27.27% Eranoth's Lore Books Volume 1 Shapeshifting / Chapter 3: Bloodshifting part 2 Bloodlines

章 3: Bloodshifting part 2 Bloodlines

"Bloodline shifting is another common form of bloodshifting. This one is also common to see in novels. Generally speaking is one of the most innocent methods of shapeshifting lore out there however I will be starting with the exception and a beautiful extreme of this. For now, Exclude dragons from this chapter as the methods dragons use in most lore will be addressed in future chapters." Eranoth clicked on some epic music by Brunahville.

"There are four main ways to get Bloodline shifting into a story. The first is 'unnatural'."

"To give you two extreme example of this, Lets_Get_This_Rice's Devolved: Path of the Beast and Authorwiz's Reborn: Evolving from Nothing are heavily focused on this type of shape shifting. They use an 'acquiring method' to then create bloodline bloodshifting. However, as a side note there is actually more to it than just this type of shapeshifting and I will be bringing them up again in the future."

"I congratulate them both in being able to pull it off so well. A continuous bloodline absorption and application are not easy methods of shapeshifting to write. It is easy to accidently rush a story of this nature."

"Some (Not all) key points to remember when involving yourself in the unnatural bloodline shapeshifting are these:

First: How do you acquire more bloodlines? Most will use the blood, life force, or some other magical factor to acquire bloodlines. Blood is the most common.

Second: Is there a limit? If so, remember your limits. Setting a limit and then discarding it without an explanation can hurt.

Third: If there is a limit, Is there a means to discard bloodlines to replace them? Most will have this as an option because it is painful getting your character to their limit and realizing you have a lot more story you want to write.

Fourth: How quickly does the mind adapt to the transformation? Most types of transformations require a transition period as the brain has to figure out how to work different muscles and body parts. Let me ask you, if you suddenly had a wolf head when you didn't before would you be able howl? Or would it take practice?

Fifth: What restrictions are in place? Restrictions are important so you don't ruin your story. Also be clear about your restrictions. If you need to break past your restrictions for the sake of the story, there should be consequences.

Eranoth stretched as it has been a long day filled with typing.

"The second, more common type of bloodline shifting is 'natural bloodline shifting'. This is the one I referred to as one of the most innocent types of shapeshifting earlier.

"This type of shapeshifting would be a creature born of more than one bloodline with the ability to shift between the two (or more). If we jump back to werewolf lore, a naturally born werewolf (from certain lore) won't have 'corrupted blood'. They are werewolves and they can control their transformations (humanoid and wolf bloods). These existences cannot be considered human afflicted with lycanthropy as they never were truly human to begin with they just have access to a human bloodline."

Eranoth paused to pull up discord to see if he had been accepted into the author's chat yet and was disappointed at his own impatience.

"Among the different types of shapeshifting, this type of shifting is actually one of the easiest to write without lore breaking. As a side note: This is a type of shapeshifting called 'Form Shifting' This one comes with pre-determined rules that have very little variance."

"First: The creature must have the proper bloodline to access the form. It can't go from human to Godzilla because it has a salamander bloodline. A werewolf can't turn into a housecat for espionage."

"Second: Pure-blooded creatures cannot use this form of shapeshifting. A pure blooded creature doesn't have multiple bloodlines to transition between."

"Third: Not every mixed blood creature has to have it. As an author creating a specific species with this ability and excluding others is completely normal."

"Fourth: There is usually some sort of supernatural force at play. For a creature to have two or more bloodlines with the ability to shift between them, the bloodline has to be complete enough to create the transition. If they don't there is usually some magical or pseudo-magical force that allows them the ability to transform."

Laughter escaped Eranoth's tired mouth. "I wonder how boring this is to read? It's almost textbook cringe worthy."

"Back on track, the third method of bloodline shifting is 'given bloodline shifting'. This is kind of the in-between of the two above methods. It follows most of the same rules as the previous ones as well. If you want an example on one fairly common application of this method of shapeshifting read chapter 25 of my other book, Jericho the Bard. Technically this is instigated by the types of shapeshifting mentioned in chapter 1 but it turns into this type of shifting once it becomes 'stable'."

Like the unnatural acquiring bloodline, the creature with this bloodline isn't born with it. The difference is that a creature usually gives it to another creature willingly. Unlike the forms of shapeshifting mentioned in chapter 2 this method of shapeshifting is usually benevolent and doesn't attack the nature of the recipient. Beneficial shapeshifting can often come in this type of form."

"Like the above this is a form-shift type of shapeshifting. Once the bloodlines are both present, the creature can then shift between the two. Often, conditions are required to use this type of transformation. For example, 'must be in a forest to use it.' You can review the earlier stuff to get ideas of the types of things you should consider when using this type of shifting."

"And finally we get to the fourth type of Bloodline shifting! Whoohoo! The chapter is almost done!"

"The final bloodline shifting can actually be done in any of the three above methods. The difference is duration and effect. This type of shifting is known as bloodline lock."

"Under certain conditions a form shift can end up becoming permanent or pseudo-permanent. In the first two cases it is usually something to lock the mutable bodies in a current state. This is usually done by an outside force. Bloodline lock is a great way to cause trouble to your Blood based shapeshifting character(s). Getting stuck and finding a solution to the problem or finding a way to adapt can create great story arcs. Just pay attention to it. It can also harm a story."

"Though this lock can be applied to the third option as well, the more common way to do a bloodline lock on the third is a variant application of the 'given bloodline shapeshifting. This is more commonly referred to as race changing."

"Race changing is a special type of transformation and will be brought up in multiple chapters because it can be done through multiple methods of shapeshifting. Something important to know when performing a race-change with bloodlines involved. The creature gifting the race change should have access to that race or species. In most novels, a race change does not use bloodline shifting as the medium."

Eranoth yawned. "Well it is getting late. Have a great night everyone! I hope the lore has been useful!

© J Eranoth

Eranoth Eranoth

The reason I didn’t bring the question up “how quickly does the mind adapt to the transformation in chapter 2 is because usually the corruption comes with an overbearing instinct which causes a very quick adaption time.

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