Brothers and sisters naturally attracted the attention of people when walking towards the hall.
Smiling and cheery Loran received many exclamations from a few groups which had only girls.
"Hey, look look. The guy in the white blazer is soo cool."
"Did you see that? He looked at us."
"I envy that girl. I wish I could walk with him."
Jai looked cold and distant which attracted many females. Even who came with their partner couldn't take their eyes off. Many recognized him since he was a national player.
"I have seen that guy somewhere."
"Isn't he Badminton Champion? Jai Barton. I'm his huge fan."
"He looks even more handsome in real."
"Is he single? Should I ask him out?"
"He smiled at her! it's so refreshing to see."
Some girls idolized brothers openly to their partners making them envy to no end.
Sky had a faint smile and walked gracefully. Some men stopped in their tracks and admired Sky where their partners got jealous.
"She is so beautiful."
"Is she from this town? I have never seen her?"
"She is looking like a doll."
"Should I strike a conversation with her?"
These three who stirred so many emotions in the cafe walked nonchalantly towards the hall.
"My brothers! How can I save you guys from these girls?" Sky didn't expect to get so many exclamations to her brothers.
"Brother Jai, Don't leave this girl alone. I'm scared somebody will kidnap her." Loran was eyeing the ones who were commenting on Sky.
Jai just smiled and went inside the hall. Everybody in the hall started singing the Birthday song with a spotlight on Loran.
Jai went and joined some friends in the hall. When Sky tried to leave and to give the spotlight for Loran, He warned Sky. "You better stay with me or Brother Jai."
"Overprotective brother." Sky rolled her eyes but still stayed by his side.
"Happy birthday Loran!"
"Happy birthday Bro!"
"Many more happy returns of the day."
Loran's friends started wishing as he started moving towards the cake. Loran thanked them.
Only a few of his old friends knew about Sky, who greeted her. When they reached near the table to cut the cake, Sky looked around and gestured Jai to come.
Jai excused himself went to her with a wine glass in one hand. Loran cut his birthday cake and there was continuous applause till he fed the cake to Jai and Sky.
"Everybody, Party begins! Enjoy."
Music started, some gathered in the center to dance, some stood near the bar to drink. Some enjoyed eating.
Sky went to grab wine for herself, Loran followed her and stopped her when she requested wine from the bartender.
"Ms.Sky You can't drink." He looked at the bartender, "Don't serve her, Thank you."
The bartender just smiled and served others. Sky pouted and sat on a bar stool with Loran's help.
"One beer please." Loran asked the bartender. "Same for me." Sky raised her hand and ordered for her.
Loran glared at Sky, "You are not touching alcohol."
"What the hell. Why can't I? Don't behave like my father" Sky kicked Loran's leg.
"Mr.Harley called us in the morning and told us that you shouldn't drink." Jai voice sounded behind Sky.
"One Virgin Mary to my beautiful little Princess." Jai held Sky's shoulder and whispered in her ear.
"Take your drink and come with me, I will show you his girlfriend. Don't tell him." Then he stood straight elegantly.
Sky eyes sparkled, She nodded to Jai and gave a mischievous smile to Loran.
"What's going on between you two?" Loran raised his brow and looked at them.
"We are going to meet ...." Jai interjected Sky, "To meet my friends."
"Whatever." Loran rolled his eyes at both and left with his beer.
"Miss, your Virgin Mary!" The bartender served her drink.
"Thank you!" Sky turned towards Jai, "Let's go."
Jai helped her to descend the bar stool and moved towards another end of the hall where Jai's friends were standing and had a good view to dance floor.
When they reached, Sky greeted a few with a nod and turned towards the dance floor. Jai's friends knew that Sky was the Barton brother's sister. Even they thought Sky left the town for good.
"Hey, Sky! Long-time. How are you?" A tall guy who was wearing a leather jacket asked.
"I'm Good. Thank you." Sky left no room to continue talking and she was not interested in talking with others even though they were her brother's friend.
Likewise, Jai was happy with her short reply. Even that guy was his good friend, he liked to keep them away from her sister. Indeed overprotective.
"You looking beautiful Sky, Don't tell me you joined the fashion industry?" Another guy who was in a formal suit asked curiously.
"Brother Ken, Thank you! I'm working at Harley." She gave a faint smile after recognizing him, "Excuse me." excused herself and turned to Jai.
Displeasure was clearly showing on the faces of Jai's friends who knew Sky for a long time. Some ignored but her behavior vexed Ken.
"Why this haughty behavior to us? Don't we know why she disappeared from here? isn't she the bitch who went behind an engaged guy? Poor guy, he is suffering now."
"Shut up! Sky wasn't at fault. Don't you know that? She was ..." Leather jacket guy tried to calm Ken.
But before he could finish, Somebody started dragging Ken backside by his shirt collar. Ken struggled to speak and escape but he was choked and that person was stronger.