63.33% Yugi The Author / Chapter 19: Connections

章 19: Connections

Fast asleep when the dawn broke on Wednesday morning, it had been along day it felt. It was completely, dull outside, and it seemed like it wasn't even morning time. Once again clouds seemed to be the theme of the hour of every day. Yami and Yugi laid restless, together on the couch after they're encoring the night before. Yami was behind Yugi on the couch somewhat snoring, but it wasn't very loud.

Yugi was snoozing in front of Yami, and had his head laying on Yami's arm. The television once again made that dvd symbol as they both fell asleep after the movie ended. Just as they were resting, a knock on the door happened. They didn't move at first, as they were too deep in sleep. However, the sound of the door knocking once again happened, and Yugi eyes opened. He didn't know at first, but soon, he materialized the sound and his eyes jolted open.

He didn't know who it could possibly be at this time of the hour. He hadn't told anyone to come over, and he surely didn't expect visitors at least not from the friends he knew. So he couldn't possibly think of who it would be. Yugi then slowly sat up and then got up from the couch, unaware he was still nude. He then felt a breeze, and coldness as he walked, almost like he was sitting on ice, or in an ice box. He looked down, noticed his undressed attire and immediately grabbed a pillow.

"Eep!" Yugi exclaimed astonished that he could possibly forget so quickly about his body. He heard the knock once more and then yelled with haste.

"Just a second please!" He told the unidentifiable person.

He then went quickly to Yami and shook him. "Yami! Yami get up! Someone's knocking!" Yugi shouted. Although Yami didn't move much, he simply turned over in the covers, and went back asleep. Yugi scuffled and then went quickly upstairs and went to find some clothing.

About several minutes after, he had came back dressed in some sweatpants and a tan top. This was much better than being bare nude and going to the door like that. He went to the door quickly unlocking it to see who was possibly knocking like they lost their damn minds. He opened it up, and his eyes surprised to see Joey there.

"Hey hey! Pal! What are ya sleeping in?! Joey announced. He then soon walked inside before Yugi could even speak back, startled and extremely confused, Yugi followed him carefully.

"J-Joey? What are you doing here? Wow, is this a dream?" He asked him. Joey raised an eyebrow and then winked with a chuckle in his throat. "If it was I'm sure I would've walked into you and Yami doing something freaky." He told him laughing.

Yugi blushed by that comment and felt completely abashed. "Hey! I—"

"Ha! Ha! Get up pal! It's me your old pal Joey! Joey Wheeler!" Joey had pounced on Yami as he saw him laying on the couch, and Yugi waved his arms around trying to stop him before he did so. It was too late however Joey fell down on Yami as Yami jolted up fast and fell off the bed.

"Hey! What the hell is the big idea Yugi! You trying to kill me or what!?" A streak of embarrassment came across his pale skinned face. Feeling compelled and frozen. Noticing that it wasn't Yugi, but Joey jumping on him. They all frozen up seeing Yami bare and nude. Joey's eyes widened fumbling, and studdering as he pointed down at Yami's member.

"GEEEE!!!! Hey hey whoa! What the hell happened to your damn clothes man!"

Joey felt ashamed, amused and in someway guilty for coming inside and pouncing on Yami. Although he wasn't aware that Yami would be naked and sleeping on the couch in such a way.

"Where's my clothes!? What about what the hell is wrong with you! Jumping on me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack Joey! Yami screamed.

Yugi watched this entire thing unfolded, and didn't know whether to yell at Yami or Joey. He felt he should stay out of it, but that's what the old Yugi would've done. For some reason, in a strange way he felt more confident that he ever did before. So what he said next was a shock for both Yami and Joey.

"What Yami and I do on our personal time, is none of your business Joey. Perhaps we weren't finish and just about to go for round two." Yugi told him.

They both blushed hearing Yugi speak those words, as Joey freaked out even more, and shook his hands in shameful way.

"Whoa whoa! If you guys were gonna do it more why'd you let me in?"

"Because you wouldn't stop knocking no doubt." Yami said nonchalantly rolling his eyes.

Joey looked over at him, making an irritation glance over at Yami with his smart remark comment. However he didn't bother commenting back, so he simple shrugged.

Yami then got up and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around himself. He didn't really make a big deal about Joey or anyone for that matter seeing him naked. He was used to being exposed, in ancient Egypt and they had sex outside for crying aloud. It was actually natural and very well known for people to do these things. Yami had a sense that he didn't like clothing anyways, they felt like an imprisonment with his body.

