
章 15: 1.14

Jia Hyson overestimated himself.

Like, really overestimated himself.

To be fair. He had forgotten Adrian is a virgin.

Well, was a virgin.

"F*ck," he curses as he drags himself out of bed. He hates that Drake's stupid sex halo didn't extend to a magical healing pen*s. Not only was his ass and lower back sore and aching, his shoulders sting from being bitten too many times and his lips had been kissed so much they felt bruised and numb. "Drake, we have to go, I can't afford to be late."

"Baby," Drake mumbles, satiated and drowsy, "if I tell them to move filming back by a day they'll do it, don't worry. Just come back to bed."

Jia Hyson: 눈_눈 '...This local tyrant'

Bebe: 'Bebe almost forgot Drake's family owns the company running this show.'

While for a moment Jia Hyson seriously considered the offer, in the end, much to Drake's disgruntlement, he rejected it. He wasn't so thick skinned as to disrupt the schedule of over half a season's worth of episodes because he was too busy recovering from losing his maidenhood. Luckily his physical health was fairly good so even though all he wanted to do was go to bed, his body was still energetic enough to crawl toward the showers, change and get into the last car to the competition area.

Drake, who was glowing with the smug pride of a man who finally got laid, slid into the car seat next to him. Jia Hyson rolls his eyes but allows the man to hold his hand with a warm heart. Only once he is about to leave the car does he casually informs his lover, "Next time, it will be my turn on top."

He doesn't turn back to see Drake's expression, just hurries into the building, concerned about being late.

Bebe: 'Woah, aren't you a shou?'

Jia Hyson: 'This Laozi can be whatever you want, shou, gong, straight, bent. I'm very talented.'╮(╯∀╰)╭

Bebe:  ಠ_ಠ Do you really need to sound so shameless about this?

There were three rounds- An ingredient identifying challenge, where the first five people who make a mistake has to move to the next challenge, which was to cook with the ingredient they failed the first challenge in. Finally the bottom two chefs would have to cook again, but with each other's main ingredient from the second round. Jia Hyson managed to free himself in the first round by showing off his knowledge on exotic ingredients, allowing him to go upstairs and take a nice nap in the corner. Maddy mixed up on sesame seeds and chia seeds so she had to proceed to the next round.

As exciting as it might be for other people, Jia Hyson hardly cared as the elimination challenge ended just as expected. In a sudden last minute 'twist', Shirley was kicked off the show. Honestly, if the one that she accidentally drugged wasn't Drake she could've probably gotten away from this whole situation with some face intact but because it was Drake, the producers who caught wind of the situation were understandably furious with her and so they didn't hesitate to fully explain the reason behind her leaving.

After this, Jia Hyson no longer paid much attention to the drama in the Miracle House. Watching Shirley be made an example of, made no one dare to use the same underhanded tricks, vigilance between contestants and the staff was also heightened at the same time. Maddy may have gone through trials and tribulations during the competition, but none of it involved any sexual connotations anymore save for some crude harassment and gossip spread by cannonfodder occasionally. Through this, Maddy matured both in her culinary skills but her mental fortitude, earning many comrades and admirers in the competition.

The only one who could eventually fight this scrappy underdog was the strongest contender to win, Drake Lanzoni.

It was all very competitive and awe-inspiring and motivating, however once Jia Hyson sensed the story was running the course he had planned for it and there was no longer any need to manipulate and prod it along, he quickly lost interest. All he wanted to do was go back to a lazier life as a model that occasionally posts stories when he could be bothered. Competing in Home-cooked Miracle was fun for a while but once Jia Hyson got used to it he found it quite boring and stressful, after all he didn't like long-term high pressure activities and he wasn't actually that passionate in cooking.

Around five weeks after Shirley left, Jia Hyson also followed suite. He only stuck around long enough to make top fifteen and accompany both his sister and lover for as long as he could possibly bear. And his body could possibly bear- no thanks to Drake trying to toss him about every time he lowers his guard. Though since their first night, they've never gone all the way again for (Jia Hyson's) fear of getting caught. Also, it had been dessert week and with his memory, not even Bebe could've helped him come out of those challenges unscathed.

A three foot croquembouche tower containing a hundred profiteroles, coated with toffee and filled with two different fillings in eighty minutes? Yeah, Jia Hyson knew this was as good a time as any to drop out.

