15.78% Qilin Guardian Douluo / Chapter 3: Wu Ji And The Spirit Academy

章 3: Wu Ji And The Spirit Academy

"Wu Yu! today you die!"

Zhuan Jian pointed at Wu Yu the ordered the men behind him, "quickly surround him!" In no time at all, all three men blocked off all paths of retreat for Wu Yu.

Looking at all three men, Wu Yu then asked them in a chilling voice, "are the three of you willing to accept the consequences of your actions? If not, I recommend you leave now and never let me see you again!" The three men looked at each other, all three felt threatened by Wu Yu's words for some reason but they didn't back off as Wu Yu was just a child.

If Wu Yu was older they may have backed off but these words came from a 6 year old kid, what could he possibly do to them? Zhuan Jian who was quietly watching Wu Yu make empty threats laughed and pointed at Wu Yu again, "Wu Yu, have you gotten so scarred you've become retarded? Just you alone think you can beat everyone here?"

The three men hearing Zhuan Jians retort also felt reassured and decided to go through with their plans. They all revealed their spirit tools that took the form of knives each had a different color, black, white and red, they had great spirits, too bad they had no spirit power. The three men were actually brothers, born as triplets they had a strange connection to each other so they worked well with together.

The three were mercenaries for hire and did any and all odd jobs as long as there were no threats to their lives. They had conflicting thoughts when they found out they were hired to kill a child and wanted to refuse but when the village chief brought out a fat stack of coins they gave into their greed and chose to disregard their morals this one time as an exception.

Wu Yu looked at the brothers and shook his head in disappointment, "sigh, I can tell you brothers have your hardships as did I but to go this far... I do hope you can repent on your actions in the afterlife." With those words, Wu Yu let go of any sympathy he had left and coldly glared at everyone present.

"Don't expect any mercy from me! you should've known better than to attack me!" After Wu Yu said that last line he released his Qilin spirit in it's full 9ft glory. Petting it on the back he gave it the order to attack and show no mercy. Immediately after he said that, the Qilin shot forward and attacked one of the brothers with the black knife.

Using it's two majestic antlers, the Qilin tried to ram the brother with the black knife away using it's sheer power. The two other brothers were taken by surprise and yelled out in worry, "brother black!" skillfully, brother black rolled to the side and reassured his brothers, "I'm fine, be careful it's really fast and agile!"

Seeing as it's first attack missed, the Qilin shifted it's body sideways and kicked off the ground into another direction, towards the brother with the white knife. Brother black quickly warned him, "white! roll to the side! it's big size is one of our advantages!" Brother white understood what his brother was implying and immediately got into action.

The Qilin bounced from one point to another always target one of the brothers like it was a game of pin ball, a deadly game of pin ball. With the odds now against the brothers they began to inwardly curse Zhuan Jian and his father for saying this was a easy and simple mission, kill the kid then get the money but why the hell didn't mention the kid had a f****** Qilin?

"What the hell! Zhuan Jian you bastard, you and your father said the boy had only a weak spirit, what the hell is this thing? Does it look weak to you?" brother black angrily yelled at Zhuan Jian while dodging the Qilin attacks by a hairs width. Zhuan Jian on the side paled as he watched the brothers getting overpowered by Wu Yu's spirit Qilin but still held on to some hope that the Qilin isn't as powerful as it seemed.

Wu Yu kept his eye on Zhuan Jian in case he tries to run away, he had no plans on letting anyone escape. Although he wasn't too keen on killing, he had no qualms about killing annoying flies that would only create troubles for him. As for the Zhuan Jians father? he'll make sure he meets his son in the afterworld later, but for now he can live a little longer.

Zhuan Jian watched as the three brothers constantly roll around on the ground, dodging the Qilin attacks causing him to clench his fists, "what are you guys doing? attack it dammit!" The brothers were already struggling as it is to defend against the powerful attacks of the Qilin, now even Zhuan Jian was against them with his verbal abuse attacking at their self confidence.

