42.85% Spring Of My Life / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : I Don't Want to Lose My Family Again

章 3: Chapter 3 : I Don't Want to Lose My Family Again

  "Thank you for showing me your cute and childish side, I now like you even more..."

  "Today is 30th of April, two days has been passed since my birthday but I don't know why since that day I'm continously having dreams about her and the moment she kissed me on the cheek, whenever that comes to my mind I suddenly starts blushing even though I know that anyone can do that, kissing on the cheek is no big deal. Like every parents kisses their child on the cheek, I mean even though I don't know how it feels like because they passed away when I was so little but..... Ahhh, now that I said it, I'm starting to feel anxious, what was the need of saying it? I'm such a idiot.... maybe I should call her and ask her why this is happening with me."

   Haru call Aina... she picks up right away....

"Hi Haru..."

"How did you get to know it's me."

"Well.. I don't know, I just got the feeling that you will call me. So, I was just waiting for your call."

"Man... I wish I would have had that foresight power to check what's going to happen."

"Hahaha... don't worry I don't any types of power it was just a coincidence that's all."

"Yes!... I'm saved...."

"Why? What are you hiding from me?"

"...my plan for our date....."

"Idiot.... (she blushed) so, why did you called?"

  "Nothing, I was feeling bored that's all. (I can't tell her that I'm was feeling anxious she will get worried - he thought.)"

"Then I know exactly what to do."

"What is it?"

"Let's go to Aquarium!! (Said in a excited manner)"

"Sure it will be fun so let's meet at café or are you going to come at my house?"

"I'm coming at your house get ready..."


   And so it would have taken him nearly 10 minutes but in excitement he took about 25 minutes.

"Ok I should go outside to wait for her.."

  As he opens his door Aina was standing outside...

"Hey Haru where were you all this time?"

"I'm was getting ready."

"I was ringing your bell for about 10 minutes."

"Sorry I'm was shouting loudly in excitement."

   She laughed and said...

"Silly it's not Saturday date today you were continously talking about."

"What did you said just now I didn't heard it properly."

  She said that in low voice because of little bit blushing, so he didn't heard it properly.

"Nothing I said let's get going."

"Ok I'm ready now let's go."

  They went to the railway station and waited for the train."

"Hey so what should we do Aina, which fish do you want to see first?"

"Maybe... I don't know, we will think about that when we reach there, okay?"

"Yeah, sure..."

  And so their waiting continuous.... after a while their train arrived and sat in the train...

  Haru picked up his phone and started playing games...

"Hey Aina can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

  "Please keep a look out for our station, the day when we met I missed my station and got late becuase like today I was playing games...."

"Then stop playing it...."

"But there isn't anything else to do."

"Look behind outside the window."

  He turned around and looked outside. There was a beautiful view of Mt.Fuji . The moment Haru looked at it,his eyes lightened up by the view, the view was giving relaxation to his eyes but unfortunately the view got blocked by the building after a while....

"Thank you Aina..."

"Why? I did nothing."

"You showed me something beautiful I didn't even know that could be seen from here."

"It's Ok, now let's get going our station has arrived."

  And so they started walking towards Aquarium.

"Hey Aina wanna eat something first?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Ahhh.... no (and suddenly his stomach made noise becuase of hunger)"

"Let's go and eat something, looks like your stomach is starving.."

"Ok let's go."

"Where do you wanna go to café or restaurant?"



  They reached café in less than 10 min... and suddenly Haru sneezes...

"Hahaha Haru look at your hair..."

  He blushed by seeing her laughing that hard and in such cute way.

"Please tell me they are not like that day."

"They are looking exactly the same."

"Maybe my nose doesn't like being in the cafés."

"Yep sure looks like it."

"Excuse me!"

  She calls out for waiter.

"We would like 1 cup of coffee and a chocolate shake and donuts please."

"Ok ma'am right away."

  Haru asks to Aina.

"Hey, how did you get to know that I wanted chocolate shake and donut?"

"It's was written right on your face."

"I swear you should be a detective."

"Oh come on I was just kidding, I just took a guess that's all."

"But still a guess that perfect?"

"Well as much as I know you I thought you would like a chocolate shake and donut."

"Man it hasn't been even 5 days since we met and you know me so well. You have become a family for me."

  She blushed becuase of the sweet things he said for her without even knowing.

  He touches her head.

"Hey are you okay you are all red, don't tell me you got fever today?"

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it.(She blushed even harder becuase he touched her so suddenly)"

"Ok but are you sure?"

"Yes I'm fine, Haru."

  Then they had their coffee and they started going towards the aquarium, after a few minutes they reached there. As soon as they reached there, a bright smile on Aina came up. She was very excited for the aquarium.

