60.13% Mixed HD / Chapter 261: 776 - 785

章 261: 776 - 785

Chapter 776 - Reformatting!

"What a terrifying domain! What kind of concept does it follow?" The domain realm master beside Ling Lan shouted in surprise. He was also completely surprised by Li Lanfeng's odd yet terrifying domain.

Ling Lan didn't make a sound. She seemed to have figured something out. The reason why Li Lanfeng could feel the advancement barrier for the domain stage while he was only at the peak stage of Qi-Jin. It wasn't necessary for him to strengthen his body to break through the barrier to advance, instead, Li Lanfeng's terrifying spiritual power had already surpassed his mindscape's capacity. His spiritual power managed to reach the barrier of the domain stage before his body could.

After thinking about that, Ling Lan was worried. If Li Lanfeng hadn't listened to her words and didn't keep on practicing the basic physical skills training to make him able to endure the pain, his current situation might be even worse. Luckily, when he met her in the real world, his spiritual power hadn't reached a level that could destroy his body. After the timely training of the meditation technique, he managed to improve the condition of his battered body.

If anything had gone wrong, what awaited Li Lanfeng was a lifetime of being bed-ridden. He would just be like Ling Lan in her past life. Even if he had the meditation technique, it would all be for naught.

In actuality, in the Li family's manor, Ling Lan had already felt that Li Lanfeng's spiritual power had reached his capacity when she was calming down Li Lanfeng's spiritual power. She originally wanted to wait until the mission was over to think of a method to let Li Lanfeng quickly advance to Qi-Jin with Great Perfection then to the domain stage.

It was just that Ling Lan didn't think that Li Lanfeng wasn't willing to wait! After noticing Li Lanfeng had followed them, she knew Li Lanfeng's decision. Ling Lan thought about it and decided to give Li Lanfeng the same opportunity as her childhood friends.

Looking at all the possible scenario, Li Lanfeng's decision wasn't the best choice in Ling Lan's eyes. However, Ling Lan wasn't going to decide anything for her friends. If Li Lanfeng wanted to fight, then what Ling Lan needed to do was to trust him. This was why Ling Lan tossed Li Lanfeng into the fray. She used that move to tell Li Lanfeng that she supported his decision.

Sometimes, you should just blindly support and trust your friends! These would give them strength in the most dangerous and difficult times. Ling Lan could only help Li Lanfeng in this aspect. The dangerous path of advancing required Li Lanfeng's own strength to walk.

Now, the result of her decision was ideal. Li Lanfeng had become the first person to realize the way to successfully advance into the domain stage. The only thing she has a nit to pick about Li Lanfeng's advancement was that it was too rushed. His body still hadn't reached the requirements of advancing to the domain stage. Advancing up more than one stage like that would inevitably have severe consequences. She was just hoping that the consequences would be mended in the future and wasn't permanent.

With Ling Lan being in the domain stage for quite a long time, she would clearly understand the two clear requirements of advancing to domain. One was physical constitution and the other was spiritual power.

The Federation placed a high degree of high importance on physical skills because of mechas, while spiritual power was regarded as unimportant. The reason why most individual with strong spiritual power would seem to be diseased and weak was because of their lack of physical skills training. When it was known that a person has a weak physical constitution, the Federation would always try to treat and heal them, but would not train their physical skills. Furthermore, the Federation would usually just let them be responsible for jobs related to spiritual power and wouldn't let them operate mechas… Thus, creating a phenomenon where the stronger the spiritual power of an individual, the weaker their physical constitution was. And as their physical constitution continue to weaken, treatment centers became more and more afraid to treat them as they didn't want their records filled with incurable patients which ultimately lowers the reputation of the treatment center. This was why those individuals with insanely strong spiritual power could never be an outstanding mecha operator.

Thus, it wasn't because those Qi-Jin experts, who were stuck at the optimal peak stage of Qi-Jin with Great Perfection, didn't get any chance to advance. Instead, it was because their spiritual power hadn't reached the lowest requirement to advance into the domain stage, so how could they succeed?

Of course, this didn't mean that those people wouldn't be able to advance to the domain stage forever. If the Qi-Jin in their bodies reached the point of over-capacity, it would naturally break through the barrier, and thus allowing them into the domain stage. However, the concept they would be derived based on their bodies. For example, speed, strength, etc. It wouldn't give them any concept regarding natural elements of the world.

The domain realm masters who had concept bound to nature, along with strong bodies, were people whose physical constitution and spiritual power had both reached the requirement. These people were usually born with level two spiritual power. Babies that had spiritual power past level 3 always had weak bodies. These children would be nurtured towards the spiritual direction and wouldn't be considered for mecha operators. This was why during the talent determination procedure many years ago, spiritual power was a part of the test.

At the same time, if spiritual power was so strong that the mind could not contain, then even if physical skills hadn't reached that level, it would still break through the barrier and advance to the domain stage. However, this type of advancement would bring about a large backlash to the body. While advancing to the domain stage, the physical body could be destroyed by the concept of the domain, and in the end become dust in the air and perish.

However, someone like Li Lanfeng, who had spiritual power that was so terrifying that only one person like him would appear every few hundred years, would usually die as they were born. Those types of babies wouldn't reach the point where their spiritual power would seep out from their bodies.

Due to Li Lanfeng's body not reaching the requirement and his spiritual power breaking through the barrier, Li Lanfeng's domain concept was derived from his spiritual power. He was originally a spectral ability individual. After deriving this concept, he could turn anything into virtual objects within his domain.

Ling Lan had already determined Li Lanfeng's domain concept with just one look. On the battlefield, Li Lanfeng raised his black scythe and swung it towards the fake domain realm master.

"Ah!" That fake domain realm master wanted to get away from the twisted dimensions around Li Lanfeng, but his strength wasn't comparable to a domain realm master who advanced naturally. The scythe easily sliced past his body. Then, his body began to crumble into little particles and started dispersing without leaving any traces. It was as though he never existed in this world.

"That's reformatting!" Little Four cried out with surprise. If someone was to say what intelligent entities feared most, then Little Blossom's power of devouring data was one. The second one was the reformatting of all of the data in the virtual network they lived in. These two both would severely affect the way of life for intelligent entities and was something intelligent entities never wanted to see.

"As expected, it's this power!" Little Four's words made Ling Lan certain of her judgment. Li Lanfeng's power was as expected a derivative of his spectral abilities. In his domain, Li Lanfeng was a reaper of death that could reformat everything!

Right at that moment, something changed in the battlefield. A silhouette suddenly appeared behind Li Lanfeng. A gold colored hand was going straight towards his unguarded back.

"Bam!" Ling Lan's hand suddenly appeared and accurately caught the opponent's hand. She then coldly said, "You're opponent is me!"

Chapter 777 - Qi Long's Advancement!

It turns out, the person who made the move was one of the three stronger domain realm masters hidden in the manor! However, when Li Lanfeng was advancing to the domain stage, Ling Lan had already made preparations for any sneak attacks. That was because the opposition definitely wouldn't want them to have another domain realm master. Thus, they would definitely try to attack at that crucial moment.

The domain realm master, who Ling Lan caught, was surprised. He didn't think that his sneak attack would be actually seen through by his opponent. Not only that, the pressure his opponent gave him was something he had never felt before, this young man in front of him might be the strongest enemy he must face in his life.

The domain realm master shouted loudly and activated his domain.

As the domain realm master was activating his domain, Ling Lan felt Li Lanfeng's body trembling behind her. She frowned and let go of the domain realm master's hand. Then, she jumped backwards, returning to her original spot, taking Li Lanfeng with her at the same time.

Understanding Ling Lan's intentions, the last domain realm master sent by Ling Xiao appeared at Ling Lan's previous location to substitute her in the battle against the domain realm master.

"How are you feeling?" Ling Lan asked while her eyes were still monitoring the battlefield because her three comrades were still fighting.

Li Lanfeng cried out and spat out some blood. The consequences of advancing past the stage his physical constitution could endure was beginning to take its effect. The power of the domain stage was something his body couldn't currently handle.

"I'm fine. It's just my body still held me back in the end." Li Lanfeng wiped away the blood on the corner of his lips and smiled bitterly.

"It's because you're too hasty. If you had waited until your physical skills advance into Great Perfection, then you wouldn't have this problem," Ling Lan said with a cold expression on her face. Although she chose to trust Li Lanfeng and supported his decision, she still didn't agree with it.

