/ Fantasy / Legendary Tales | Gods Fury
In the land of gods and monsters, humans plagued Malcea with their wars. Their love for treasure, pleasure, and power caused them to forsake the gods. The gods did nothing for thousands of years but watch, in grief and anger, the madness of their creations unfold. Just as the humans were on the cusp of war with the dragons, the gods deemed it necessary to intervene. However, their reasons were less than benevolent. The gods of Malcea had much crueler plans in mind.
レビューを書くThis should be an actual book holy shiit. Will update the update section once more has been released but holy ****. This is super good bro please don't drop.
ネタバレを明かすYou put on your discord you were moving your original works here so I'm here to support! Please build worlds even further! Your characters are amazing so the world should be too!
Hey Mr Author if you need an image for your story please let me know and reply to this. I can make them for free and I really enjoyed the first couple of chapters UwU