She grabs the hand of Haru and rushes in.

"I know let's go and see dolphin show and I wanted to see them since I was a child. (She said in excitement) "

"Yeah, let's go"

  But as soon as they entered they noticed something. There was a huge line of people waiting for tickets for dolphin show.

"Why I didn't noticed it, currently golden week is going on. (She said in disappointment)"

"Don't worry let's go to see something else by the time we will come I'm sure the line will be gone."

"Ok if you say so."

  They went to see the penguins first.

"Wow look at that Haru a cute little baby penguin, so cute!"

"They sure are really cute. Hey check that one swimming he is swimming so fast man!"

"Let's go and check sea lions! (Too much excited)"

  After a while.....

"Aina don't you think they look like a mixture of fish and dog, look at their puppy eyes and fish tail."

"Now that you have mentioned it you are correct... totally agreed."

  Talking like some types of old person while having tea.

"Hey Aina I know, why don't we go and see the main attraction?"

"Which one?"

"The whale-sharks!"

  After reaching there-

"Wow! Look at that, they are massively giant creatures. (Haru very much excited)"

  "Yeah and they are swimming like they are actually flying, they are barely even moving their tails, thank goodness they only eat plantons otherwise they can swallow a whole person easily."

  After starring the whale-sharks for half an hour they went to other places. They saw turtles and stingrays and then they went to check out the tropical fishes section.

"Ummm, Haru? Look at this thing."

"Ahhh what's that? (suprised)"

  There was a big fish sticking it's mouth on the glass and looking right towards them.

"That scared me."

"Me too...."

   After that they went to see the baby fishes section where all the new born baby fishes are kept like stingrays and sharks. There you can even touch them.

"Hey look at this cute little stingray.."

  "Hey Aina you should be careful from that tail of it's that contains poison the big stingrays contains even more poison."

"Ok I will be careful from it."

"Hey maybe we should go to see the dolphin show now."

"Yeah let's go..."

  And they started going to buy the tickets for dolphin show but they were walking slowly becuase they still had doubt whether there would still be a long line. But fortunately when they reached only few people where remaining.

  "Yay! We are saved I thought we have to still wait becuase there would be still a long line here but now there aren't that much people.(He said in a relieved manner)"

"Let's go and get the tickets before they runs out."

"Yeah I can't wait any longer."

  And so after that they bought the tickets and entered. It was a huge dome shaped place there was huge swimming pool in the centre and a little away from the edge of the pool started the sitting branches...

  "Wow! look at the size of this place, I hope the show would be great, Hey Aina let's go and sit at the middle row we will get a good look from there..."


  They go and sit nearby the middle row and waits for the show to start, when they noticed there were many people in that place.

  Then the show started after a few minutes, there were really some amazing tricks by the dolphins.

"Hey Haru, that dolphin just did a backflip!"

"Yeah I saw that! They are amazing!"

  Aina turned and looked at Haru, his eyes were twinkling like crazy he was loving the show, she was amazed to see Haru getting so worked up becuase he was such a lazy person when she met him on the first day but he had changed a lot.... she was smiling becuase she was glad to see him happy. After half an hour the show ended....

  Everybody suddenly started rushing to get out for no reason, Haru and Aina were sitting and waiting for the situation to calm down and for the crowd to become a little less but the staff approach them and asked them to leave becuase more people would be entering the room to see the show so they got up and walked to the exit corridor but due to crowding they got separated... Haru waited on the outside of the exit door for her but she didn't came so he started looking for her everywhere they went earlier.

  But after searching the whole place 2-4 times still he didn't found her he started being worried, then he remembered that there was a announcement room for searching people who got lost, he went to ask person the incharge to call her name. Fortunately the person incharge of the room was there he called out her name....

"Mrs.Aina Sakura.... if you are hearing this please come to the announcement room immediately.

  He announced it 4 times, after even 20 minutes she didn't came... Haru was getting into tension and he was worried sick about her.... then she enters the room a few minutes later.... just by seeing her okay he was relieved.

  He ran towards her and..... tightly hugs her...

"Hey Haru what is it? Are you okay?"

  Then she noticed Haru was crying really badly and he was trembling and was looking really worried.

  "Where were you? Why did you came right away after the announcement? I was so worried.... (He was crying while saying this)"

"Haru, look at my foot for a second please."

  When he look at her foot it was badly swollen....

  "Someone stepped really hardly on my foot, due to which it got swollen but after getting out from there I thought you would have been searching for me somewhere nearby so instead of waiting I went to look for you but the pain increased significantly so I sat nearby the exit door. And then I heard the announcement but due to the pain it took me quite a amount of time to reach here. I'm sorry....

