Element of Greeting:
*Build Rapport
---> Empathize + Solid Ownership Statement
--->is the identification and understanding of a customer's situation, feelings and motives.
--->It is understanding and entering into a customer's feelings whether you agree with those feelings or plot
Solid Ownership Statement:
--->Can Do + [Product/Services] for you
Rising Intonation and Falling Intonation:
---> In American English, the rise and fall of pitch in order to convey a range of meanings, emotions or situation, within the confines of standard grammar and fixed word under.
Open-Ended Questions:
--->Are used to determined problems, understand requests or establish needs
Falling Intonation:
--->What can I help you with today?
--->How will you like this to resolve?
--->Why do you say that?
--->How did you learn about the company?
***Used whenever stating facts.
***Whenever giving out commands
Rising Intonation:
---> solicit a "yes" or "no" on other one word response
---> are used to narrow down or clarify what the customer already said.
---> aim to limit talking or to control direction of the conversation
(-) Who, when did?
(-) Can, Have or Do?
(-) Which, would, are?
(-) Is, will, may?
***Used only stating information
***using in giving choices
***Use in asking tag questions
***Use in citing introduction phrases
(-) Pitch - not too high or too low
(-) Volume
(-) Pace - speed