38.7% Ultimate Percy Jackson / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

章 11: Chapter 11

The Knight of the Damned, or Craig as Percy took to calling him, charged at Percy and his party with one hand on the his of his blade. Percy jumped back and Zed charge Craig slashing him with his equally gigantic blade. Craig jumped back like Percy and Zed embedded his blade deep into the ground.

Craig then drew his blade which was as black as his armour with red line running along its length. He then swung the sword like a twig and a huge gust of wind blew past whipping Percy's hair back. All that force, and he was at least 30 feet away.

Percy needed a plan, something clever, something smart. He turned to Zed, "keep him busy Zed!" The red armoured servant nodded and charged Craig. The two clashed swords and a huge shocks wave spread out causing Alecto, who was flying, to be pushed back by the wind.

Percy then reached into his inventory and took out a bow and a quiver that he got as loot, "Alecto catch!" Percy threw it to the Fury who caught the them both and quickly put the quiver on, "shoot if you see the chance!"

Alecto nodded and flew as Percy now looked at Zed and Craig's fight. One thing was obvious, Zed was far stronger that the monster as Percy's servant was pushing back. Seeing it was not in his favour to continue Craig gave one final shove and jumped away from Craig.

Seeing her chance, Alecto fired several arrows at Craig and it looked like they were going to hit the monster in the head. But in the last second Craig brought his blade up causing all the arrows to break upon contact. Craig then lowered his blade slowly and bent his legs and jumped towards Alecto.

Craig brought his sword up for a downward strike and just as he was above Alecto fist made out of water collided with him pushing Craig to the ground.

Percy stood with several empty water bottles painting. He used most of the water he hand in that attack, Alecto was to useful. "Alecto now!"

The Fury nodded and shot several arrows at the downed form of Craig. The knight managed to block most of them but two managed to hit him. One between the leg armour's joints and the other between his shoulder and his chest.

Zed then charged at Craig with his sword held above his body and swung the blade down. Craig used both hands to block the strike with his blade and with his good foot kicked Zed back. Craig then got up and opened his helmet.

Inside Percy saw nothing, there was nothing except darkness underneath that helmet of his. Suddenly the darkness spread all around him and covered a 20 foot diameter. When the darkness retreated back a swarm of Greek zombies stood there.

"Zed take care of the Knight I'll handle the zombies!" Percy cried out as Zed then quickly fought the knight one on one. The Greek zombies tried to attack Zed but Percy was faster. He put his shield inside his inventory and pulled out a second blade and then charged the horde.

Each swing of his blades killed a zombie, each strike ripped the zombies to shreds. The 30% more attack the Apprentice Zombie killer title gave him was very useful in that regard. Percy quickly got rid of them all and watched Zed fight Craig.

The battle was getting faster and faster as Craig pushed Zed to his limits on sword was strong, true but Craig was skilled. Zed then pushed the Knight away causing him to land on his bad foot. Craig then fell down and Zed swung down with all his strength.

Craig's HP took a huge hit as the weight of the sword of Kefka came down on him along with Zed's added strength. Percy quickly Observed Craig's life bar.

HP: 27,345/30,000

Percy looked at that and then at Zed who lifted the blade up and smashed it down again.

HP: 24,690/30,000

Zed then lifted his sword up again and then swung down but this time a blast of shadows blew Zed back. As Zed landed a few feet away Percy quickly ran up to his servant and Observed Zed's HP;


In one attack that monster managed to reduce Zed's life by more than half. Percy then turned to the Knight of the Damned and saw that it had removed it's helmet now. Percy needed to retreat right away, he thought, 'ID escape!' Suddenly a box appeared,

You cannot escape this area until you have defeated the boss!

Percy cursed and looked at the Knight, 'Damn you Craig!' Percy knew his best bet right now was keeping Zed alive long enough to kick Craig's ass. "Alecto keep him busy!"Percy roared out tossing aside Riptide, knowing full well it will return back to him in pen form, and took out his staff of healing;

Staff of Healing, High level

Restores subject's health by a rate of 10% a minute

Cost-50 Mana to use

Percy then pointed at Zed healing him quickly while Alecto shoot arrows which Craig blocked with his sword. Then suddenly the Knight jumped up at Alecto nearly cleaving the Fury in two. Luckily the fury was an expert at maneuvering at the last second and escaped while shooting an arrow into the thing Craig had for a face.