  "No I'm the one who should say sorry. I'm sorry, I should have held your hand when we were getting out from there. I'm sorry, I gave you this pain. I'm sorry, for crying this way. When I got out and didn't found you I again met the feeling of being alone and lonely and again got to suffer from the lonliness of being alone even in the crowd. I got scared by the thought of losing you, you are currently almost everything for me, You and Haruto are my only family now and when I thought I would lose you the only thing came to my mind was how I lost my family and so I became even more worried becuase I Don't Want to Lose My Family Again. (Everything in this paragraph was said while crying)"

  As he said this Aina held him tightly

  "Don't worry Haru I will always be there for you I will never go. No need to cry now, you will not lose your family ever again...

  Her words calmed down Haru, the words she spoke were like words spoken by a true angel, her face was so beautiful at that time, she had tears in her eyes but still she was smiling to cheer up Haru that look maded him to say-

  "You are currently looking more beautiful than the view I saw today of Mt.Fuji, it looks like a cherry blossom tree after rain, whose flowers are now shining even more and looking more beautiful becuase of the drops of water on it."

  Those words changed the look on her face, she smiled with a cute face and the expression on her face clearly told that she was deeply impressed by those words

"Thank you Haru, those were sweetest words spoke ever spoke to me even while I was crying."

"Now can we go home? I'm tired and it's already 6 o'clock it will take us 1 hour to get back home..."

"Yeah let's go back..."

  As Aina got up to stand her foot ached really badly...

"Ouch! It hurts a lot...."

"Here come and climb on my back... you can't walk you know....."

  It was a little embarrassing  but still she climb on his back....

"OK, let's go home now..."

  They starts heading back home, they reached the railway station and caught their train on time. They sat peacefully and waited for their station. After reaching their station They booked a cab to go home...

"Hey Aina do you leave alone?"

"Yeah I live alone in a apartment."

   They went to Aina's home first...

"OK climb on my back again you can't climb stairs."

"Ok but last time."

"Yeah sure...."


  They slowly climbed the stairs... and reached her apartment.

"Hey are you okay Aina?"

"Yeah just in a little pain."

"Wait I will do something where is your room?"

"Straight up ahead."


  He entered her room lay her down on her bed and went to the kitchen.

"Maybe I should make a ice pack for her, the swelling will get low by it."

  He prepares a ice pack for her and goes to the room. But she was already fast asleep.

"Hey Aina wake up."

"Please let me sleep, I promise I will do the cleaning afterwards Mom."

  "Man! What should I do now..... I'm sorry Aina it will hurt, but it will decrease your swelling and give you relief, please endure it a bit"

  He grabs her leg and keeps it on his lap, and slowly starts to put ice pack on her swelled part.

"Ahhh!!! (She woke up) it hurts."

"Please Aina I know it hurts but it will help you get rid of swelling and pain."

"Ok but please do it slowly."

"Ok I will try my best to give you least amount of pain as possible."


  He slowly keeps the ice pack on her foot and lifts it up whenever she starts to feel pain.


"Please endure it now I'm going to keep it for a little long Ok?"

"Yeah ok. Hey, Haru can hold your hand?"

"Ok....I guess."

  As he kept it, it started to increase the pain. But somehow after continously doing this for sometime she got relieved from the pain and swelling also decreased.

"Ok so do you want to have dinner now?"

"Yeah I'm kinda hungry."

"Ok so wait here and rest."


  He went to the kitchen and started making dinner. After sometime...

"Hey Aina are you awake?"

"Yeah I'm, just a little sleepy...."

"Here I made some curry rice, try it."


  She takes a bite.

"My God, how did you learned to cook so well."

"My laziness helped me, after having a good meal I usually gets a good night sleep."

"You will never change, will you? (She smiled)"

"So Aina maybe I should go home it's already 11 o'clock it's quite late already."

"Ok be careful while going back."

  He went back.....

"Man! I'm so exhausted, I should take a bath maybe."

  He goes and have a bath.

"I should maybe have dinner too, I haven't eaten anything."

  Eats his dinner and goes to sleep.

"It's been a while since I have been this exhausted maybe it's becuase of whatever happened today. But I'm still so happy to know her. But I'm still worried whenever the thought of me losing her....

                                        End of Chapter 3

                                       Things to be noted

1) All the things in the brackets are used to tell you about the names, expressions, who spoke to whom, in which manner and meanings of words.

2) This is my first time writing a novel so I don't know whether I will make more volumes or not but if you liked it, thanks a lot.

3) All the sentence in quotation mark are used for indicate what character were speaking and the ones without quotation mark are used for sentences said by the narrator.

4) I'm not from Japan but I tried writing a Japanese type of novel so there might be few things like about japanese culture, etc.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


