Wood [Strong against: Water, Poison, and light.] [Weak against: Fire, Lightning, and, Darkness.]
Metal [Strong against: Fire, and Lightning.] [Weak against: Water, Acid, and Earth.]
Fire [Strong against: Wood, Ice, and Poison.] [Weak against: Acid, Darkness, Water, and, Earth.]
Lightning [Strong against: Water, Fire, Ice.] [Weak against: Metal, Darkness, and light.]
Water [Strong against: Fire, Metal, and Acid.] [Weak against: Ice, lightning, and poison.]
Ice [Strong against: Water, Acid, and, Poison.] [Weak against: Lightning, and Fire.]
Earth [Strong against: Wood, Poison, and, Acid.] [Weak against: Water, Lightning, and Metal.]
Poison [Strong against: Water, Darkness, and Light.] [Weak against: Acid, Fire, and Wood.]
Acid [Strong against: Metal, Wood, Ice, and Earth.] [Weak against: Water, Earth, Lightning, and Fire.]
~~{Advanced Elements}~~
Darkness {Weakness: Each other}
Light {Weakness: Each other}
~~{Unique Elements}~~
Demonic: No weakness other than Holy
Holy: No weakness other than Demonic
(The two counter each other)
Official Chapter 1 will be out within 24 hours!