It's such a custom on Tamaran. But maybe it's better not to bury it, better keep it under the bed or on a shelf.

(Dick)-Maybe put a flowerpot on the album ... it'll probably work out the same. Hehe ... Never mind ... All the best again. I have to go and buy a gift for Star. Bye

(Raven)-thanks. Bye.

(Krius)-Bye, Bro.

Then Dick left, and Krius and Rachel were left alone.

Then they sat down on the couch together and looked at the photos in the album for half an hour.

(Krius)-You seem tense in most of the photos. Why?

(Rachel)-You see. Before I met you, I thought my other half ...

(Krius)-Demon half...

(Rachel)-Yes...It is bad, or rather completely bad. And that when I lose control I can hurt them. That's why I cut myself off from most feelings and people, but my friends always found a way to spend time with me.

(Rachel)-Now I regret a lot of the things I missed.

Krius moves closer to Rachel's face and he kisses her passionately. Then, looking into her eyes, he says.

(Krius)-I promise you will live your life to the full now. And maybe in the near future we will fill this album with new memories. Where we all play and laugh together. And nothing is stopping us.

Rachel smiles happily then sits down on Krius' lap, facing him.

(Rachel)-You don't even know how I love you?

(Krius)-Hehe...But I know one thing ... I love you 3000 times ... Baby ...

Then the couple kisses passionately, after which they spend a fairly large amount of time in this position. And they both don't want to leave their seats.

Two hours later Rachel and Krius had breakfast ... lunch .... because it was 11 o'clock.

And when they finish cleaning up after eating a meal, Rachel asks.

(Rachel)-What have you planned for today?

(Krius)-I wrote to the girls to meet us at Pamela's. We'll spend some time there, and in the evening just you and me at Bobby's Restaurant for a romantic dinner.

(Rachel)-haha...Which Bobby's?


Then Rachel and Krus went to the garage. And they drove by car to one Bobby's jeweler and after a dozen or so minutes they reached the Botanical Garden.

When they got there. They met PowerGirl, Pamela, Harley, Selene and Batgirl. Sitting in the gazebo and chatting drinking some drinks.

As they saw Krus and Rachel carrying five small gift bags. They smiled, though there was a slash of shame on Pamela's face.

And after a short hug greeting and Harley grabbing Krius by the butt. Krius approached the girls one by one, in random order. He went first to Selena, who was standing closest to Krius.

(Krius)-Selena. Today I wish you all the best.

Krius then takes from his purse labeled "For Selena." A black necklace with a black diamond, engraved with a golden cat inside a black diamond. And he puts it around her neck.

(Krius)-This necklace symbolizes my friendship with you. And although I should disapprove of stealing ... only rob the bad guys ... such a tip..hehe ... And to help you with that, you have one more gift from me.

Krius then kisses Selene on the forehead in a friendly manner. And the next moment, Selena is covered in black mist for a few seconds.

(Krius)-I have given you some powers that will not only keep you safe. But they will also help you tease bad people ... Happy birthday.

(Selena)-Thank you Krius. It means a lot to me. And although I would prefer you to undress for me, I will cherish this gift from you ... sexy cuckold.-She said, hugging Krius.

Krius then walked over to Batgirl who was eagerly waiting for Krius. With joy painted on her face.

(Krius)-I have a gift for you, Barbara.

He then takes out a similar necklace with a yellow diamond inside of which is a small black bat. Then he puts it on her neck.

(Krius)-This necklace fits your eyes perfectly, Barbara. And you are glad to have you as my friend. Your enthusiastic humor causes a pleasant warmth in my heart. Thank you for being Barb ... And I also have a little gift for you.

Krius then kisses her on the forehead friendly and Barbara is wrapped in a black mist like Selena did before.

As soon as the process is over, Barbara feels a fairly new energy within herself. And as soon as she focuses on her, her hands begin to generate yellow lightning.

And as soon as she realizes what happened. He runs towards Crius at a fairly high speed. And she hugs him tightly, speaking.

(Barbara)-Thank you...Thank you...Thank you...You made my dream come true ... thank you, Krius.

(Krius)-You're welcome Barb.

Krius then walks over to Powergirl who looks at Ultor with a smile.

(Krius)-Now for my favorite Kryptonian.

Then Krius took a green necklace out of his purse. With a green diamond that resembles Kryptonite. Which made Kara slightly pale.

And he put it on her neck forcibly, saying, "Take it easy, trust me."

(Krius)-This necklace is my gift to you. And thank you for being with us. This necklace symbolizes that despite the weakness and problems that fate poses to us. You always provide good advice and support. And even though you tend to be cold and take a lot of things seriously. This is what I like about you, Kara .... And that's a little gift for you.

Krisu then kissed Kare on the forehead and the aforementioned process began again.

Kara when she realized what Krius had given her. She was touched and hugged him tightly. And Krius did his best not to think about her tits clinging to his chest.

Kara not only became immune to Kryptomnite, but also to the red sun. But her strength has grown, and now she can draw power, even at night and from any kind of sun. Now she is able to defeat her cousin without any problems with quite a lot of ease.

Krius then walked over to Harley, who was screaming enthusiastically in place before he even got closer.

(Harley)-And for me!...And for me!...And for me!...hornecookie!

Krius walked over to her and took it out of her purse. Two-color necklace. A light blue and partially pink diamond. With hammer on a red diamond.

