Last Time:
JM- "Alright, calm down Y/N."
Y/N- "Well answer me then."
V- "Sorry."
V- "So when did you love birds start dating?"
*Of course, I could feel my cheeks beginning to redden.*
Y/N- "Oh we're not dating—"
JM- "—Yet."
*My heart is beating so fast right now.... SO FAST, I was sure that both Jimin and V could hear it. Oh my god! So embarrassing! But as soon as he said that, I turned my head to him, quicker than the speed of light.*
V- "Shall I leave you two love birds to it
*Omg! I can't believe this is happening to me.*
V- "I'll go while you guys are staring deeply
into each other's eyes."
*We were still just staring at each other.*
V- "Omg! Just ask her out already Jimin!"
JM- "Well.... Do you want to go out with me,
Y/N? Like... as my girlfriend?"
*Ahhhhhhh! It was really happening! I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming! Omg Omg Omg!*
Y/N- "Of course! Ahhhh! I've wanted to go out with you since we met!"
JM- "Oh really? That's a relief!"
— 次の章はもうすぐ掲載する — レビューを書く