51.21% Fallout 4 Infinity / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Unexpected Attack

章 20: Chapter 20: Unexpected Attack

{Tap,Tap, Tap}

Hearing the boots of the attackers as they made there way to the door.

I moved away from the door standing to the Right Side of the frame of the door if exiting the room a foot away and kept pointing the revolver at the now shredded door, there is still part of the door there so the one walking in will need to clear the way before continuing.




The wood being kicked in and snapping from being damaged I pointed the revolver through the door while staying to the side of the frame out of view and fired.

{Bang!} {Bang!}

Blood flew and hit my left hand as I shot out two shots randomly in the hallway, hereing a body fall to the ground I moved my hand back as another wave of bullets flew passed the the door right after.

Get that fucker! (Attacker)

I looked around and seeing my Bookshelf I approach it.

{Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!}

Bullets flew in through the door and some gone through the wall where I was standing just a few seconds ago, a few seconds after the Attackers breached the room looking around the room. There are 3 of them in the room together, they all looked right at the Desk and advanced.

Come out we will not kill you right away. (Attacker)

Hehe. (Attacker two)

Looking to the other two, he waved his hand and the two moved on the right and left side of the desk as they started surrounding the desk.

{Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!}

The three attackers got shot before they even realized what is going on and they fell to the ground dead with a bullet or two in there head of each one of them.

I am on top of my Bookshelf in the corner of the room crouched in a squatting position as the space is small, jumping down I moved over to my desk and opened it, pulling out some extra bullets and reloaded my revolver with the last of the bullets making it hold 7 bullets, I walked over to the dead attackers and looked at them in more detail.

They have metal armor on with slight flames panted on it one they don't got a helmet on so that is a plus.

Flames? (Brendon)

Seeing Molotov's each one having only one on them, I grabbed them for myself putting them where grenades can be placed on my armor that I never take off unless bathing and changing for a new set it's a wasteland after all, patting down them and taking any ammo and then there 10mm pistols, I reloaded them and getting up and walking out from the room seeing the other man at the door I killed but this one has leather armor on and the bullets still entered his body.

Walking down the hallway I talked to myself to get a clear picture of the situation.

Forged Raiders? That is the only group that I know is big and love fire is the forged. If they are the ones attacking, then that explains the fire paint job on the attackers armor, if not then this is a new group that attacked. (Brendon)

{Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!}

I moved over to the sound and seeing Assaultrons Surrounded and getting shot at but they are stronger than the attackers, they moved and evaded staying out of the way of the gun barrel path that is pointing at them after all they are not faster then bullets. as they got closer they used the Blades given to them, swinging with power they cut down the attackers, I shot at one running away from fright using the 10mm pistol.

{Bang!} {Bang!} {Bang!}

Sir! (Assaultron)

Damage? (Brendon)

Nagative, Sir. Low on ammo though. I just uses my last clip, they keep coming in like they are seeking death. (First Assaultron)

Same, I was heading over but they ran in some passed us as we had to attack the others they seem to have you as there target, Sir. (Second Assaultron)

...We need to get to the Armory, if the attackers are this far the turrets and the base had been breached and with the power being off the turrets will be offline till then. (Brendon)

Let us escort you to the Armory, Sir. (First Assaultron)

Alright, we need to move fast and get there quickly but also quiet, less fighting the better, the sun is going down we are gaining the night advantage if we move in the shadows they will not know until it's too late. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Assaultrons)

Shhh! Not so loud, let's head off, remember quiet. (Brendon)

Sir, should we go into assassin mode? (Second Assultron)

Assassin mode? What is that? Why have I not hear of such thing? (Brendon)

In the traning course at the base there was a time when we had to each pass a very stealthy mission, it took time for us but everyone passed, we had no weapons like a Blade at that time the sword here gives us advantage in stealth then last time. (Second Assaultron)

Alright. How does this work? (Specter)

Sir, just make your way to the armory. We will do the rest. (First Assaultron)

Alright, I will trust you. (Brendon)

The Assultrons looked at each other before seperating they walked into the dark shadows and vanished from sight, as the sun has lowered even more while we were talking the widows are the only light source but it's dim.