"I couldn't control my spiritual power anymore so it will not let me wait. Plus, since I will be advancing anyways, isn't it better to advance earlier?" Li Lanfeng's face was full of smiles. He didn't regret his decision even if he had to pay a price for it. As long as he could get closer to the person he wanted to get closer to, he felt that it was worth it. "Rabbit, did I catch up to you a little bit?"

The familiar nickname thawed out the coldness in Ling Lan's expression slightly. It was as though she had returned to the time when she worked hard with Cheetah, chasing each other around all the time. She suddenly understood why Li Lanfeng made that dumb decision. It was because she was moving too fast, making Li Lanfeng fear that he would not be able to catch up and lose her as a friend in the end. Thinking back to the tragedy of how Li Lanfeng was abandoned by the Li family and was left behind on Planet Azure because of his physical constitution…

Ling Lan softened and nodded. "You got slightly closer. Keep up the good work!" Alright, she should do something good once a day! Li Lanfeng is after all in a quite pitiful position.

Li Lanfeng's eyes glistened in the light and his smile became even bigger. His resounding 'Yes!' made Ling Lan feel that a little cheetah was in front of her, looking to be caressed. She couldn't refuse such an adorable pet… no, she couldn't let anyone know her weakness of cute things. It would make her lose her dignity as a Boss. In order to stop her hand from going near Li Lanfeng's head, she decisively moved away from Li Lanfeng.

Li Shiyu suddenly saw Li Lanfeng getting launched into the sky. He quickly ran to the position where Li Lanfeng would land, catching him the process.

"Treat him!" Ling Lan's cold voice rang through Li Shiyu's ears. He knew that he couldn't hide from his Boss, so after hearing Ling Lan's order, he didn't think much of it. He quickly took out a vial of medicinal agent that he had previously prepared and gave it to Li Lanfeng.

"Sorry for the trouble, Shiyu!" Li Lanfeng smiled widely.

"I'm our team's doctor!" Li Shiyu had a serious expression on his face. He was only doing what the team's doctor should be doing, and wasn't only doing it because Li Lanfeng was his eldest cousin brother.

At that moment, some battles were going well underway. The first was Qi Long. He used his Animal Instinct to dodge the invisible wind blades of his opponent. However, his opponent was using his domain to enclose Qi Long, surrounding him with countless wind blades. Although Qi Long's Animal Instinct was strong, he still couldn't dodge all of the wind blades with that many surrounding him. However, he successfully dodged the attacks that were perilous. Although it would seem scary to bystanders, with cuts all around his body, dyeing him blood-red, they were still only surface injuries.

These injuries that Qi Long had sustained weren't not for naught. From the moment he activated his Animal Instinct to passively dodge the wind blades, he began to slowly gain control over this ability. He could feel the direction and location of the wind blades. Animal Instinct gave him a precautionary feeling, making him get hit by less and less wind blades.

The wind element fake domain realm master felt the change that was happening to Qi Long. His expression changed slightly. He had seen the other guy successfully advancing into the domain stage while battling one of his comrades. Is this guy doing the same thing?

With that fear in his heart, the wind element domain realm master went berserk. He suddenly began to use all of the wind element around him, overclocking his domain which was beginning to tremble. A large tornado appeared at the edge of his domain, which immediately compressed itself and moved towards Qi Long, who was still in the domain.

The tornado was made up of countless wind blades. If Qi Long were to get caught in it, he would instantly be diced up.

However, Qi Long wasn't going to give his opponent that chance. His Animal Instinct let him know the location where he would be safe from the tornado. Qi Long began to dodge left and right. Every time he dodged, he would just shy from touching the tornado, making people who were watching fear for his life. If Qi Long made one wrong move, he would be diced up into pieces.

"I see!" While dodging, Qi Long suddenly had an expression of enlightenment. He then stopped moving his body. Right as the tornado was about to touch him, Qi Long shouted. A strong force suddenly expanded out from his body, forcing the tornado to change its direction towards the sand element fake domain realm master who Luo Lang was fighting with.

"Bang!" A sandstorm appeared before the tornado and the two natural disasters smashed onto each other. The sand element fake domain realm master was wounded from his comrade's rogue attack and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Wind Three, what are you doing?" The sand element fake domain realm master shouted angrily.

However, the wind element fake domain realm master couldn't answer his question as he was shocked speechless by Qi Long. He was able to clearly feel a concept of a domain in the energy from his opponent released just now. His opponent naturally advanced to the domain stage just like that? He wasn't like the other person, who had only advanced after he was almost beaten to death.

Wasn't advancing to the domain stage like a lottery? Some people might not even be able to break through the barrier in their lifetime. This was also why this fake domain realm master lost hope and in the end willingly accepted the organization's offer to be their guinea pig for their illegal experiments, which gave him the opportunity to grasp broken concept and become a fake domain realm master.

Seeing this, Ling Lan smirked. It was as she had predicted, Qi Long being the first person out of the three to advance to the domain stage. In reality, before all this, Qi Long had already reached half a step into the domain stage, but unfortunately, Qi Long had awakened Animal Instinct, which was a good innate talent for mecha piloting. However, as luck would have it, this talent was quite an enigma as it didn't really coincide with any of the more famous concepts. Even Ling Lan couldn't imagine what Qi Long's domain would be like. Thus, this unknown aspect of his innate talent made Qi Long unable to find the direction he should be working towards, making it impossible for him to break through the tough barrier without first finding his direction.

However, fighting against a fake domain realm master who had touched the concept of his domain helped Qi Long find his path much faster. In the end, Qi Long managed to do it. It was just that Ling Lan didn't know what Qi Long's domain concept could be. She could only feel the fluctuation of domain energy with no natural elements. Thus, Ling Lan decisively eliminated the possibility of concept of the natural elements. In actuality, she felt that the domain concept Qi Long had awakened was similar to Li Lanfeng's, both of them belonging to the spiritual rules.

Animal Instinct was originally an ability that branched from spiritual power! Ling Lan suddenly realized that Qi Long was actually the luckiest person alive. Not only was his physical constitution monstrous, the innate talent he had awakened was completely based off his spiritual power, which easily fulfilled the spiritual power requirement to advance to the domain stage. This also explained why Qi Long had advanced into the domain stage that easily. Both requirements were fulfilled before this fight even started, making his advancement was more or less perfect. It wasn't like Li Lanfeng's advancement where even though he had advanced, he would still have many problems in the future.

Qi Long directed the tornado towards Luo Lang's opponent. Then, he excitedly clenched his fists after feeling the concept of his domain. When he looked towards his opponent, he no longer felt the pressure he had felt in the very beginning of the battle. Although he had just advanced into the domain stage and could only slightly control it, he still felt that if he wanted to kill his opponent, it would be a piece of cake.

This was probably the difference between a natural domain and a fake domain. It was no wonder their Boss didn't allow them to take shortcuts. It seemed their Boss knew very well what price one would pay if they were to use shortcuts.

Qi Long began to laugh. He looked towards his opponent and softly said, "Die!"

Before his voice could reach his opponent, he had already gotten behind the wind element fake domain realm master. Then, the wind element fake domain realm master grasped onto his chest, and began to spit out massive amounts of blood along with his ruptured organs, causing him to fall over dead with his eyes still wide open.

"You think you can escape?" Ling Lan, who was originally fully focused on watching the battle, suddenly felt two strong auras running away in two different directions. Ling Lan moved in a split second and instantly intercepted one of them.

The domain realm master in the other direction was overjoyed, thinking that he had escaped. Suddenly, a silhouette blocked his path. It was Li Lanfeng.

It turns out, after drinking Li Shiyu's medicinal agent, Li Lanfeng's battered body was instantly healed up. When he was using the meditation technique to heal his body, his eyes didn't stop monitoring the manor. Thus, if there was anyone trying to escape from the manor, he would be able to instantly know. The person that Ling Lan had let go moved towards his direction. He thought about it and knew that he was most likely given to him by Ling Lan.

Chapter 778 - Difference!

"A newly advanced newbie actually dares to stand in my way. Are you looking to die?" The domain realm master who was blocked off by Li Lanfeng shouted sharply. As he spoke, he simultaneously attacked Li Lanfeng using his right hand. White smoke started appearing in his palm, and it flew towards Li Lanfeng like an arrow.

