29.76% A Bend in Time / Chapter 359: October 31st Ⅲ

章 359: October 31st Ⅲ

The door behind them opened as a large group of people came in Professor Dumbledore, followed closely by Stephen Flint, Professor Vulchanova, Madam Maxime, Professor Slughorn, and Mr. Amundsen.

Jean Delacour turned with concern to his headmistress. "Madam Maxime iz it true zat zis poor girl will compete for 'ogwarts? She iz merely fourteen!"

Madam Maxime drew herself up to her full height as the top of her handsome head crushed the candle-filled chandelier. Her gigantic black-satin bosom swelled indignantly. "What iz ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr?" She said imperiously. "Iz it because she iz your apprentice?!"

"I'd like to know that answer as well, Dumbledore," Professor Vulchanova coldly inquired. His sharp pale features only seemed that much colder and harsher than before. "I thought there was an age line in place."

"There is," Mr. Amundsen came to Dumbledore's rescue. "Flint and I personally checked the circle, after it was cast, and just now again. It was never broken into."

Professor Dumbledore turned to gaze at his apprentice with rather grave eyes. "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Rowan?"

"No," Rowan angrily spat out. "But I am certain Severus and Terry had something to do with it. They both looked incredibly guilty and didn't have time to answer my question on what exactly they had done before I was called way."

"I see," Dumbledore said as a bit of warmth returned to his eyes. "Professor Slughorn, will you kindly go and retrieve the two boys?"

Professor Slughorn hurriedly trots out as they wait for him to return. Not long after the pale ashen-faced figures of Terry and Severus can be seen. Turning to face the two boys, Dumbledore says, "Mr. Greengrass, and Mr. Prince, exactly what did the both of you do?"

Terry's flaxen hair seems to wilt under the headmaster's stern but kindly gaze. His brown eyes are murky for once as he hangs his head in guilt. "It was my idea, sir," Terry softly said. "I thought it would be funny considering that it would be near impossible for Rowan to be chosen, Professor Dumbledore."

"And how did the two of you circumvent the age circle?" Dumbledore pointedly inquired.

Terry slightly raises his gaze as he says, "Well, in olden times apprentices were considered as the mark of adults. I thought that since the Goblet of Fire is ancient despite the age circle, it would accept Rowan or Severus crossing the age line and entering the tournament.

I convinced Severus to transfigure into Rowan and write her name on a slip of parchment, before dropping it into the goblet. Since they are twins, once transfigured, I thought that the Goblet of Fire would certainly accept the parchment on behalf of Rowan. But I never dreamed it would actually work! I just wanted to prank Rowan! I would have never done it if I thought Rowan's name would be called out!" Terry hung his head miserably down as he awaited his punishment.

Amundsen wryly says, "My, my, the children of now seem much cleverer than in my time."

"It's not funny," Rowan snapped not caring if she was rude. "I don't have to be the champion for Hogwarts, do I?"

"Unfortunately, you do, Miss Prince," Stephen Flint flatly replied. "Despite you being the innocent party here, the Goblet of Fire recognized and accepted your twin brother's application on your behalf. You are legally and magically bound to participate in the tournament. And the Goblet of Fire has gone out and has been enchanted to not relight itself until five years from now."

For the first time in a very long time, Rowan was seriously angry. "Idiot!" Rowan spat at Severus as he flinched as though she had gutted him. She couldn't even stand to look at him as she stared into the flames in utter fury.

Severus raises his haunted sincere gaze as he remorsefully says, "I'll take any punishment you want, Professor Dumbledore. But please don't make her participate. It was all my fault; Rowan would never have wanted to participate in her own recognizance. She called the tournament a stupid death trap of doom." Amundsen chokes at the last part as the adults glance at each other.

Flint sadly shakes his head and says, "I emphasize with your inner turmoil, but this is a binding magical contract which you knowingly signed on her behalf. The only good bit of news is that your both being apprentices proves that your sister can handle that which will be thrown at her in the tournament. And as the Goblet of Fire did select her that must mean she is the best choice for Hogwarts." There is a bit of an awkward silence as no one seems to really believe his last statement.

Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes gently study the two ashen-faced youths. "I won't punish either of you, beyond a week's detention with Professor Slughorn," Dumbledore firmly answered earning glances of disbelief from the rest of the parties in the room and a fierce scowl from Rowan.