That's, cool. (Brendon)

This gives me an idea Assassin's guarding the king in fantasy Novels Don't mind me using it. (Brendon)

I walked through the door and started walking down the staircase, I am not taking the elevator unable to know what will be at the bottom waiting for me even if the power was working, as I am walking I feels the Assaultrons present with my percseption it's hard to feel them but it's more like they are allowing me to know that they are there but unable to see them even after looking around trying to find them.

Very interesting. (Brendon)

Arriving on the next Floor the Bathrooms, I looked over and seeing one of the attackers also look right at me and he was stunned before he quickly started trying to pull his pistol up.

Ghaa! (Attacker)

I seen the man get pulled into the dark but the sword that had been stabbed right through his chest shined with blood knowing one of the Assaultrons took care of him. Before his body fell to the floor a Forged attacker that heard his friend scream ran over from the room and seeing me then his friend stabbed was going to attack the Assaultron first, but a Sword sliced through the air aimed at his neck cutting the Forged Attackers head off. The Two Assaultrons vanished back into the dark unseen.

Freaking awesome. (Brendon)

But, he looked right at me, it's like they know who I am. (Brendon)

I Continue walking down the Stairs still prepared for any attack as I head down, screaming came from behind me down the hallway that the last two victims got killed on, but I just walked down to the next Floor ignoring the screams of pain and terror.

One must have stayed behind to clear the Bathrooms. (Brandon)

As I am walking down the stairs Gun Shots and yelling can be heard outside its light and distant but there.

When I arrived on the next Floor there was five Assaultrons all killing there last target at the same time with blades in hand the floor became pool of blood right away.

Sir! (Third Assaultron)

Floor clear? (Brendon)

It is, the floor below is also clear, Repair bots working on the power it should be up in a few minutes. (Third Assaultron)

Good. Any news on the Rest of the base? (Brendon)

Sir, there was an attack of 1500 people, they attacked the front and used a sync attack they shot rockets that destroyed the turrets at the front it sounded like a Single Explostion, then they hit the bunker, but they shot a rocket at the Recruitment Office when it blew up, it blew half the lower floor up and collapsed the power room below at the same time. (Third Assaultron)

That explains the power and how the attackers figured where the power was located at, lucky accident. (Brendon)

Still, 1500 people attacking? That is quite the number. (Brendon)

It is, Sir. But that is not all the Attackers have a target. (Third Assaultron)

Who? (Brendon)

It's you, Sir. (Fourth Assaultron)

How did you get the information? (Brendon)

I asked nicely with my blade, one attacker gave up the information, it was a man that was a ghoul that asked the leader to kill you and they will be provided weapons and food for there base as compensation. (Fourth Assaultron)

Being a leader sucks when everyone wants to kill you. (Brendon)

We will protect you! (Third Assaultron)

What is our next course of action, Sir? (Second Assaultron)

Let's see the progress going on, I have stopped hearing gunshots for awhile or any explosions from the sentry bots. (Brendon)

We will escort you outside. (Fourth Assaultron)

With swords in hand, I was surrounded and escorted down the reast of the floors, each floor was coved with more and more bodies and blood even on the stairs that made the staircase slicker and harder to walk on and more Assaultrons appered on each floor and joined me. Having to take there time to get down or chances of slipping and falling down the steps would happen, we made it to the ground floor.

{Coughing} (Brendon)

Are you alright, Sir? (Second Assaultron)

They really just ran to there death, seeing all the dead bodies makes me sick. (Brendon)

The moon light from the shattered windows illuminated the room allowing the ground floor to still be visible and seeing it is covered in dead bodies like leaves that have fallen off trees when fall arrives. I had to step over the bodies to make my way out of the building as I am walking I noticed the room is covered in shells and bullet holes, when they get outside the Moon illuminated surroundings allowing for better visual it looks like war broke out, small craters from grenades most likely from the sentry bots and scattered body parts everywhere, Weapons and Shells scattered everywhere the place looks like a mass grave.

