60.81% Fate/Heroes / Chapter 45: Chapter 45 Gray and Diana VS The Children of Ares

章 45: Chapter 45 Gray and Diana VS The Children of Ares

*Ding*.*Ding. Ding*.Ding*.

The sound of sword and spear clashing with shield was the only focus on the battlefield. All the Amazons, all the four-horned helmets of the Church of Areopagus turned to look at the battle between godlike beings in front of them

The children of Ares had worked with each other for years perfecting their teamwork under their fathers tutelage. Despite their separate powers being no match for even a single Diana, together, they could overcome most members of the League in single combat.

Even Superman.

Out of the three male demigods one used a large great sword; similar to the blade that Heracles used. Another a replica of Tauropolos, the bow of the Greek Hero Atalanta, and the other, a replica of [Rho Aias: The Seven Rings That Covered The Fiery Heavens].

The only female of the group used a staff similar to the one that a young Medea used. Healing her brothers for any injury that Gray or Diana may inflict on them.

To put it in the most basic of terms, one was an attacker, another was a defender, one was an archer, and the last one a healer. Add a magic user in the form of the dead fifth demigod whose body had been burnt than they would have themselves a solid team.

Unfortunately for them, Gray was thirteen people rolled into one.

"What the fuck! Father never said anything about this guy! None of the members of the Justice League are here because Father is keeping them busy, so why is there a man on Themiscyra!".

Gray and Diana moved in perfect sync as the pair's countless blows caused the four demigods to be pushed back into the water. Fighting on a slight slope was an advantage the duo used to gain the upper hand.

Gray struck the replica of Ajax' the Great shield leaving the large burly demigod stunned by the shock-wave of the blow, allowing for Diana to swipe at his legs while he was off balance.

The daughter of Zeus didn't let up her rapid onslaught of the son of Ares, completely ignoring the wave of arrows coming towards her, being saved by Gray's spinning spear, blocking every projectile coming towards her.

Not letting up for even a second, the leader of the children of Ares, the one wielding the sword similar to the one Heracles used swung the large meat grinder of a blade towards Wonder Woman, who felt and equally powerful blow match his own, meeting Gray's blood colored eyes as the blunt end of his spear collided with his chin, also knocking the large man off balance.

There was a certain grace that the pair had when they blocked blows for one another, or took advantage of the openings the other took. The way they spun around, leaping back and swinging their weapons was almost like a dance in the eyes of the onlookers around them. The pair always looking at the other, only breaking away when the other leaves their sight.

Sparks were flying, literally not figuratively.

The collisions between fake Noble Phantasms and real ones slowly left imprints on the fake weapons, before a resounding crack caused the eyes of everyone to turn to the burly son of Ares, the fake seven layered ox shield shattering right before his eyes.

The weapon of Ajax the Great, a member of the Archean Army just like Achilles, whose shield could block blows from any projectile that it was faced up against. The fake shattered under the relentless pressure Gray and Diana exerted onto it and a green pointed spear tip pierced through the man's flesh, going straight through his stomach..

Lifting the man up for the whole world to see, Gray instantly flung the body of the burly man towards the archer wielding the copy of Tauropolos, sending both their bodies into the water and a red liquid to leak out into the once clear blue waters of Themiscyra.

Getting distracted by the sudden death of one of her siblings, the healer demigod, the one wielding the staff of the young princess of Colchis, saw a blur of red, gold and blue appear in front of her, before a fist collided with the side of her face, sending her flying back towards her mother, already unconscious before she even hit the ground.

There was only one demigod left. His face wrathful and angry as he waved his massive sword at Gray. A feeling of rage engulfed him as the Pseudo-Servant either parried or dodged any blow that the son of Ares had swung at him.

The cool, passive expression on the young man's face angered him even more, and his Divinity reflected his anger.

"Stay still you fucking monkey! I swear, I'll fucking destroy every last person on this island! I'll enslave all the woman on this island just like Heracles did! You'll be nothing but my play toys when I'm done with you!".

Gray didn't dodge or parry the next overhead slash of the demigod in front of him, opting to catch it with a single raised arm instead. His blood red eyes turning a foreign colored yellow, not unlike the Alter version of a Servant.

"Just like Heracles? I don't think so".

With a powerful kick to the stomach, the large man was sent flying dozens of meters away from Gray. His tall figure disappearing and then reappearing directly in front of the man, stomping on his fallen body, creating several cracks in the earth beneath him as his figure was imprinted into it.

The demigod son of Ares looked up in slight fear as corrupted looking yellow-golden eyes stared down at him, not fitting in with the lack of expression on Gray's face.

"I hate people like you. Trying to life up to the legends of others without even trying to create your own first. You have no right to call yourself a demigod. My half-brother would be ashamed to call you his son".

The man tried to push Gray off his body, but found himself embedded deeper into the ground as a result.

"You attacked this island. An island of people who haven't waged war since its inception? And you did so on your fathers whim?".

Gray grabbed the man by his throat before raising him up to met his gaze. The gap between their faces were less than a few centimeters, yet the man struggled to breath with Gray's hand wrapped around his neck.

"Trying to wield my sword!? Following the orders of others? For what, some sort of recognition in your fathers eyes! Be a man and live your own life! Stop living in the shadow of your father and live a life that you want to live! Living your life in accordance to the Gods words.... isn't a life that lasts very long".

Gray's yellow-golden eyes turned black for a second before he raised a fist at the demigod. The sound of a nose breaking as it collided with the man's face was the last thing he heard before falling unconscious.

The Pseudo-Servant turned around to see the figure of Diana with three unconscious demigods in her indestructible golden lasso, one of them had their stomach covered with a strange paste which caused Gray to raise an eyebrow.

"You didn't let him die?".

The Princess of Themiscyra raised an eyebrow before looking at the breathing chest of the large demigod in front of her.

"I could say the same thing about you".

Gray shrugged before throwing the man's body towards Hippolyta, leaving a long skid mark before coming to a full stop at her feet. His gaze never leaving her daughter.

"Her island. Her rules".

The smile on Diana's face could've caused nations to go to war with each other. The legendary figure which Gray had only read about in his previous life was one that he had fought side-by-side against. Neither of them looked away from the other. One entranced by the others beauty, the other amazed by the others skill in battle.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C45
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


