5.26% Resident Evil: Vengeance / Chapter 3: Viral Outbreak

章 3: Viral Outbreak

Page rushes through the hull door onto the front deck to see Larry and Zack on the docks, being dragged towards the town by unknown culprits. She takes aim at one of the men as Jacob runs out of the hull.


She pulls the trigger, the gunshot blasting through the air as the bullet hits one of the men in the shoulder, making them let go of Zack. Suddenly an inhuman roar comes from above. Something suddenly tackles her from above, pinning her to the ground. Jacob quickly grabs the person that tackled her and slams them into the hull door. Another person jumps down on him and he stumbles forward, but places a leg forward to keep himself up.

He then pushes himself backwards, slamming the person into the wall. As Page scrambles up onto her feet she spots more people rushing towards them from the other boat. There's another thud as Jacob slams into the wall, getting the man off him. The other person he had thrown starts getting up, but Page shoots them in the arm, stunning them just long enough for Jacob to finish with a headshot. He does the same to the other one before aiming at the guys coming at them.

With two clean headshots they both fall down. He then shoots one of the men that was heading for Zack. He misses but quickly shoots again and gets another headshot. He fires at the man dragging Larry and gets another headshot. The one Page had shot in the arm before is running into the town. Jacob aims and fires but misses.

"Damnit!" He mutters under his breath as he reloads. The coast clear, Zack and Larry runs towards them, with Page meeting them halfway on the docks.

"What the hell is going on!?" They exclaim, both filled with worry. Jacob keeps his gun up as he scans the area, making sure there's nothing moving around on the other boat.

"Either everyone has gone insane, or they weren't kidding when they said zombies," Jacob states as he walks up to them, lowering his gun.

"Zombies? You can't be serious," Larry replies.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm sure the corpses in the boat we were just in had come back to life and attacked us. Regardless, it's clear none of you even know how to shoot properly,"

"What do you mean? I shot the guy dragging Zack and the one at your feet just now,"

"Yes and the guy you shot in the arm, just ran into the town no doubt getting reinforcements. If you're gonna shoot, shoot to-"

Before Jacob can finish his sentence, the hull door of the first boat opens up. Jacob quickly draws his gun as someone walks out. It's Zane, Terry, and Jayce. Zack and Larry start walking towards the boat.

"Oh thank god, you guys are-"

Jacob puts out an arm and stops them, then aims at the two men once more. They stop in their tracks.

"You gonna just stand there, or say something?" Jacob asks, glaring at the two men. It's just barely too dark to make out their features. He turns on his gun's light. Their eyes shine a bright red for a second before the two men suddenly put their hands up. Without hesitation, Jacob pulls the trigger and shoots Terry in the head.

"Hey, what the fuck-!" Zack exclaims before Zane suddenly starts to snarl at them. Jacob takes another shot and Zane falls to the floor. Jayce was charging at them, lunging from the boat towards them. It goes for Jacob who fires a shot that hits the torso before he's pushed backwards onto the ground. Page grabs her taser off her belt and jams it into Jayce's side. It stuns him long enough for Jacob to push him off and grab his knife which he rams into Jayce's skull.

"How the hell did this happen? I thought people like Terry were use to this shit," Jacob says as gets he puts his knife away and start rummaging through Jayce's stuff.

"How the hell are you not phased by any of this?!" Larry asks, visibly distraught, "You just killed three people, on top of all the others!"

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to," Jacob replies as he grabs some ammo and gets up.

"Guess we should feel lucky you're on our side..." Zack comments.

"How did you know they were infected?" Page asks as Jacob heads for the boat to rummage the other corpses.

"Well for one it seems like utter bullshit that only two gunshots would go off and they'd be perfectly fine. And in case you didn't know, human eyes don't glow red when you shine a light on them. If you watched horror movies or played horror games you'd learn some useful survival tips,"

He finishes grabbing ammo off them and heads back down to them. The three of them just look at him with uneasy expressions, unable to think of a response.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


