40% The Perfect Wife. / Chapter 2: Chapter Four: Ubria - Operation Rescue my Cousin.

章 2: Chapter Four: Ubria - Operation Rescue my Cousin.

"You can rest for a while milady, we are to arrive at our meeting point in about three hours."

I look at Kuài. "I already told you, don't call me milady. You have been with me since my birth so please. You are more my Jiějie then any other person in the world, you know that right Kuài?" I take off my veil. "I know you are uncomfortable with it after that training time you where forced into by that woman. But do it for me?" Kuài blushes. "I'll try mil- uh, Nuǎn." I smile. "Well that's a start at least! We will work our way back to Mèimei." After that I turn my head to the window and look outside. "It's really beautiful here." Kuài nods. "Yeah, it is. This is also my first time traveling so far from home." I tap her hand. "Well at least we are together, right?!" She nods happily.

- - - - -

{ Xiǎo Líng, I'm wondering. You never mentioned what I'm supposed to do, you know, after I take over the lives of these people.. Care to enlighten me? }

[ (((( ;°Д°)))) O MY GOD!! I am the worst system ever! How can I forget this?!?! I'm so sorry, will you forgive me? ]

{ I'll have to see about that seeing you act so shocked? Is it something that's dangerous for me? }

[ Not directly. It depends on the tasks really.. ]

{ Hmm, okay. So tell me, what is it that I have to complete in this world? And how are the tasks formed? }

[ Well the tasks are made by the Goddess of Sight, formed from the memories of the original owner. SOO, they are kind of wishes from the previous soul. ]

{ Right, that doesn't sound cryptic at all. Continue please. }

[ Okay. So after the tasks are formed I am supposed to give them to you but I forgot after we were interrupted by your mother. (ㄒoㄒ) ]

{ <Sigh> It's all right now. Better late then never. But don't you dare to forget it again. So tell me, what are my tasks for this world. }

[ All right. You have Four main Tasks to complete:

Task One: Make sure your mother gets a happy ending.

Task Two: Help your family find their Love using your Heritage Skill.

Task Three: Expose the Qiūjì Spy at your father's court and prevent the assassination.

Task Four: Find your soul matched partner for this World. ]

{ I can use my heritage from my own world?!? How does that work. I can't see anyone's aura. }

[ Well you didn't bring everything, and you are going to have to train your ability. You can only use your touch to sense another persons connection. Maybe you should find a guinea-pig to try it out? ]

{ Hm. All right. I'll accept the tasks then. }

[ Haha. Funny. You will need to complete these tasks or else your progress is deemed failed and that can lead to termination of our soul-contract sending you back into the reincarnation cycle. ]

{ (╬ಠ益ಠ) Thanks for mentioning it so soon then Líng.. }

[ Sorry please don't replace me! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ ]

{ I won't. But please no more surprises. I beg of you. }

[ I Promise! Oh and you can use the stuff you got in your 'starter Pack's too! You'll only need to ask and I'll provide! ]

{ Okay thanks Líng, I'll contact you when I need you! }

- - - - -

After spacing out while talking to Líng, I start thinking about what he said. I need to trigger my heritage ability. Why not test it on Kuài? I turn towards her and I grab her hands. "You'll always stay with me, right Kuài?" She nods fervently. "I am your handmaiden. I'll be with you until your death." I smile widely. "Good! Then I'll find a nice man for you too. You can't die lonely now can you!" She pales. "M-milady?" I hug her. "We will have the best time together!" * Bet she is wondering what the hell I'm gonna do, haha! *

After scaring the crap out of Kuài, I slowly fall asleep due to the wobbling of the carriage. * At least that man made sure this thing was comfortable.. *

- - - - -

Kuài shakes my shoulder. "Nuǎn? Wake up Milady. We have arrived. The crown prince is awaiting your presence. Your cousin has yet to arrive." I rub my eyes and turn to look at her. Then I hear footsteps approaching my carriage and I quickly put my veil back on. Right on time too because not a second later my door is ripped open. A man steps inside. I make my way to speak. "Sir, it is highly improper entering a Lady's carriage, can you pl-" A hand muffles my sentence. "It is highly improper for someone to make this Imperial Prince wait."

The man, apparently our Crown Prince Kòngzhì Xié'è Fàngsì, looks at me with angry eyes. "I should punish you for insolence and make you work in my palace as my personal servant." He slowly releases my face. "But you are rumored to be extremely ugly, and I don't associate myself with lowly pigs." His eyes hold a strange glint. "But I wonder, if I could check the merchandise.." I panic slightly and make the quickest and best possible bow I could make in this small space without touching him. "I am deeply sorry, Your Highness, I had fallen asleep on the way here. This lowly girl didn't want to insult your Greatness. Please allow me to continue to the Sect, your Highness. I am not worthy to be your servant.."

Then something happens. He. spits. on. my. back. * What the hell? This guy.. (☢益☢t) * "You are right. You're not worthy." And he walks away. I need to control myself so I don't run after him to rip him a new one. What a terrible human being. So what that you are the Prince, you need to care for your subjects not use them or discard them as dirt..