"Yami please go put some clothes on, so Joey can't see your butt again." Yugi asked Yami nicely.

"Fine." Yami told Yugi and went upstairs to her clothing.

"Thank God. I thought I'd have to stare at his naked ass for the rest of my life." He thought scratching his head gently.

Yugi rolled his eyes softly, and turned to Joey still trying to think why he was even here. "Joey what are you even doing here? You have yet to even answer that question." He told him. "I'm here because I haven't seen you in awhile pal. Truth is, I your grandpa and other things have been on my mind. I felt bad about not being there for ya. It seems like everyone has been so busy lately no one seems to think of our bond anymore." Joey looking down sadly spoke.

Yugi then felt this sadness, in a way he completely understood Joey and at the same time he didn't. Joey was always someone who wanted to become the best duelist in the world. He wanted to keep dueling, because he'd practically put his job on the line just to do so. Even then, Yugi felt the pain he was feeling, but he didn't bother saying it because it would only make him feel more down. "I understand Joey." He finally said. "However, everyone's just— busy being what they wanna be. I'm sure we all wish the same thing. One day, we'll be able to hang out with another."

Yugi wanted to say it with confidence and reassurance but it still came out hesitantly. "Hmph, I doubt it. Even you don't know that Yug. You say it so sad and so unsure." Joey added. Yugi tried saying something but choked on it in the end, feeling his hands grip his elbows when he crossed them. They both silently sat there because, they didn't know what to say to each other then, it was this awkward moment for now and then Joey sighing and laughing from randomness.

"Alright now that this awkward weird moment is over, how about you, I and the gang all plan for a time out. We all need to at least spend one good evening together before we all go to college. It's coming so close ya know." Joey said happily.

"That sounds like a good idea Joey, but it can't be to soon. I have a lot going on right now, and it's kind of personal so—"

"So! When haven't I ever not been there for you. I'll even be there with you for your grandpa, no exceptions." Joey said firmly.

Yugi eyes widened as he didn't realize he had been pushing his friends away. He was so focused on doing this pain on his own, he shifted from being friendly to being alone. It made him sad, and wish to feel guilty in a way. So he decided to simply smile and chuckle with a relief that Joey was being who he normally was. He then nodded at Joey in an understanding way, and felt himself become more open now. He was going to give up in the end, but soon realized that his friends wouldn't allow that to happen.

"Alright Joey, I'd like that thank you. It would be nice to have my friends there for me when the time comes." Yugi told Joey.

"Great! Than I'll look forward to it. Don't worry pal, I'm sure your grandpa will be strong. In the meantime, imma make some phone calls and get knuckleheads like Tristan to pick up his goddamn phone." He said smashing his fingers on his cell phone.

Yami and came back downstairs with clothes on this time and a small baggie. He then walked over to Yugi and kissed his forehead softly. Yugi blushed instantly, and looked up at Yami with a calm expression.

"I have just remembered that I need to be heading to work. I didn't envisage it at the time, but now I really have to go unfortunately. I love you, Aibou." Yami told Yugi.

"I love you too, Atem. Please come home safe and sound, and I shall see you soon." Yugi said cheerfully.

Yami then walked past Yugi and Joey, heading towards the door. Yami then grabbed the doorknob and looked back at Joey and smirked. Joey then nodded giving a thumbs up and Yami walked out the house closing it behind him. Joey then put his hand on his hip, staring at the door still as Yugi looked at him in a way that made it confusing. He didn't know if something was wrong, or if Joey was having his weird zoning out, I'm just being a weirdo moments. So Yugi felt himself obligated to say something or even make a slight noise.

"Joey? Is something wrong." Yugi asked.

"Huh? Oh no it's nothing. It's just weird ya know."

"What's weird?"

"Seeing Yami, walk around."

"Oh?" Yugi said with a fizzled expression that he was curious to know what Joey meant.

"It's just I'm so use to seeing Yami and yugi together. In the same body, able to understand every and anything you guys have together. It was an inseparable thing, a feeling no one could ever feel besides you two." Joey said closing his eyes, then turning to Yugi smiling.

" I guess what I mean is, is that it's just nice, to see Yami able to be able to feel things on his own. To have his own body once again, and not be a 3000 year old walking talking spirit." He laughed with a grin.