Wu Yu watched all of this with a smirk and was slightly amused by the internal conflict rising up, threatening to destroy their cooperation. The battle suddenly took a turn for the worst when the Qilin raised it's two front hooves and delivered a sudden surprise attack, the Qilin heavily trampled on the ground causing the ground to shake and threw all three brothers off balance.

Taking this chance the Qilin used the momentum from it's stomp and lifted it's two hind legs and shot it's legs out at one of the brothers behind it. "Brother red!" The two brothers screamed out as tears streamed out of their eyes.

The kick landed on the face of brother red causing one of the scariest scenes anyone there had ever seen. The brother who was kicked, had his head explode into chunks of flesh and blood that splattered all over the road. The now headless man had his red knife disperse while his body fell to the ground motionless causing all but one person to go silent and freeze up in fear.

Looking on just as indifferent as he's always been, Wu Yu said, "hurry up and finish off those two as well, I've got better things to do!" Having no intention on wasting anymore time, Wu Yu finally made his move. Slowly he took steps towards Zhuan Jian who was still frozen in fear by the vicious death of brother red, "Zhuan Jian, I already warned you and the brothers, but none of you heeded my warnings, now you face the consequences of you actions!"

Standing before Zhuan Jian, Wu Yu frowned as he smelled a foul scent coming off of Zhuan Jian. Looking down, Wu Yu quickly found the source of the smell then looked at Zhuan Jian with disgust while he pinched his nose. Willing his zanpakuto spirit to appear, a long katana with a larger than normal golden hilt appeared in his hand.

Wu Yu admired the katana for a short while before speaking out to Zhuan Jian, "it's a beautiful sword isn't it? truthfully this sword isn't meant for killing, in fact she's meant to be used to protect myself and my loved ones."

When Zhuan Jian saw the katana that Wu Yu summoned, he panicked and fell over on his behind. He was ready to bow down and beg for mercy but as he heard Wu Yu speak, he gained a little hope. He looked up at Wu Yu and laughed, not his usual arrogant and cruel laugh but a laugh filled with fear.

Gulping down a mouthful of saliva Zhuan Jian worked up the courage to say something, "Ha... haha... that's right Wu Yu, that sword is meant to protect, you shouldn't use it to kill, h... how bout this, you let me go and I'll give you anything you want and never bother you again, it's better than just killing me right?"

Wu Yu gave a mysterious smile and squatted down next to Zhuan Jian, "You're right doing that would be better than just killing you, plus I don't want to stain Shugo Tenshi with your filthy blood..." Hearing Wu Yu's reply, Zhuan Jian was sure he had managed to convince Wu Yu but his next words crushed his hopes entirely.

"...but you see, I'm not the type to forgive and forget, especially when the other party was planning to murder me!" Lifting up his zanpakuto, Wu Yu apologized, not to Zhuan Jian but to his zanpakuto, Shugo Tenshi before bringing her down decisively to cut off Zhuan Jians head.

After killing Zhuan Jian, Wu Yu wiped the blood off the blade then dispersed his zanpakuto. Turning around he saw that his Qilin had already finished off the other two brothers and was patiently waiting for him to finish. Wu Yu walked up to his Qilin and pet it on the head as he commended it on a job well done but as he did that he realized something, he never named his Qilin.

Thinking about it deeply, a name suddenly came to mind, he pet his Qilin one more time and said, "your name will be Wu Ji, Wu as in my name and Ji because Qilins are usually associated with luck." Wu Ji nodded and accepted the name while letting out a low growl. With the name sorted out, Wu Yu smiled and thought of a better idea than to walk all the way to Notan spirit academy.

Getting Wu Ji to lower itself down, Wu Yu hopped on and directed Wu Ji towards the city at the fastest speed possible. Riding on Wu Ji's back felt great and Wu Yu didn't have to worry about wind resistance at all as there was some kind of barrier shielding him from the wind and Wu Ji's speed. Looking at how fast Wu Ji was going, Wu Yu estimated that it would only take half an hour to reach the city so he relaxed.