Li Lanfeng activated his domain decisively. "Bam!" The white smoke crashed onto Li Lanfeng's domain, creating a loud crashing sound.

Li Lanfeng's body trembled a bit from the sound. He could feel the blood rushing up his chest, leaving a sweet yet gamey taste in his mouth. He was now facing an actual domain realm master with many years of experience. This domain realm master had a much higher proficiency over his concept than he had over his own. This opponent wasn't someone who had just advanced into the domain stage could compare with.

However, Li Lanfeng was a stubborn person. Since Ling Lan trusted him and gave him the responsibility of delaying one of the domain realm masters, then he couldn't let Ling Lan be disappointed. He forced down the blood that was trying to rush out his mouth and looked at his opponent with a calm expression on his face.

The domain realm master's expression changed slightly after seeing that his attack blocked by Li Lanfeng. Only he knew that his seemingly simple attack actually consisted of the full power of the concept that his domain applied. He didn't think that his opponent would be fine after blocking his attack…

This domain realm master knew that he couldn't escape that easily anymore. He was regretting it somewhat. In reality, when they had discovered that there was a titled domain realm master among their enemies, they should have made the decision to escape.

It turns out, the reason why these two domain realm masters ran away was because they saw their comrade being intercepted by the opposing side's titled domain realm master. They discovered that this titled domain realm master was so much stronger than their front-line titled domain realm masters. This discovery instantly quelled their will to fight, so they didn't dare to make any sudden moves. As the fight continued, they saw Qi Long advancing to the domain stage perfectly, at that moment, they knew they couldn't wait any longer. Otherwise they would all be defeated here and become prisoners of war.

Almost simultaneously, the two of them both chose a direction to run towards. They only hoped that the titled domain realm master could only stop one of them. The other would then be able to notify their strongest people to come and save them. Unfortunately, they thought of it too ideally and neglected the fact that Li Lanfeng's body could have healed. In the end, both of them were intercepted and didn't get away successfully.

However, they weren't going down without a fight, especially the one who was intercepted by Li Lanfeng. That domain realm master did not believe that a newly advanced domain realm master would be able to stop him no matter how strange his domain concept was. He still had a chance to escape, as long as his comrade was trying his best to stall the titled domain realm master.

These domain realm master from the unknown organization were unwilling to die here, and still had hope in their heart, so they both released all their domain energy simultaneously. In a single moment, all the elements began crashing against each other, creating a picturesque scene filled with myriad of colors.

The domain realm master that was intercepted by Li Lanfeng suddenly turned into a body of white smoke, and it started to spread out. Seeing this, Li Lanfeng's expression changed slightly, and then activated his domain. After he activated it, the space around him began to become twisted. The white smoke that was spreading all around was held in place by the twisted space, locking the white smoke in place.

The black scythe appeared in Li Lanfeng's hand once again. Seeing this, the domain realm master was scarred as he had watched his own subordinate, the fake domain realm master, be instant erase out of existence. After feeling a sense of crisis, the domain realm master used all his might. White smoke began to spread to the surrounding area wildly. Not long after, Li Lanfeng along with his domain were both engulfed by the white smoke.

Li Lanfeng wasn't surprised, and he ruthlessly sliced towards the white smoke that had surrounded him.

"Bang!" The scythe sliced the white smoke, but was blocked by a much stronger domain concept than his own.

"I can only disintegrate domains that are weaker than my own?" Li Lanfeng frowned. He felt that it shouldn't be the case, but he only had just the basic understanding of his domain so he couldn't fully understand it.

Seeing he was alright, the domain realm master instantly breathed a sigh of relief. He now knew his opponent's domain was not as strong as he had previously thought, and it could not kill someone who had a deeper understanding of his or her concept. In reality, this was the law of domain. If there was a concept where that concept would overrule any other domain concept, then that would be unfair. How would they be able to live if that was the case?

After relieving his concerns, this domain realm master used his domain to attack Li Lanfeng wildly. Li Lanfeng's domain was ineffective against his opponent, and it could only be used it to defend himself. However, even so, Li Lanfeng didn't take any steps back. He didn't forget his mission and that was to stop his opponent even with his life.

"Sh*t!" Seeing his opponent not budging just to hold him back, the smoke element domain realm master instantly became irritated. He knew very well that if he didn't escape soon, he wouldn't be able to escape when the titled domain realm master would eventually defeat his comrade.

Knowing that his time was limited, the smoke element domain realm master made a tough decision. Suddenly, the smoke that was originally surrounding Li Lanfeng began to disperse. The smoke quickly formed into three transparent ropes. Then, these smoke ropes began to dance around Li Lanfeng… Under the light of the sun, these ropes actually had a rainbow hue to them.

Then, a silhouette suddenly walked out of the smoke. He reached his right hand out and clenched it tightly. The ropes that were originally dancing around Li Lanfeng instantly tightened and wrapped around Li Lanfeng and his domain.

Li Lanfeng's domain instantly became unstable as it couldn't endure this type of attack, and it began to shake violently.

Pinpoint attack! The opponent's method of attack was undoubtedly using this idea. This attack condensed the concept of his domain into three thin strings in an attempt to destroy the opponent's domain.

Suddenly, a force shot down from the sky. The smoke element domain realm master was stunned and could no longer shackle Li Lanfeng, so he moved to the side instantly to dodge this force.

"Bang!" A fist struck the ground where the smoke element domain realm master previously stood on, causing countless rocks to fly about. A silhouette slowly stood up and clenched his fist as he smiled, "Sorry for making you wait, I was stabilizing my domain." The person who came to save Li Lanfeng was Qi Long.

"It's alright, I can still hold on!" Li Lanfeng replied calmly. Although it was dangerous just a moment ago, it was just as he said, he could still hold on. It was just that fighting with real domain realm masters made Li Lanfeng realize the difference between himself and those experienced domain realm masters. The amount of domain techniques he knew were zero to none. It seemed that he needed to invent many more domain techniques.

Chapter 779 - Change Between Three States!

The domain realm master who Ling Lan stopped was the strongest among the three domain realm masters that were hiding in the manor. Ling Lan had detected his force of presence and concluded that he was only half a step away from becoming a titled domain realm formidable warrior. Hence, she decided to stop this person herself as no one other than her could match-up to him. Plus, Ling Lan had already made the decision to eliminate everyone here, so she would, of course, not allow anyone to escape.

The domain realm master frowned when he saw Ling Lan appearing in front of him. At first, he thought that Ling Lan would stop the weaker domain realm master, so he was slightly furious that Ling Lan chose him. Did his opponent think that he was afraid? He only chose to escape because he didn't want the manor to suffer more damages and was also going to look for reinforcements.

There were two powerful domain realm masters guarding the headquarters. One was Elder Hong who disappeared without a trace yesterday. No one knew if he was on a secret mission or was he caught by the military. The other person was Elder Liang. Elder Liang liked to suppress his force of presence and hid among the masses. He was not like Elder Hong who had a high status. When they were retreating, Elder Liang even disguised himself and fought with the enemies outside. He didn't retreat from the headquarters with the first batch. This domain realm master was planning to ask Elder Liang for help.

Since he was stopped, he could not leave this place anymore. His only hope was to tie down this person so that his comrade could maybe leave. The domain realm master made a decision and immediately activated his domain. He prepared to fight with Ling Lan, to the death.

Ling Lan felt a huge gush of hot air when this person activated his domain. Flames appeared out of nowhere in her opponent's domain. Compared to Mu Chaoran's red flame, this person's flame was slightly green and the energy in it was more powerful than Mu Chaoran's red flame. If she was right, a green flame was a tier higher than a red flame. This showed that her opponent had a strong understanding of his domain concept.

Ling Lan frowned. She didn't expect her opponent to have a fire elemental domain. The fire and ice element naturally restricted each other. Additionally, she had ever fought with a fire element domain realm master before. Will this fight it give her some new experiences? Ling Lan felt a growing fighting intent, and a cold aura started to exude out from her body.

"Ice element!" The fire element domain realm master was extremely sensitive to elements that restricted him. Ling Lan had only released a little of her force of presence but he instantly knew what her element was.

