Riddler had come up with a plan to stop Val once and for all. He did not know it this plan would work out. So he would have the village's greatest warrior, Yama accompany them. Yama was the silent type. But just because he was silent doesn't mean that he was not deathly. At least five years ago Yama ripped someone's jaw off with one hand and made it into a jawbone dagger. Everyone took one look at him and did not trust him. He watched all of them with a mean expression on his face. He walked up to Riddler and slammed his hand on the desk. "Why the fuck must I work with outsiders?" said Yama. " They will help us take down Val so you just shut the fuck up and do whatever they say. "You will lick the shit off thier shoes if they told you to." Yama took his hand off the desk and scratch it with his lethal poison fingernails. "I am going to get some fresh air." Why does he act like he has a stick up his ass?" "That is a long fucking story." Yama walked outside and spat on the ground. He left the village and contacted Val in telepathy. " Lord Val I have some news to tell you." "What is it Agent Yama?" " The Red Lake Village is planning to kill you." "Tch." "I should of destroyed that fucking village a long time ago." " I will send some soldiers to kill everyone." " Yes, Lord Val." After he finished talking with Val he went back to the village and agreed to help the outsiders. Riddler said the plan would commence in three days. Meanwhile at least one hundred soldiers were only twenty feet away from the village. Yama stood in the mist and smiled. He then disappeared. The hundred soldiers started to open fire on the village killing people. Riddler walked outside and saw that the village had been invaded by Val's soldiers. Sarah charged ten soldiers and killed all of them easily. While everyone else was busy killing the hundred soldiers the soldiers captain pulled out his sniper and shot Riddler in the stomach. Riddler coughed up blood and ran in his house dropping on the ground. Riddler had lost his power. He had made a two deald with a demon named Era. One deal was that he would have good fortunate. But the cost was his powers. That one was a stupid fucking deal. The other deal was extremely good though. He could keep his soul after he died. But Riddler did not want to die now. Riddler got off the ground holding his stomach and threw a grenade at the captain's vehicle. The vehicle exploded,killing the captain. Cross, Sarah, Orion, Lucia, Alfre, and Alexis defeated all the soldiers. Why did soldiers just appear out of nowhere all of a sudden? Riddler had already knew who betrayed him. It was Yama.
Night was practicing his powers on Black Sio which was surrounded by Val's energy. Night has destroyed the Black Sio block with his fist surrounded by electricity. After he walked away from the crumbled Black Sio block he focused electricity around his entire body and released a shockwave that destroyed the entire platform. Night was training because he wanted a rematch with Cross. Cross almost killed him the last time he fought him. This time he would crush Cross. He was about to crush another Black Sio block until he saw Yama. Yama was a secret agent for Val. Since Val went somewhere Yama was doing whatever he wanted.
Near the gates of Val's Mega-Mansion.
Hien and Taurus had found out where Miranda was. Taurus failed through the wall. Taurus had seen Night and another person. Hien hopped over the door and landed on the ground cracking it up. Night turned around quickly and saw both Taurus and Hien. Night looked at both of them with serious a serious expression on his face. Night wanted to see how strong Yama was so he would make Yama fight Taurus. Night went on the balcony and gritted his teeth. He sat down in Val's chair and said: " Welcome gentlemen."
Hien looked at Night with a serious expression on his face. " Fuck you." " I have come to kill that bitch Miranda." Night start d to laugh. "That is suicidal." " Miranda is unstoppable." She would not be defeated by a piece of steaming shit like you." Hien sucked his teeth and nodded at Taurus who was ready to lung after Night. Taurus was at least only three seconds away from dealing some serious on Night, but he was punched in the face by Yama sending him into the ground. Over the time when he was searching for Miranda with Hien, Taurus possessed a person who had one eye. Yama landed perfectly on the ground with a grin on his face. Night got off the chair and taunted Hien. Hien fired a beam at Night who sliced the beam in half with a sword he made out of electricity with his hand. Night jumped through the roof of the balcony and floated in the air and dashed off west to the Oppo Mountains. Hien chased after him. Yama looked in the air and said: " That motherfucker wants to have all the fun with a stronger opponent." Yama turned towards Taurus who stood up on his two feet and focused his aura around the possessed body. He released his energy like a deathly shockwave which blew back Yama a little. Yama was in defense mode. He took his arms from his face and charged Taurus like a bullet. When he was about to punch Taurus, he evaporated like smoke. " What the fuck?!" Suddenly Yama Taurus appeared behind him and bashed his head into the ground. When he held his head in the ground he did a little smile. " You are a cocky bastard." " You do not know who you are up against." He formed a beam in his hand and fired it into his head. Taurus jumped back and the beam exploded. Boom!!! A giant crater appeared in the ground. "That was too fucking easy." Taurus was getting ready to walk off until he saw a bloody hand come out of the rumble. Yama came out the rumble with just couple scratches on his face. " Was that your best attack?" Taurus was shocked. He thought that Yama was dead for sure. He took all the damage head on. Yama lunges at Taurus and punched a hole in Taurus's vessel's stomach. He ripped out the large and small intestines out leaking blood all over the place. The body dropped on the ground and Taurus came out from the mouth. Taurus was in his soul form. Yama fired dozens of blasts at Taurus but all of them phased through him. " You are a fucking fool." You can't harm a wandering soul. As soon as Taurus said that Yama dashed towards Taurus and grabbed him by his neck. "How the fuck!!" " "Gah"! Even though he was a ghost he could still feel himself being choked. "I was trained to do a lot of things." "And one of them was to kill ghosts." He focused his power around Taurus who starting to turn to dust being blown away by wind. Taurus was dumbfounded before he died. As he fully was blown away by the wind, Yama just walked off.