Percy then saw the form of Craig stand up with an arrow sticking out of his head. Calmly the Knight of the Damned pulled the arrow out of the mass of shadows and threw it away.

One minute over.

Zed's HP: 665/1650

Percy gritted his teeth and looked up to see the Knight look at him and Zed. He then charged at Percy, 'shit!' Percy then threw the staff towards Alecto who caught it, "Heal Zed I'll hold him off!"

Percy saw Alecto's MP was 1430, more than enough to heal Zed. Percy took out riptide and another random sword from his inventory and charged Craig who had his blade up. They crashed and Percy immediately felt his bone groan from the weight of the Knight's strike. Quickly disengaging Percy moved away from the knight trying to escape from the monster whose Vit status were more than Percy's.

Suddenly Craig's blade turned into a blur and Percy quickly brought both blade near to his chest and blocked the oncoming strike which threw Percy threw the air. Percy landed a full 10 feet away and quickly rolled to his feet. His hands were numb and his face felt warm along the right side. Percy cursed as he looked at his HP bar;

HP: 250/550

That was too much life lost in one hit. Percy quickly pulled up his stats page and distributed his stat points. He put 10 in Vit, 10 in Dex and the remaining 5 in Luck because if was going to survive this guy he would need speed, flexibility and luck.







Percy then cursed as he quickly brought up his sword just in time to block the Knight's swing. He then pushed himself underneath the legs of the knight and ran away from him. The stream that cut through the camp was about 20 feet ahead of him, all Percy had to do was reach the water.

But just then Craig landed in front of Percy forming a crater where he landed. Percy cursed and immediately called out his special move, "Stardust Wave!" Percy's blades moved like water as he attacked the Knight relentlessly. The knight brought his blade down only to have Percy sidestep it and swiped at the knight abdomen causing the Knight to flinch.

Percy then brought his knee up and smashed his face, or the black shadow thing, causing Craig to moved back a few cm's. Percy then swung his swords again constantly chipping away at Craig's armour and as Percy brought Riptide around for another cut he was swatted away by Craig like a fly.

Percy flew head over tails threw the air and finally slide across the grass. Percy then looked up and felt some of his bone were broken and the armour around his chest was ripped to pieces. He looked at his HP bar;

HP: 50/550

Percy gritted his teeth and slowly got up. Riptide and whatever blade he was using was on either sides of the field and the Knight of the Damned was calmly walking over to Percy. Percy then looked at the Knight's health;

HP: 23,292/30,000

H-his attack did nothing! Absolutely nothing! Just a 1000 points of attack! He only had to die nearly 23 times to kill him now. Percy then looked back and saw the stream there. It seems Craig had thrown him exactly where he wanted to go.

Percy took three quick steps backwards and then,


You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy then smiled, and then turned to Craig, "come one fat ass!" He shouted taunting him.

Warning attack coming straight ahead!

But Percy was ready. He took out Riptide and just as Craig's attack was upon him he pulled up his water shield. The sphere of water rose up around him and Craig's sword was trapped in it, Percy smiled, he had him now. Percy then lifted his hand, 'Water Spikes'

Craig was then skewered by water spike that rose from the stream and cried out in pain, "ROAR!"

Percy then lowered the water shield near Craig's mid section and trusted Riptide outwards into Craig. Percy then pulled out another sword and did the same. Percy then continued this action until he ran out of swords and Craig looked like a pin cushion.

HP: 15,292/30,000

Percy smiled and then waited for his mana to regenerate to use water spikes again. But just then Craig's body started to move, his fingers reached up to one of the sword inside him and he pulled it out. He then roared and an explosion of shadow opted out of him completely obscuring Percy's sight from inside the Water Shield.

Percy then waited and watched. Something was going to happen now, something bad;

Warning! Attack in front of you!

Percy then watched as a fist collided with his water shield cracking it. His eyes went wide, he honestly didn't know that could happen. Then another punch and the crack grew bigger. another and the shield was now beginning to look like it was about to shatter.

Percy noticed this and so he dropped the shield behind him and ran out before the shield broke. Outside on the other side of the stream Percy saw that the shadows were all over his shield. As soon as his shield broke Percy saw Craig walk out of the shadow and the cloud that was there before absorbed into his armour.

Percy cursed and quickly brought out Riptide which had returned before Craig exploded into a mass of shadows. Percy brought the sword out and readied himself for Craig's knight then launched himself at Percy but before he could strike the son of Poseidon he was hit in the side and flew away like a ball being hit by a baseball bat.

