97.64% The Six Guns: The Library / Chapter 82: Chapter Eighty-Two: Settled

章 82: Chapter Eighty-Two: Settled

 Ares and Loki appear in Valhalla, both covered in blood. Ares was fatally wounded and dying, but Loki seemed like he was still standing strong. "You think you can take me out, just however you please, Lucifer?" Ares asks. "You can kiss my ass... This time, even though I will die... I'm going to go down on my own terms."

 "Ares!?" Meili says in shock as he inspects the disturbance. "How did you get here!? Is that my brother?"

 "It's not your brother anymore." Ares says. "That's the vessel for Chronos. If you don't want to see everyone you know and love die, then listen well. Make sure he doesn't get... the shards..."

 "The shards?" Meili asks, but Ares drew his last breath. Loki stood over the body and Meili looked around. Meili decided the best way to stop Chronos and whatever he was planning was to take the shards himself. 

 Just as Meili prepared to fight Loki over the shards as Ares passed, a sudden voice from behind echoed "Move aside!" Suddenly, a shield flew right at Loki and hit him in the face, knocking him aside. "Were you seriously planning on handling those shards yourself!?" Athena asks, clearly irritated. "Don't you think that would only change his agenda from gathering the shards to killing you!?"

 "What do you suppose I do!?" Meili asks, annoyed.

 "I'm taking them to heaven." Athena says. "I'm hoping not only can they keep them safe, but I can finally be removed from this job of scouting the mortal realms for the likes of you idiots!" Loki charges at Athena and Athena grabs Loki's one arm, twists her body and slams Loki's face into the ground of this castle they call Valhalla. Athena then kicks Loki in the gut with a buff spell and sends him rolling away from Ares. Swiftly, Athena grabs the shards floating upwards from Ares's body and grabs ahold of them, keeping them from entering her body with sheer will for all of this to be over with. Loki gets enraged and charges Athena and Meili with armament magic coating his robotic arm and roars as he rushes at them. The two of the get in a stance and brace themselves to counter, but Loki suddenly changed to a wind spell and throws them away from him. The two of them tumble over and quickly get back up. As they stand, they see Loki remove the trinket from Ares's pocket, look over at Athena as Loki's sclera turn pitch black, his eyes glow red, and a demonic smile comes across his face. The first bit of emotion he's shown since becoming a drone for Chronos. "Wait!" Athena shouts, but Loki vanishes to somewhere unknown in an instant. 

 Athena sighs in disappointment, then Meili asks "Shouldn't you be after him?"

 "That is my mission..." Athena argues, "but where the hell do you supposed I start looking? Do you even know which universe he went to?" Meili was silent, then Athena continues to say "Besides, these shards take priority. I really should be getting this back to Gabriel. We can't risk something this dangerous spreading again."

 "Right... correct as always..." Meili says in an annoyed tone. 

 "All things in due time." Atena says. "Just don't go getting involved with the mortals again. That way I won't have more work to handle."

 "But you already agreed to return with Thor..." Meili argues.

 "He wanted to go make amends with the humans, then come right back home." Athena says. "In and out. I think he deserves at least that much after what he went through."

 "He's not the only son of Odin." Meili argues.

 "Right." Athena says. "Do you want to go make amends then?" Meili was silent, then Athena answers "Then shut it. I don't care. I'm just doing a favor because I felt bad for a moment."

 The crew returns home in Pilloa with an announcement of victory. The wars were over, Ares had been dealt with and the black skies have cleared. There was a lot of time rebuilding the country of Omnia, with Pilloa as its capital. Lots of time passed, and it came time for the country to pick leaders and establish a new government. By this time, Mikoto and Satomi returned to Japan alone to celebrate with their friends back home. The crew was ready to leave Pilloa, until they were approached by Ryan and several others who fought in the civil war. They were asked the last thing the crew ever expected to be asked. Ryan and many others who oversaw the resistance asked The Six Guns crew to be their new leaders in the reestablishment of Omnia as their elected officials. The crew was shocked. Siran immediately turned them down, and Zia of course followed suit as they don't want to be involved with politics. Benjie also turned them down as well. He didn't feel he was worthy of such an offer. Haru and Holly were the first to agree though. The both of them felt they didn't really have much to return to. Seeira no longer had a home for them, and Haru worried she no longer had a place in Japan. There had to be an official election, but over time, the country had made their choice, and the news came as a shock to the world. The new ten members of the Mages Guild were Holly, Ying, Finn, Rose, Alex, Vivi, Blake, Tanya, Robin and Haru. 

 After a long time, Ryan broke the good news to Zia and Siran. They announced the country was officially putting effort into rebuilding Pilloa as a whole, including the land that used to belong to the Mahina Clan. Zia and Siran were happy, but rebuilding would take years. Ali ended up leaving the capital too. She complained it was too political for her taste too and asked to become an official member of The Six Guns. She refused to turn to Vega, and while she was proud of her mother, she couldn't handle all of the political business. Along with her, Benjie joined the crew as an official member, even though Siran had announced recently that the crew has disbanded. By this time, conflict around the world came to a halt as the cleared skies reduced tensions. 