His expression changed slightly. He started to turn vigilant. This kind of mutated domain was very hard to predict and was very powerful, so they were hard to deal with. Domain realm masters hated opponents who had such mutated domains. Thus, to not get caught off guard by them, one would have to constantly stay on their guard.

Among the five basic elements, the fire element had the strongest offense, the metal element had the greatest explosive power, the earth element was the sturdiest, the water element had a good balance between offense and defense, and the wood element was the hardest to detect. All of them had their advantages. It could be said that most domain realm masters knew these five elements inside-out. Thus, when they fought against such elements, they already knew what to expect. However, mutated elements were rare, so not much information could be gathered. Thus, people could only rely on their personal experiences to battle against these mutated elements.

This kind of domain was very troublesome to deal with. However, there was another kind of domain that was not just troublesome, but it was also so scary that enemy domain realm masters had to be constantly careful and be alert of it, and it was the special domains. Li Lanfeng's weird domain was a perfect example of those special domains. No one could know what the domain could do, so a moment of carelessness might cause one's death.

On one side of the battlefield, the air was burning hot and filled with green flames. On the other side, it was cold and icy. Steam appeared at the meeting between the two domains. Soon, the steam disappeared.

The two of them confronted each other silently for a few seconds. Then, at the same time, the fire and ice arrows flew towards each other. The two people acted in unplanned unison. Both of them were trying to gauge each other's strength. No one was able to gain an advantage over the other. The clash between hot and cold produced a slightly warm mist that warmed up the entire battlefield. It seemed to be overpowered by the warmth from the flames.

The fire element domain realm master's eyes suddenly lit up. The mist surrounded him started to clear up first on his side first due to the heat from his flame. He could see his surroundings clearly again. Then, he saw the mist around his opponent and suddenly had a thought, and instantly, his entire body became engulfed in flames. The flames around him started to spiral upwards, twisting and curling into a huge green flame dragon that flew towards the Ling Lan side, covering the Ling Lan's entire side of the battlefield.

However, the fire dragon didn't hit anyone. It just struck an empty piece of land. Molten rocks and boulders were flung into the air. The fire dragon stood up and it started receding back, forming a human silhouette which was the fire element domain realm master who was wearing a worried expression. The green flames around him started to burn even brighter and grew from three inches to ten inches. His force of presence also increased almost three times.

He didn't expect his opponent to disappear without a trace. There were no signs of ice around him. Where is the ice element domain realm master hiding? Why wasn't there any force of presence here? Domain realm masters who could turn into their element would usually carry the presence of their element with them. However, he didn't feel any coldness around him.

Did he leave? The fire element domain realm master inspected the air around him again and confirmed that there was no coldness in it. Another thought flashed through his mind.

This is bad! He suddenly turned his head towards the direction where his comrade when and he felt the force of presence of a domain realm master with his comrade. He immediately understood what had happened. He got tricked by his opponent. His opponent's real target was his comrade.

The other party didn't plan to let any one of them away! The fire element immediately changed into a green flame dragon again and flew as fast as he could. He was filled with anger and grief. "Don't worry, I'll definitely find Elder Liang and take revenge for all of you!" At the last moment, he chose to save himself and sacrificed his comrades.

He was focused on escaping that he didn't notice a warm mist entering his domain. The temperature of the mist was the same as his aura so he thought that it was just some leftover mist from the battlefield. By the time he realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.

"Ice Blockade!" A cold voice could be heard next to his ear. He felt his body turning cold. The moment he felt that his body froze into an ice statue.

The mist around him slowly dispersed, revealing Ling Lan's body. She had never left.

The fire element domain realm master didn't stop struggling. The green flames on his body tried to burn the ice surrounding his body. However, he was cut off from the surrounding fire elements by the ice, so he could only rely on his domain energy. If he couldn't escape before his energy got depleted, he will be dead.

He saw Ling Lan walking out of the mist. His eyes widened in disbelief. He could still clearly feel that there was no cold aura in the mist. It was warm. This couldn't be done by an ice element… He let down his guard because of this and allowed his opponent to infiltrate his domain with his ice element.

The coldness in his body got even colder. The cold didn't just come externally, it came from within him too. When he turned into a flame dragon, he sucked in the mist accidentally. This mist turned into ice element in his body and disrupted the energy inside him.

"As expected of someone who was almost a titled domain realm formidable warrior. You lasted for a long time even after my ice element infiltrated into your body," Ling Lan said calmly.

This battle with this fire element domain realm master made Ling Lan gain a deeper understanding of the third state of the water element. Compared to the other two states, this state was almost invisible. She could attack her opponent without a trace. The bugged technique could only be used when her opponent touched her in her liquid state. In the gaseous state, she could hide in her opponent's domain and sneaked an attack on him without him noticing.

The damage done to her opponent when her ice element infiltrated his body was stronger than any external attack. If she purely used her ice element in its solid state, she would need to use a technique that would overpower her opponent. For instance, Ice Blockade. However, her ice element energy would be used up in the process, and she wouldn't be able to resist against an attack by another domain realm master. If she used the gaseous state to infiltrate her opponent's body and then turned it back to its solid state, the results would be the same as using Ice Blockade. But, the energy consumed would be much lesser. Even if another enemy came to attack her, she would have the strength to fight against him.

Through this battle, Ling Lan was able to use the three states of the water element interchangeably and seamlessly. She understood that strength was not the only decisive factor in a battle. Understanding her opponent's mindset and using the right technique could kill people were important factors that could swing a battle to either side.

At first, Ling Lan thought that she already had a good understanding of her domain. Now, she realized that those understandings were just theoretical, and only through experience would she be able to gain enlightenment and more insights towards her own domain. She always thought that the gaseous state was only suitable for sneak attacks and not direct confrontations. Now, she felt that she needed to further explore the offense techniques of the gaseous state. She might be able to create some new and unique techniques.

No wonder her father always gave her difficult missions. His intention was to let her understand her domain quicker through all these experiences. As expected of her father, he knew her the best. Ling Xiao knew that Ling Lan was not someone who likes to fight. Hence, he had no choice but to bear with the pressure from his wife to give Ling Lan some troubles.

Chapter 780 - Tea Party!

Ling Lan looked intently at the struggling fire element domain realm master. Then, she turned back and increased the power of her domain. The ice element soon consumed all the domain energy inside him, ending his power to resist. The ice element slowly froze his body from the inside until jagged ice shards could be seen puncturing out of his skin, slowly the ice shards started to merge with each together, creating an ice statue with a face that was filled with grief and regret.

Ling Lan snapped her fingers. The ice statue started to show some visible cracks, and the number of those cracks got higher and higher, soon it reached its threshold and the shards started to fall apart, as the shards were falling down, the shards were somehow dissolving in mid-air, and soon no traces of the ice statue were left behind. Usually, her liquid state technique would still leave a pool of blood but for this technique, not even the smell of blood was left behind, only the coldness in the air could be felt. But, under the hot sun, it would disappear soon too. Compared to the techniques of the other two states, Ling Lan preferred the solid state of her element. It had nothing to do with how powerful they were. It was just her personal preference.

As Ling Lan killed the fire element domain realm master, Luo Lang and Xie Yi's battles were coming to an end too.

Compared to Qi Long, Luo Lang was in a worse situation. He almost got trapped by his opponent's sand seals and was almost dragged into a sea of sand. Luckily, Luo Lang activated his innate talent on time and released his calm personality, managing to save himself from the danger.

"I didn't expect the primary personality to be beaten so badly by a fake domain realm master…" Not everyone liked the calm personality, but the primary personality trusted the calm personality the most, and would always release it during times of danger. Hence, the other personalities were jealous.

"It's better than being a crazy dog." The calm personality refuted, mocking the personality that spoke up. The other personalities were furious. If Luo Lang hadn't suppressed them, all the personalities would have fought within him.

"Why are you all still arguing with each other? If it wasn't for all of you, why would I still be stuck at the optimal peak of Qi-Jin for so long? Even that bastard Qi Long managed to advance to the domain stage, but I haven't even scrape the surface of it. You all know that I don't like to lose to Qi Long but you all are still not helping me! Not only that, you all just constantly fight among yourselves. I'm so angry!" Luo Lang finally exploded in anger. "If you all don't want to help me, fine, just stop disturbing me."

