6.88% Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness / Chapter 16: Are you girls asking to be fuck?

章 16: Are you girls asking to be fuck?

*Reiko POV*

My closest friends Mizuho Suehiro, Maya Mibu, and Kae Tōjō are enjoying our tea together. our usual table in my room

Kae: I feel bad about Tenchi-sama. I was really looking forward to him coming today.

Kae has black, straight mid-length hair and blue eyes. She also has light and a fair complexion. Her personality is that she a cheerful girl, who isn't shy at all and she is very lively and energetic, and she says the things that are in her mind. That isn't usually a problem but...

I drink my tea to calm my nerves

Reiko: He had a prior engagement it can't be helped

Maya: What is this prior engagement to which you are referring? If I had a guess his plans are with Aiko. After all, the two of them are very close

Maya has short, straight and slightly bobbed light brown hair, and amber-colored eye. Her personality is very curious. She asks a lot of questions...I wish she stops!

I drink more tea to calm down

Reiko: They are together

My voice went a little higher

Reiko: Yes, perhaps because she urgently needed his advice on something

(Then why was she holding his arm)

Kae: His advice

Stop asking

Reiko: Yes, it seems that Aiko is distressed about the current situation between us. That is why she sought out Tenchi's wise counsel. He is an outstanding gentleman, as patient as he is wise and with the spirit of an angel. There is no one better to seek advice from

Oh my I spoke my mind

Reiko: Oh my this tea is lovely

Maya: here here

Kae: But all the same...Shes spending almost every day in Tenchi's room is that not a touch over-familiar.

Tea...calm down... the teacup is shaking...I better put it down

Kae: a few afternoons ago, I went to pay him a friendly visit and made it as far as the door


Kae: But then I heard the noise of that girl enjoying herself so much. It made me think twice about going inside.

Stop...I grab the chair and squeeze tightly

Kae: I heard she's been staying there late as well

Maya: no that can't be


*Aiko POV*

Right now we're in Tenchi's dojo...but he's acting strange

Aiko: What are you doing?

Right now Tenchi is using his spiritual powers to keep him balanced on a pole. If he puts too much spiritual power he will destroy the pole if too little it will tumble and fall. It is highly advanced training.

Tenchi: Training

Training...it looks like your only playing around...

Aiko: well look at this

I show him the outfit I ordered. Its a gyaru outfit

Tenchi: nice...I can do your hair lets add...wha

Aiko: what?

I turn around and look at what he's looking at

Tenchi: N-no its nothing...I was thinking you will be so hot when your in that outfit imagining made me surprise

Aiko: h-hot! SHUT UP you commoner

She tries to hit him but surprisingly he is at a different spot she tries to play it off through

Tenchi: (thanks Kuro)

Kuro: (no problem...reward me lots later...what about)

Suddenly Ryo Ohki came from Tenchi garden with a carrot in its mouth

Aiko: HUH Whats that

Tenchi: Shh...

he puts his finger on my mouth and looks around..so close...he smells nice...like a sunny day...

Tenchi: this is Ryo Ohki

Ryo Ohki: Meow

Tenchi: My rabbit

Aiko: but didn't he just Meow...is it a cat?

Tenchi: no commoner rabbits meow

Aiko: Wow amazing!

I held my hand and Ryo Ohki jumps to Tenchi's head...

I just stare at his head as it rests...cute

Tenchi: So what things are you going have everyone eat at the party?

Aiko:...I-I was hoping you.. help...

I look down

Tenchi: Sure

he stops playing and looks at me

Tenchi: Since commoner food how about Yakitori?

Aiko: Yaki...tory?

Tenchi: yeah it means...barbecued chicken...yakitori are small skewers of bite-size chicken pieces seasoned with salt or brushed with a sauce, or tare, of mirin rice wine, soy sauce

Aiko: that's it and you will be the one to help make it...right

I look at him with hope

Tenchi: Well seeing how no one showed up for their training sure...do you know why they didn't show up...well nevermind you don't have any friends

Aiko: Rude much. I have friends

Tenchi: my dating sim game don't count

Aiko: ouch

Tenchi: *sigh* Aiko you really have to start talking with the other girls

Aiko: I don't see you with any other friends here

Tenchi: sadly with me...most girls don't want to be my friend but my lover...it sucks being handsome

I go over to him to punch him

Tenchi: but seriously... I do miss having friends...like them...

He has a melancholy look on his face...I'm kind of jealous...

Tenchi: anyway let's see first we should...

Aiko: (well whatever...the the whole point of parties is for everyone to have a good time. I'll make sure you enjoy yourself and everyone else

Aiko: hehe


*Reiko POV*

Maya: Since you mention it...I would say from their behavior in the classroom, their relationship is undeniable. The way she pulled her arm...

Mizuho who has a strange ability to perceive "dangerous atmospheres" spoke up

Mizuho: anyway would anyone care for more tea

speaking of Mizuho, she has short, chin-length, straight brown hair which is straight, but slightly curls at the tips, and she has brown-reddish eyes. Mizuho also wears green glasses.

She tried to stop Maya but she continued talking...

Maya: What if its not just a friendship!

Kae: what if the advice she so desperately sought wasn't advice at all, what if it was more, what if there boyfriend and girlfriend

Something inside me snapped then...I feel like I lost a part of myself...

Maya: its only the two of them. All alone with no chaperone

Kae: does that mean there...you know...kissing

I stand up and shout

Reiko: That's enough from you Kae

Shocking everyone..the room went so quiet except for the clock on the wall...