While I am silently fuming, someone had approached me. "Milady, I'm sorry for my brother. It's just the way he is." I turn around and shriek. "EEEP!" And I fall out of my carriage. The man catches me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't want to frighten you!" He puts me down on my feet when our hands touch.

°° I can feel the line of his perfect match. Slowly I grab it and the face of his beloved appears in front of my eyes. Wait a minute, she looks familiar.. (!) It's my cousin Xìngfú! °°

Then a hand waves in front of my face. "Hello? Miss? Are you all right?" I blink a few times. "Oh, I'm so sorry for spacing out like that, he he. I am all right thank you mister?" He blushes a bit. "I'm the Third Prince of Qiūjì Country, Kòngzhì Chéngshí Bǔjiù." I pale a bit. "I apologize for my insolence your Highness!" I want to bow to him but he stops me. "No, please don't. I don't like people bowing to me." He blushes again. I blink and look at him. * Strange Prince this one.. * "All right I won't then?" He shakes my hand. "Thank you, honestly. You are the first to do this! It makes me very happy." I look at him blankly. "Do you find me strange now?" I shake my head. "Not really, maybe a little. You don't like being a prince?"

He shakes his head. "No I don't. Everyone is fake to you. They always pretend to be nice, but then try to stab you from behind. And I am not even talking about all the nauseating woman.." I giggle. "So, I take it that you don't have wives yet?" He looks at me in horror. "NO! I, uhm, I, I want to fall in love.." With that sentence my eyes start to sparkle. "Would you believe me if I said that I knew the one who would love you with all her heart?" He looks at me weirdly. "My cousin Zhōng Huī Xìngfú. I believe it is destined for you to meet and fall in love." He isn't convinced, but he surprises me with his answer. "I'll definitely visit her when I return then. I kind of always admired her. She is such a strong woman." * Oh yeah, this will work out just fine. ≧ω≦ *

Another carriage pulls up. I immediately recognize the family logo. This should be my cousin Jiàn Fāng Hé. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see that the Third Prince is still standing with me. "You should get into your carriage, we will leave at once." I thank him and get on my carriage again.

"Is everything in order Mila- uhm Nuǎn?" I nod. "Yes I'm fine Kuài thank you for asking." Then I remember that my ability worked on the Third Prince and I sneakily grab her hand. But nothing happens.

{ Do I need to use it differently then before Líng? }

[ No I don't think so. Maybe you need to know both people involved? You already know your cousin obviously, so when you accidentally touched the Third Prince it automatically connected. ]

{ That is a real good theory Líng! Thanks. You are so smart! }

[ ˓˓ก₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎ค˒˒ ]

We travel in our convoy until the evening starts to set. At that moment we ride into a small village and stop at an inn. A man shouts outside my carriage. "We will stop here for the night. Book you own rooms and be ready to leave at dawn." I look at Kuài. "How rude." She giggles. "Well then we better make haste, before we run into the Crown Prince again.

As I come down from my carriage I see my cousin leaving hers as well. She also wears a veil, only her eyes are exposed and not hidden like mine. If you're wondering. It's a sheer like cloth which is see-through, only the one looking at me won't be able to tell what colour my eyes are. My mother had it made for me as soon as I opened my eyes. With my mother having green eyes and my supposed father Jiǎohuá Fù Jǐn having brown eyes, (although I don't see it that way, but legally she did commit adultery..) the proof of my mothers infidelity was very obvious.

Which let to me practically fused with my veil. But back to the current moment. I look at my cousin leaving her carriage. She waves swiftly at me and starts to make her way to the inn. Then that Crown Prince blocks her way and I hear him out a few vulgarities. I make up my mind and walk towards them, purposely tripping over my feet when I arrive at them almost toppling over the Crown Prince. "Watch where you are going you insolent creature!" I smirk in my veil as I hear my cousin run for the doors. My plan worked, I successfully distracted him and rescued my cousin.

"If you even breath in my area again I will have you executed." My smile falters. * Talk about a violent reaction.* I'll remind myself to keep out of his way until we reach our destination. I feel someone dip down next to me. Two hand lift me off the ground. "You better not anger him anymore. It's not good for your health." I look to my side to find, yet again, the Third Prince Kòngzhì Chéngshí Bǔjiù. "Your Highness. Thank you, again." He smiles. "Don't thank me, Milady. And call me Chéngshí or Bǔjiù, whichever you like most." I laugh softly. "All right. I'll go for Chéngshí, but only if you call me Nuǎn." He almost jumps up in happiness. "Deal! SO Nuǎn, let me escort you in before my brother returns." I take his hand and we walk inside.

Later during dinner, Chéngshí joins me and Kuài at our table. Kuài feels a bit uneasy at first, but seeing that Chéngshí is a real nice guy she finally relaxes. "Third Prince. I still find it very hard to believe you are related to the Crown Prince. You don't look alike and your personalities couldn't be more different." I look at Kuài after she asks this question and whisper in her ear. "How many cups of wine did you drink to ask this?" She blushes fiercely.

