45.45% The Unthinkable / Chapter 10: The Many Kinds Of Worries, Friendship And Love

章 10: The Many Kinds Of Worries, Friendship And Love


The pain had increased ten fold by the time they reappear in the house he had called a refuge for desperate times. It was a good thing that Potter was holding him, or he would have fallen the instant his feet touched the exquisite French carpet covering most of the floor. Just like Granger had said before, he was about to pass out again, but he needed to direct them around the house, or more like the mansion as they didn't know their way around the multiple floors.

"Oh God… so rich..." He heard Granger whisper with her mouth half-open in amaze as she looked at the luxury palatial style interior she saw all over. Right in front of her was the grand master staircase made of beige marble and everything looked like a Neo-French Renaissance elegant masterpiece, but as much as Malfoy was pleased with her liking his safe heaven, he didn't have time for impressions on material things he didn't care for anymore.

Actually all that luxury have a purpose as he had already sold a few paintings and tapestries to free all the house elfs working for his father. If the worst come to pass and Voldemort end up rising again, the mansion will become a safe house for those who need a place to hide from Voldemort or the many Death Eaters and the money coming from the gradual sales of all the expensive furniture will keep them steady for a while, even if he didn't survive the war.

His father had come to own it by inheritance and it was used for summer vacations at first, but his mother didn't like it for its secluded location along with the nearby lake he almost drowns in it once, when he was seven. Although the mansion was properly tended by house elfs as all others his father had inherited from the long line of Malfoy's, no one had come to that place in years and it was soon forgotten. He doubted either of his parents remember it anymore and because of that, it was the perfect place for hiding.

Snape had enchanted the mansion himself, making sure that even his parents would not be able to find it, if not invited and making himself its secret keeper. This had been the place where he had trained him after his torture and the place he had reborn anew. Now he wonders if that will be the place where he will find his death as well.

"There is a room… at the hall to the right… seventh door…" He said and both of them came back to the reality they momentarily forgot for a few seconds. Harry was now practically dragging Malfoy toward the mentioned door and after Hermione open it for him, he helped Malfoy to sit on the oversize four-poster bed in the center of the room.

"I'm home..." Malfoy whisper and the fireplace in front of them burst alive with dancing flames warming the cold room and Hermione almost yelled in surprise. She wasn't expecting sudden flames where there were none before and she almost screamed when a small figure appear near her.

"Welcome back Mast..." The house elf begin but stop half-way when he saw his master was not alone.

"Wait, is that…?" Harry tried to ask when he saw the house elf and he knew that Hermione was surprised too. Previously, all the house elf he had seen before were only wearing rags, as their masters could not give them cloths unless they want to free them, but that one was wearing fine cloths only someone rich could give. It looked a bit odd on such a small creature but it was definitely better than the usual rags and cleaner too.

"Is he a free elf?" Hermione ask, making the elf smile almost jumping with delight.

"Yes, yes, we are free. Free elfs, serving Master Draco and Master Snape." The elf said with pride.

"Trux, others will come… prepare rooms for them... don't tell mother about any of this yet." Malfoy said lying down with a groan.

"Master Draco!" The elf yelled, noticing for the first time of his master bad shape.

"Draco..." Hermione joined and she sat by his side, touching his forehead. He had a high fever now and she worries he will not make it. "He is burning up, I need cold water and towels, can you find them for me?" She asked to the elf who nodded in understanding and disappear a second later.

"Hermione, what now? Will Snape truly come?" Harry asked not sure of what to do next. Malfoy had said Snape will know he was injured and come, but how will he know something happen to Malfoy? Should he ask Dobby to bring him to Hogwarts and find Snape himself?

"I don't know. Just help me to make him more comfortable… Draco? Draco?" She asked when she notices his closed eyes, but he didn't respond to her call. With fear, she then put her head over his chest to hear his heart and she sighed in relief when she hears the steady pounding inside his chest. "He is unconscious, help me to move him. We need to keep him warm for now, it's colder in this place." Oh yes, it was indeed colder than where they were before. She could see some snow on the top of the nearby trees from the crystal window of the room, so it was safe to assume it snowed recently and she wonders for a moment where he had taken them, yet as the house elf came back with everything she demanded, she didn't have time to ponder in Draco's hidden place or plans. She already had a huge task ahead of her to keep him alive until Snape show up and she was determined not to lose that fight no matter what.