Standing where Craig was moments ago was Zed. "You took your time," Percy said with a grin.

"I was charging up, and Alecto needed help with something."

Percy looked confused at that only for Zed to point at the raising from of the Knight. Percy readied Riptide and Observed Craig;

HP: 11,600/30,000

Percy smirked, Zed really was the reason he is going to win this battle. The Knight then got up and charged at Percy and Zed but then suddenly a large spear landed infront of Craig which the Knight dogged in the last moment.

Percy turned and saw Alecto iding the statue of Zeus that was in front of the Zeus cabin. Percy watched wide eyed as Alecto smiled at him, "the same magic I used on the statue back at the museum."

Percy nodded and then readied his blade, he pointed it forward, "charge!"

Zed and Percy engaged the Knight on one on one combat. If nothing else the Knight was an expert swordsman as he blocked Percy's every strike while carefully avoiding Zed's wide swingings. Percy then saw Alecto's statue of Zeus grab it's marble spear and attack Zed by leveling the tip of the spear on him.

The Knight cut the tip of the spear with his blade and save himself from implement. Seeing his chance Percy stepped into the Knight's defences and cut the monster's spine with Riptide;

Critical hit! 300%time more attack=975 Attack!

The Knight roared in pain and jumped back. he looked at Percy and raised his sword but then Zed came in and punched Craig right in the chest shoving the Knight away.

Knight's HP: 9,234/30,000

The statue of Zeus then started to pummel Craig before he could get up over and over again. Soon a big cloud of smoke began to form over the body of the Knight as the statue kept it on.

Knight's HP: 8,534/30,000

Knight's HP: 7,834/30,000

Knight's HP: 7,134/30,000

Zed then jumped into the cloud and began his attack as well;

Knight's HP: 6,233/30,000

But just then everything went silent as a blur of shadow moved around the statue. Wherever it moved a piece of the statue was cut off. First it's arms were gone, then it's legs, then it body and finally it's head. Alecto screeched and flew up but just then the shadow flew over her and suddenly Alecto was split in two along the waist.

Percy watched in horror as Alecto transformed into smoke and flow back into his gauntlet. He then turned to Zed and watched the shadow land in front of the servant. The shadows cleared away showing Craig. The Knight then drew his sword up and gave a wide swing.

Warning a wave of deadly energy approaching!

"Zed get down!" Percy cried out but before Zed could move a wave of darkness cut him in half turning him back into smoke.

Percy ducked under the wave of energy and when he got back up he saw the Knight of the Damned walking towards him slowly. they were gone, Zed had been cut down, Alecto had been destroyed and now death was coming for Percy.

Percy watched as The Knight now stood over him. Feeling the will to live flow out of him Percy got down to his knees and lowered his head.

He felt shame, he didn't save his mother yet, he let her down. He felt regret, he never accomplished anything in his life so far. He felt sorrow, he never lived.

Percy then looked up and saw the Knight lift his blade up high up. He saw the moon behind the Knight shine brightly over the red sky. Time then seemed to slow down as Percy began to think.

The moon was always such a beautiful thing, Percy loved it, must be something to do with the moon affecting the ocean. Percy felt sad, he wouldn't see the moon again ever. Percy then closed his eyes and darkness took him.

'Am I really going to give up?' Percy asked himself. 'Just let him kill me? Just like that? Do I want to die?...No. NoI want to live. I want to live so that I can see the moon again one last time. Just one last time.'

Percy then opened his eyes and saw the Knight's blade come down slowly. Percy moved pushing himself upwards closer to the blade.

'I want to live.'

He then drew back his right hand and lifted his left.

'I want to see the moon one more time.'

His gauntlet hit the Knight's blade and sparks flew as Percy held it up.

'And I want to save my mom.'

Percy felt something in himself ster as energy flew into him from the very Earth itself.

'And I will stop at nothing to do so!'

Percy then gathered all the energy he felt into his right fist and launched it into the Knight's stomach, "and you want stop me!"

The second the fist collided with Knight's armour a sound broke out, 'crack.' It was the sound of Percy's bone breaking mixed with the sound of Knight's armour breaking. Suddenly the monster was thrown backwards and flew across the field into Ares cabin. He flew threw the walls of Ares cabin and the into a tree.

Percy stood panting as his right arm went limp and fell to his side. Percy looked at his fist, 'where did that come from?'


Due to extreme will power you have unlocked a new demigod skill!