Maddy was sad to see him go but it was nothing compared to Drake's devastated reaction. "Honestly darling," Jia Hyson helplessly says as he is nearly crushed to death by his overbearing younger lover's hug, "you're making it seem like we're never going to see each other again,"

"One day without you by my side feels like a hundred days," Drake petulantly says, "by the time you come back to visit me in the finals I would be old and wrinkled."

Jia Hyson was a little speechless at the shamelessness of his man. It was already embarrassing enough to be hugged so tightly in front of everyone in the kitchen and now you still have enough skin to spout this bullshit on camera? Drake your image is forever ruined! Ruined!

"Well.. absence makes the heart grow fonder?" He finally says only for Drake to immediately rebut.

"But I'm already so fond of you baby, if I feel anymore fond I fear I may burst from loving you too much." He says with a pitiful look that no one but Adrian could induce from him.

It was really just too much, Jia Hyson was the type that can be confident and shameless, but only in private or with people he was close with. In front of a crowd of relative strangers there was a limit. His nature is originally quite introverted, however as a life skill he grew to learn how to play the extrovert and socialize well with people. However even though Jia Hyson had acted very lively and playful he was actually quite thin-skinned, liking to keep a good reputation if he could help it. Turning red from embarrassment, he smacks his lover upside the head, "Idiot!" He scolds, "People are watching us! You, you, you- get off me!"

The Miracle contestants and judges: Eh? Isn't this supposed to be a touching farewell scene? Why are we being forced fed dog food?

Maddy: Hehe, I'm going to beat this brotherf*cker blind just wait and see (°ㅂ°╬)

By the time Jia Hyson returned back home, the second week of Home-cooked Miracle had finished being broadcasted and it had already became an even bigger hit than the last two seasons. Jia Hyson, being somewhat famous already as well as being one of the more handsome men present, had gained a massive surge of popularity that he hadn't truly prepared himself for. When he arrived at the airport he texted his agent and by the time the plane touched down his phone had blown up with job offers.

Monroe was waiting for him by the doorway as he arrived, his usual stoic and cold expression softened with the warm look in his eyes and the faint smile on his handsome features. "Adrian, you're back,"

Jia Hyson smiles wildly, his heart melting at such a heartwarming sight. Secretly he couldn't help but admit that while he didn't dote in Monroe as much as he did Maddy, Monroe was his favorite, the very definition of a model child.

Emphasis on model, Jia Hyson couldn't help but give the younger man a once over. Damn, he'd almost forgotten how attractive Monroe grew up to be. Despite not being a protagonist, a male lead or even a cannonfodder love interest, Monroe's attractiveness was equal to Drake's, maybe even more so depending on one's tastes. While not rich, his temperament was good, he was intelligent and had a strong, domineering air. If Jia Hyson was not filled with brotherly love, he was genuinely afraid of eating him up.

Ah, to be honest, he was still afraid of eating him up. (/≧ω\)

Bebe: Disgusting 눈_눈

"I'm back," Jia Hyson confirms with a pleased smile, like he hadn't been checking Monroe out, "Come, help me unpack, I'll make you, your favorites tonight."

Monroe's grey eyes lit up, even though he couldn't cook, growing up with Maddy and Adrian had made him a glutton and a picky eater. The days without either of them had not only made the house feel empty but his stomach as well.

Jia Hyson laughs lightly, used to Monroe's micro expressions. Kissing him playfully on the cheek he passes him by to head to his room with his luggage, missing the way Monroe lightly touches the spot Jia Hyson had pressed his lips against with a distinctly un-platonic expression of want. Grey eyes darkening with desire as he watches his beautiful older brother finally come back home.

Monroe's heart finally settled down a little at the thought. Before it had been discomforting without Adrian around, the warmth of the house sucked away without his presence. When he watched some other man pursue Adrian on the show, the pain in his chest became nearly unbearable. However, now that Adrian was back it almost felt like a bad dream.

Maddy: ...this spicy chicken, are you really my brother? (¬_¬)

Jia Hyson was also happy to reconnect with his brother. They were both quiet people and Monroe understood Jia Hyson's need to wind down after a long day of socializing and work which made him feel a strong sense of security and comfort from Monroe. Catching up with what's been happening while unpacking was enjoyable.

Monroe, to Jia Hyson's delight, had gotten top scores so far during his time in university. His professors liked him so much he was already being recommended jobs and was pretty much set for life.

"Good!" Jia Hyson praises excitedly, "Very good! Monroe when you become rich and successful don't forgot to take care of your good brother okay?"