"Well, I can answer that. I have a different mother than him. My mother was the High Consort before she passed away, while his mother was the Empress. That's why he is the Crown Prince while I am a normal prince." I stare at him. "You know you aren't obligated to answer all of our questions." He smiles. "Yeah, but I like it. It's so refreshing talking to you. I don't have to pretend to be someone else." My heart falters. This poor man. Always forced to be someone he is not. I whisper to him. "Then you should definitely meet my cousin." And I wink at him.

After dinner I return to my room, only to find my cousin sitting in the corner. "AH! What are you doing here Biǎo Mèi?! You almost scared me to death!" Then I hear sobs. She is crying! "Fāng Hé, talk to me what happened?" I ask as I pull off my veil. She lifts her head and faces me, only to gasp at me. "Y-you are s-so pretty. <Sniff> How did n-nobody know." I smile awkwardly. "Well I always keep my veil on, only with family I take it off." Then I pull of her veil as well. And I won't lie. I would totally court her if she wasn't this bodies cousin.

[ Don't start to act like a pervert now! ]

{ I need to appreciate beauty though. You wanted a bisexual host tho. (*☉౪ ⊙。) }

[ o(╥﹏╥)o I want to trade you.. ]

I wipe her tears away. "So, clean face, clean mind. Now, would you tell me why you are hiding in my room crying?" She hesitates but nods anyway. "It's the Crown Prince. He is hell bend on making me his wife." I raise my eyebrows. "I though that Tǎoyàn Měinǚ was his Fiance for the spot of Wife?" She nods again. "Well yes, but I think you heard about his behavior. It's not strange he wants as many wives as he can get." I sigh. "Yes I know, but what does that have to do with you?" She shudders. "He caught a glimpse of my face when I excited my carriage and my veil fluttered in the wind.." My eyes widen. "Oh dear. That is not good.. Maybe I can ask Chéngshí for help."

Fāng Hé looks at me with big eyes. "Y-you are familiar with the Third Prince. Are you two going to elope?!" I start laughing. "No we're not, he fancies Xìngfú." She starts squealing but I shush her. "Well, for the night you can stay here in my room, and in the next inns we'll book our rooms together. Try to avoid him as much as possible. I'll ask Chéngshí to cover your carriage on the road. Sounds good?" She nods. "Thank you for your help Biǎo Jiě. I'll never forget it."

After Fāng Hé had fallen asleep I send Kuài with a small note to Chéngshí. And while that is been taken care of I start wondering if I should take my cousin with me when I try to find my biological father. It might be safer for her to stay in the Sect, but on second thought the Crown Prince knows she is there so maybe not that safe after all.

I keep on pondering about this until Kuài returns to our room. "The Third Prince agrees on your plan and will make sure he rides close to your cousins carriage." I nod. "Thank you Kuài, you have been a great help." She hesitates about something. "Miss, when I was returning to the room I heard yelling from the Crown Prince his chamber. I think it was about miss Jiàn Fāng Hé. After the shouts a girl ran out with a bleeding lip." I slowly take in this information only to conclude one thing:

I'm taking Fāng Hé with me when I leave the Silent Sisters for Tánhuáng.


I have to write the names here again because that stupid authors thought is too small to type it.

So here are the significations of names used in this chapter.


Crown Prince Qiūjì Country = Kòngzhì Xié'è Fàngsì : 控制 Kòngzhì - Control, Dominate. 邪惡 Xié'è - Wicked, Evil, Sinister. 放肆 Fàngsì - Wanton, Kinky.

Third Prince Qiūjì Country = Kòngzhì Chéngshí Bǔjiù : 控制 Kòngzhì - Control, Dominate. 誠實 Chéngshí - Honest, Truthful, Honourable. 補救 Bǔjiù - Remedy.

Zhōng Gāng Míngzhì's Granddaughter / Cousin Zhōng Nuǎn = Zhōng Huī Xìngfú : 忠 Zhōng - Loyalty, Devotion. 辉 Huī - Brightness. 幸福 Xìngfú - Happiness, Joy.

First Daughter Left Prime Minister / Fiancè Crown Prince = Jiǎohuá Tǎoyàn Měinǚ : 狡猾 Jiǎohuá - Sly, Cunning. 討厭 Tǎoyàn - Nasty, Troublesome. 美女Měinǚ - Beauty.

Daughter Right Prime Minister / Cousin Zhōng Nuǎn = Jiàn Fāng Hé : 健 Jiàn - Build, Establish. 芳 Fāng - Fragrant, Virtuous, Beautiful. 和 Hé - Harmony, Peace.


SpecialClover SpecialClover

And yet another chapter complete. Enjoy reading!

- - -

姐姐 Jiě Jie: Older Sister (Jiějie).

妹妹 Mèi Mei: Younger Sister (Mèimei).

表姐 Biǎo Jiě: Female cousin, who is older than you.

表妹 Biǎo Mèi: Female cousin, who is younger than you.

- - -

Read you Laterrr ヽ(▼ー▼キ)

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