Luo Lang wasn't a scheming person. He was straightforward and forthright. Additionally, he treated his other personalities well. As long as his other personalities didn't go too overboard, he would just close one eye and let them do what they want. He never used his power as the primary personality to force the other personalities to do anything. It should be known that Ling Lan had already helped him to subdue all the other personalities, so Luo Lang felt that these personalities were his companions who had been through thick and thin with him. That was why he didn't want to use them as servants.

Luo Lang's outburst caused the other personalities to shut up. If the primary personality didn't like that specific personality, that specific personality would just disappear. This was the reason why they didn't want to submit to Luo Lang in the beginning because submitting to him meant that they would have to listen to him.

The personalities thought back about how the primary personality treated and endured them all these years. They felt guilty. Sometimes, when a certain personality felt that he hadn't come out for quite a while, he would discuss it with the primary personality and the primary personality would let him out for a while. If they had met an oppressive primary personality, they believed that their days wouldn't be so easy.

"Actually, we should really think about this…" The cold personality felt that this wasn't a good time to fight among themselves.

"I agree!" The personality with a strong killing intent turned friendlier. It was rare for him.

"I agree too!" The savage personality didn't want to see the primary personality get beat up too. If the primary personality advanced in his physical skills, it would be beneficial for them too. They felt that they might be able to come out more often in the primary personality advanced to the domain stage.

"Isn't it good to come out?" The calculative and cold personality always chose things that were beneficial to him.

The other personalities knew that doing this wouldn't harm them. It might even be beneficial for them. Hence, they all agreed. What a rare occasion for all the personalities to agree on something.

"Based on Boss's investigation, if one can understand his or her domain, one can advance to the domain stage, and understanding one's domain has to do with one's innate talent. My innate talent is Alter Ego, which is all of you. However, I don't understand what domain can I derive from Alter Ego…" Luo Lang was stuck here. Just like Qi Long, his innate talent was too unique. He couldn't use the five basic elements as a reference to find out what his domain could be.

This was why there were very few domain realm masters with special domains. Not many of them were able to understand what concept their domain could be and advance to the domain stage. From the data collected over thousands of years, special domain realm masters only made up 1% of all domain realm masters. The five basic element domain realm masters made up 60% of the domain realm masters. Mutated elements domain realm masters made up 20%. Combining these two, the elemental domains made up 80% of the domain. Besides elemental domains, there was the true form domain which took up 10% and the assist domain which took up 9%… based on these data, special domains were extremely rare.

However, the world is fair. Special domain realm masters had it hard but once they succeed, they would be stronger than most other domain realm masters. Almost everyone with a special domain had a bugged technique, making them extremely strong. No normal domain realm masters wanted to face a special domain realm masters.

"Li Lanfeng's ability should be the virtualization of the real world, right?" The calm personality suddenly asked.

"Yes, we should think about it in that direction. It is the actualization of his spectre ability. Maybe we can actualize our innate talent too," one of the personalities said excitedly. If they could actualize their innate talent, then all of them could appear in the domain, right? And they wouldn't have to fight for space anymore.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this and they looked at Luo Lang with sparkling eyes.

"How can we do that?" Luo Lang was puzzled. He had thought about this too but he didn't know how to do it.

Luo Lang's other personalities turned quiet. Indeed, this was the hard part.

"F**k, I don't believe that we can't think of a way. We have so many brains," a bad-tempered personality shouted.

"By the time you all think of a method, grass will have grown on our grave," said the calm personality while evading another dangerous attack. Damn it, why are these people having a tea party now? Can't they tell that he was having a hard time?

"Capable people should take more responsibility," the primary identity replied to him.

"Yes, you are powerful, right?"

"You are the big brother. Of course, you should handle it…" The other personalities complimented the calm personality half-heartedly.

Chapter 781 - Actualise?

"Why not you all come out and fight instead of being useless in there," the calm personality said unemotionally. If he did have emotions, he would have vomited blood in anger by now. However, even if that was the case, he still felt slightly unhappy. He wanted to give up and stop fighting but his calmness prevented him from doing such irrational things. Thus, he squeezed out that sentence to ask these bastards to do something and stop provoking him.

"You are taking the spot now. How can we come out when you're there?" The other personalities rolled their eyes. They wanted to go out but without the body, they couldn't do anything.

"Force your way out then. If one of you can't do it, try two. If that doesn't work, then all of you should force together, and maybe we can break the barrier." The calm personality felt that instead of talking, they might as well do something. Who knows, they might find a solution in the process.

"That could be possible!" Everyone seemed enlightened. All the personalities rushed towards Luo Lang's brain and force their way out. The possibility of them breaking the barrier was slim but they still tried their best.

"Hey, why are you all bringing me along?" Shouted the primary personality in frustration. He was mushed in the middle of everyone and was dragged by them along the way. He suspected that his other personalities were plotting to kill him with this so that they could become the owner of the body.

"Without you handling the body, everything might be a mess if we really advanced to the domain stage without you," one of the personalities replied.

Thus, all the personalities charged into Luo Lang's brain crazily. Just when the primary personality felt that it was going to die from being squeezed together from the shoulder that was pushing on his cheeks to the elbow that was stabbing his back, an explosion occurred.

Due to all the personalities rushing into the brain at once, the calm personality's brain went dull for a moment, slowing his actions down which allowed his entire body to be swallowed by the sand.

Boom! The sand that engulfed Luo Lang suddenly exploded. Luo Lang opened his eyes slowly and a light flashed passed them.

"Activate domain!"

Two figures appeared beside Luo Lang, one on the left and one on the right. The one on the left exuded a strong killing intent while the one on the right looked indifferent and cold.

Luo Lang looked at the two people who had the same face as him but with totally different auras. He smiled brightly. "I didn't expect to be able to fight along with you two one day."

The person on the right scoffed. "If you were strong enough, we would not have been trapped in there for so long."

"Although there are only two extra spots, it's better than last time." On the left was the pouting malicious Luo Lang. He looked dissatisfied.

"No worries. As long as the primary personality continues to gain a deeper understanding of his domain, more and more personalities will be able to appear." The calm personality thought about Luo Lang's domain and understood the crux of its power. His domain concept was to allow his other personalities to appear within their domain space. Luo Lang's domain was exactly the opposite of Li Lanfeng's domain. As the latter could virtualize reality while the former could actualize the personalities in his mind. If Luo Lang continued to understand his domain even further, he might be able to let more personalities out in the future.

"I didn't expect the two of us to be the first to come out. The other personalities must be furious." The malicious Luo Lang smiled. He was proud that he was able to be one of the first to come out. The other personalities in Luo Lang's mind heard what he said and started biting their nails in anger. Why did they lose to him?

"I have to say that you are quite lucky," the calm personality replied. Besides the primary personality who would definitely be able to come out, the other personality that could come out would be him. Before the primary personality was able to understand more about his domain, the two personalities that could come out would be the strongest among all the personalities. Hence, one of the positions was rightfully earned by him. On the other hand, the malicious personality managed to win against a few personalities who had the same strength as him and succeeded in getting a spot.

"I have to admit that." The malicious personality didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He was indeed lucky. He just didn't know if he would be able to come out next time.

"But no matter what, they are still jealous of me." The moment he finished speaking, a strong killing intent started to leak into the area. The sand element domain realm master felt his body being frozen by the malicious intent, making him unable to move at all.

Soon, the malicious personality appeared behind the fake domain realm master silently.

The fake domain realm master struggled furiously, and a sturdy sand shield appeared behind him.

"Good reaction." The malicious personality smiled and disappeared again. The killing intent pinning the fake domain realm master down was suddenly gone. He coughed and tried to stand up, but a long thin wound on his back was forced open by the movement of his body, and blood started dripping off his back.

The fake domain realm master sensed the attack and tried his best to resist it. However, he was still a step too late. The malicious personality already managed to injure him. Fortunately, he was able to prevent the malicious personality from killing him.

"You didn't manage to kill him in a single strike? Looks like you got weaker." The calm personality saw this and felt surprised.

"If we did everything for him, how can the primary personality master his own domain?" The malicious personality gave a mysterious smile. He didn't kill that fake domain realm master not because he couldn't. He didn't kill him because it was not beneficial to him.

"It is rare for you to be smart," the calm personality agreed.