As he worked gathering the ingredients needed to make the potion he hoped will save Draco's life, he fails to notice when the door of the classroom open, revealing two teenagers that looked ready for war. Ginny Weasley was determined to convince Snape to take her with him when he was ready to leave. Still, when Snape finally looked up to see the intruders that came closer to the desk he shows no sign of surprise, as if he was expecting them from the start.

"You have your task Weasley, wasting your time coming here will not help you with what you need to find. I know nothing of its location, otherwise I would have destroyed it myself long ago." Snape said going back to his pressing task.

"We didn't come for the tiara, something more pressing bring us here in a hurry. We heard that someone from Harry's group was injured, is he okay?" Ginny ask, taking Snape by surprise this time. There was no doubt in his mind that after the twins, that girl was the most daring fearless foolish of the family.

"What about Hermione?" Ron asked taking of his cloak. Well, maybe the girl wasn't the most foolish after all, the boy was reckless too. He just couldn't imagine what kind of disaster would cause if someone else walks inside the classroom, like the stupid siblings teaching dark arts to his students and saw one of Potter's best friends standing there.

"It seems I have underestimated your talent for gathering information. I will not bother asking where you hear that, but none of them is dying. Now go back to your search. Christmas break will come in less than a month, which will be the perfect time to end this, as most of the students will be home and the teachers will have time to prepare the school or leave it behind." He said not bothering to look at them. They had already stolen precious minutes he needed for the making of a very difficult potion.

"Then is it true that it was Draco Malfoy?" Neville asked and once again Snape was taken by surprise by two things this time. First was for finding about Draco and second, since when Neville Longbottom dare to ask him anything? The boy usually fear him, of that he was sure, but as he gives him a deeper look, he finds out that such fear was no longer there. The boy had grown confident in a short among of time and he finds out he was relief. If what Dumbledore find out about the future was true, the boy will become a vital part of the war. Still...

"Who told you? Has Potter communicate with you with his broken mirror?" Snape ask and Ron looked at him in confusion.

"I thought Sirius has the other piece when he die." Ron said.

"Foolish boy, the mirror is hanging on a wall at the Hog's Head. Didn't Aberforth told you that?" Snape ask in disbelief. He wonders how they had manage to stay alive this long. Well, he had to give Granger extra credits for her hard work.

"Can you take us with you? We can help them on their task too. We have the fangs that could destroy the Horcruxes and..." Ginny said without hesitation and Snape was already getting annoyed.

"Girl, I think you have fail to realize something very important in all this madness. No matter how lucky or brave you had become, you are still kids that are not ready to face death. There was a reason for you to stay at Hogwarts, this war is more dangerous that all of you realize. Let me give a little insight about what Dumbledore find out from seers all over England. Right here, the war stroke in full and many students lose their lives fighting for something they shouldn't and perhaps you even saw them get kill. Even Dumbledore realize he had made a mistake involving kids in a war that should have been fought by adults. Although the three of you survive at the end, you didn't make it unscathed. You Ginevra Weasley almost got killed by Bellatrix Lestrange right in front of your mother, your brother Fred was killed by an explosion caused by Augustus Rookwood while your brothers watch it happens and you Ronald Weasley were supposed to get seriously injured by the same Bellatrix your mother was destined to kill. We can't no longer stop Potter's or Granger's involvement in this war as they are already to far in, but we can prevent yours. Make yourselves and your close friends a favor and find the Horcrux before such future can really become reality and prepare for what's coming your way. I assure you that seen death up close is something none of you will want or forget. Whatever happens to the ones you love now, is already out of your hands and it can't be stooped by wishes or foolish request." Snape said making them go pail. He guessed that Dumbledore didn't give them explicit details about what could happen to them in the future, but now they will know what was really at stake.

"If you want to talk with Potter or Granger go use the mirror Aberforth had and share your plans if you want, but don't come looking for me to help you with them. I have my own war to fight and I may not be as lucky as all of you at the end. I will only said this once, you have become brave Ginevra, but I'm sure Potter wanted to spare you from whatever dangers he was destined to face and Dumbledore wished to save you Ronald when he sends you here in search of the Horcrux. You Longbottom are needed here for more than you will ever imagine as your bravery and faith will give great hope to many. Remember the snake and you will save Hogwarts. Make yourselves stronger, train hard while you have the luxury and make sure you all survive, that's the best thing you can do to help Potter." He said moving to a nearby cabinet where he took a few necessary ingredients for his potion.

"What about Malfoy? Why is he involve in this too if it is so dangerous?" Ron asked with a little resentment.