 A lot more time passed as fall was coming up. Siran announced to the new Mages and the rest of the capital that they planned to move. "It's great that the clan land is being restored." he says. "But we made a choice. We plan on moving forward with our lives, as well as we got the rest of the crew on the other side of the world right now by themselves. As such, we already talked it out with Mikoto and Satomi. We made plans to move to Japan for now."

 "That's great, but why Japan?" Alex asks.

 "Well, we kinda miss Satomi and Mikoto." Zia replies. "They helped us in our final fight and everything. I'm sure they need the company too. Besides, we're hoping to establish a life there. Somewhere in the countryside, far from people. Somewhere we can both not be hated by the country we're in while also not standing in the way of you all and your new jobs as leaders of the nation."

 "True." Vivi agrees. "Not having to monitor you like a babysitter would be a huge weight lifted from our shoulders."

 "Oh!" Rose shouts. "Tell Mikoto and Satomi I miss them! They're always welcome in Omnia too!"

 "Of course we will." Zia says.

 "Then, just the six of you?" Holly asks.

 "Six?" Finn asks. "Silas isn't going?"

 "Uh... well, no." Silas says, nervously.

 "Go on, tell them. It's about time you be a man." Holly says.

 "Mom, dad..." Silas says, hesitantly. "I'm entering training with Carl and Dana for special forces in the MTRU here in Omnia! We're training with Ryan and Holly and everything to become special forces to put an end to conflict around the world before it gets out of hand. Preferably without any of the killing too."

 "Special forces?" Siran asks in shock. "Silas, are you sure?"

 "I'm sure, dad. I know I can do it." Silas says firmly.

 Siran hugs Silas, then says "Well, I'm proud of you. You'll be great, I know it."

 "Alright, alright." Holly says. "Break it up, this is a command room, not your house. Take it outside..."

 Just before Siran and the rest of the new Six Guns crew that consists of Siran, Zia, Ali, Benjie, Mikoto and Satomi left Omnia for Japan, Carl and Dana ended up getting engaged. The crew threw a party for them and for Siran and the others before leaving. The team had a rough time settling into Japan at first, but Mikoto and Satomi helped them a lot. They settled in the countryside just outside of Sendai. A place they would be recognized in, but not bothered often. Not long after being there, Mikoto and Satomi both got married. Satomi got married to Haruki Watanabe, Sota Watanabe's younger brother. Mikoto got married to Daiki Sakai, the drummer in their former band Sweet Justice. Though both of the twins were both forty-five years old and were worried it was too late for them to have kids, their own miracle happened. Both of them got pregnant, one after the other. Things were going smoothly for the crew in their new home and seeing Mikoto and Satomi happy with their to-be children, it inspired Zia on how to handle the stress she felt seeing Silas grow up so fast. With there being no more signs of wars, and people finally stopping their chase for The Six Guns, they felt they could finally relax without worrying at every twist and turn.

 Meanwhile, in Valhalla, there was no sign of Loki anywhere. This came as more of a relief, as the rumor spread that Loki had eventually died somewhere unknown, with his shards being lost to some unknown universe somewhere. Athena was still often found in Valhalla, searching for signs of Loki and other entities she would have to remove from the realm of mortals. "You know..." Thor says as he approaches Athena from behind as she uses what looks like a star map, except each shining dot was a different universe, "You make a great friend, but an even greater worker. Sometimes I worry that work is all you worry about."

 "It is all I worry about." Athena says, without talking her gaze off of the map. "And I never said we were friends. Just not enemies."

 Thor freezes, then lets out a thunderous laugh as he roughly pats Athena on the back. "Ha! Ha! Ha! What's the difference?"

 Athena shakes her head in irritation, then says "Too hard, jackass!"

 "My apologies." Thor says as he stops slapping her back. "But as sad as it makes me, you won't be finding my brother. Though he was a powerful entity, he still had the body of a human. Those wounds he had... I don't think he had any chance of surviving those."

 Athena sighs, then rubs her eyes. "Yeah, let's hope you're right about that."

 "Now!" Thor says as he turns around. "I do believe you have a promise with me you've yet to keep?"

 "Yeah, yeah... I'm coming." Athena says. "Just hold on. Besides, I think we just need to check on the humans. Try not to interact with them."

 "But I want to make amends!" Thor says with a smile.

 "Make amends by letting them live in peace then..." Athena says in an annoyed tone. "You know, the thing I ask you to do all the time for me?"

 "I'll only leave them be, had they seemed happy and in good health." Thor says.

 "You better keep that word, Thor." Athena argues.

 "Now, off for one more adventure?" Thor asks as he steps towards this long hall.

 "A-... adventure!?" Athena scoffs as she runs to catch up with Thor. "There better not be any adventure! You hear me!? None! At all!" All the while, Thor keeps laughing in confidence as they walk.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C82
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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