Yugi then joined in with a little chuckle, but he then looked at the door as well. He felt that Joey was right in a way, Yami never really had a body of his own, not since they had to duel on opposites sides. Now, Yami on his own, doing his own thing, it felt strange and unique to see Yami doing his own thing and doing things he enjoyed doing. It was a new experience not just for Yami but for all of his friends and Yugi included. Overall, Yugi and Joey both knew that Yami was happy this way, he wasn't away from Yugi at all, and he could enjoy life once again in a whole different way.

"Hmph" Joey said sighing with indignation. "Welp it looks like I gotta go. I'm needed down at the shop, and then I'm on my way to this dueling tournament." He said winking at Yugi and heading to the door.

"Okay, that sounds exciting in a way." Yugi told Joey.

"Yeah, the dueling part but not this shop, I can already see Mr. Hanz having me for dinner with a side of "your fired!" On my grave." Joey said nervously. He then opened his door and walked outside, as it wasn't as cloudy as it was early this morning, but it started to have sunlight. Yugi had made another laughter at Joey's comment about his job, and then watched him walk out the door, as he followed. Joey then turned and glanced back at Yugi as he spoke to Yugi.

"Yug, do me a favor and never change."


"No matter how far we go from another, no matter the dangerous, the obstacles, the ups the downs, never change yourself. Ever." Joey said with a stern tone. It was a tone in which was serious as well, as he wanted him to try and really get what he was getting at. Although, he knew Yugi comprehend what he meant always and Yugi gave a serious look back with a narrow eye.

"I promise Joey, thank you for visiting me. It was always nice to see you." Yugi told Joey.

Joey then got back on his bike and grabbed his duel disk from the inside of the bike. He then put it on his wrist and then gave Yugi a thumbs up as well and peddling off fast into the distance. Yugi watched him, the wind softly blowing, as he smiled seeing his friend bike away. He was joyed and thrilled to have that type of motivation even if it was just from one person, but Joey was someone he cared for more than any other person. He was so happy to know that Joey had his back with whatever came his way, and Yugi always had his.

Yugi then closed the door back into the game shop, and then didn't know what to do now. He felt he had just been bored all over again. For a moments in the pondering, he snapped his fingers and quickly went upstairs into his room. He reached down underneath is bed and pulled out his laptop. He had completely forgotten about this damn thing, and soon realized he could've connected with his friends online this entire time. He then opened it up turning it on, and clicking on his social media website he normally got on.

The screen popped up with information about himself and this his friends list of people he had on there as well. If he knew his friends schedule he knew that Téa was at home, along with Aigami, Ryou, and maybe Tristan if they weren't busy with active duties. He decided he'd invite everyone into the chatroom, where he could make a group discussion and Joey wouldn't have to call everyone individually. He then clicked on invites, and soon popped up everyone's name into the chat.


Hey guys! It's me! Yugi! How are you? I haven't seen you guys in forever! I miss you! 😄

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .


Hey Yug! Wassup! I haven't seen you in forever too! How you've been? 😃😝

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Same hey guys, I'm glad I was online, I've been busy doing my writing books. So I haven't gotten the chance to speak to you all.

Eregantodansā Téa

That's fine, Ryou we know you can get busy. I've been busy myself, my mentor has issued me broadway dancing! 💃 I'll soon be able to dance on Broadway it'll be exciting!


That's great Téa! I'm so happy for you.

Eregantodansā Téa

Thanks Yugi! So how have you been?


Mmm, I've been okay. 🤔 I just have a lot going on right now. Although, I ran into Joey today, he really inspired me to do things and he helped me with a little sadness I was feeling. However I'm better now.

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .


Oh? That's good that blockheaded Joey was there. Imma kick his ass in this new video game we bought. You should join us Yug! It's funnnn. 😏

Eregantodansā Téa

Please Tristan, Yugi doesn't wish to fry his brain like you and Joey's have already been disintegrated. 🤗


Hey! I have a brain! It's somewhere. . .

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Maybe not inside my brain! But it's somewhere, wait!

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Shutup Téa!

Eregantodansā Téa


Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー


Mutoumā is typing . . .


It's nice to see nothing has changed for you all. 😂

Mutoumā is typing . . .


Wait! Ryou!

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Yes Yugi?


You said you were a writer?

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Mhm! I do writing down at the Shuppan raitā gyōkai! It's a great place. I actually have a job there, make very good money, and it also helps me improve on writing skills and my ideas for better growth.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

That's great Ryou! Sounds like a nice job, seems like you have things going for you. I do gotta say I never seen you as a writer though, it's astonishing.

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Mutoumā is typing . . .