"There is no need for me to be in the past. I can only come out for a few minutes so why would I waste it thinking? Of course, I will just do what makes me happy." The malicious personality raised his eyebrows. In the past, all the other personalities queued up and waited to come out. How could he waste his time thinking? He would rather kill some people and make himself comfortable and happy. As for using his brain, he had much time to think when he goes back to the depth of Luo Lang's mind.

However, everything is different now. The sooner the primary personality's understanding of domain gets deeper, the sooner they could come out in the future. This was why he was willing to control his urge to kill. That way, the primary personality had a chance to grow and understand his domain faster.

Chapter 782 - Combine And Reset!

The calm personality thought the same way too. He didn't choose to fight. Instead, he just looked at Luo Lang. His appearance was just to give some moral support to the primary personality. Honestly, he was worried about this pure and slightly stupid primary personality.

Luo Lang's face turned red. He seemed to have sensed the thoughts of the two personalities in front of him. How dare these personalities to look down on him… fine, I'll let you two off this time. Luo Lang closed his eyes angrily and started to get a feel of his domain. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again but they were filled with puzzlement.

He opened his hands and a bright long knife appeared on his palms. Luo Lang grabbed it tightly with both hands and slashed it in the air.

Suddenly, a strong killing intent exuded from his body. The uncertain look in his eyes disappeared but it also took all the emotions from his face.

"So this is what it means," Luo Lang said calmly. He waved the long knife in his hand.

The long knife was around 1.5 meters in length. When he waved it, a strong knife aura was released. The knife aura appeared to have increased in length as it slice towards its opponent. The knife aura it released was frightening, seemingly able to slash everything apart.

The fake domain realm master's expression changed tremendously. He wanted to evade the attack but his body remained still due to the malicious personality's killing intent. The knife aura came closer and closer to him. He frantically used his domain to try to break free from the killing intent.

"Ah!" Fresh blood spurted everywhere, and an arm fell to the ground. The fake domain realm master grabbed his bloody right shoulder. He tried his best to escape but he still lost an arm.

Run! He knew he was not the match of his opponent who just advanced to the domain stage. Plus, there were three people on the other side. Two had attacked him. One injured him while the other chopped his arm off. If the third one attacked him too, he would just be dead.

The fake domain realm master turned around and escaped.

"Do you need me to act?" A cold voice asked.

"No!" Luo Lang replied coldly. He finally knew what his domain was. A strong killing intent was released from his body again. The malicious personality saw this and understood something. "I see!"

This time, the killing intent he released was much more powerful than before. It seemed to have consumed every single inch of the place. A few domain realm masters around him got affected by the killing intent too. They felt as though they were fighting in water, facing resistance with every action they make.

The fake domain realm master ran for a few meters before he got frozen by the killing intent again, completely immobilizing him. His face turned pale and there was a look of despair in his eyes.

Luo Lang seemed to have cut himself away from all forms of emotion. It was as if nothing could bother him. The only person in his eyes was his opponent. To the fake domain realm master, he was Hades. Without any hesitation, Luo Lang raised his knife and slashed it twice. The visible cross-shaped knife aura flew towards the fake domain realm master.

"Ah!" The fake domain realm master gave another scream of agony before he was sliced into four big chunks by the knife aura. The four chunks slowly fell into a pile of blood, piece by piece.

"The weapon the primary personality created is a knife?" The calm personality looked at Luo Lang in surprise. The knife didn't suit Luo Lang's current face. Although he had that face too, he always felt that it belonged to the primary personality. The primary personality was always lively and positive. People would feel happy when they see that face.

What caught him off guard was the fact that the primary personality's domain had another ability besides actualizing his personalities. He was able to combine and reset! It meant that he could take parts from the actualized personalities and combined it with his primary personality. Just now, the primary personality took the killing intent from the malicious personality and took his ability to control his emotions, making the primary personality someone calm with a suffocating killing intent, thus allowing the primary personality could kill his opponent that easily.

Suddenly, the killing intent disappeared from Luo Lang's body. His face was full of expression again. He blinked and smiled brightly. He tipped his head high and said, "Look, I did pretty well, right?" Even though he seemed proud of himself, one could see the clenched fist behind his back.

"Not bad." The calm personality wanted to nag about his performance but he felt that for someone who used his domain for the first time, Luo Lang did quite well. Hence, he swallowed whatever he wanted to nag about and went back to Luo Lang's mind along with the malicious personality.

"Work harder next time, don't…" The malicious personality didn't manage to finish his sentence before he was sent back into Luo Lang's mind. Luo Lang's domain disappeared. The calm and the malicious personalities disappeared along with it.

As soon as they disappear, Luo Lang flopped on the ground weakly and muttered to himself, "Having domain is good and all but it used up too much energy." Then, he gave a bright smile. "I will work harder and let us all appear together. This is my promise to all of you!" Luo Lang never took his other personalities as his slaves but as friends who went through thick and thin together. Thus, when he knew that he could fight together with them, he was extremely motivated to do just that.

"I can finally catch up to Boss!" Every time his boss fought with other domain realm masters, he and his comrades could only hide behind their Boss and just try to not be a burden. All the members of Lingtian felt unhappy about this so they worked hard and pushed themselves for the day when they could stand together with their Boss with their heads held up high. Now, he finally took his first step to achieve that. Luo Lang was elated.

Then, he looked at Qi Long. Qi Long and Li Lanfeng were fighting with a domain realm master with their activated domains.

"Damn it, he is faster again." Luo Lang pouted. He was unhappy that he lost to Qi Long again. However, he regained his smile quickly. That's good, they had all advanced to the domain stage. It's all up to Xie Yi now!

Luo Lang looked at Xie Yi's direction. He couldn't be seen due to paper dome trapping him. He prayed silently, 'All the best! Don't lose to us!'

At that moment, a loud explosion occurred in that direction. Multiple purple lightning shot out from the center of the paper dome, burning the paper into ashes. A man with lightning snaked all around him walked out.

Luo Lang's eyes lit up. Did Xie Yi succeed too?

Chapter 783 - Half Domain?

As Xie Yi was walking out of the paper dome, he suavely flicked his wrist and a bolt of lightning quickly flew towards his opponent, giving him no time to evade. He got struck by the lightning bolt and his body slowly crumbled, forming a neat pile of ashes where he once stood for the wind to eventually blow away.

Luo Lang jumped up excitedly when he saw Xie Yi. Before he could walk a few steps forward, he saw Xie Yi smiling widely with black smoke coming out through the gaps of his teeth. Just as he was about to say something, Xie Yi patted his chest and said, "Phew, I almost died!"

Luo Lang was speechless. What is this Xie Yi up to?

Xie Yi saw Luo Lang staring at him intently so he quickly retracted his domain. After the lightning around him disappeared, Luo Lang discovered that Xie Yi was covered entirely in soot and his hair was reaching for the skies. This was an entirely different image compared to the suave moment when he had just now.

"What on earth happened?" Luo Lang asked curiously. In the past, Xie Yi didn't fully awaken his powers so, whenever he used his innate talent, both he and his opponent would get injured from the backlash. It was like dealing 80 points of damage to himself to inflict 100 points of damage to his enemy. 'Did he fail to advance to the domain stage? But that doesn't make sense. If he didn't advance to the domain stage, how could he kill his opponent that easily? Is there a problem with his Domain? Is it the same problem as last time?'

"I only have a half domain," Xie Yi replied helplessly. He was happy that he managed to advance to the domain stage but he also unhappy that he didn't manage to do it perfectly. This had to do with his bloodline but he didn't know how to explain it without exposing his secrets.

"What?" Luo Lang asked with a hint of confusion. Their boss told them that there were three domains they could get if they were to advance to the domain stage. The three domains they could get were a fake domain, a pseudo domain, and a real domain. Their boss wanted them to get the real domain and become a real domain realm master. But, he never said anything about a half domain.

"A half domain is not a fake domain… however, it is not a real domain… yet, it is different from a pseudo domain…" Xie Yi didn't know what to say.

"Talk human language," Luo Lang replied angrily.

"It means that the other half of my domain is on my other personality," Xie Yi finally answered honestly.

"Your dark character!" Luo Lang was shocked.

"How do you know that it is my dark character?" Xie Yi raised his eyebrows. There was suddenly a cold aura around him.

Luo Lang waved his hand nonchalantly. "No matter who comes out, the one not coming out is the dark character, right?"