"I will immediately inform your parents, Mr. Greengrass, and your grandfather in your case, Mr. Prince of tonight's events," Dumbledore announced to everyone in the room. "And as for the two of young men, the both of you will explain to the entire school and our guests exactly what the two of you did. Professor Slughorn if you would please make sure to escort them to the Great Hall and make sure they can be heard in the Great Hall; I would greatly appreciate it."

Terry and Severus turn a bit green at that. That was worse than any number of detentions being served or even a Howler. This time the entire school would know exactly who was to blame for their champion. Their displeasure was most certainly to be known by everyone except for Slytherin. And well, it'd been a long time since Slytherin had been a champion. They would take whatever they could get, no matter how dubious the circumstances might be.

Green faced the both of them are led out by Professor Slughorn. Severus kept glancing in Rowan's direction, but not once did she glance up at look. The door firmly closed behind them one more leaving the room in an awkward state.

Clearing his throat, Amundsen says, "Well, it's best we get on with it, no?"

"Ah yes," Mr. Flint softly said, before straightening back up. "The instructions for the first task are as follows. The first task is designed to test the champions' daring. Therefore, we will not be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard and is very important.

The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted for the task to seek or accept the help of any kind from their teachers or in Miss Prince's case from an apprenticeship Master to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over.

Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempt from the end-of-year tests except in the case of Miss Prince as she is serving an apprenticeship. Miss Prince will be exempt from of her regular courses except for Alchemy, Advanced Arithmancy, Gobbledegook, and Ancient Studies as well as a final exam on Mermish to be conducted by Professor Dumbledore and an official from the Ministry of Magic."

Jean Delacour stares at Rowan with pity, but as Rowan is still very MAD, she doesn't even notice. Igor Karkaroff on the other hand is unable to hide a triumphant smirk. But not that Rowan cared about what the toothpick weasel thought, but she would later be sure to get even.

Mr. Flint turned to Dumbledore as he said, "That is all, Professor Dumbledore. I must be getting back to the Ministry along with Amundsen." Amundsen made his goodbyes to the champions before departing from the room as both men made their way off the grounds to apparate back to the Ministry.

Professor Vulchanova sniffs and beckons Karkaroff after him who looks as though he's already won. Jean Delacour hesitantly pats Rowan on the back and given her height she was already that much taller by more than a head. "Cheer up, Mizz Prince," Jean Delacour said. "It 'ill be okay."

Rowan credits herself enough to briskly nod at him, before he follows Madam Maxime half listening to them speak in French. Only Rowan and Dumbledore are left inside as without glancing up at him, she says, "I think it's best I go to bed now."

"Of course," Dumbledore said as he moved aside and watched her go and slam the door behind her.

Rowan stomped her way downstairs with the only mercy being that she didn't meet a single person on her way down. The moment the Slytherin common room opened the blast of chatter fell silent as the Slytherins gave way to her. They'd all heard what had happened and knew for a fact that she must at present be furious.

Still, there was a cheery smile on the Slytherin faces that couldn't be wiped off. What Greengrass and Prince did was appalling. But it was also both sly and clever and those were the embodied traits that all Slytherins admired.

Rowan stomped past them and ignored the cheering faces. She stomped all the up way upstairs and slammed the door open. To only slam the door shut with a force hard enough to cause the door to tremble.

Bethanie, Tiffany, and Silvia warily watched Rowan undress and shut the bed curtains with a snap, all without a single word of goodnight. Tiffany warily whispers across the room, "I think she's really angry this time."

"You think?" Silvia sarcastically whispered. "It wouldn't have been so bad if she'd put her name into the goblet. But Severus and Terry did it without her knowledge and her express permission. I thought for sure she was going to punch them right there and then in the Great Hall."

"Really?" Tiffany softly said in disbelief. "Because that looked like she was going to murder them to me."

"Enough," Bethanie gently said. "She's tired and has had a very unpleasant ending to what should have been a very nice evening. Let's not make it any worse." Tiffany nods her head and pulls on her face mask. The girls close their bed curtains to fall asleep. But sleep was a long time coming for Rowan and when it did, it was once more filled with her usual train of nightmares.

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So, what is the worst thing your sibling has ever done to you? ...........cough, she was six, and she pushed me from the top of the stairs. Luckily, I didn't break anything, but I was badly bruised from tumbling down an entire flight of stairs. (Thankfully, she never did it again, but still.......I lived through a scene from most drama scenes whether television, a drama or in a romance novel of some sort).

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  • 世界の背景

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