100% Harry Potter: The Silver Dragon / Chapter 9: Chapter Nine: The Sorting

章 9: Chapter Nine: The Sorting

It was early in the morning and the Lovegood Household was very active. Liam and Luna hurried and brought all their luggage downstairs to put them in the car since they would have to drive to the station to board the train. For some reason there were no floo channels at the train station, well none for their wealth class anyway. As the luggage was brought down, Xeno was packing the car using the best Tetris skills he has since he was unable to use magic. The main reason is that if he shrank the luggage he would be unable to unshrink the luggage in front of the muggles. Once the car was packed the Lovegood's had a quick breakfast and began their journey to the Kings Cross Train Station in London. During the trip the Lovegood family sang songs, told stories from the summer and what they expected Hogwarts to be like. It was about a three hour drive to Kings Cross Station. Luna and Liam were awed by the suburb and city buildings that the muggles have created and loved the architecture. Xeno unloaded the car and helped his young children place their bags and family pets on their carts. As they entered the station they saw the Weasleys' parking their car. Luna yelled and waved towards Ginny, " Ginny we will enter before you and save a seat on the train." Ginny waved back and acknowledged her words.

Xeno brought his children before a brick wall that had platform 9 on one side and platform 10 on the other. He turned to his children and began to explain the process, " Alright now, we have arrived. Just clear your mind and run through the wall right there. If you're nervous a little jog will do." Xeno smiled while pushing Luna and Liam towards the wall.

Liam turned to Luna and smiled. He then took off while laughing and went through the wall. Not to be left behind Luna chased right after him. Xeno just smiled at them and leisurely walked through the wall. As Liam arrived he saw an old looking steam train and he could hear the whistle of the train and the conductor yelling for people to begin boarding the train. He waited a moment and saw Luna come through the wall and his father right after. As Liam watches Luna fix her hair he begins to speak with lots of enthusiasm. " This is it Luna, our world changes today." Luna pauses and nods her head, " Yes, today is the day for us to begin our future." Xeno hearing their words begins to tear up. He hugs his children and wishes them well as he pushes them to board the train to ensure they don't get left behind. " Alright my stars, enjoy your first year at Hogwarts and don't forget to write me. I'll be traveling a bit while you two go to school so I'll send postcards and the quibbler whenever I am able."

Liam and Luna gave their father one last hug and then waved at him as they boarded the train with their luggage.

As they walked down the aisle looking for a compartment they saw many different looks as they walked by. The main reason Liam could think of was Luna skipping and humming while they moved through. Most looks given were people smiling and shaking their heads, some gave confused looks, but the one look Liam despised was the look of disdain and superiority some showed as they passed by. Liam promised himself if he could he'd make sure to wipe that look off their face if they tried to cause trouble. Liam was awoken from his thoughts when Luna nudged him. "Hmm?" " I said this one is empty so let's go. '' Liam just nodded his head and moved into the compartment with Luna. He helped store their luggage and they both decided to let out Shadow and Huggin to stretch their wings. " So Liam, have you thought of what house you'll be sorted in?" " Hmm not sure Luna. I'd say either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but we'll just have to see no? What about you?" Luna just nodded and then had a thoughtful expression " I think I'm gonna be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Really can't see myself in any other of the houses." Liam just smiled and nodded towards Huggin, " I would expect you would as you have a Raven, the trademark of the Ravenclaw house." Liam just giggled when he said that and Luna looked at him with mock surprise. " You are right, how would I ever thought of that?" As she was saying this she held her hand dramatically to her forehead. Then they looked at each other and burst into laughter with both Shadow and Huggin cawing with them.

After laughing for a minute or two Liam looked out the window and saw a mini mob of red hair rushing towards the train. "Luna don't look now, but i do think the Weasley's might actually be on time for once…" Just as Liam said this the train whistle began to blow stating its departure in the next 4-5 minutes. Liam turned back to Luna, " Nevermind" Luna just giggled then began to stand up. " I'm going to go meet Ginny at the door and bring her here" " Need me to come with you?" Luna shook her head, " No ill be alright for a few minutes on my own." Liam just nodded his head and let her leave. Huggin and Shadow finally began to settle down. Huggin flew and posted himself on the luggage holder while shadow took to Liam's left shoulder.