Xie Yi smiled brightly again. His teeth seemed exceptionally bright when compared with his charred look. "I got the Yang lightning and he got the Yin lightning. However, I'm the only one who advanced to the domain stage. Therefore, there is currently an imbalance of power between the Yang and Yin lightning so I injured myself. That year when I was constantly injuring myself when I used my power, it was also due to this reason."

"He is not willing to cooperate?" Luo Lang was puzzled. Why aren't they working together?

"No, we are both willing to help each other. However, we have two conscious so we can't work cohesively." Would they only be able to solve the problem if one of them disappeared? Xie Yi frowned. This was not what they wanted.

Luo Lang understood Xie Yi's thoughts but he couldn't do anything to help. "Why don't we ask Boss later? He might be able to find a solution."

Xie Yi sighed. "That's my plan too. If I can't solve the problem, I may never be able to maintain my domain for an extended period of time. If I try to force it, I might as well be burnt to death." Luckily, his opponent was a paper domain realm master, and lightning restricts paper. If it was some other domain realm master, he might not be able to kill him that easily.

As Xie Yi and Luo Lang were speaking to each other, loud explosions were constantly heard in the background, signifying the battles on the other sides finally coming to an end. The battles were able to end so quickly because Ling Lan came and ended it for them as her presence alone caused the opponent to give up and want to escape. However, when fighting with someone on par with you, any loss of attention could lead to dire consequences. The moment these people wanted to escape, openings appeared in their moves. The domain realm masters who Ling Xiao sent were all experiences domain realm masters who had been in the domain stage for many years so they would not give up on this opportunity. Hence the instant the openings showed themselves, they quickly used their most powerful technique and killed their opponent.

The 23rd division didn't have many people so they couldn't just throw caution to the wind, and just keep these domain realm masters as prisoners. Even if they could seal off their opponent's domain, they wouldn't dare to take them as their prisoner. Thus, they could only kill them. If the seal broke, all their efforts before this would be wasted. Plus, no one knew if their opponents had a way to send information out. If the organization knew of their position, they might be ambushed and become prisoners instead.

Ling Lan knew this so she just silently watched the massacre. In the end, only the Boss of the headquarters, who was still hiding in the manor, was left. However, the Boss was a decisive person. When he knew all hopes were lost, he decided to commit suicide, keeping the secrets of the organization to himself. Was this because of his loyalty or was he afraid of the organization?

Ling Lan, however, was not surprised by his actions. When she decided to block their path of retreat, she had already predicted this ending. As the boss of the headquarters, when he was unable to protect the safety of the headquarters and the results of the experiments, he would have to commit suicide to compensate for his inability. If the boss didn't commit suicide, then that would be surprising.

They searched through the entire manor and confirmed that there were no more enemies hiding in the manor. Ling Lan contacted He Xuyang to ask him to come over. This time, however, He Xuyang didn't just bring domain realm masters. He also brought a full transport logistics team. When he saw the resources starting to roll out from the manor, his eyes lit up with credits flashing his eyes.

Very soon, He Xuyang took away all the resources in the manor. If he could, he wanted to take the manor away too. Luckily, he maintained his composure and knew he must not embarrass the 23rd division's name, so he controlled his urge and allowed the manor to remain as it was. In actuality, there was nothing left inside.

Ling Lan saw that everyone seemed elated except Xie Yi. She said, "You can all go back and stabilize your domain, especially Lanfeng. Your domain is in a fragile state so you must be careful. As for Xie Yi…"

Xie Yi immediately looked at Ling Lan hopefully. He seemed like a hopeless little puppy who had finally seen its owner. Ling Lan wanted to pinch his cheeks so much. Sob, why are there so many cuties in her team? She really couldn't maintain her cold persona anymore.

Ling Lan coughed and continued indifferently, "Wait for me to go back, I'll try to solve it."

"Yes, Boss!" Xie Yi shouted excitedly. If their Boss decided to do something, he would be able to do everything.

'I hope so!' The other Xie Yi pouted. He was not a brainless fan!

Chapter 784 - Hostage!

Ling Lan organized everything and quickly returned to the Azure Central Scout Academy while Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu secretly went back to the Li family. Little Four had already tampered with the footage on the surveillance cameras along the way, showing that the Li brothers went back to their house the moment the attack happened. As descendants of the Li family, it was understandable that they decided to return home and seek protection from their family. No one would suspect their actions.

At that moment, all the scouts from the Azure Central Scout Academy were already gathered at a vast field somewhere in the school, far away from the forest. They waited for the result of the battle there.

Ling Lan silently sneaked into the crowd of scouts. Of course, to make sure that she was not discovered, she entered from the edge.

"Why did you run out?"Coincidently, two familiar people were at the place where she attempted to sneak in. It was Yu Zhengyuan and Little Jin.

Yu Zhengyuan looked at Ling Lan who was standing at the edge with a confused look. He frowned. He thought that Ling Lan was bullied.

Little Jin shook his head and said, "The edge is more dangerous. No one knows if there are any enemies left so you should come back inside.

Ling Lan saw them and immediately looked as though she had found her life savior. "Brother Little Jin, I lost Little White."

Yu Zhengyuan quickly realized that Little White was not in Ling Lan's arm. Ling Lan always carried it around with him.

"Did you left it in your apartment?" Little Jin asked quickly.

"No, it was always beside me. When I was thrown by that huge monster just now, I didn't manage to grab it. I lost it." Ling Lan was so worried that she looked as though she was going to cry at any moment. Yu Zhengyuan and Little Jin couldn't bear to see her cry.

"Little White looks smart. It can probably… find you…" Yu Zhengyuan wanted to console Ling Lan but Ling Lan gave him a look of disdain when he said that. He couldn't continue his sentence. Fine, that fat little ball had nothing to do with the word 'clever'. He once saw Pei Shaoyun asking Little White for direction a few times but Little White always gave the wrong direction, so it must be bad with directions. If it was lost, it probably wouldn't be able to find its way back.

"Once this matter ends, we will help you to look for it." Little Jin was better at consoling people. He immediately suggested helping Ling Lan to look for Little White.

Ling Lan's expression immediately lightened up. Little Jin's words managed to comfort Ling Lan. Little Jin looked at his leader proudly, seemingly implying 'look, I know our little brother better'.

Yu Zhengyuan bitterly smiled and shook his head. As expected, people with the same level of intelligence communicated better with each other.

Boom! A loud explosion suddenly came out from nowhere. Yu Zhengyuan quickly grabbed onto Ling Lan who lost her balance from the small earthquake. He frowned and looked at the direction of the explosion. The military had reached the forest now. Why did such a huge explosion occur here?

Suddenly, a middle-aged man appeared in the crowd's vision. When they blinked their eyes just once, he was already in front of them.

When the middle-aged man saw the valedictorian uniform Yu Zhengyuan was wearing, his eyes lit up, and he quickly flew to grab him.

"How dare you!" A lightning bolt and a stream of water suddenly attacked the middle-aged man. At the same time, a fire wall appeared in front of Yu Zhengyuan and others, preventing the middle-aged man from harming them.

The middle-aged looked at the lightning bolt and the stream of water. He had been injured by the combined attacks of these two elements before, so he would not be injured by that cheap trick again. He exponentially increased his speed and ran away from the lightning and water. Then, he charged through the fire wall and rushed towards Yu Zhengyuan.

"Ah!" Ling Lan appeared to be shocked by the situation. She seemed to have lost control of her emotions and pushed Yu Zhengyuan who was beside her. Yu Zhengyuan knew that he was unable to escape so he was preparing to fight the middle-aged man to his death. However, he didn't expect Ling Lan to suddenly push him so he fell to the side, landing heavily on the ground.

At first, the middle-aged man wanted to catch Yu Zhengyuan. But after Yu Zhengyuan fell down, he instead grabbed Ling Lan who was standing beside Yu Zhengyuan. He was shocked but he didn't have any more time so he just settled with Ling Lan and quickly flew out of the school. He originally wanted to use his ultimate technique to kill some scouts at the field. That way, the military would have to split their attention to the cadets. However, with more than ten domain realm masters behind him. If he used his ultimate technique, he would be stranded here. His life was more valuable than just some scouts.

Only the middle-aged man knew who his target was. People might think that it was Ling Lan, but his actual target was Yu Zhengyuan who was just slightly injured by his force of presence.

