
Married Life

Scene 1

"Dr. Meng, why don't we raise a pet? Look, look...." Chen Ruo Yu held up a pet magazine. "Look at this dog, it's so cute. I want to raise one."

"No, raising you alone is already enough."

"I will take care of it. You don't have to bother."

"It's enough for you to just take care of me."

Chen Ruo Yu pursed her lips, her enthusiasm was dampened and felt a little unhappy. "Then according to what you say, you don't want children?"

"Children are not the same as pets."

"Of course, they are not the same. Children still need to be raised and still need to be taken care of."

"That's true and I like the process of making children but not pets."



Scene 2

On this day, Meng Gu was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Dr. Meng, look over here... look over here...."

Kacha! Chen Ruo Yu took a picture of him with her camera. She looked at it and was not very satisfied with it.

"Dr. Meng, can you tilt your head and show a cute expression?"

"I'm watching the news."

When men are watching serious news and they have to tilt their heads and show cute expressions...wasn't this evil?

Chen Ruo Yu pursed her lips. Men are really not even a bit adorable.

Normally, it was not easy for Meng Gu to have a chance to sleep in as he was doing now.

When he opened his eyes and blinked, he saw his wife standing beside the bed with a camera.

"Dr. Meng, stretch out your arm over your head, turn sideways and then show a lazy sweet smile."

He did not smile and instead frowned at her. "Why?"

"I want to take a photo of you."

"Not interesting."

"It's interesting. People who raise pets can make their pets pose in various poses then randomly take their pictures and they are very cute. We don't have pets, so I can only snap your photos."


Scene 3

"Dr. Meng, today there was a talk show and a marriage expert said that a husband and wife must hug each other for one minute a day to enhance their feelings." Chen Ruo Yu and her husband were having a chat at the dining table.

"Each day we hug each other for more than a minute." Meng Gu said calmly.

"That's also true." Chen Ruo Yu bit on her chopsticks.

They don't only hug each other but they also do this and that and their feelings are very good.

"And the expert had also said that every day a couple must say one good point about their partner and this helps to eliminate conflicts and reduce disharmony." The two of them often quarrel with each other. Should they try this out?

Meng Gu ate a mouthful of food and said. "This is a bit difficult."


"If I keep repeating the same sentence every day, you will feel annoyed. This will easily create conflict and increase disharmony."


After a while, Chen Ruo Yu finally reacted. "Do I really have so few good points?!!"

Scene 4

"Dr. Meng, tell me, how will our baby look like?" The pregnant mother began to seriously conjure up an image.

"You can rest assured that with my genes, with his appearance or IQ, the child will not lose to others." The father-to-be touched his beloved wife's round belly and in his heart, he silently encouraged his child to live up to his expectation.

"Oh...." Chen Ruo Yu nodded hard. "I'm not worried about the child's appearance or IQ. I'm more worried that he will start to quarrel with others when he is half a year old...he will start to criticize others when he is one year old.... and by two years old he will be able to talk till he makes people choke."


The father-to-be choked and it was after a long while before he said. "Wife, having confidence is a good thing. But as a member of a family of doctors, please make sure to cover up your lack of common sense."

Scene 5

"Dr. Meng, Dr. Meng....your son quarrelled with me."

Meng Gu took his eyes off the medical journal he was reading and looked at his beloved wife. "He is only six months old. He still can't talk, how can he quarrel with you?"

"He threw his toy on the floor, so I picked it up and said a few harsh words to him. Then he pointed at me and shouted 'Yi-yi ya-ya' at me. He also had a disgusted expression on his face." When the mother was talking, she also imitated the expression of her son.

"Oh...." The father wanted to continue to read his magazine but his wife's eyes were looking at him, full of expectations. To placate her, he had to ask her. "What do you expect me to do?"

"You should chastise him."

Meng Gu sighed and led his wife into his son's room. The baby was sitting in his baby bed with an adorable expression on his face and he was very energetic. When he saw his father coming in, he beamed a charming smile at him.

Chen Ruo Yu said in a whisper. "Look at him. Just now his expression was not so adorable."

"Wife, you think too much." Meng Gu said flatly. He walked up to the baby and pretended to talk to his son. "Little brat, were you impolite to your mother just now?"

The baby tilted his head, his big eyes stared at his father and displayed an innocent look on his face. Then he made two sounds 'Yi-yi'....

Chen Ruo Yu who was standing next to Meng Gu translated. "He said he didn't do it."

Meng Gu threw a glance at her and then turned to face his son again. "Your mother had complained that you are naughty. You must be a little nicer to your mother, do you understand? If you don't, Dad will spank you on your ass."

The baby blinked his eyes, opened his mouth and laughed, then made the sounds of 'Yi-ya' again.

"He said he understands." Chen Ruo Yu continued to act as an interpreter.

This time, Meng Gu really could not act along with her anymore. He could not control his laughter and pulled Chen Ruo Yu to sit on the floor with him. He asked. "Wife, is this fun?"

"Yes, it's fun." She felt that this was fun for them as a family. She leaned into her husband's arms and looked at her baby son. She felt really happy. As she was watching her baby, she suddenly asked. "Dr. Meng, when you were a child, you were also very rebellious and always had confrontations with your Dad, right? Why is our son not like you? I really want a son like you. Ai...he is too obedient....it is embarrassing..."


🎊🎊🎊The End!!! 🎉🎉🎉

MiraiSaesang: It's Over!😭😂 I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I did! Feel free to share a review on the Story's Main Page here --> Ambiguous Relationship

Also, Check out our other stories below~ Happy Reading!🤗

Thank you all for reading! 🎉

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終わり レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C89
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