"Draco's fate is different from yours, as he had made all the wrong choices in his past, there is only one way out for him. Redemption. It was inevitable for him to walk this path if he wanted to be something more than a true Death Eater ready to fully embrace torture and killing and even when he is trying to make the best of his previous mess up life, he's already paying a big price with his life. Hope that you don't have to pay yours the same way. Now go, I need to hurry." He said going back to his work and a minute later, he was alone with his urgent task.


Two long hours have pass after Draco had lost consciousness for the second time that morning, two agonizing hours since she had begun fighting back with the boy's fate. When they begin they journey in search for the Horcruxes, she never imagines even in her wildest dreams that the day will come when Draco Malfoy's life will be on her hands. Yes, her hands... the same two hands that have been cover with his blood at times, that have give him pain and that were now trying to keep him alive. Many things had happened in such a short amount of time that it all seemed like a dream, but no dream will look as realistic as this one and as awful as it has been.

Draco had begun to get delirious on his high fever, mumbling incoherent words, sometimes screaming in agony, others violently shivering and the worst ones, was when he tried to get away from whatever was chasing him on his dreams. Harry was force to hold him thigh at those moments, but by doing so his wound reopens and he begins bleeding again. Right at that moment, both she and Harry were exhausted both physically and mentally and a step closer to despair as they hopelessly watched Draco's life slipping away from their grasp with each passing second, yet Snape was still missing.

They waited, waited and waited some more while Draco's pain became their own, but Snape was nowhere to be seen. At some moments Harry was by her side helping her with whatever she needed and at others he was pacing right and left with impatience. He wanted to go back to Hogwarts and search for Snape, but even the house elfs in the mansion said that he will come for sure, so he discarded the idea and begin to move around the room again with deep worry. She knew the reason behind his frustration as well as hers was nothing more than guilt. Draco Malfoy may have been their enemy in the past, but as that moment Malfoy was an important part of their group and they wanted nothing more than to save him from that agony that it was so hard to watch and in the process save themselves from their own deep regrets.

Harry regretted going to the Lovegoods without a real plan and take things lightly when he should avoid a direct confrontation with one of the most dangerous followers of Voldemort, while Hermione regretted getting caught by surprise and putting both Harry and Draco in danger. She knew that there was an explosive horn below that would explode the moment something touch it, yet she still follows Harry upstairs in the precise moment the Death Eaters show up. If she had moved a little faster, Draco wouldn't have to hold her to prevent her fall and perhaps things would have ended up better for all of them.

"Hermione..." Harry whisper coming closer and she looks up at him, with tears falling down her checks.

"I don't think he will last for much longer if this keeps up... he is so weak..." She said, removing a lock of blond hair before wiping his sweating forehead, arms and chest with a wet towel as she had repeatedly done for hours in hope to cool him down.

"He will make it. This can't be how his story ends. It just can't..." He said taking her hand after she covers Malfoy again with the warm comforter.

"I wish to believe that too, but he is not getting better, not even a bit..."

"Believe Hermione, we can't give up yet. Come here..." He pulls her up and hug her tightly. She looked so exhausted, so close to break down that it hurts to look at her. She haven't left Malfoy's side ever since they were there. He knew that she provably had come to like the blond, even in such a short amount of time. No one said that there was just one way to love or fall in love. He knew well that love can come in different ways. Sometimes it required time for it to grow, sometimes it came at first sight, sometimes it born from hatred, others from kindness or respect, sometimes it came simple, while others came complicated, sometimes it comes easy, sometimes hard to find, sometimes came without realizing it, sometimes comes with expectations, sometimes it grows from friendship while others came unexpected (as his love for Ginny had), there were those who were fated from the start and those who were never meant to be. Still, some others spark from attraction or passion while sometimes it simply born from strong emotions like the ones those two had share in the past days.

Emotions could rule a person to do either great things or despicable ones, depending on wish ones are stronger. Even he had to admit that his long enmity with Malfoy and despite the terrible things he had done to them in the past, it no longer matters to him. It was true that Draco make wrong choices that hurt others, but thinking back, so did he. He almost kills Draco once and both Hermione and Luna experience torture for supporting him, not to mention that Ginny had suffered a great deal and almost got killed too because Tom Riddle wanted him. Who was him to judge, when so many people could die because of him in the near future, including Malfoy, Hermione and who knows how many more? No, the past hours had changed his way of thinking and now he honestly wished for Draco to recover as badly as Hermione.

