Harry was in front of the shop. He remembered when he had just met Madame Malkin, her shop was, at most, of average size, and now, it was huge!
At that time, there were many similar shops in the alley, and now, there is only one, and that belongs to her!
At that time, Madam Malkin worked alone, and now, she has more than 10 assistants and more than 15 interns!
She made so much progress in the short 3 years that everyone looks up to her!
Harry was proud of her achievement too.
He made his way inside. He knew the shop very well, so he went directly to Madame Malkin's office, without alerting anyone, which was empty.
Harry was hoping to meet her here and surprise her, but she must be busy with work, so he had no choice but to inform her about his surprise visit.
Harry, with the help of a soul-link, informed Madame Malkin that he was at her office. She said that she was on her way to the office. Harry could tell that she was excited to meet him, and that was proven right very soon.
Just a few seconds later, while Harry removed his hood, the door of the office opened, and Harry saw heavily breathing, but widely smiling Madame Malkin, standing there. She looked slightly exhausted from her work, but her eyes were shining brightly from looking at Harry.
She sprinted at Harry with unbelievable speed and hugged him, and rested her head of Harry's chest. When she had enough of him, she lifted her legs to kiss her as she was shorter than him in his Harvey form.
Harry also kissed her back and felt her soft lips. He wanted more. He digs his tongue in her mouth to enjoy to the fullest.
They only parted their lips when they couldn't hold their breath anymore. Harry saw Malkin breathing heavily and her breasts wiggling up and down. She had a blissful smile on her face. She looked seductive.
But suddenly, her blissful smile and seductive face turned to one of fury! She punched Harry in the chest.
"Ouch!" Harry shrank in pain or pretended to be one, as, with his great physique, it was impossible for her, to hurt him.
With Harry's painful expression, her fury turned to gentleness. "Did it hurt? Did I punch too much? she asked gently while rubbing the part she had hit.
"It is nothing! But you look more beautiful than ever!" Harry said.
She looked pissed for not giving her enough time to prepare herself, for him. She wanted to hit him again and teach painful lessons, but remembering his pained expression, her hand stopped in the middle. "How did you come here suddenly?" She changed what she wanted to say in the middle.
Harry looked hurt, "Why can't I be here? Are you hiding your lover here?" Harry pretended to look around, which pissed Madame Malkin, and she hit him, this time. "Don't be silly!"
Harry made a painful expression for a while but she didn't budge this time, Harry in the end, replied, "Well, for starters, I wanted to surprise you, as I haven't met my favorite fashion designer. And secondly, I heard very interesting news about you, so I want to come and congratulate you! I heard what you created; it is amazing, really, you don't know how proud I am of you!" Harry held her hand and told her that, with a bright smile.
She looked dazed by Harry's bright smile. She felt it was all worth creating, all the hard work was paying off, with his smile, it was enough for her. She smiled and pecked Harry's lips. Her hard work was done and recognized — she was happy — but her resentment wasn't over!
"You can still inform me, you know! It doesn't even need more than 10 seconds! How could you just come uninformed!? Don't you understand that I need basic time to prepare better and check my makeup! How could you..." Madame Malkin started questioning and demanding answers from Harry and showed her clear displeasure. Harry knew her nagging could be dragged all day and night if let it be continued! He knew the best way to stop them, luckily!
Harry held her hand and pinned it above her head and pushed her to the wall. He bought his lips near hers and gently started enjoying them and savoring her taste. She stopped her struggle and forgot all her resentment and surrender to Harry's domination. She started enjoying the kiss with Harry. She enjoyed Harry's aggression so much that her leg was wrapped around Harry! She was now at Harry's mercy!
When Harry stopped kissing, she was like a kitten, and any sign of tigress from earlier was gone!
"Now, I want to know all about creation. It would be bad if your own husband wouldn't know about it, wouldn't it?" asked Harry, while gently putting her on the ground.
"Who agreed to marry you, bully?" she murmured in a weak voice but continued with an explanation as Harry had asked, "The clothes I created have all the property you have heard of, but the highest graded one only, as it is costly and hard to make. There will be various grades of clothes, at a cheaper price, too. The news was intentionally leaked to create a sensation, and to get free publicity!"
Harry nodded in agreement and understanding, as it was a good move. He also understands why she leaked the information. With this kind of amazing creation, everyone would want to know about it, but she didn't. Harry reckons it was probably because of Rita Skeeter, the reporter, Harry's woman, too. Madame Malkin was a proud woman and didn't want to take help from anyone. She once took help from Harry when buying the shop around as she was at wit's end, at that time, as the shop owner was refusing to sell their shops. Only at that time did Harry come forward and help.
