I woke up feeling better than ever. I glanced around the room and saw a nice bedroom with plenty of free space. Not only that the room has a window with a nice view of the town. I glanced over at a desk in the corner and found a note on it. Next to the note were two keys with two different room numbers on them.
Dear Jack,
You fell asleep at the bar and left me with the task of dragging you to your room. It was not a pretty sight and I might've hit your head a couple of times as I dragged you up the stairs. By the time you wake up, I'll most likely be starting my new job so do me a favor and look around the town for more information. I'll see what I can dig up from mingling with the patrons of this establishment. I don't know what it is about this place, but I'm feeling more uneasy the longer we stay here.
P.S. My room is right next door if you need anything.
I read the note and decided to go out into town to once again search for any clues regarding the Dark Phantom. Today, I noticed that people were a lot more on edge then they were yesterday. When I asked around it seemed like the Dark Phantom attacked last night, but some people believed that it wasn't the Dark Phantom. Instead, they claimed that a horrible beast must've descended upon the town. Apparently, the latest incident involved someone's blood being totally sucked dry. The Dark Phantom did kill people, but never by absorbing people's blood. People were frightened at the thought of how painful that would be. My first thought was a vampire but why would a vampire appear out of nowhere. Was it connected with the Dark Phantom or was it a separate entity entirely. Besides did vampire's even exist in the world of RWBY. There was no way to know for sure with just hearsay. I asked around to see if they could give me a description of the person and information on the person who died. The description wasn't very useful. The only information I managed to get was that the assailant appeared to be female and her body was completely covered in black cloth. I was able to get way more information on the victim. The victim was a young girl named Rebecca. People believed she was targeted because her family is filthy rich and she brags about her wealth to the townspeople. However, when she was found nothing was taken from her and her body apparently wasn't damaged in any way except for the excessive blood loss. This whole thing sounded fishy, but I couldn't tell what wrong with this picture. If only I didn't fall asleep last night, I could've patrolled the town and caught him in the act. Who knows when or where they will strike again. Eventually, I came across a man named Sam. He was an older gentleman with short white hair who appeared to be writing a novel. We talked for a while and I came to find out that the book he was writing about was about the Dark Phantom and he personally witnessed the attack yesterday. He told me he was too scared to tell anyone else but apparently, the attacker had actual wings but they were completely black. They swooped down from the sky and sunk their teeth into poor Rebecca's body. He told me that its behavior seemed more like a wild animal that wanted food than a malicious attack on an innocent person. This still raised the question of where this apparently new party came from. Time seemed to get away from me as I chatted with Sam. I went back to the Old Barnacle and searched for Eve to tell her about all the new information that I obtained today. Before I ran into Eve I ran into the old man who directed us to his boss. He greeted me and told me that he was surprised that his boss allowed them to stay here for free for an entire week. He told me that while she isn't a greedy person, she doesn't do generous deeds like letting people stay for free. I thought maybe we caught her in a good mood and searched the inn for Eve. I found her in the kitchen preparing dinner for the guests at the inn. She told me that all guests are served a complimentary dinner but its a simple, inexpensive meal. The better food is reserved for paying customers. I would love to have dinner since I haven't eaten since I came to this world. I may be able to somewhat lessen my need for food by absorbing the energy of life around me but that only lessens it and doesn't make it disappear. I happily enjoyed my meal while listening to various rumors and information she managed to obtain from the guests. One thing was certain is that the Dark Phantom attacks are completely random. They could happen once one week and every single day the next week. Another thing that's consistent is that there always completely covered in clothing. I also learned that while he does steal things and murders people he doesn't do both at the same time. After listening to her information I gave her my own. Even though we learned a lot more about what was going on, I still felt that we were nowhere close to finding who the Dark Phantom is. While I was walking back to my room I ran into Jessica, the owner, and stopped to chat with her.