The groaning sound and whimpering make Luna scrunch her eyebrow, she still feels tired and with the noisy sound makes her finally wide awake.
She pinches her forehead and looks around her. The unfamiliar room with the dim light makes her remember back that she's just married to Raymond Wayne today.
She then turned her head to the bed and see that Raymond seems like he's having a nightmare. It makes her panic a bit when he starts kicking the comforter. The air-conditioner is turned on, but, he heavily sweating like he was in the sauna.
She flips the blanket on her legs and went to the king-size bed. "Hey, Raymond, are you okay?" She tries to stop him from throwing a tantrum when he looks like he's half-asleep.
"Urgh!! don't leave me! I beg of you! Please.." He said those word without stuttering at all.
"Raymond? Raymond? Open your eyes please." Luna holds both of his hand from hitting his own face.
"No! Please!" His strength is no match for her, within a second he seizes her small hand and flips her body on the bed before he starts to strangle her with one hand, while the other holds both of her hand above her head.
"I won't go! I won't. So, please. Clam down." She said with a loud voice so that he could regain back his sanity.
With that being said, Raymond slowly opens his eyes. Once he saw who's on the bed, he immediately shoves her down the bed with rough. Surprised to see an unfamiliar face on his bed with such a nightgown she wears!
"Who are you?" he asks with a cold and menacing voice. Like a different person.
Luna coughs while touching her neck, it is so hard for her to breathe and talk right now.
"I asked you, who are you!!"
"I..I'm your wife, for god sake, Raymond. Why you strangled me?" Luna asks him back when she looked at him, still on the floor, trying to get up. His face turned grim, like he gonna murder her right now.
"Raymond?" She staggering while standing up. A bit dizzy.
"I'm not marrying anyone. Who sent you here?" Looking at how she dresses, he assumes she is one of a cheap woman who dares to climb up his bed. He jumps down from the bed and strangles her again. This time, he grips her neck harder than before.
Both of them fall on the floor where Raymond still strangling her. Feeling suffocated, Luna punches the bed frame which is made from high-quality wooden with her hand as hard as she can.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
"L-let go, Raymond!"
"Who are you?!"
"I'm..your..wife!! Luna!!" She punches again with a bit harder in hopes there's someone can hear it.
It'll be a tragedy if she dies on the wedding night because her husband lost his mind.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
"Oh my god, Raymond!" a hoarse voice from the door make Luna stop punching the bed frame. She was sure her hand already bruised by now or maybe her bone crack a little.
Two bulged man pull Raymond's body from her and Mr. Carson then injecting him with a sedative. Once he was weakening, they put him back on the bed.
"Are you okay, Mrs. Luna?" Mr. Carson immediately helps her to the couch and look at her neck which already turns a bit bluish mixed with the dark purple color around her neck.
"Mm.." She shakes her head. Tonight feels so long, she then falls unconscious.
"Take Mrs. Luna to the guest room, call doctor Fang to check on her." Mr. Carson gives order to the maids which on standby mode at the entrance door. Within a few minutes, the room turns calm back when all the maid already rush to the downstairs with the unconscious Luna.
"Who is she?" Raymond stared at the butler who slowly went to the bedside. He looks a bit pale.
"She is Ms. Luna. Your legal wife." Mr. Carson answers his question.
"My wife? I don't marry her! She's not my wife!! She CAN'T be my wife!!" He tries to yell even though his brain nerve is in the pain when he does that.
"You just marry her, today. This marriage is for the other 'you'. She gonna help to cure and be at the other 'you' side until you recover, you can decide what to do with her later."
Raymond clenched his jaw. "Whose idea is this?"
Lowered his head, he said. "Madam Victoria, sir."
"Ergh!!!!" He growls in anger. If only he could move his hand, he would throw anything at the wall right now.
His vision turns blurry and soon, he fell asleep as the medicine starts to kick in.
The next morning,
Luna having a high fever because of the trauma and shocked from the last night. If Mr. Carson did not barge in into the room last night, she probably already die tragically.
After she was sent to the guest room, doctor Fang has been looked at her bruise on the neck and her hand. The bruise becomes worsen the next morning and it's hard for her to eat and speaks too.
"W-where is d-darling?" Raymond look around the dining hall while eating his breakfast. When he notices that Luna is not there, he starts to become all antsy and he wouldn't stop doing so.
Mr. Carson then smile at him and said gently. "She is now resting. After you eat your breakfast, I'll bring you to see her. But, you can only see her and do not touch her, okay?"
"N-not t-touch her?" He looks at the man with curious eyes. Why can't he touch her?
"Yes, she is now sick. We don't want you to fall sick too, right?"
"O-Oh.." He nods his head and starts to gobble the food. He eats just like a little kid, messy and he always staining his t-shirt with the sauce too.
For the servant who lives in here since they move in, this is normal scene. Seeing the young master who once known as the fierce man turn into this childish version of him after that tragedy. Not to mention, an autism child.
: )
Extra 2 chap today!