27.77% Quicksword Bob / Chapter 23: Chapter 22 - Shots fired!

章 23: Chapter 22 - Shots fired!

The pirate Bob's small gang captured led them into a more deserted part of town, there were less civilians walking the street. There was only one road, and at the end of the road was a large building.

The pirate called it 'The Center' which was where both of the pirate crews gathered to discuss business.

It was a neutral area where no fighting was allowed. At first the two crews were going at each other's throats, but due to an alliance being discussed both groups were less hostile to each other.

That was all the pirate said as he took Bob straight to 'The Center'.

On the road to the building Bob could see other pirates watching them silently.

He had to give the pirate leading them credit, he could have yelled out for help but didn't. Maybe he assumed Bob and his gang would die by his captain and have a worse death awaiting them.

Bob stopped at the front door and looked at his gang.

"If you feel you can't handle anything run, no one will laugh at you."

"Who do you think is going to run? If I run here, I can't call myself an ex-marine!"

John said.

The others agreed with him.

"That's what I like to hear. Remember to watch each other back, the pirates in here are worth more than Greybeard and his crew. I'm not bringing you to your deaths, rather to gain something else."

Once Bob said that he pushed the pirate in front of him forward.

"Go head, open it up."

The pirate wasted no time and opened up the door revealing a large group of people.

There were two groups inside, Bob could make that out by the way they were seated. On the couch to the left was a man with black hair and he had a patch over his eye. He was smoking a cigare. By his side were two men, one was fairly large and he was swirling a pistol around. The other one had his legs propped up on the table in front of him.

Behind the couch was a group of pirates, each one of them standing. Bob could tell that was One-eyed Fred and his two deputies.

The other couch looked the same, except there was a huge man seated on it. He had a large scar going across his nose. He wasn't wearing a shirt so one could see his muscles, Bob thought this guy looked like a bodybuilder. That's how huge he was.

A woman with white hair was sitting on the arm of the couch, she had two daggers in her hand.

Didn't take a genius to figure out which crew was which.

The man in front of Bob walked in with a grin over his face, he went straight over the Stonehand Brian.

"Captain! This guy here and his gang showed no respect for you or our crew. You have to show him who's boss!"

The pirate said.

Stonehand Brian grabbed the pirate by his hair and lifted him up.

"I have to? You giving me orders now?"

"No! I was just saying!"

Stonehand Brian tossed the pirate to the side.

After Which he looked at Bob and the others.

"What do you want? Trying to join my crew or something?"

"Not even close, i'm here to turn you in."

Stonehand started laughing.

"Do you even know who I am?"

"A lowly pirate. You should have stayed on the grandline, instead of coming back here. Maybe then, you'd get to live to see another day."

Stonehand clenched his fist tightly.

"You've got balls mate, i'll give you that. But honestly, do you see a way out of this? There are all of us in here, and what eight of you? Not to mention, once we start fighting all the pirates out there will be rushing in here."

Bob looked at John.

"Of these five, who do you think you should handle?"

"Hmm, maybe that fatty with the gun. He doesn't seem like a bad opponent."

"Alright, what about you Ron?"

Ron pointed to the girl with the dagger.

"Her? I think she's worth a lot, but alright if you say so."

Bob agreed to their opponents. As for the other 5 aspiring bounty hunters, Bob didn't even ask them.

"The rest of you, deal with the other pirates. Just hold them off as long as you can, and try not to die."

Bob drew his sword and took a stance.

It's a bit strange, he only practiced with a sword once before but ever since his potential was fully unlocked the sword felt like an extension of his arm. Techniques and movements just came naturally to him.

Stonehand Brian cracked his neck as he got up from his seat. He looked over at One-eyed Fred.

"I'll handle this, my fist haven't broken any bones in a while. Will be nice to warm up before heading out to the grandline again."

One-eyed Fred took a puff of his cigar and nodded.

"Go ahead, just don't kill him too fast."

One-eyed Fred slapped the back of the larger man next to him.

"Well you get up too! You heard him, he doesn't think your shit! Let him know who you are."

The larger man stopped swirling his pistol around and got up slowly.

"You should all come, or this won't be as fun."

Bob said.

"Same could be said to you."

Stonehand Brian said as he pounded his two fist together three times. On the third time both his fist turned to stone.

Bob didn't use Grand Blessing to catch up to him, he wanted to save it in case one of his members got hurt. He still was not too sure how much damage it would heal, but healing some is better than none at all.

Once Bob moved, everyone else started to move as well.

Stonehand Brian grinned as he did a downward punch towards Bob.

Stonehand Brian much larger than Bob, not only in his build but also his size.

Bob quickly reacted as he used Black Death to block to blow. There was a reason he blocked instead of dodging like he could have. He wanted to see the weight behind Stonehand Brian's punch.

However, that was the wrong choice for Bob as he slid backwards. Although his sword blocked the damage, his hand holding it felt numb.

Bob shook his hand trying to get of that numbness feeling. Blocking against this guy was a bad choice, he needed to use his speed and dodge.

Now that Bob had a good understanding of the weight behind Stonehand Brian's punches he could go on the offensive.

Bob darted right at Stonehand Brian, when he was about to punch Bob again. Bob dodged to the left, only his hand was turned to stone. The rest of his body was vulnerable.

Bob swung his Black Death, he was hoping to slice off Stonehand Brian's arm. Except when his blade reached Stonehand Brian's armpit, it stopped.

Stonehand Brian grinned as he locked his arm to his body, causing Bob's blade to be stuck as well.

"Think I can only turn my hands to stone!? Think again!"

Stonehand Brian yelled out as he smashed his fist down at Bob.

Bob let go of Black Death for a moment and used Grand Blessing to get away. Due to Stonehand Brian's swing Black Death started to fall. Bob used his burst of movement speed to come back and catch it.

As soon as Black Death was in his hand, Bob used Radiant Illusion.

A portal opened up and a clone of Bob appeared. It slashed towards Stonehand Brian who tried to block it. The slash went straight through his body and he incurred no damage.

"Some trick you have there, too bad it didn't do any damage."

"That's not the purpose of it!"

Bob said as he activated Spellblade, he was already in close range to Stonehand Brian so his attacks weren't ranged.

Bob swung Black Death at Stonehand Brian's left leg, he aimed right below his knee. Black Death sliced straight through his leg.

Stonehead Brian started to lose his balance, he tilted to the left.

Bob did not stop there, once Stonehand Brian's left leg was gone Bob then cut his right arm off.

He did not kill him, but if he did not receive treatment soon he'd die of blood loss.

Bob pointed Black Death and One-eyed Fred.

"You're next!"

The other pirates in the room who were watching all took their guns and pointed it at Bob.

One-eyed Fred nodded his head.

"Shoot em!"


Shots were fired.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