Bebe: 'You already have Drake and you still want to grab onto another golden thigh? How greedy~'

Jia Hyson: 'A man needs two thighs to walk, so wouldn't it make sense to have two golden thighs as well?' ╮(╯∀╰)╭ 'Besides, he's my cute brother. I ate trash to save enough money for his school trip. If he doesn't treat me well then who's the real trash here?'

Bebe couldn't argue with that. Or rather, it refused to. It feared that, even though it was made with super advanced technology, it's IQ would drop if it conversed any further with his host.

Jia Hyson in turn, showed off the skills he had learnt during the competition- which wasn't that much considering he was making pasta. Pasta, any sort really, was Monroe's favourite food. Drake also had a strong penchant for good pasta as well, Jia Hyson felt heartened by this, believing they would probably get along quite well.

Still, he was determined to show off a bit and with the ingredients at hand, made something a little fancier than what he would have usually made beforehand, "Chicken pasta with pea pesto and crispy chorizo." He declares smugly.

Monroe nods, acknowledging his words. Jia Hyson wasn't offended by the lack of verbal response, he was already deeply gratified by the way Monroe was hungrily staring at the large bowl of pasta. Ever since he had brought it into the room, those grey eyes hadn't strayed from the dish.

They ate in comfortable silence, only the sounds of chewing and the clinking of cutlery on plates filled the room. Only when they were done did the silence break with Monroe offering to wash the dishes. Jia Hyson immediately agrees with a cheeky smile making the other man smile dotingly. After all, how could he not know by now that, despite Adrian's hardworking nature, he greatly disliked doing basic household chores like ironing or toilet scrubbing, preferring to use his older brother authority to push the jobs onto him and Maddy.

Once the pair had cleaned up and washed up, they both agreed to watch the newest episode of Home-Cooked Miracle. Well, it was more Monroe insisting with a teasing smirk and Jia Hyson reluctantly agreeing. He may be a bit of a narcissist who enjoyed secretly staring at his modeling photos from time to time but watching himself on television was really not his cup of tea. Especially listening to a recording of himself talk, it always gives him the feeling of wanting to dig a hole and burying himself there.

Bebe: 'Funny, that's exactly how I feel listening to you too.' (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Jia Hyson: (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻ '..Scram!'

However once the show started, Monroe was no longer smiling.

Why? Well the third week had been the week where Adrian and Drake got together!

During the second week he had watched Drake pursue his brother, and as infuriating as it was, it was also rather heartening to see that man get continually rejected. How could he have known that pattern would have ended so quickly? And so easily too! It made Monroe's slow, patient waiting seem like a huge joke in comparison.

However the bitter pain of watching this was almost nothing compared to his beloved older brother's commentary.

"Ah, isn't Drake so cute? You know, he still doesn't know me and Maddy are brother and sister? Hah, he's really such an idiot," Jia Hyson chuckles with flushed cheeks, ignoring his initial shyness at watching himself flail in the kitchen, he was enjoying himself. The filming and editing crews really did a great job, ramping up tensions and drama that even made Jia Hyson be sucked in despite knows more or less how things turned out.

Excitedly, he clings to Monroe's arm, hugging it tightly as he watches Lex over whip his cream. Because he was cooking as well, obviously he didn't get to see other people struggle, ah, he felt a little refreshed watching this. So focused on the show Jia Hyson failed to notice how tense Monroe was, nor did he sense the man's increasingly dark mood.

Bebe, who noticed both these things: ...QAQ 'H-hey, Host, your bro is making a real scary expression! Host!'

"Hm?" Prodded by his system, Jia Hyson looks up to see Monroe looking at him with eyes filled with indecipherable emotions. "Monroe? What's wrong?"

"You're really dating that man?" He asks quietly, but the low thrum of anger and something even darker was present in his voice that made Jia Hyson instantly wary.


Suddenly hot lips pressed harshly against his own, kissing him with a ferocity and desperation that made Jia Hyson feel like he was being consumed by a raging fire and struck by lightening at the same time. For a moment, he couldn't stop himself from melting into the fiercely passionate kiss, moaning softly as he leans into him. However his moral integrity final kicks in and using all his strength, Jia Hyson pushes Monroe back...

And punches him. Hard.

"You-!" Jia Hyson gasps for breath, his mind slow and foggy from the kiss. Silently he panics. Wasn't the inconceivably impossible pleasure he got from Monroe's touch almost the same as Drake's?! Could it be he was wrong about Drake's male lead halo and everybody has this level of natural sexual talent? How f*cking unfair is that?! No, no, wait, he's kissed a few guys and girls beforehand for work purposes and he barely felt a spark much less the wildfire he had just experienced.