As Luna left Liam began to recall his second trip to Diagon Alley. { Liam and Xeno just floo'd into The Leaky Cauldron. " Thanks dad for taking me back here. I really need to buy a few thing before Hogwarts or ill be having to write you to mail order me items." Xeno just laughed and patted Liam on his shoulder, " No problem son, but I was surprised Luna didn't want to join. It seems that Huggin and Shadow really took most of her attention away for the past few weeks." Liam just smiled and shook his head. " That and i think she also really didn't need anything and wanted to stay home to read her books." Xeno just nodded as they walked towards the brick wall. Xeno used his wand to input the "secret code" and walked into Diagon Alley. " Dad lets head over to Gringotts, I forgot I had these gems and wanted to deposit them in a new vault that will be used exclusively for my growth and training, but if we need any funds for the family let me know and we can use some." Xeno smiled and fake wiped a tear away, " Ah my boy is already taking care of the family it seems it's time for me to retire and pass the head of the family to my son." Liam just stared at Xeno. " In your dreams old man, I am not taking up the lordship until you're truly too old to be a lord or until I can actually take care of all of us." Xeno laughed and pushed Liam along as they talked and laughed all the way to Gringotts.

As they entered Gringotts they walked to a teller line that was for New Vaults and Currency Conversion after a 30 minute wait it was finally there turn. As they approved they saw a young looking goblin with a name plate nearby stating Razerlake " How may Gringotts assist you today?" Liam at first was shocked with how polite the goblin was since he knew their reputation and Ollivander wasn't with them this time, but then schooled his features, " I would like to open a new vault in my name and convert these 5 gems to be added into said vault." The goblin looked for a moment then nodded his head, " Fill out these forms and i will bring these gems to be valued by our accountants next to me. Also young while we Goblins are known for our…" The goblin titled his head up and tapped his finger on his chin as he thought of the correct term to use. " Displeasure and poor manners this is where most new families or as your kind states muggles will experience their first interaction with Gringotts. We will attempt to make a good first impression, but afterwards that's for fate to decide as we are the only bank that caters in the magical community." Razerlake finished his dialogue with a razor sharp smile.

Liam just nods his head as he watches Razerlake leave with the gems and then turns down to the paperwork to complete. After about 10 minutes Liam finished the paperwork that had the basic legal clauses and Xeno had to Co-sign as the legal magical parent. Razerlake returned and looked at the completed paperwork, " Well young Liam it seems the paperwork is in order and the gems you provided will be worth 5000 Gallons a gem. While it won't make you the richest wizard it is a decent sized amount and if financed properly it should last a long time. Is there anything Gringotts may help you with?" Liam nodded his head, " Yes Mr. Razerlake, may i have a pouch with 500 Gallons and of course you may take the required fees for the pouch." Razerlake grinned, " Very well young Liam and by the way its not Mr. Razerlake; next time you may refer to me as Account Trainee Razerlake. As a majority of us are Trainees overhear that why we are also a little nicer." Razerlake then proceed to get the funds from behind him. " As requested 500 Gallons with a pouch costing 5 Gallons bringing your account total now to 24,495 Gallons in your vault." Liam nodded, " Thank you Account Trainee Razerlake and May your Gold be ever bountiful." Razerlake looked surprised for a moment before he grinned, " And may your Enemies fall swiftly under your blade young Liam." Liam nodded and walked out of Gringotts with his father. Xeno looked at his son with a smile, " Very well done my son. I think you might have impressed that young goblin just now and who knows it might spread around and you'll have an easier time doing business in Gringotts." Liam nodded with a serious face, " I just did as you taught us father. Be kind to all unless they prove they are enemies or bullies. And as I told you, one of the foundations of this Order is "treat others with respect unless respect is not given to you" and that's all I did." Xeno smiled and ruffled his son's head. " Dad stop it, you know my hair is already a mess and i don't want to brush it again." Xeno just laughed as they walked. " Where to next Liam?" Liam pointed towards a shop that seemed to have some metal working, " I need to try and find some mail armor, while the book says i need to complete the starter physical training i have a feeling i might need the armor earlier then the book states." Xeno just nods his head. After not finding what they needed in that shop they began to look around. After two hours of searching they couldn't find what they were looking for Liam let out a sigh. " Liam, they might not have what you're looking for here since it is past the ages of utilizing armor. Let's go home and I'll see if I can find someone who knows where we could acquire some mail armor for you." Liam just nodded his head as they began the trip home}