Then he covered her neck. And she commented.

(Harley)-wonderful...wonderful...I love it already ...angelsweet.

And when he put it on her, Krius said.

(Krius)-And for my favorite psychopath. Which, like no other, is a combination of laughter and brutality. Which is both cute and fun. And that is what I love, Harley. You are not only enthusiastic and you can make me smile. But when necessary, you can be serious and listen to my every problem. And you will always listen to me and you are one of the few friends I can confide in. And for that, I adore you Harley.

Harley has tears in her eyes. And she remembers the few times Krius asked her for advice and freaked out on her problems. And she is like the professional psychologist she is. She helped him solve them. But that's a story for a different chapter.

He then hugs Krius tightly and speaks loudly.

(Harley)-I love you too, Hornecook ... love ... love...

Eventually, Krius approached Pamela with a slight tension. Who couldn't take her eyes off Krius' eyes.

Krus took out the necklace before he went to her. And he held it in his fist.

Then Krius, free hand. He took Pamela's hand and lifted it gently and kissed it.

(Krius)-Pamela...So you are someone important to me. And that I am aware of your feelings for me ... And although now I am not able to reciprocate ... It promises you that when I'm ready. I will let you deeper into my heart and make you happy as you deserve it.


(Krius)-I talked to her about it. And though she doesn't mind sharing ... specifically with you. The problem is with me. For me, this topic is not easy ... But I promise that when I'm ready to live ... to be ready for a relationship with two women. So only you will be the woman to whom the next one I will open up fully.

Then Krius opens his hand. And Pamela sees the green diamond necklace. In which the tip of the Krius horn is stuck.

And putting it on Krius says.

(Krius)-This necklace symbolizes my devotion to you and my feelings for you. And I promise ... I swear once I have dealt with my moral problem. Will open my heart fully for you.

Krius then looks at Rachel. Who is slightly flustered and angry ... Although she understood the situation herself and is ready to share. However, he wants to have Krius all to himself for a while. So understanding the situation and the fact that maybe even for a few months she will only have it for herself. And even with Pamela joining them, she wouldn't feel inferior or forgotten. So she agrees, let's nod his head.

Krius with nerves in his eyes and anxiety building up in his chest. Gently, to Pamela's surprise. Krius kissed her on the lips and said.

(Krius)-So you mean a lot to me. But give me time to make you happy.

Pamela is confused about happiness and at least now she is not in a relationship with him. She promised herself that even if she had to wait a hundred years, she would wait.

Later when emotions subsided. And Krius rewarded Rachel for the sight. And she, though, wasn't willing to share. She accepted it and after a long round of cuddling. She returned with Krius to Bower, where they spent the afternoon with their friends. Later they drove to the apartment. And they changed into a more formal outfit.

Then they drove together to a new five-star restaurant that was built in the center of Gotham. Where once was the hideout of some villain. But it was destroyed ... disrupted by Ultor.

And in its place a restaurant was established, which is run by Kamui Woods. a new entrepreneur in Gotham who is Ultor's biggest fan. Since Krius saved his long lost daughter from Dollmaker.

And for his part Kamui, he called the restaurant "Lidia Restarant". He named it after his second daughter, who was recently born. His daughter Lidia, on the other hand, was named after Ultor. "It's LiberDictra. So based on the first two letters from Liber and Dictra. He named his daughter."

And the restaurant's logo shows the image of the Flyer, specifically his heads with horns. Which is completely black and is set against a red background.

And inside the restaurant, there are many statues and paintings depicting Ultor. During many moments, like killing bigger villains, saving people from buildings, or healing the sick and wounded.

There was even a statue of Krius and Rachel. During a passionate kiss as she leans back as if in a dance.

And the mentioned statue is located in the best part of the premises, next to a table for two.

And the interesting fact is that the owner does not allow any customer to use this table. Even to someone as rich as Lex Luthor who wanted to buy this table for his wife's anniversaries. And even though he offered a small fortune in return, Lex was forced to choose another table.

And as Krius and Rachel went inside. The owner himself greeted them. Who personally escorted them to the table.

During which Krius and Rachel. Admiring, slightly ashamed of the decorations, ornaments and appearance of the premises.

(Kamui)-Please make yourself at home. We will place the order in a moment.

Kamui headed for the kitchen, almost running. Which was funny to judge from his serious attitude earlier.

Krius had placed the order the day before. While talking to Kamui about tonight. And when they got the ordered meal, after not a full minute. So probably Kamui made sure the meal was waiting for Krius and Rachel.

Then Krus and Rachel talked and laughed. They touched on a lot of nice topics and it was not without flirting between them. Overall, they enjoyed each other's company and the food they received. And although all the customers looked at them from time to time. Whether it's jealousy, worship, or just respect. They didn't care.

And when the date comes to an end. Krius kneels in front of Rachel. And he takes out a carefully carved box and opens it while speaking.

And the glow comes from inside the box.

(Rachel)-What is this?

(Krius)-Star...Because for you she beloved, I am ready to give you a star from heaven.

Rachel closes the box happily kissing Krius. And the whole hall explodes with shouts and applause.

And some in the room, including the owner and his wife. They shed tears with emotion.

And then Krius and Rachel go to many places in the city. And they spend the rest of the day and night together enjoying the attractions of Gotham City. Which were recently added, or were just before.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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