Even now his breathing hadn't abated and his body yearned for more.

Determinedly he slaps himself, a sharp sound echoing the already silent room shocking Monroe who had been about to speak. Jia Hyson didn't care how stupid he looked, purely relieved that the lust in his body had subsided.

Bebe: 'Wow, given all that talk about green hats and watching your lover cry, Bebe didn't think you had such upstanding moral fortitude in these sort of matters.'

Jia Hyson: 'Shut up! I'm kinky but I'm not a white-eyed wolf! I never cheat on my lovers. Even if I date multiple people at the same time, everyone is fully aware and consenting. It's like my one good trait in a relationship dammit!' (╬ಠ益ಠ)

Bebe: ...do you expect Bebe to applaud for you? 눈_눈

"Adrian, I-"

Jia Hyson couldn't even look at Monroe. Partly out of genuine anger that Monroe had sprung a messy pseudo-incest brotherly love flag out of nowhere and partly for fear his body's desires would betray him. There was a faint feeling of betrayal at having someone he viewed as a brother thinking that way about him but it was practically nonexistent. After all, Jia Hyson was very clear in his heart that Monroe was not his brother, both in and out of the story. Also, it helped a lot that Monroe was blindingly handsome.

Standing up, he opens his mouth to say something but finds himself a bit of a loss at where to even begin. Finally he just awkwardly left the room, locked the door to his bedroom and screamed into his pillows.

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe! Author god didn't see that right?! Author god would only care about Maddy's progress right? She's not going to suddenly write a love triangle in the middle of the story right? That would sideline the main character's journey!'

Bebe: '...How would this cute Bebe know what gets put into the new story and what doesn't?' ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Jia Hyson: 'Wuwuwu.. ಥ_ಥ that damn white-eyed Wolf! How dare he ruin my hard work with his inappropriate intentions and smoldering sexuality!'

Bebe: (¬_¬) '... What was that last part?'

Jia Hyson: '...Nothing.' (/ω\)

Bebe: (°ㅂ°╬)

Still, Jia Hyson felt genuinely awkward about this. He was dating Drake, and unless Drake was into cuckolding, he wouldn't actually cheat on the man. Even if Jia Hyson was inclined to, it wouldn't be someone that would completely ruin his goals like Monroe. However, Jia Hyson also has never been in a situation where he has to reject a family member before, and such a close one too.

They say you shouldn't date the people you work with. This. This is really just a more extreme version of that.

He sighs tiredly. Jia Hyson was quite anxious thinking about it, after all he was deeply fond of Monroe and was selfish enough to admit that he didn't want to choose between him and Drake. Though if Monroe insists... there really wasn't a choice to make.

However as the older brother he has to be strong and prevent that! Even though they couldn't cross the taboo line they can still be friends, nay, they can still be family! Fueled with motivation, Jia Hyson bursts out of the door into the kitchen, determined to keep his plot intact and his beautiful brotherly relationship. However what awaited him on the dining table was a note.

Picking it up, Bebe, who has no boundaries, begins to read.

Bebe: 'Adrian, I am sorry for my inexcusable behavior. After reflecting on it, I realized it's best if we maintain our relationship as brothers. I'll be gone for a week but when I come back I assure you things will go back to the way they are.'

Jia Hyson felt something akin to guilt stir in his chest despite knowing that for once he really hadn't done anything wrong.

Bebe: 'I love you and as long as your happy, I'll be just as happy by your side-Uwuwuwu, Host! Bebe didn't know your bro was so romantic! Ditch that loser male lead! Bebe won't blame you!' ಥ_ಥ

Jia Hyson: 눈_눈 Bebe, my system, why are you cheering for the pseudo-incest trope? Could it be you were paired with me because you're also a pervert?

Still, Jia Hyson felt a little moved by Monroe, his chest fluttering at the simple but sincere words that really did embody Monroe's personality and feelings. With a sigh, he ruthlessly forces himself to squash such troublesome emotions before they even budded.

If he knew before meeting Drake, or even before the competition, he would've let his interest in Monroe take its course and tweak the storyline to make the relationship more palatable. Cultivating long term feelings was hard for Jia Hyson, maintaining them was harder, however for Drake it didn't feel so difficult and he senses the potential relationship with Monroe might have been just as easy. Jia Hyson sighs a regretfully again, rubbing his chest absentmindedly before going to cook himself some breakfast. Monroe did him a favor for stepping out by himself, he truly appreciates it. Ah, he really is a good kid.

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