Earthquake control, Lv-1 (30%)

You can cause an Earthquake thought any part of your body.

Attack- 500

Cost 100 MP


Percy dismissed the box and slowly he realised what happened. That energy he felt come from the Earth, it was the power to from Earthquakes. He must have unknowingly infused that power in his fist and when he punched the Knight with it, caused an Earthquake inside the Knight's body.

Percy looked at the Knight's HP;


And then his HP and MP;



Percy frowned, he then equipped his title Deadman;

· Deadman- gives the user a boost of +40 in all stats if their HP is less than 20%.

Which made his stats this;







Percy then turned looked at Knight who just managed to get up but was still holding his chest which was now completely shattered. Percy smiled at this he then pulled up the Knight's status;

Knight of the Damned,










Thanks to the Deadman title he was now faster that the Knight. Percy pulled out Riptide and charged the monster. The pain slowly started to fade to the back of his mind as the only thing right now that mattered was the battle.

He struck the knight on his collarbone first before the Knight could even move to block him. This boost of speed was incredible. Percy promised himself that one day he would obtain this level of speed on his own.

The two then began their battle once again, this time on equal footing. Percy swung at the monster's side but was blocked at the last second. He then jumped over the Knight and back kicked the monster onto the ground.

Percy then pulled out Necklace of the Damned out of his inventory;

Necklace of the damned,

A necklace that gives it's user +2000 HP but if the wearer takes it off they get cursed with -5000HP for an equal amount of time they wore it.

Just as the Knight was getting up again Percy used his back as a ramp and climbed up and dropped the necklace around the thing's neck. But since it didn't have an actual head the necklace fell in and Percy heard it ring as it hit the Knight's stomach.

Percy looked at the Knight's HP;

HP: 7,733/30,000

Now I know what you're wondering why did you give him something that would increase his HP Percy? As the smart ones among you would have probably guessed by now why I did it.

The Knight reached into himself and tried to pull the necklace out fearing it was a bomb or something, seeing his chance Percy moved. He saw one of his swords, from when he skewered Knight with before, lying in front of him. He grabbed it and shouted, "Starburst Wave!"

The blade's moved like water through a stream. Percy struck the Knight's back with multiple quick and deadly strikes. Eventually the Knight managed to turn around and block one of Percy strikes only for Percy to immediately spin around his defence and use both swords to cut one of the Knight's arms off.

Percy then pushed himself forward as he brought Riptide up for one last strike. Percy then dashed forward and tore through the Knight's already damaged chest piece. Percy then turned around as his mind calculated all the damage he did;

Starburst Wave: 12 Strikes X 64 Vit = 768 + 63 Dex= 831

831% of 325 = 2700 Attack!

Including the 50% bonus from Sword Mastery =2700 + 1350 = 4050 Attack!

Knight's HP: 3683/30,000


Skill leveled up!

· Sword Mastery, Lv-11 (4%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

55% more damage when using swords.

Sword combo: Stardust Wave

An attack which is a combo move which can be used by one or two swords. The number of strike is only limited by the amount of times you attack your enemy

Attack- [(Number of strikes x Vit) more damage + Dex]%

Cost- Cool down period, +4 seconds for every strike

That was every thing Percy had left. His limbs were so tired Riptide fell out of his grip. He held his hands as the pain came back in full force. Percy then hobled over to the form of the Knight that was now on his knees. It's back was torn open by Percy and it's front was shattered. And on it's side was a gash caused by Percy's last attack.

Percy used his left hand to support himself and reached into the hollow insides of the Knight. The shadows felt cool as Percy's hand traveled through it's body. He felt his fingers tighten around the necklace of the damned and pulled it out.


The curse of the Necklace has activated, the Knight loses 5000 HP.

Percy the watched the Knight's health bar as it slowly fell all the way down to 0.

Knight's HP: 0/30,000

The Knight looked at Percy, or at least the shadows did and it looked like it nodded as it's body slowly started to disappear.

The Knight dropped 5 items but Percy was to tired to find out what they were. He threw them into his inventory and then moved around the battlefield. Percy grabbed each and every sword he used which was now littered all over the place. He then walked over to the Poseidon camp and once he was there called out, "ID escape."

The red sky shattered as the normal looking sky took over. Percy then looked up at the moon and smiled. He did it, he won his greatest challenge yet. Percy then walked into his cabin and unequiped his armor. As he reached for his gauntlet Percy got an idea.

