22.72% Tatsumaki(OPM) (hero academia) / Chapter 5: CH.5

章 5: CH.5

Footsteps belonging to three individuals somewhat echoed through the empty suburban street. The sun was still setting when this happened, with the weather bringing a calm atmosphere for those at the area. Thus, it was in this time that Izuku, Tatsumaki and Fubuki found themselves being in the company of each other.

"Wow! Sister did all that!? That's so cool!" exclaimed Fubuki excitedly.

If anyone close by in the lonely street was there, they likely would've heard the nine year old girl. Tatsumaki knew her little sister to be one that can be easily excited and loud whenever the time comes. But even though they are related by blood, Fubuki had black hair while her sister had green hair. There's also the fact that she wore a school uniform, which comprised of a green and white striped skirt and a white shirt with a blue tie on it.

Anyway, there was one thing bothering Tatsumaki; it was the fact that Izuku was there. She had run into the teenage boy when suddenly for some reason he ended up walking with them. It didn't help that they were going to the same direction.

Fortunately, Izuku wasn't oblivious. He could tell by Tatsumaki's upset face that she didn't like his company one bit. So he was nervous as he walked with them still.

"Haha…yeah…" Izuku said nervously. Then he turned over to Tatsumaki and said. "You're sister is really nice…um…thanks for saving Katsuki and I back then from that villain."

Whatever." Tatsumaki replied with a snub. "Saving you two was nothing really. You two morons clearly don't know what trouble is even if it hits you in the face."

"Sister!" Fubuki scowled.

"Ow!" Tatsumaki shouted.

The green haired esper had been struck at her side by her sister. As a result, tension was raised as both sisters came to a stop and glared at each other.

"What the hell was that for?!" Tatsumaki yelled.

"Be nice to him! He was just thanking you!" Fubuki yelled back.

Tatsumaki scowled a bit and raised her hand at her sister. There were a number of things she could do to her, but one thought came to mind at that moment. So before Fubuki knew it, she was being pinched at the cheek by her sister.

"Owie! Owie!" Fubuki cried.

"You have a lot of guts to hit your sister! How do you like that?!" Tatsumaki yelled.

Izuku watched them, but said nothing. This was because he was he was a bit entertained by the bicker from the two siblings. Tatsumaki clearly didn't resent her sister, nor did the other feel the same way. In fact, the whole scene seemed so funny that he chuckled and got the attention of the two sisters in the process.

"What's so funny, idiot?!" Tatsumaki yelled.

The green haired esper's attention was taken away from her sister. Now Fubuki was free as she rubbed her cheeks with cartoonish tears running down.

Oh nothing." Izuku replied with a smile. The teen was surprisingly not scared of her. Hence, he added. "I just noticed you really care for her."

"Um…of course I do." Tatsumaki was taken aback.

From the few times the green haired girl had known Izuku, this was the first time that she had seen him smile. It was weird but at the same time something that caught her off guard. But then, just as that happened, a reminder suddenly popped in her mind that immediately made her rush to her schoolbag and bring out a book.

"I almost forgot. Here, Fubuki." Tatsumaki said.

Fubuki stopped rubbing her cheeks and looked at the book. The thing in her sister's hand was directly at her face, hence she recognized it.

"Oh my gosh! You got it!" Fubuki exclaimed happily. The look on her face seemed to brighten as her eyes surprisingly sparkled. Hence, without a moment hesitation, the girl took the book and hugged it to her chest. "Thank you! Thank you! You're such a good sister when you're not being hotheaded."

Tatsumaki instantly took offense to her. She was hotheaded at times, but she wouldn't admit it. As such, an anime–like vein popped up on her head before she went on the offense. By that, she went back to pinching her little sister's sisters with two hands this time.

Meanwhile, there was Izuku and his thoughts. He wasn't alarmed by the scene, though, as he just smiled.

'Having a younger sibling is nice huh.' Izuku thought happily. 'Someone to talk to…Someone to have fun with…and someone to look out for…You must be so lucky, Tatsumaki.'

With that, Izuku could acknowledge this feeling of envy for Tatsumaki. It wasn't so bad, though, as he was used to being an only child by now. As such, he just continued to watch the two sisters react until a blast of wind hit them, followed by a deep voice.


"All Might?!" Izuku shouted in shock.

Indeed, the one responsible for the blast of wind and the voice was the #1 Pro hero, All Might. He was still in his civilian clothes as he stood in a pose and got the attention of the esper sisters.

"Oh my gosh! It's All Might!" Fubuki exclaimed happily.

Unlike Izuku, the little girl was excited to see the famous hero. He wasn't in his hero suit though, but it didn't matter to her. In fact, the pain on her cheeks seemed to be nothing now that she was staring dazzlingly at the top hero. However, before anything else could be said, Tatsumaki suddenly raised her index finger and pressed it against Fubuki's forehead, which glowed and knocked the little girl unconscious.

