50% Game of Thrones ~ A Brothers Story / Chapter 3: A Grand Heist

章 3: A Grand Heist


White, gold and crimson banners draped the stone walls of Winterfells Great Hall, representing all the noble house seated within. The sound of a harp echoed throughout the dining area with smells off roasted meat and freshly baked breads accompanying the music. The bard playing the instrument was singing a balled with a soft voice, though he was overshadowed by the cheers and roars of drunk men by this side of the Hall.

Rain was curled up by my feet and Jon sat to my left, downing yet another cup of summerwine with a smile. Occasionally he would glance to the other end of the hall where the Stark's sat with the Royal's on a raised platform, longing clear in those dark eyes of his.

Following his gaze led me to our father. The look on his face showing his thoughts to be elsewhere, a look he's had ever since he and King re-emerged from the crypts. It worries me, but I know it's not my place to ask him about it.

King Robert Baratheon had arrived half a day earlier close to noon with his procession of men. I couldn't help but be disappointed when taking in his sight. The King's figure was large in all phrasings of the word making me pity the horse he was sat upon, for it must have been exhausted carrying his weight. My whole life I had grown up on tales of his valour and strength, with Jon and I often re-enacting his battle against the Prince Rhaegar Targaryen at the Trident, when we were younger. Perhaps he was once the tall handsome warrior told of in stories of the rebellion, but now? Gone was his muscular frame. Replaced by the big belly and red face of a drunk.

The Queen on the other hand was just as beautiful as I had heard. Her golden hair shining in the light when she stepped out of her carriage. She had emerald eyes, something shared by all her children that followed her. In fact, I couldn't really see much resemblance to the King in them at all, granted they were all still very young.

The King and Lord of Winterfell wrapped their arms around each other like the old friends they were, making me feel happy for father. After they had exchanged a few small words, I found that father's face became difficult to read. That's when they headed to the headed for the crypts underneath the Keep.

Leaving my thoughts, I look around me. Being bastards, us two brothers were not permitted to be seated amidst the Royal family and as such we were sat with some youths from both the King's party and Winter town on the benches.

They were a rowdy bunch and kept pushing glasses of wine to Jon and I trying to discover our limit. In the meanwhile they told exaggerated stories to to one another across the tables and the two of us were enjoying ourselves listening to them. According to a tall squire, he had once bed two pretty farm girls the same night before he was caught in the morning by their father and chased out wearing nothing but his underwear. Supposedly he had heard from a friend from the village that one of them was with child and he was too scared to go find out himself. Jon and I felt taken aback by the story, being bastards, there was no stopping us from thinking about the circumstances of our own birth.

Fortunately, the festive atmosphere around in the Hall brings us out of our slightly depressing thoughts, allowing us to regain the smiles we had for a short amount of time lost.

Looking to the last cooked chicken on the table I think to give a piece to Rain however before I can reach to get a piece, Jon stabs it with his knife and slips it underneath the table to a white wolf of his own.

"Hey! I was going to give some of that to Rain," I inform him while gesturing to the young wolf's face which he had raised above my knees to give my brother a look.

Shifting his head to where I pointed Jon made contact with Rain's displeased blue eyes. "Sorry, Ghost was hungry," he apologised, "I can tell him to share." Hearing his words, Ghost reared his head upwards worried his prize would be taken away.

Seeing the usually stoic direwolf panic, a light chuck escapes, "I'm not going to get angry over a chicken. No need to worry Ghost, it's all yours boy."

Still feeling bad Jon mutters, "You sure Derren? He won't mind."

"Yeah I'm sure Jon." Laughing a bit harder at white beast's further worried expression. "I'll just steal one from the kitchen house," I say getting up.

Liking the idea, he smirks at me, "Guess I'll come too."

I nod my head but then I see a familiar face making his way over. "You know what? You should probably stay actually." Jon looks confused until he turns to see what I'm looking at and then beams at the approaching man. "Uncle Benjen!" He calls out raising his hand.

"Tell uncle I'll be back soon. I want to hear about his journeys beyond the Wall."

After telling him that I then make way for the exit, Rain following close behind. No one really pays him any mind as there were many mutts on this side of the Great Hall and as long as you weren't paying special attention to him it would be hard to notice he was not also one of them, being as he was still not any larger than the average dog.


After a short walk in the dark, the kitchen house comes into view. It's a small building made of cobble stone and smoke a vast amount of smoke was escaping from the chimney. If you go straight down the road nearest to it you'll come across the stables, not even five minutes walk away.

Coming up to it and looking through an open window I spot that there's only one person inside at the moment, which means getting the meat shouldn't be too difficult. Inside is a middle-aged cook, a bit older than father, that I'm quite familiar with. Her name is Marinah, and I remember one of the house guards saying she was considered the prettiest in the Castle before my Aunt Lyanna came along. She's always been quite fond of me, giving me extra food every once and awhile to show it. There were times when used to babysit us when we were younger as well.