Gauntlet of Kefka

The Gauntlet of Kefka, Zed's uncle, was stole by Zed and was used for his own plans. The power of the gauntlet release on the Int and the Wis of the wearer. It's ability is to raise from the dead and store inside it warriors that user has slain, and slain by the users minions.

Power level- (Int+Wis)% of total power of the summoned servant (meaning a level 100 warrior will be a Lv 5 servant when the gauntlet's power level is Lv-5)(45)

Number of servants usable by the user- 4 (+1 for every 10 Int or Wis)

Percy then wasted no time as he focused on the gauntlet and was brought to the well of souls filled with all the souls he had slain. But there was only that Percy needed. He looked up at the form of the Knight of the Damned, whole and undamaged from all the battle scars Percy and his servants gave him. Percy then grabbed the Knight and pulled him out.

The gauntlet glowed and smoke came out which then solidified into the Knight. He bent to his knee. "You obey me now," Percy spoke causing the Knight to node. Percy quickly dismissed him and he removed the gantlet.

He then went to his bed and fell into it. He was beyond exhausted and he felt himself go numb with pleasure for finally getting some rest.

The Next Morning,


You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy closed the box and sat up on his bed. He stretched his arms and yawned. All his wounds had been fixed and his body felt great! Yesterday was a life or death situation and Percy was lucky to be alive. Yesterday's experience taught him this, he needed to get much much more stronger.

Percy then opened his inventory and looked at the things that the Knight had dropped for him.

Money- 5000$

Enchanted sapling,

A sapling that can grow anywhere. It enrichens the room it's in and gives berries that provide +200MP.

Skill book: Shadow spying

Essence of Shadow, Crafting item

Sword skill book.

Percy sighed. He wasn't ready to deal with all of these yet. He then shoved them back in and quickly got out of his bed, took a shower and finished his morning business. He quickly changed his tiles from Deadman back to son of Poseidon then quickly left for the Mess Hall.

As he passed by the statue of Zeus Alecto used yesterday he noticed it was still intact meaning the one they used was the one in another dimension. This proved his theory about being able to create an alternate dimension which is a copy of this one but doesn't affect it.

Percy ate his breakfast quickly and made way to the Climbing Wall. Once there Percy spent the entire afternoon grinding his Vit skills. By the end his Vit rose by 2 points and due to the weights he was wearing his Str raised by 3.

It was afternoon now and Percy decided to finally do something about his low Dex stat. So he made way to the Arena to practise his archery. As he was going there though he noticed the Stoll brothers approaching him.

"Hey Travis, hey conner what's up?" Percy asked looking at the two sons of Hermes.

"Hey Percy could you just come with us for a second?" Conner asked with a smile.

"Yeah it won't be long and it is important," Travis said with an equally charming smile.

Percy laughed, "okay, but I'm warning you two, you try and trick me into doing something stupid and I'll shove Riptide down your throats."

Conner laughed, "no Percy we would never do that!"

"Yeah man you are the son of Poseidon we would never risk the wrath of you dad," Travis said with a grin.

"Alright alright what do you two want?" Percy asked with smiled as the two lead him near the forest. As they approached it Percy spoke up again, "I just want to remind you I am armed and dangerous."

The two brothers laughed and two three quickly walked into the forest and to a clearing. After making sure the coast was clear Conner and Travis turned to Percy. Conner looked serious and then spoke, "what we are about to tell you is a Hermes cabin secret okay?"

Percy nodded at Conner's serious tone.

"As you know we demigods have...issues when it comes to technology."

"Yeah everytime we use the net we send out a monster signal," Travis said as he brother nodded his head sadly, "all that porn out there and we can't see it."

Percy's eyes widened, "wait are you serious?! No net?! At all?! But I never had problems using it before!"

Travis and Conner shrugged, "well you didn't really know you were a demigod before did you? You realising what you are activated your scent to the monsters. So now if you try and use the net yeah, you are basically inviting all the monsters to come at you. Same thing with phones."

Travis then spoke up, "which is why we made an alternate net just for the divines."

"Wait, what?" Percy asked in shock.

"Yup it's called H-net," Conner said, "our dad made it, him being the god of communication and all. He couldn't stand us not having any form of communication with the outside world so he made it for us."

"Wow," Percy said with a stunned look, "so how do you access it?"

"With this," Corner then took out a black metal cylinder. Conner then pressed on end and showed it operated like a clip. "This is a H-Net Interface, HNI. Clip this to the top of any piece of paper and an image will appear on the paper. It's basically a tab."