Izuku was surprised to see that. It was one thing to pinch her little sister's cheeks and another thing to knock her out. Fortunately, Tatsumaki was able to catch her little sister in her arms and hold her close to her chest.

"You knocked her out?" Izuku questioned.

"Yeah. What's it to you!?" Tatsumaki verbally fired at him.

Izuku said nothing back. The look Tatsumaki was giving him was the same upset look she always seemed to carry. But as that wasn't clearly enough, she suddenly turned to All Might who was now standing straightly before them.

"And you!" Tatsumaki yelled and pointed at the pro hero. "It took you long enough to show up! I practically did your job a few hours ago!" She yelled.

"Tatsumaki, All Might –"

"No, it's fine, kid" All Might interjected. He didn't seem troubled by Tatsumaki's words, not in the slightest. But he did seem to have guilt, especially as he walked towards them and stood there. "What happened there was my fault. But I am here to set the record straight, as well as for other reasons."

'Other reasons?' Izuku thought with a confused look.

All Might didn't go into specifics though, at least not yet. A thought was already on his mind when he suddenly turned to Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki, is it? You have a lot of promise to be a pro hero." All Might said honestly. "You came into the need of your schoolmates and did away with the villain before he could cause any other trouble...If you hadn't been there…If the young boy's words there didn't get to you too like it did for me…then I would have gotten dangerously close to not living by my own words to him earlier today. I never want to being all talk and flashing fake muscles…Thank you…both of you."

'Fake muscles?' Izuku thought.

The same wasn't for Tatsumaki though. The green haired girl may have let All Might speak, but it wasn't like she was in the very least interested.

"That's it huh?" Tatsumaki asked with an uninterested tone. "I get your supposed to be this top 'hero', but I got nothing else to say to you. Did you see how those other heroes were like? 'Oh we need to wait for someone with a quirk to save him', it made me sick. Honestly, Izuku is the reason I even stepped in, so I –"

"But how can that be?" Izuku asked. The teen was now facing Tatsumaki with a sad face. "You don't know this but…but what happened there was my fault? All Might caught the villain before, but because I held on to him he accidentally dropped it."

Tatsumaki turned and glared at the teen. "So you're the idiot who caused all that huh?! Why am I not surprised?!"

Izuku said nothing but look at the ground. He had expected such a reaction from Tatsumaki considering who she is. But then what she then said caught his attention and surprised him.

"Now I should scold you for that but…considering you're quirkless and yet you had more guts than those so called 'heroes' to do the right thing…I can't hate you for that." Tatsumaki admitted.

"Tatsumaki…" Izuku muttered.

"She's right!" All Might also admitted. "Of all the people at the scene, only you, only cowardly, quirkless you made the difference! You're the one who made her act!"

A mix of emotions began to boil up in Izuku. He knew to an extent why it was such, considering it was coming from his favorite hero, All Might, and the girl that had saved the day. So to him it was a good feeling and something the teen likely would never forget as he stood there, feeling his tears rising.

Nonetheless, All Might continued. "There's something that's said about top heroes when they were still students…Most of their stories are linked by the following line: My body moved on its own before I could think."

The tears from Izuku were now flowing out. He clutched his chest like a huge weight was being removed as every word said by All Might went through his mind.

'Why am I remembering what mum said that day?' Izuku thought tearfully. The memory he was referring to was the day when he had been told at age four that he didn't have a quirk. So up till now he still remembered the apology his mother had said so tearfully.

However, All Might was unaware of that memory. His words were inspirational, as he then continued.

"And you did the same thing!" He stated.

"…Yeah…" Izuku cried. And with that a flash of that memory with his mum came to mind as he fell on his knees and began to cry. 'No, mum. What I wanted you to tell me that day was you can become a hero.' He thought.

Tatsumaki wasn't all that impressed, though. The talk about heroes from All Might was something that would get on her nerves at an instant. But upon looking at Izuku, clutching his chest and crying out feelings that were clearly bottled up for so long, she couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy.

However, the teenage girl didn't show it. She just simply levitated her unconscious sister to be on her back before levitating herself off the ground, ready to leave.

'Gosh…All this talk about heroes makes me want to puke.' Tatsumaki thought in irritation. She could've said it all out loud, but even she could see the moment shouldn't be ruined for Izuku. Thus, she looked down at him and said. "Well I'll be off. See you in school, Midoriya."

"Y-Yeah…" Izuku said.

Tatsumaki said nothing after that, and flew off. However, before she was entirely out of sight, Izuku looked up and saw the girl's figure flying away. Something about her was entirely different than the mental picture of her that he had known her for before today. Thus, with those emotions he felt, he had a thought for her too.

'Tatsumaki…you're really a good person, aren't you?'

ZerefAstral ZerefAstral

Romance will see haha

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