I've never told anyone this, but she was also my first crush. I remember my heart breaking at seven when I heard she was getting married. Anyway… point is that I could probably get a chicken if I just asked, no need to steal one. But where's the fun in that!

Crouching down I look Rain in the eye, "Here's the plan my friend. I go in from the front and distract her, then after I nod my head, you jump in quietly through this window here. Get yourself a chicken. And then leave the way you came. Got it?" I said maintaining eye contact. He nods his head a slight and I grin, "Well. What're we waiting for?"

Stepping towards the main door of the building I call out, "Hello. Is anyone there?"

"Just a second boy, I'm busy." Marinah replies a bit sternly before eventually turning to face me. "Oh? My if it isn't little Derren," she says abandoning her previous tone for softer and more doting one.

"You haven't come visited me for a few weeks now. I was beginning to think you had forgotten me. I've been quite distraught," she says playfully, moving closer. Behind her I can see Rain's head peering through the window, waiting for my signal to go.

"Sorry Marinah," I start, "I've just been really busy. Having to train Rain and all."

"Ah yes the direwolf if I recall correctly. Where is the pup?" she asks, "I don't see him with you."

I nod, giving Rain the signal, "Yep the direwolf. He was sleeping in the Hall beneath the table with Ghost. I didn't want to wake him unnecessarily." Sorry Marinah. I think to myself. He's actually right behind you.

Picking up my signal, he leaps through the open window gracefully and far more quietly than I thought he was capable of, the benefits of having Ghost for a brother I suppose.

The roasted chicken we're aiming for is on the right side of a table in the middle of the room, she must have put it on there very recently seeing as it was still steaming. Rain was sticking to shadows of the room, taking his first mission very seriously to my amusement. While he's stealthily getting to his target, I need to keep her distracted I think before continuing my conversation with Marinah.

"I'm happy I got to see you again Marinah. I didn't know who was on duty tonight but I'm glad to find it was you," I say whilst giving her my best smile.

Meanwhile, Rain reaches up to grab the chicken in his jaw. Turning around, he heads back to the window a bit faster than he came in perhaps having gained some extra confidence.

Marinah's smile deepens, reaching further up her face, "You've gotten better with words Derren," she begins, "And with that handsome face of yours, I pity the girls who's hearts you'll break."

I blush embarrassed, both my cheeks and ears reddening a touch. "Ahem," I cough on purpose. Seeing Rain hop outside, I cough," Ahem!"

"Anyway, I came to ask if I could get some fresh bread, straight from the oven." I said with my face still flushed, clearly changing the subject.

She laughs sweetly, "Of course Derren. But only after I get my long overdue hug." Her arms open wide waiting for me to come closer. I open my mouth to complain but, in the end, no words come out. Seeing her still waiting for me I give in and reluctantly walk step towards her and as soon as I get close enough she pulls me into her embrace.

"Make sure you come and see me more often, okay?" I'm told.

"Okay." I murmur quietly returning her hug. My eyes moisten, the warmth and love I feel from her embrace threatening to make tears fall. Thankfully, I manage to hold them back. When she finally releases me, I look up at her giving a smile which she returns, a gentle look on her face. However, my smile quickly turns to a big grin, showing off my teeth.

"Thanks for the chicken Marinah."

"Huh?" she appears slightly puzzled, not yet comprehending my words.

"You can have that little hug as payment," I add slyly, quickly rotating my body to the opposite direction and sprinting off out of the door as fast as I could. With a shocked face of realisation, Marinah looks to the table behind her for the freshly cooked chicken she had placed on it before my arrival. Seeing that it's clearly missing she runs to the door after me but I'm already stopped a fair distance away, waving. Seeing Rain run up to me from the side of the building with her roasted chicken, she sighs.

"Just one hug isn't enough to pay for the chicken! You better make sure to pay me the rest soon Derren!" she shouts to me as I run down the road and only once I'm out of her sight does she allow a little smile to show.


Reaching the stables after running non-stop for a few minutes, I come to a halt and place my hands on my knees arching my body and attempt to catch my breath. Rain brushes himself against me, waiting for me to praise his good job.

Having recovered enough of my breath, I fall to the ground resting my back on the stable wall and reach my hand out to pat his head. "Excellent job Rain. You did perfect," I tell him. Relishing in my complements he starts strutting around proudly, the cooked bird still in his mouth.

"Go ahead and eat boy," after hearing the magic words he plops himself down on my right and starts tearing through the carcass. Tilting my head to the sky I gaze at the stars appearing as dark clouds move aside. Soon the moon is in full view and its light shines up the two of us stealing my mind for a few a small moment.

Looking to Rain, I find his blue eyes already faced my way, glowing as the moonlight was reflected off them. I turn back to the moon which appears bigger than before.

"It's a good night." I say aloud.

LordDamnSteel LordDamnSteel

Let me know what you think of the chapter :)

Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes you see.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