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Yeah, I'm really into it. I actually have published a book already it's called "Watashi no naka no yami" it's nonfictional, based on true events about my personal life. I also have you guys inside the book as well. 😄

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Did you get my handsome side? 😏🤔

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

You don't have a handsome side you idiot. 😒

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .



Mutoumā is typing . . .


That's amazing, Ryou! I was actually thinking about becoming a writer myself. I've always had a thing for writing and my creativity but I guess I never really confident enough in myself. 🥺

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Oh don't think that way Yugi! Your an amazing person with a huge personality. I'm sure you can become a writer. If your interested you can come down by the place I work, and we can discuss it further.

Mutoumā is typing . . .



Mutoumā is typing . . .


Omg! That would be great! Thanks Ryou!

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー

No problem!

Ri ~youbakurari ー is typing . . .

Ri ~youbakurari ー

Anyways, I gtg guys, I have to finish this book by next week so it can be published in time. It was nice seeing you guys! 👋

Mutoumā is typing . . .

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .


Bye Ryou!


Later Gator! 🐊

Eregantodansā Téa

Bye hun! Nice seeing you.

Ri ~youbakurari ー left the chat.

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


That's good you wanna become a writer Yugi! I'd buy your books any time. I'm glad things are working out for you though seriously.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


Really? Well, I don't know if I really wanna become a writer, but I can give it a shot. Thanks for the encouragement though.

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Of course!

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


You should tell Yami to make an account on here so we can all talk as a group. Even though we far away by distant we aren't far in friendship.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

That's for sure! 👫👬👭

Mutoumā is typing . . .


You guys are right! Our bond is unbreakable! It shall always be unbreakable. It's now what? . . . 3pm here. Yami should be coming home soon. I've been on here for at least two hours didn't even notice. Lol

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Time flies when your chilling with your friends pal. 😎

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


But I actually gtg myself!

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

Go where?

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Shit go eat! 🤦‍♂️🥓🥩🥪🍗🥪

Hansamutorisutan is typing . . .


Later friends.

Hansamutorisutan left the chat.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

Ugh what a pig. . 🙄😒

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

It is very nice to know you want to do something creativity though Yugi. I'm proud of you.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


Thanks Téa.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


It was nice speaking with you guys, I feel much better.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

I'm glad!

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

I do miss you and the gang. I want us all to hangout before college comes and destroys us all.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


Joey said the same thing. We will, I just well, we all need to just find time where we aren't smothered with work and things. I'm sure it'll be soon though.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

Yeah, I'm sure it will be as well. Sounds like a plan.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


. . . Well, I guess I better go.

Mutoumā is typing . . .


Goodbye Téa.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

Oh? Um—okay.

Eregantodansā Téa is typing . . .

Eregantodansā Téa

Goodbye Yugi. ♥️

Mutoumā left the chat.

Yugi left the chat as he felt completely weird being alone with Téa now. Even after her and him had they're talk in the park, it didn't make it any less awkward. He never knew what to say, and from that moment he didn't know how to feel around her anymore. 'Shouldn't I just be happy her and I are friends still? I mean, she does have a boyfriend and so do I. So why do I still feel weird around her?' He thought to himself. He simply logout out of the social chat app, and sighed when he flopped down on the bed.

Thinking about it overwhelmed him a little and he didn't want that tension when Yami came home. He simply decided he'd just forget about it, and try and think of the positive stuff that happened. Ryou informing him of the job he had made him happy because he could go visit him tomorrow about it. He hasn't seen Ryou in a long time, and practically went invisible when they graduated high school together. He then got up and looked at his tv leaning over to his desk and grabbing the remote. Turning it on, he relaxed on the bed, satisfied that he felt something would go right in his personal life.


Author Notes:

Japanese Translations

Mutoumā means: Mutou Gamer

Ri ~youbakurari ー means: Ryou Bakura Writer

Hansamutorisutan means: Handsome Tristan

Eregantodansā Téa means: Elegant Dancer Téa

Shuppan raitā gyōkai Means: Publishing Writer industry

Watashi no naka no yami" means: The darkness inside me.

Kaalakaua Kaalakaua

Yay! We are all caught up on the book! Chapter 20 and so on shall start to develop. I take a lot of time and effort into these chapters, and I hope you all enjoy them and comment and things like that. It would be greatly appreciated to know if I should continue making chapters or should I just stop writing altogether. ? So thank you for those that do give feedback and those that read but don’t every say anything your still important!

Love you all! ?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


