assistant pass this news to everyone who didn't attend this meeting, their services are no longer needed" Yue Ling said with a straight face, and everyone was shocked including Yue Fang and his father, they didn't think she use this medium,
the whole company was in a great uproar and shocked, those people started regretting why they have to follow Yue Fang's advise, and as a result they all lost their high paying job.
everyone In the board meeting were now arguing with her,
"miss Yue if you do this how will we fill in for these people, this can't happen,
"I agree with him, you can't just sack about 15 persons at once from a company, they all had their important position they hold,
they all kept arguing with her, but she didn't blink an eye lid,
"silence" she said and everyone was quiet again,
"good, are you now speaking up for these people, in a company where there are no obedient staff, it's same as the company doesn't have staffs at all,
no matter the position they hold they don't have the right to dis obey, this is my father's company and I will not welcome any disobedient staffs here" she shouted as she hit the table with her hand, making everyone shocked and scared,
"and if there is anyone of you who doesn't agree with this then you can as well drop your resignation letters and fuck off from this company, I won't entertain anyone going against me,"
as she said it she looked around but nobody dared to say anything,
"since nobody has an objection, from tomorrow we'll start recruiting new workers that will fill in for those that just left" she said again with more seriousness,
"now that we've settle that issue, I called you all here for a special purpose, Pricilia handover to you,
"yes ma'am,"
"well according to the the issue at hand, the amount of 100million is missing from the company's account, according to the report with me the money didn't get missing at once, we've checked and saw that there is someone here who has been taking money 10million from the company's account without every month, and now we want to know how come about the money"
Pricilia explained, and everyone was surprised to hear that such a huge amount is missing without them knowing, well everyone except some few persons were ignorant of the money...
Yue Fang, his Father's and the financial secretary's face changed, they didn't expect that once Yue Ling came into the office she'll find our about the money they've been collecting, and beads of sweat started fuming from their heads, but they didn't think
"how do you know that this money is stolen by someone from the company, you don't even have proof" the financial secretary said,
"yes proof Yue Ling, you just came today and you've started accusing the people here I don't understand you" Mr Yue Jinna said looking really displeased, and then everyone started siding with him, that they want proof of the information,
"not just proof of whether the company's money is missing we also want proof of the person who stole the money, because it might be that you just come up with this to tell the people that I didn't take over the company well" Yue Fang said pointing a finger at Yue Ling,
but she was still calm like they weren't talking to her.
"you all want proof right I'll give you the proof, but first agree, once this person is exposed, he'll have to be jailed for the stealing of this money"
when she said this everyone paused but then they agree to her condition,
Yue Fang didn't think Yue Ling could do anything, he also wants to know what she can do so he agreed.
"firstly my lawyer will show you the data analysis of the money and the financial secretary has to explain how come, and then I'll show you proof of who actually stole the money, everyone also agreed
"good come in" she said and soon everyone eyes darted to the door and a few police men came in,
"why are the police men here? one of the board members asked,
"didn't we agree that once we caught the thief we'll send them to the police station, well so instead of us to just take him the station I just decided that the police should be a part of the meeting so they'll see the proof for themselves" Yue Ling said as she curled her lips
by this time the finance secretary was already shaking but he didn't say anything,
soon the lawyer explained everything to them and showed them the proof of the money missing, even the Financial secretary couldn't even say anything about the money's whereabouts,
once the lawyer was done everyone was now certain that there was indeed Money that has been going out of the company's account for the past Ten months, and there are also some illegal activities that has been going on in the finance department so it was not hard for everyone to point their fingers to the Financial secretary, and obviously the secretary couldn't defend himself instead he sat there quietly,
Yue Fang and his father already told him not to mention their name as they will help him out.
once that was settled,
"however, after we've seen the record it's now time for us to know who the thieves actually are" the lawyer said deliberately emphasizing the word Thieves.
everyone:"..." thieves it means the financial secretary has accomplices.
"according to this report" the lawyer said as he started distributing the papers on his hand, and he even gave one to the police,
"it proves here that all these money were sent to three different account, and the names on the accounts are not a familiar name, we don't have those name in this company so it was hard to Know who really did it, but after much consideration, we found out that all the three bank accounts had the same signature,"
"shit.., I forgot not to use my signature in a matter of excitement but now I'm doomed" Yue Fang thought to himself,
"this person was smart however he used his personal signature, sure enough they'll catch him" one of the board members said,
"yes the person who has these multiple accounts is non other than our ex CEO Mr Yue Fang" the lawyer concluded as he showed them the signature of the Ex CEO and that of the account, they even brought a staff each from the three banks where the accounts were opened, and they confirmed that the accounts belong to Yue Fang, with so many evidence against him, the police officers arrested him and the financial secretary.
everyone in the board meeting were surprised that the person they've been in support of has been stealing the company's money,
Mr Yue Jinna didn't know what to say, so he just left the company in anger and went back home.
once everything was settled, Yue Ling ended the meeting, and everyone went to their respective positions,
Meanwhile someone was in his room smiling and laughing at his laptop, he couldn't help but praise his wife she actually was this smart, on the first day of work she already put the company in order now no one will try and act smart in the company,
"good my love good, I'm dearly proud of you" Mo Shira said as he continued watching the scene from his laptop.
(hmm it seems like someone is in a very good mood)
please comment, what do you guys think of of Yue Ling did