"Oh Harry..." Hermione whispers on his neck, holding him closer while sobbing.

"Let it all out, I know you have come to care for him and I don't mind. You have your own pain too, I haven't forgotten about that... I'm sorry... you can blame me for everything..." And so she break down on him, crying her heart out for who knows how long until the door of Malfoy's room open, showing an exited Luna.

"He is here Harry, Severus Snape had come at last." She said letting the men they had expected walk in.

"You are late." Harry bite, still holding Hermione close.

"I came as soon as possible, the antidote for this poison is not easy to make." Snape bite back.

"Please save him. I did all I could but nothing worked..." Hermione added once again sitting at the border of Draco's bed.

"It's my turn now." He said getting closer to the boy's bed too and as he did, he notices the bloodied words wrote on the girl's arm. That was an unforgivable thing to do, even to a worst enemy and he wonders just how bad of an experience those three kids shared that day. "Take Granger away Potter and see if you can clean her cuts, I will take a closer look after I finish treating Draco. Go now, this is something I can handle alone. I will advise you to take some rest while you can, you both look awful." Snape said not to sure of why he was sympathizing with him.

"I will stay..." Hermione protest.

"I said go Granger, I need you fully rested as I can't stay here for long. Once I take care of the worst symptoms the rest will be up to you. In class, you were always a know it all, so I will trust on your capability to follow my instructions as I will write them. Not a single mistake can be made. The fever will persist for a while, the process to neutralize the poison will take days or even weeks on the worst case and he will be very weak during that period, but if his will to live is strong, he will eventually overcome this trial." He said and look back at her still recent cuts.

"I will warn you now that once he begins to recover, his memories of what happen may become hazy for him and he may even forget most of what happen. If such time comes, it will be up to you whatever or not Draco moves forward or fall back to darkness. Now you both carry scars that can't be erased, his will remind you of darker times when he makes the wrong choices even when he was powerless to do otherwise, but yours could become his destruction as guilt will weight heavily on him if you let it take root. Remember that. Now go." Snape said hoping that the girl could save him instead of destroying him for good.

"Come on Hermione, he is right. You need some rest and your cuts needs tending." Harry insisted, gently pulling her toward the door. "He will make it, Hermione, I'm sure of it. Let's just wait a bit longer." Harry pressed finally taking her out. Half an hour later, after they clean themselves with a warm bath and Hermione's cuts were properly looked at, they go back to Malfoy's room and lay down on the near sofa. Snape worked diligently using spells and potions he had never seen or heard off. A few more hours later, Hermione finally gave in to exhaustion and fall asleep with her head resting on his lap and by nightfall, Draco was finally showing signs of recovery.

"Come with me Potter." Snape said and Harry follow him out of the room toward the third floor of the mansion. Snape open the door to a room that looked like a library, a huge one at that. If Hermione had been awake, she would have been in haven with the many rows and rows of magical books as far as the eye could see.

"And I thought Hogwarts library was big..." Harry whisper but Snape ignore him while apparently looking for a book. He watches him move over the room until he finally took two black leather books that looked old and worn out.

"Take this one. It's a book I begin writing while studying at Hogwarts. It has many spells I have invented myself as well as the most useful spells for both attack and defense. Use this wisely while Draco recovers, it has dark magic as well. Ready yourself for what's coming, you of all people need to know how to survive. If you use the mirror to communicate with those at Hogwarts, (there are two Weasley's that specially wants to talk with you) you can also teach them and prepare them for the worst fight of their lives. This one is for Granger, it contains healing spells and potions that she can use when in need. Good luck to you, I need to go back to the castle now. Draco's life is no longer in danger and Granger can finish his treatment for the coming days." Snape said giving the books to him. Harry looked at them for a moment in surprise and just before Snape reached the door he calls him.

"Snape... was it true? That you loved my mother and help me stay alive for her?" This was something that had been on his mind ever since he shows up. Snape stopped for a moment without looking back and grab the door handle.

"Yes. It was all for her..." He finally admits as he open the door.

"Thanks, I'm sure she would have want me to say it for her." Harry said and Snape walked out without a word, still it looked to him like he walked a bit straighter. Like if some heavyweight had been lifted from him. After that, he took off the mirror that he keeps on the pocket of his pants. It was time for reunions and for helping each other with what was left to do. It was time for the scatter pieces to become whole once again.

AN: Thank for reading, I hope you like it.

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