Heaven was taken aside by her mother who had a serious expression.
"Listen, Heaven. That wasn't good behavior. I want you to apologize." Her mother said once they were alone. "Sincerely" She added knowing how stubborn Heaven was.
"But mother, why do I have to apologize? He is always rude." Heaven was still holding her ground.
"Because that makes you a bigger and stronger person. Fighting doesn't make you strong. Being kind does."
That was so her mother. Heaven sighed. She couldn't understand how her mother could be so good with words and kind all the time.
"Alright. I'll apologize." Heaven said.
"And you won't do it again." Her mother added.
"I won't."
Hello guys! Congratulations on having finished the story and thank you for reading.
Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, you probably want to read more. Maybe Heaven's story?
You can find Heaven's story as volume 3 in chapter 124 in "Married to the devil's son".
I decided to put all the books in one as different volumes so people who are new to the app can find all the stories easier. Return of the devil's son is there as volume 2 so don't waste your money on it since you already read it. Just jump straight to volume 3.
Hope you enjoy this one as well. Lots of love
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