Sure enough with no other troubles along the way, Wu Yu finally reached Notan city 10 minutes earlier than he had expected. Wu Yu wasn't really the attention grabbing type so he immediately dismissed Wu Ji before anyone could catch sight of it. Walking into the city, he was a little awed but immediately shook it off and looked around for the spirit academy.

He needed to start working as soon as possible to sustain his lively hood so he had no time to waste, he also needed to get registered as a spirit master with spirit hall as soon as possible so that he could get a the monthly stipends all spirit masters received but to do that he first had to get his first ring. Hah, there was so much to do, it gave Wu Yu a slight headache but he had to enter the academy first.

Asking around, Wu Yu finally found his way to the academy and was now standing at it's gates. As he tried walking through the gates a man suddenly appeared and started berating him furiously, "Huh? Who do you think you are kid, you can't just enter the spirit academy!"

Wu Yu frowned as the man left a bad impression on him but he still spoke up, "I'm registering as a working student here, I have an acceptance letter here." Taking out the letter he handed it to the man who just sneered at him and slapped the letter to the ground, "Hah, kid who are you trying to fool, that letters a fake, you think a mere country bumkin like you can really get accepted?"

Wu Yu was getting annoyed, why is everyone in this world so goddamn annoying and arrogant? it just pissed him off the more he thought about it. Holding in his anger Wu Yu spoke again, "how can you be so sure the letter is fake when you didn't even look at it?" The man just contemptuously looked at Wu Yu and said disdainfully, "hah, I don't even have to look at the letter to know it's a fake, I would just be wasting my time looking at it!"

Finally, Wu Yu had it with this man and didn't want to waste any more time with him, he picked up the letter and summoned out Wu Ji. When the 9 foot Wu Ji suddenly appeared in front of the man, he fell on his butt and almost wet himself. Wu Yu hopped into Wu Ji and said to the man in annoyance, "I will remember this!" before forcing his way through the gates, leaving the man trembling on the ground.

Making his way into the school compound itself, Wu Yu dismissed Wu Ji and headed into the school. Along the way Wu Yu would stop a few students and asked for directions towards the main office as he would loose his way constantly. It wasn't that Wu Yu was bad with directions but was the matter of the fact was that the school was just way to big and confusing!

It took a good while before Wu Yu finally found the main office and made his way in. Inside he saw a lady sitting in an office desk and walked up to her, "excuse me, I'm here to register as a working student." The lady looked up and held out her hand requesting for him to hand her his letter. Taking out the letter, he handed it to the woman, "here you go."

Looking over the letter, the lady was surprised and shocked to the core, she quickly got up and asked Wu Yu to stay put while she ran into the headmaster's office to rely the information. Not too long later a man rushed out of the headmaster's office along with the previous lady and another man. The mans eye quickly locked onto Wu Yu and pointed at him while looking at the lady for confirmation.

The lady nodded causing the man to rush up to Wu Yu with hungry eyes? he asked Wu Yu, "hello I'm the headmaster of this school, what's your name child?"

Wu Yu simply answered, "Wu Yu."

The headmaster nodded then asked, "the letter says you have a mutated qilin spirit and full Inate spirit power, is this true?"

Wu Yu looked at the headmaster as if he was stupid and asked, "would it be on the letter if it wasn't?"

The headmaster akwardly scratched his head and stupidly chuckled, "haha of course I know it's true, it's just too good to be true, you don't see a talent like you every day."

Wu Yu nodded in understanding then asked the headmaster, "so am I accepted as a working student here or not?"

Chickennugget Chickennugget

I'm not very well versed in writing fighting scenes ant the fight scene here may seem a little underwhelming but I'll try to make my fight scenes better in the future.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