Liam was knocked out of his memory as the compartment door was flung open and two giggling voices were heard. As he turned his head he saw Luna and Ginny walking in. Liam got up and helped Ginny store her luggage. Ginny smiled and nodded in thanks as she took her seat besides Luna across from Liam's seat. " Thanks Liam are you as excited as Luna and me for Hogwarts? It's finally here…though it is also kinda scary. This is my first time being away from home and mom." Ginny started off excited then took on a semi-gloomy face at the end of her sentence. Luna just side hugged Ginny. " It'll be fine Ginny, you have us and don't forget your brothers. Just think of this as an adventure like we did last year in the woods when we looked for exotic magical creatures near our homes." Ginny smiled then shook her head at the end of Luna's statement. " You mean the one when we were out for hours and past dinner time. Then we returned and my mother just says " Where have you been!" That time?" Ginny stared at Luna. Luna then looked bashful and patted her own head, " Yup, but this time there will be no scolding" Luna then nodded her head sagely as she placed her hand on her chin. Liam then picked this time to jump in, " You mean if no one catches you while you explore you mean." Luna then huffs at Liam and turns her head. Ginny just giggles. They then heard the train horn blowing and the train slowly began to move out of the station. The three looked at each other then whopped and high fived before returning to their conversations.

After two hours of talking, reading, or just playing around the compartment, the door opened once more and Percy walked in, " Have any of you seen Ron or Harry?" The three first years looked at each other and shook their heads. Percy sighs and begins to walk out, " Where are those two I swore I saw them when we were rushing on the train." Liam and the girls just watched Percy leave and mumble to himself as he continues his search for the two. Once Percy was gone Ginny began to massage her head, " I swear this sounds like something Ron would do, but why did he have to drag Harry in it and now I'm wondering where they are." Liam just shrugs his shoulders, " Who knows for all we know they could be on an adventure and just hiding from everyone on the train." Ginny just sighs and nods her head. The three keep trying to come up with theories or solutions to where they would be or how to find them. After about 20 minutes Shadow began to caw while looking outside. Liam turns his head, " What you cawing at boy?" Shadow then flies off his shoulder towards the window and begins to peak at it. As Liam and the girls turn they see what seems to be a car flying towards them. Ginny just stares, " Why is my father's car flying besides the train?" Liam and Luna are just as bewildered. When the car was finally parallel to them Ginny jumps out of her seat as she sees who's in the car, " WHAAAAAAAAAAT! That's Ron and Harry. Of all the stupid decisions… Mother is going to have a field day."

Liam just nods, " Well Ginny you might want to go inform Percy… this seems like it could get out of hand." Ginny quickly turns and walks out the compartment looking for her brother. Luna, with her mouth still open, looks at Liam, " Well I guess you could say they are on an adventure." Just as Luna said this it seems Harry was about to fall out of the car as he clung to the passenger side door as Ron seemed to try and help him in. "Yes Luna it seems like an adventure of pure adrenaline and close to death….why couldn't they invite us?" Luna just shakes her head, " Well dear brother not everyone is an adrenaline junky like you." Liam just shrugs his shoulders as he watches the car stabilize and begin to fly, what seems to be, in front of the train. "Well I hope we can at least hear their story when we get to Hogwarts." Luna just smiles. After ten minutes Ginny finally returned with a giggle, " Told Percy and you should have seen his face at first it was all shock, then realization, then serious and he goes "Well as the Head Boy it seems i must go inform a professor if one is on the train." Ginny was blown out laughing right now with Luna joining. Liam just shakes his head and pulls out his transfiguration book to try and get some more knowledge before they arrive at the school. Luna begins to tell Ginny what happened with Ron and Harry. They then kept talking, or gossiping as Liam likes to call it, until they arrived at the Hogwarts Station two hours later. As it got darker the Prefects began to go down the hallways letting everyone know it's time to dress in their robes. Liam allowed the girls to change before he himself put on his robes over his clothes since he didn't feel like going commando under his robes. Afterwards Shadow and Huggin flew back into their cages and allowed them to be locked back in until they saw their friends again.

Once the train finished pulling in all the students filed out of the train. As the three stepped out they heard a loud deep voice yelling " First Years First Years, Over Here. Come now you lot Over Here." Liam looked at the giant man and was in awe as this was the tallest person he had seen. " Evening First Years my name is Hagrid and I am the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and will be your guide this evening to Hogwarts. Now we will take a short walk to the docks and once we arrive go to a boat. Only four to a boat." Hagrid looked around, nodded his head and turned and told them to follow him. Liam turned his head and saw all the other students walk towards carriages that seem to be drawn by dark skeleton horse like creatures. Liam nudged Luna and pointed towards the carriages. Luna turned and saw what he was pointing at, " I wonder if we'll be able to see them up close this year and try to figure out what they are?" Liam nodded his head before noticing they were lagging a bit and Hagrid seemed to notice. " Come on yee two stay with the lot." Liam and Luna hurried to catch up with the group as Ginny gave them a questing eye. Luna then tried to explain to her what we saw. After about a 5 minute walk we arrived at the docks and Hagrid once again turned around, " Remember only four to a boat. Now hop along in your boats." All the students moved towards the boats and sat down. Once Hagrid noticed everyone seated he turned, " Alright forward." As he said this the boats began to move away from the docks past the hill nearby. As they went straight past the hill there she was Hogwarts the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The building had multiple different types of agriculture to it ranging from Norman Romanesque, Gothic and Gothic Revival. The castle was set on what seemed to be a cliff side with open plains, the lake, a forest, and a bridge seem to be surrounding the castle on all sides. All the students let out a gasp of awe and wonder. Liam knew if the castle had to be defended it was set in a very tactical position to defend, but not much attacking capabilities, at least from the looks. As they passed near a low bridge Hagrid yelled for everyone to duck, but seems to forget he was taller then everyone around. As they passed underneath, for a moment, Liam felt like something connected with him on a magical level and seemed to feel the warm embrace of family, love, and care as he passed under the bridge. It even seemed that the castle glowed for a moment. Liam didnt have time to think on this as they arrived at the docks near the castle. Everyone disembarked and began to climb the stairs to the castle.