Conner than gave the HNI to Percy and Percy Observed it,


A device used by the children of Hermes and few other campers. It allows access to the H-Net which will give you access to the world without worry of monsters finding out.

Ah So it was basically what Connor said it was. Percy then looked up, "thank you guys for this. But why? I mean why give this to me?"

Travis spoke up, "well you see Percy you helped out all the unclaimed yesterday, you gave them hope. Some of the got claimed after we went to the cabin and your 'feeling' about who their godly parents were proved true. You helped a lot of them man. So we thought we should return the favour somehow."

"I-I don't know what to say you guys," Percy stumbled and Connor stepped in.

"Just don't go showing it off. Last thing we need is Chiron finding out about this. Some other campers have it also, but not all of them know the HNI even exists."

Percy nodded and then after taking for a few more minutes the twins and Percy separated. Percy then pulled out his bow and quiver, the ones he gave to Alecto yesterday. He reached the Arena and then went to the archery side of the place.

Percy moved in front of one target and quickly notched an arrow. He took aim and fired an arrow. The arrow flew threw the air and….hit the target on the other side of the Arena. Percy blinked in surprise and then tried again. This time the arrow hit the bull's eye, of the target next to his.

Percy blinked at this again, what the actual fuck?!

"I didn't think it was possible to be that bad at archery," called out a voice. Percy turned to see a boy with brown eyes and black hair aproach him. He had a quiver at his back and a bow at his side.

"Who are you?" Percy asked.

"My name is Michael Yew, and my gold parent is Apollo," Michael said with a smile as bright as the sun, but then again considering who his dad is that's no surprise.

"Percy, Percy Jackson," Percy said stretching a hand out.

Michael shook his hand and laughed, "of course you are. Everyone knows who you are. Only son of Poseidon and the hero of the unclaimed."

Percy chuckled nervously, "they don't actually call me that do they?"

Michael smiled back, "they do actually. Anyway come out here for some archery practise?"

"Yeah but as you can see, I kind of...well suck," Percy said as he motioned to his bow.

"Hahah! Underestimate of the year man. I have seen 6 year olds shoot better than you!"

"Did those 6 year olds have a sword hidden in their pockets just waiting to be used on anyone that made fun of them?"

"...point taken." Michael then took out an arrow and notched it. He got into position and held it there, "copy me."

Percy did and then stood there as Michael then began to check Percy's stance, "wrong, arm's to wide, leg's to close, and you're holding the arrow the wrong way."

Percy blushed and began correcting his moment, he got ready, he aimed and released the arrow. The arrow sailed through the air and by some miracle managed to hit the right target, though only in the extreme conner.

"Well at least it is in the target," Michael said with a sigh.


Due to archery practise a new skill has been created!

Archery, Lv-1 (2%)

You can shoot an arrow, it may or may not hit it's target.

Accuracy- 1%

WHAT?! Percy read and reread the skill box. Why was his accuracy level so bloody low?! He then clicked his accuracy and a window popped up;


How accurate you are, duh. (Due to you being a son of Poseidon you are cursed by Apollo.)

Percy looked at this and his eyes widened, "hey Michael has your dad ever cursed the children of Poseidon?"

Michael looked confused, "huh? Well not that I can think off. The only story I have of Apollo and a son of Poseidon is the one about Orion and Artemis."

"Orion? I have heard about the constellation and all that, but was he really the son of Poseidon?"

Michael nodded, "yup. It is said he was such a great hunter that he won even Artemisia heart. And my dad didn't like that. So he tricked Artemis into shooting Orion thereby killing him."

"Wow," Percy stated, "your dad is kind of a dick."

Michael snorted, "yeah. But that's the only story of Apollo and a son of Poseidon that I know of."

Percy nodded and looked back at his Accuracy box, especially the words in brackets;

(Due to you being a son of Poseidon you are cursed by Apollo.)

Did Apollo's grudge extended to every son of Poseidon? Did he curse us to suck at archery? And if so how do I get rid of it?

Percy sighed and closed the box. He was going to figure this out the only way he knew how, by charging threw it. So over the next hour Michael helped Percy with his archery, he showed him how to stand how to pull the arrow back and even how to not shoot the target's next to him.

Eventually after Percy got most of it Michael left him alone and Percy began grinding thru. Most of his arrows missed while one or two hit the target. After collecting all the shoot arrow Percy moved back to his shooting point and began again.