Kae: Oh my ...Reiko

Maya and Kae look sadden and scared... realizing what I have done. I storm out of the room...


*Tenchi POV*

How did I find myself in this position...Right now Reiko and Aiko are fighting on my bed...

It all started a couple of days ago...Reiko friend...Kae...I think the one with the medium size boobs but nice ass. she was crying because they had a fight...later I went and spoke to Reiko because Aiko seemed worried and she said she felt bad about the whole situation and doesn't know how to apologize...

So I leave the room and sneak up to Kae who is seemed to be a changing room

Kae: AHH

Tenchi: Shh

I put my hands on her mouth

I hear her heart beating fast and her face getting red

I put my head to hers and it seems to be getting redder

Tenchi: hmm you don't have a fever...strange...well whatever...I'm here to kidnap you

Kae: wha- what I'm not sure I'm sure I prepared my heart

Tenchi: too bad

I lift her up princess style and run out her room

Kae: (is he going to make me his wife...or his slave...)

I take her to Reiko's room and she is shocked

Then both Reiko and Kae...stare at each other


how long are they going to stare at each other...

Tenchi: Ok

They look at me

Tenchi: Do you know what commons do when they have issues with each other?

They shook their head

Tenchi: They either fight because fighting is a way to express your feelings...but once the fight is over you make up...no need to continue to be bothered about what has happened...the winner was right

They both were shocked

Tenchi: the second is to apologize...it takes a lot to apologize...a real friend doesn't hold the grudge of their mistakes...you should just bow your head and say...sorry...

Then Reiko bows down with tears in her eyes and apologizes and Kae too...

they talk and hug each other

Tenchi takes a picture of this moment because they're both in their underwear...

Tenchi left them...they then notice that Tenchi saw them both in their underwear and screamed...

The next day...earlier today after school Reiko was thanking me for helping her

Tenchi: no problem...

I told her that Aiko was the one who was really worried about her...

Hopefully, this gets them to talk and Aiko gets out of her shell and then they'll be friends yay

and well...didn't go the way I envisioned it...Reiko ran to my room and she just went to her and said

Reiko: I hate you

Aiko: huh

Aiko who was reading one of my manga books was confused

Reiko: your nothing like a butterfly

She screams and takes off her shoes

Tenchi: (why did she take off her shoes if she's in a hurry?)

Reiko: Tenchi told me everything...

Aiko: I'm so confused

Reiko goes to her and says

Reiko: darn you. Idiot. you were the one who asked him to help me

Aiko stands up and throws the manga aside

Aiko: If Tenchi told you that then you should be thanking me not calling me names!

Reiko and Aiko start fighting? rolling around in my bed...

Tenchi: (hmm I wonder if its because I told her that we kissed...but I kiss lots of girls...)

Reiko: You fool. You stupid stupid fool

Aiko: Tenchi get this freak off of me

Reiko: Why are you so familiar with her . why does she get a cutesy pet name instead of me

Tenchi: (huh..I'm involved now)

She looks at Aiko as she has her held down

Reiko: And you, if you wanted to be friends you should have come to me, then maybe none of this would have happened. but you just ran away, you quit, you didn't even try. Why were you so afraid

Aiko: you don't know. You have know idea how hard it is being me

She kicks her off of her and gets on top of her

Reiko: and you do? do you know how much time I spent worrying about you? I cry every day thinking that I might have done something to hurt you. You repay that kindness by spitting that kindness in my face

Aiko: like you really care. you and your friends look down on me because I'm not 'perfect'

Reiko: I do look down on you because your shorter than I am. you can at least have consideration for other people

Tenchi: (hey kuro...they remind me of a couple of people)

Kuro: (Yeah I was thinking the same thing)


Back at the Misaki home...Ryoko and Ayeka sneeze

Ryoko: ugh I sneezed at the same time as you

Ayeka: why must I have to deal with the disgusting sound coming out of your mouth

Ryoko: Shut up! Tenchi is probably talking about me

Ayeka: probably complaining about your hair...

Ryoko: SHUT UP


Reiko: worst you took Tenchi's kiss from me

Aiko: What are you jealous! Tenchi talks about you more than me!

Tenchi thought to himself

Tenchi: They are in my room fighting...They are around each other and being aggressive towards each other...but they are showing off Aiko tight ass and Reiko huge boobs...they keep on shaking as they fight...I understand...as a man there is one thing I must do

I took off my tie and quickly removed my shirt and threw it on the ground and went to the girls fighting

Tenchi: girls how about I take care of the two of you!

Aiko/Reiko: shu-

they stopped and stared at Tenchi ...that looked like a work of art...they forgot what they were doing and stared at his chest...which actually made Tenchi feel uncomfortable

They started blushing

Aiko: you're going to take care of us

Reiko: does that mean for death to us part

Tenchi: huh

Aiko: are you trying to take us...you commoners are ruthless

Reiko: I wouldn't mind if it's you Tenchi

Tenchi blanks...

Tenchi: (I was going to put them to join their wrestling session and train them...but I guess they want to...Kuro I didn't do this on purpose...Kuro)

Kuro: Tenchi...I'm going back...have fun

Tenchi: well you can stay too

but she leaves...

I look at the two...fuck...

AN: What do you think is Tenchi going to do with these girls...please rate, comment and review. Also please support me on my coffee page

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