"Damn it!" Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu were furious when they saw the middle-aged man grabbing their beloved roommate, Pei Shaoyun. They quickly chased after him. The water element domain realm master who cooperated with Tang Ningyu, as well as a few other domain realm masters, chased after the middle-aged man too. They didn't expect there to be another titled domain realm formidable warrior guarding the headquarters. Fortunately, they outnumbered the middle-aged man. If not, they might all have died here as the middle-aged man was much stronger than them. They didn't want the talented youths who were groomed by the military to lose their life here but at the same time, they wanted to trap the titled domain realm formidable warrior here as he would be a huge threat to the Federation if he escaped.

Very soon, colourful figures disappeared from Yu Zhengyuan's view. Yu Zhengyuan picked himself up from the ground in shock and looked at the people who disappeared with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

"Leader, are you alright?" The other members of his team were shocked too. They didn't expect to face a domain realm master that closely.

"I'm fine!" Yu Zhengyuan shook his head. Deep inside, he knew that if Pei Shaoyun hadn't pushed him, he would instead be the hostage. Did Pei Shaoyun do that on purpose? If it was a coincidence, he was really lucky. If it was intended… Yu Zhengyuan felt his heart pumping loudly.

"Pei Shaoyun, you must come back safely," Yu Zhenyuan softly muttered. His query could only be answered if Pei Shaoyun came back.

"Pei Shaoyun got taken away." Little Jin felt fortunate that his leader was safe but he wanted to cry when he remembered that Pei Shaoyun was captured. His cute little brother. What should he do? He wished that he was the one who was captured instead.

The middle-aged man was unable to throw the people chasing him away. He didn't want to expose the other secret bases of the organization so he turned around angrily and activated his domain. Then, he pushed his palm out.

Two ice mountains suddenly appeared and flew towards Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran who were the closest to him.

Chapter 785 - Revenge!

In order to save Pei Shaoyun, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran released all their energy and chased after the middle-aged man, which allowed them to tail the middle-aged man closely. This must be the fastest they had ever flown in their lives.

When they saw the ice mountain coming towards them, they gritted their teeth and threw out a lightning dragon and a fire dragon. The two dragons slammed onto the ice mountain. Even though they could have evaded the attack, but they didn't as they were afraid that the middle-aged man would escape when they were wasting their time evading.

"Boom!" Cold met hot. The ice mountain exploded when the lightning and fire dragons crashed onto it, shrouding the surrounding in a dense mist.

This was exactly what the middle-aged man wanted to happen. He quickly turned around and flew again. Two domain realm masters, who were two of the faster pursuers of the middle-aged man, suddenly jumped forward. The two of them worked together to release a strong gust of wind which cleared up the mist.

Just as the group of domain realm masters was about to catch up to him, the middle-aged man flashed them a cruel smile. He was now going to show them why he captured a hostage.

He released Ling Lan from his grasp, allowing her to freefall with her terrified face facing towards him, who still had a cruel smile on his face. He raised his palm towards her face, and Ling Lan's face was instantly frozen with a frightened expression. The ice started to spread from her face to every part of her body, creating a glistening ice statue in the sunlight.

Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran'e eyes turned bloodshot when they saw this. They quickly flew forward and caught Ling Lan in their arms. Then, they controlled the speed of their bodies and softly landed on the ground. They gently laid Ling Lan on the ground.

Mu Chaoran quickly used his fire domain energy in an attempt to melt the ice around Ling Lan to save her. When the middle-aged man saw this, he scoffed heartlessly.

Ling Lan, who had turned into an ice status, started to crack. Bits and pieces of the statue started to fall off slowly in front of Mu Chaoran.

"Little Brother Shaoyun!" Mu Chaoran shouted in despair. He desperately tried to hold the statue from crumbling but it was of no help.

When Tang Ningyu was about to chase after the middle-aged man, he suddenly heard a loud scream of agony, stopping him in his tracks. He rushed towards the source of the scream, Mu Chaoran.

When Tang Ningyu arrived next to Mu Chaoran, he only saw a Pei Shaoyun's cracked face. There were even frozen tears near Pei Shaoyun's eyes. 'Shaoyun didn't want to die, right?' Tang Ningyu wanted to spend time with Pei Shaoyun again but he didn't have the chance to anymore.

The ice statue continued to crack even more until there was only dust of it once was. A breeze suddenly came by and blew the dust away, leaving nothing behind. It was as if Ling Lan never existed in the world.

Mu Chaoran felt the emptiness in his arm. He was at a loss.

He was originally someone who didn't care about anything. He felt that the world was unfair and his anger towards the world made him indifferent towards everything. In the past, he thought that this was how he would spend the rest of his life, but he didn't expect for someone to enter his life and impact his life that much. Pei Shaoyun was a sincere and honest person. His eyes were pure and bright like the stars in a dark night. Every time Pei Shaoyun looked at him with those eyes, he would feel guilty at the fact that these pure eyes would eventually be stained by the filth of the world, so to prevent that from happening, he vowed in his heart to treat him well. It was only half a month but Pei Shaoyun had already entered the depths of his heart.

This was the first time he wanted to treat someone well. He wanted to become lifelong brothers with Pei Shaoyun. He wanted to protect him from the filth of the world. Yet, this person disappeared before him so easily and there was nothing he could do to stop it. This helplessness made his heart hurt. He was filled with grief and anger.

Tang Ningyu looked at griefing Mu Chaoran helplessly. The timid, sincere, and innocent young man was gone. He was really unable to accept this fact. He was already prepared to protect Shaoyun when he enters the military. However, the middle-aged man had killed him, right before his eyes. This was clearly a joke. Hah! Did he want to become the leader of the new generation at the Flying Dragon Special Forces? He couldn't even protect the person he wanted to protect. How could he have the conscious to even try to become the leader of the new generation at Flying Dragon Special Forces?

Tang Ningyu was greatly impacted by Pei Shaoyun's death. He finally lowered his head. He never lowered it before… he was in pain.

Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran weren't in the right state of mind to chase after the middle-aged man anymore. The other domain realm masters wanted to chase the man but they were too slow. Thus, the middle-aged man managed to escape from his pursuers.

"Damn it!" The fastest wind element domain realm masters quickly activated his domain and scanned the area around them with his wind. There were no foreign forces of presence around them anymore. It seemed like the middle-aged man had quickly left this area. They didn't know which direction he went and he was more powerful than them, so they didn't dare to split up to look for him as they might fall into his trap.

"He's gone." The domain realm masters had no other choice but to give up on the pursuit. They landed next to Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's side. Very soon, they realized that something was wrong with these two people. They quickly called out them in a worried tone. Tang Ningyu regained his senses first. He clenched his fist and then let go of them. He raised his right hand and placed it on Mu Chaoran's shoulder, who was still half-kneeling on the ground.

"I'll definitely destroy this organization and get revenge for Shaoyun!" Tang Ningyu held Mu Chaoran's shoulder tightly.

"Don't forget to inform me at that time. We will go together!" Mu Chaoran replied coldly. He would not forgive these people. Since Little Brother Shaoyun was gone, these people must also not exist in this world. Mu Chaoran gave a sinister and eerie smile when he imagined that world.

Very soon, Mu Chaoran, Tang Ningyu, and the other domain realm masters left with regret and anger in their hearts.

A few minutes later, a figure started to take physical form in the air. It was the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man never left. He just turned himself into ice elements and blended himself into the surroundings. He made this bold decision because he believed that his vast experience would fool those domain realm masters. As expected, those domain realm masters didn't notice his presence and left regretfully.

The middle-aged man left happily and rushed towards a secret base of the organization. He didn't have his guard up so he didn't notice the faint cold mist that was creeping beside him. Even if he did, he would have thought that it was the aftereffect of his energy.

The middle-aged turned a few rounds and finally came to the manor which Ling Lan destroyed. The moment he landed, he saw the ruined plaza. There was no one here. His expression changed. He quickly activated his domain and felt around the area. "Ice element, fire element, lightning element, and something unknown…" So many domain realm masters were here. An intense fight must have occurred here. He could still smell the faint scent of blood in the air.

"Who did this?" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth. His eyes were burning with anger.

"I also want to know who you all are." A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him. The middle-aged turned around in shock. He narrowed his eyes to see the figure in the distance and he gave a look of disbelief.

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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