After an hour Percy's finger where sore but he kept going. After he emptied his quiver for the third time it happened;


Due to constant bow and arrowing you have leveled up a skill!

Archery, Lv-2 (2%)

You can shoot an arrow, it may or may not hit it's target.

Accuracy- 2%

Percy looked at this and his face became cold. All that and only a 2% increase in his archery? Fuck you Apollo! If I ever see you I will shove an arrow down your throat and a bow up your ass! You just made my shit list!

Percy's shit list:



The Minotaur(Oh yeah he wasn't done with him)

Mr. Kenny (5th grade science teacher, don't ask.)

Percy then turned to the target and quickly drew an arrow from his quiver. He aimed for the center of the target but before he shoot it he stopped.

'If every shot I aim for has a 98% chance of missing then why don't I just miss on purpose and see where that goes.'

With that logic in mind Percy aimed for the target next to his and released the arrow. The arrow flew and it hit near the center, of his target. Percy grinned at this and then suddenly,


Due to constant bow and arrowing you have leveled up a skill!

Archery, Lv-3 (20%)

You can shoot an arrow, it may or may not hit it's target.

Accuracy- 3%

Percy then quickly started to shoot arrows faster and faster and made sure to always not aim for the target and this made sure his arrows did make the target.

After 20 or so arrows;


Due to accurate shots (somewhat) +1 to Dex!

Percy smiled and closed the box. This was what he needed right now. Percy then looked at his weighted wrist bands and decided to increase their weight to 30 pounds.

It was uncomfortable at first and his aim went to shit, but Percy managed to get used to the weight quickly and began firing again. His archery leveled up again and again but Percy ignored them all and focused only on the task in front of him.

It quickly became night time and Percy now stood with bloody fingers and an empty quiver. Half the arrows were on the ground will a third where on the target. But Percy were not looking at them. He didn't look at his failure, he was focusing on one single arrow that pierced the bullseye.

"FUCK YES!" Percy cried out as he jumped in joy.


Due to an accurate shot you have gained +2 Dex!


Due to use of weights your Str has risen by +2!


Due to constant bow and arrowing you have leveled up a skill!

Archery, Lv-10 (40%)

You can shoot an arrow, it may or may not hit it's target.

Accuracy- 10%

Percy smiled at this and closed the box. He then quickly gathered all his arrows and ran to the Mess Hall where dinner was almost over. Percy then went back to his cabin as he was excited to try out the HNI.

Percy took out a sheet of paper he found around the cabin and clipped the HNI on top of the paper. The cylinder then started to blink as the sound of a computer booting up could be heard coming from inside it.

Percy put the paper on the desk and waited for the HNI to turn on. Then the paper went black and then a home screen came on. It looked like the home screen of any tab or phone with the time in one corner right next to date. There were four apps on the screen.

One said 'Search,' no points to guess what that did. The other said 'Online Market,' the third said 'Iris Messaging,' oh you can do that in this? And the last said, 'Map.'

Percy clicked map and it basically gave a google maps version of the world. Expect in this it showed demigods reading as yellow and monsters as red. Obviously there weren't any monsters on the map of camp Half-Blood there plenty around big cities.

Percy then closed that and opened online market which opened up to a website which basically was Amazon or Ebay. Percy saw several items for sale, weapons, armour, shields, books and even enchanted items.

Percy then realised what this was, a place where he dump all the times he didn't need! Percy then searched around and found the Sell option. He then pulled out;

Fangs and Claws of a Fury,

The fangs and claws of a Fury and very sought after in various circles. If you know where to search for it you might be able to get a good prize for them.

Value-200 D

Percy then pressed sell and described what he wished to sell. Immediately a screen came up;

Willing to buy for 200 D,


Percy pressed yes and another screen came up;

Please place items on the screen and a portal will be opened to take them away.

Percy did so and suddenly a bright light surrounded the paper and the fangs and claws disappeared and in their place was a bag filled with drachma.

Percy put the coins in his inventory and found it was 200 D exactly. Percy smiled and then looked through his inventory. He also had 8 ancient greek pots in his inventory. After selling them he got 16 D.

He then closed the HNI and put it away. He opened up the loot he got from killing Knight;

Money- 5000$

Enchanted sapling,

A sapling that can grow anywhere. It enrichens the room it's in and gives berries that provide +200MP.

Skill book: Shadow spying

Essence of Shadow, Crafting item

Sword skill book.