Sir. (Fifth Assaultron)

Looking over, I seen an assaultron covered in blood like it fell in a pool of blood and crawled back out.

The base is secure, we did not get the vertibirds in the sky in time, but we got the Armory secured in time before they tried to Breach it the Recruits was training in the back when the attack happened and they did not get trapped in the attack and joined later to help fight against the attackers. (Fifth Assaultron)

How many losses? (Brendon)

Unknown, Sir. The night arrived before the attack was over, as for damage Sir. There is damage to the front and 40 or more turrets had been destroyed on the wall the rest are offline until power has been re-established, there is a hole in the gate they used to Breach the base and the bunkers was destroyed by a simultaneous explosion attack like rockets or grenades I was not present when it happened need to find anyone that was there from the start to gain the information. (Fifth Assaultron)

I arrived and organized the troops we where able to hold out the attack but they all rushed inside and unknown on how many passed us as it became Chaotic, they just headed into the buildings it did not matter they just rushed in, the Assaultrons inside held most of them back but like they did not care rushed passes in waves and some still got passed, unable to send a team to deal with the ones that passed we held the entrance to the buildings setting a defence and held there until they stopped attacking, Sentry bots dropped grenades helped clear thelarge groups of attackers out. (Fifth Assaultron)

Alright, first I want the area secured, I want this place checked in every corner of any attackers that can be hiding, and look for any bombs set up look in the important places first, then go to less important. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Assaultrons)

Sir, I will stay with you to keep you protected. (First Assaultron)

Alright, let's head to the Armory, the others must be there. (Brendon)

With that we split up, I headed to the armor and it was a tedious journey, Bodies everywhere, the air smelled like death, I seen Sentry and assaultrons moving about through the bodies as we made our way Closer Recruits now can into view they set up sand bags, some will shoot as there is still a few attackers alive hidding with the dead only really notices when there was a gun pointed at them and some almost unable to react if not for Assaultrons close by to help assist.

I already got an Idea who the attackers are and who brought up the attack but no name of the Ghoul and need to collect that information as to see who this ghoul is and why target me.

I need to have a nice drop by greeting with the leader of the Forged Radiers. (Brendon)

... Right, Jade is updating. (Brendon)

Arriving at the Armory, the other half of the attackers is discovered dead, a thousand or more off bodies everywhere the turrets on the wall next to the armory was partly damaged or destroyed the backup generators inside the storage has got a use and powering part of the wall of turrets around, the armory has some parts of concrete missing but the Sentry Bots before the door with the recruits still held strong. some are very damaged, Some hurt others slight damaged to the Assaultrons and Sniper bots, Assaultrons had some missing arms and legs still working and moving if they have a head they held the line.

Damage report. (Brendon)

Unknown, the attackers rushed here after breaching the gate as if there is something important inside they wanted, if not for us practicing shooting and had returned to stock up ammo to head out again they would have entered the armory. (Recruit)

Good work, if they had got access to the armory we would have more losses on our side. (Brendon)

Thank you, Sir! (Recruit)

Make sure no attackers still attempt to make there way inside, and look for any hidden bombs around inside also if they got inside at anytime best to look anyway. (Brendon)

Right away, Sir! (Recruit)

As for the others! Reinforce the entrance! Repair bots get on fixing the turrets and and other damaged areas if but make the power source priority one. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (All bots, Recruits) •XD sounded like Transformers.•

I looked off into the distance over looking the battle that had just left the inside a mass grave and its good that its the enemies grave and not ours, my face is pale looking at so much death but I only feel weak and unable to see my own pail face.

This is going to be a long night. (Brendon)

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Updated: 06/8/2020

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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