Also, there is some kind of, untold or agreed, competition between his woman. They are all trying their hardest to become successful, which Harry assumed impressed him, and Harry encouraged for their healthy competition. It allows him to have time for breath, as they work hard to achieve success, otherwise, he would be busy with shopping, date, and mostly sex. Sometimes it is hard to manage and keep them happy, these many women, but with this idea, he can do it at a moderate speed and have time to breathe, without exhausting himself.
With this competition in mind, Malkin didn't contact any newspaper or radio station, as it was considered Rita's profession, and that would consider Malkin's defeat.
But with this free publicity, Madame Malkin won entirely!
As for Harry, he knew some of his woman's plans.
Rita wanted to become an international journalist!
Amelia wanted to become Prime minister of magic!
Molly wanted to expand the company!
Petunia wanted to create a company whose sole purpose was to raise plants that can provide for raw material for Harry's company!
All his women have a dream but they like to keep secret and surprise Harry, like Madam Malkin, just did now, so Harry only knew and guessed a few of this.
Harry thought everything, within just a second! He was staring at Malkin's eyes, and she was waiting for him to speak and praise her, which he did but not the way she wanted.
"Your eyes are so beautiful, Malkin dear! I just want to stare at them forever!" Harry praised heartily. Malkin was drawn to his charm and staring at him too.
They continued staring at each other for a few minutes when Harry kissed her forehead, and said, "Now, before we went to the bedroom, I want to see your creation!" Harry whispered in her ears. She nodded absentmindedly. Harry held her hand and started moving with her.
When they walked a few steps, only then she came back to reality from Harry's charm! She said, "Actually that is nothing! For your birthday, I created something better! To tell you the truth, this new cloth is just a side creation! I was creating a special kind of cloth for your birthday, but the material it required was too much — more than 100 plants and 10s of animal skin — so I could only create one after many failed attempts, which I wanted to give you, on your birthday, but since you found out early, I will give it to you now, come." She then took Harry to a bedroom near the office.
This room was used only by Madame Malkin when she was working late at the shop.
Inside the bedroom, on the bed, there was a robe of Harry's size, not of Harvey's.
"Check this out, while I will be back in 2 minutes!" said Malkin and went to the office.
The robe was plain-looking, gray-colored, and was of small size. Harry could smell Malkin's scent on them, "Did she sleep while hugging this robe?" thought Harry.
When Harry touched the robe, something amazing happened! The robe came alive! It stuck to Harry.
If Harry didn't know that it was a gift from Malkin, then he would have scared.
But knowing it was from Malkin, then the robe possesses no harm to him.
Harry silently watched the robe and then he took off his clothes and underwear too, as there was one too.
When Harry tried to put his hand in a small robe, the robe got bigger!
Harry was surprised and dropped the robe on the ground!
Harry then realized what the robe's true power was. With surprise and amazement, he picked up the robe.
The robe's power was to readjust its size according to Harry! This was the perfect gift for Harry!
Because Harry has Metamorphmagus power so he could change his size at his will, so with this robe, Harry doesn't have to change his clothes, every time!
"How thoughtful!" Harry whispered with a smile.
Harry then put on an entire robe and it changed to the current Harry's size!
Not only that, Harry could feel a connection with a robe too!
With just a thought, the color of the robe changed to bright red!
Harry knew that he could change and shape robe however he wished — he could make a suit or jeans too!
Harry could change the design, with just a thought, too!
When he was done changing the color, design, and shape, he looked at other aspects.
The fitting was perfect as he could move however he wanted without any restriction from the clothes!
The robe was softer than silk — Harry barely felt any weight from the robe!
Harry also found out that his new robe has all the ability of the new magical fiber has — stainless, waterproof, etc. — but not only that, it has some magic resistance too!
It can save Harry from the sneak attack!
Although Harry has Spatial Ring and magical wand and his sixth sense to save him from the sneak attack, more hidden cards are always welcomed!
Harry checked out all the features of the robe and to be honest, he was beyond impressed by it! It was an amazing creation! One of these kinds, unparalleled, Harry thought.
When Harry was deeply thinking about the robe, he heard Madam Malkin's soft and sexy voice, "Hey handsome, did you like my gift?"
Harry turned around to look at the door; he was momentary struck speechlessly. His mouth dried, and the nether region started bulging!
At the door, Madam Malkin was standing, wearing seductive clothes, which barely covered her body — no, it didn't cover at all, but brought out all the charm of her mature body! Her whole body was covered with clothes, but Harry could still see through the clothes, as the clothes were made of big squares nets!
She was wearing a red bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings. She was also wearing a red jacket on top — no, it wasn't a jacket but a red-colored square net, which hide her skin, but still, it could be seen by Harry, in the gap between!
Harry was hungrily looking all over her body, and he could hardly nod his head in answer.
Which caused Madam Malkin to break into a wide smile, "Then you will like your last gift too, that is me!"
Power stones for the Harem Lord!