The money he obviously put it in his inventory. He then took a closer look at the sapling. It had white leaves and looked like it was already blooming bright red flowers. Percy took the sapling and put it near the window sill so that it got plenty of sunlight in the morning.

He then picked up the Essence of Shadow;

Essences of Shadow, Crafting item,

Used to craft object to embed the object with the nature of darkness itself.

Percy shrugged and put it away for later. He didn't really need it, maybe he would sell it later. Then came the Sword skill book. Last time he read one of these it gave him his best move, he expects no less this time.


You have obtained the Sword skill book!

Do you wish to learn?


Percy pressed yes and;


Skill leveled up!

· Sword Mastery, Lv-12 (0%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

60% more damage when using swords.

Sword combo: Stardust Wave

An attack which is a combo move which can be used by one or two swords. The number of strike is only limited by the amount of times you attack your enemy

Attack- [(Number of strikes x Vit) more damage + Dex]%

Cost- Cool down period, +3 seconds for every strike


Please select two of these attacks;

Water + Sword technique: Water's Kill

A technique that uses both water control and skill to perform, the user locks the target in place with their water control and then coats his blade with several water blades. When striking the opponent the water blades rip into the enemy's body ripping them to shreds.

Attack- Level of Water control + Level of Sword Mastery

Cost- Cost of Water control

Angel's Strike,

A techniques that uses multiple blades as a source of attack. The user attacks with one blade and then abandons it, grabs another blade and strikes the opponent's again. This is done several times until the user runs out of blade.

Attack: [Attack x Vit x Dex]% for each strike

Heavenly Ice Dragon,

A technique used to manage a large group of enemies. The user coats their blade with water and attacks. There are two major attacks,

Dragon's Fangs- if you draw blood from the emey a small part of the water from your blade travels in their blood and the user may chose when to freeze the water.

Dragon's Wings- a wide wave of ice sent sent out of the blade. This can be used to take out a large group of people easily.

Cost- 120 MP per use of all the water coated on the blade.

(Need Ice control!)

Heaven's Rain,

A technique that causes it to rain no matter the weather. The user can then control the rain that follows and use the droplets as water swords.

Cost-200 MP

Percy read through all the techniques carefully. It seems this time he got to chose two techniques. He couldn't use Heavenly Ice Dragon since he didn't have Ice control. Sure he could try and make it up but he really didn't want the technique right now. Maybe he would try and learn how to Ice Control later but for now pass.

Heaven's Rain is definitely in, Weather controlling powers? Hells to yeah!

So all that's left was Angel's Strike and Water's Kill. So after careful thought and deliberation Percy decided to pick Water's Kill. Why? Because it sounded cooler to say that Angels' Strike. Come one the monsters would laugh at him!

Percy picked the two techniques;


Are you sure you want,

Water + Sword technique: Water's Kill

A technique that uses both water control and skill to perform, the user locks the target in place with their water control and then coats his blade with several water blades. When striking the opponent the water blades rip into the enemy's body ripping them to shreds.

Attack- Level of Water control + Level of Sword Mastery

Cost- Cost of Water control

Heaven's Rain,

A technique that causes it to rain no matter the weather. The user can then control the rain that follows and use the droplets as water swords.

Cost-200 MP


Percy pressed yes and the box disappeared and the memory of how to do the two skills came into his head. Percy then waited for a moment, let the information digest and then turned to the next thing;


You have obtained Skill book: Shadow Spying!

Do you wish to learn?


Percy pressed yes and the book bursted into dust and the information went into his head.

Shadow Spying, Lv- 1 (0%)

You can use send your mana to infected another person shadow. For a certain time you will be able to hear whatever the person say and hears.

Mana- 10 MP every minute it is in use

Limit- 12 hours.

Percy liked this skill. It would be the perfect for spying on people. Percy then closed the screen looked around. It was getting late. He should probably go to bed. But there was something bugging him. It was Apollo's stupid curse.

The god cursed Percy for just being born and frankly it pissed Percy off. So while he can't kick Apollo's ass right now he could do the next best thing, showing him that even though he cursed me I can still be good at archery.

So with a grin Percy grabbed his bow and quiver and opened an empty ID so that he wouldn't have to sneak around. He walked across the now empty camp and came to the Arena. He walked up to the targets and readied himself. The ID he created would make sure he was alone and could concentrate. No noise to distract him, just him and his training.

Percy drew up the first arrow, notched it and then let it go.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