Once they arrived, Liam saw a tall, rather severe-looking, and "sprightly" old woman. She had black hair which was rarely let down, and the majority of the time was combed back into a tight bun. Hagrid stopped and all the first years did the same behind him, " Good Evening Professor McGonagall here are the first years." McGonagall looked at Hagrid, " Thank you Hagrid, you may continue your duties and ill take over from here." Hagrid nodded and walked off.

After Hagrid left Professor McGonagall began to speak to the first years, "Welcome to Hogwarts, The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. Please wait quietly as I will return shortly." (1)

Liam, Ginny, and Luna began to talk in hushed voices trying to figure out how the sorting would actually occur. Everytime they asked their family they always said, in some form or fashion, "you'll find out when it's time." The only thing they knew for sure was they would not have a fight with a troll as Ron told them, " That was just a prank the twins pulled on me. While we did fight a troll in the first year it wasn't for our house sorting." The three of them actually didn't believe Ron's story of the troll, but felt relief, or disappointment for Liam, that they didn't have to fight a troll. As they continued to wait they saw what seemed to be ghosts floating towards the door that was closed. They passed by the students and were wishing them good luck and one oddly big monk was telling them he hoped to see them in Hufflepuff as that was his old house.

Once the ghost left, McGonagall returned, " Follow me." She then turned around and all the first years followed her into the great hall. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. The tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight... If you looked upward, you would see a velvety black ceiling dotted with stars. It was hard to believe there was a ceiling there at all, and that the Great Hall didn't simply open on to heaven. As they were mesmerized by everything they finally came to a halt and noticed a ragged wizard cap on a stool. After a moment the hat seemed to move and gained creases. Liam noticed they seemed to be eyes and a mouth. The hate opened its creased mouth.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

Or one of the defenders,

That have been forgotten,

They who gave all,

So we may continue.

{Liam felt the Hat was looking at him when he spoke these words}

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!" (2)

Everyone, besides the first years, clapped at the hat's song. McGonagall then told the students to come forward as their name was called. As she read off the list Liam noticed the names didn't seem to be in any order. As students were called and placed everyone seemed to be clapping for them and depending on the student they might have even got a few yells with their names. Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor with her family and she seemed to blush as they hooted and clapped the loudest for her as she walked to her seat. Luna was called and she hugged Liam and then sat at the stool. After a few minutes the hat sorted her into Ravenclaw. She placed the hat down, patted it on its top and seemed to skip towards the table and once she sat down she looked at Liam and gave him a smile. Liam himself couldn't help, but smile at her. As Liam waited for his name he continued to look at the staff table and around the hall in wonder and as his mind would have it also figure out all the exits and entrances of the Great Hall. As his mind wandered he finally noticed everyone looking at him strangely until he figured out why. As he finally faced back towards the hat he saw a stern-faced McGonagall looking straight at him " Liam Lovegood it is your turn now." Liam gulped and nodded as he made his way to the stool. He sat down and McGonagall placed the hat on his head.

After a moment he heard a voice, " Ha another Lovegood to sort today...."

Sifwriter Sifwriter

Hello There!.....

Yes it has been a long my friends, but after my deployment and working through some issues I have finally begun to write again and noticing how this fanfic is still alive with people keep adding it i decided to continue where i left off.

Chapter completed at 4500 words. I'll revisit and update the chapter as i work through Chapter 10 and 11 to fix any mistakes, add world building, or add needed information.

As always leave your comments and suggestions and lets work to see Liam's life in the World known as Harry Potter!

(1)- This excpert was paraphased from the Philospher Stone Book

(2)- Parphrased from the Philospher Stone Book

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


