75.29% The Six Guns: The Library / Chapter 63: Chapter Sixty-Three: Condition

章 63: Chapter Sixty-Three: Condition

"You three, stop there!" A voice calls out from one of the mechs. A voice from one of the pilots rang out through the mech with a speaker system, as the mech began rolling towards Rose, Finn and Shelby. "What are you three doing here? Aren't you The Six Guns? How did you end up in Lebanon?"

"H-hold on!" Rose says as she slowly puts her hands up. "We're not your enemy!"

"This is an active warzone!" the pilot says. "You shouldn't be here! Remain here, we have someone coming to escort you out of here!" After he says that, several soldiers surround the three of them and point rifles at them.

"Awesome." Shelby says. "Now we're under arrest."

"Better than being under fire!" Rose harshly hisses. "Especially with those crazy electrical... zappy-arm things! I wouldn't stand a chance if I got hit by one of those, and you'd be even worse off!"

After a while of arguing, an armored van parks close to the group and some military police get out of the back and handcuff the three of them. They're put in the back of the van, and taken inside of Israel. When there, the van takes them to a military outpost outside of a base, and puts them in a thick, cement walled cell all together, still handcuffed. They sit on metal chairs at a metal table and wait with two soldiers inside of the cell with them, armed with rifles, and what they could only assume were even more soldiers waiting for them outside if they tried to escape. After what felt like a couple hours of waiting, a well decorated officer enters the cell and sits across the table from them. "So, I got a pretty good list and file on your crew." He says as he sits down. "First off, that you were told to stay out of Israel when an incident involving an attempted breakout at a jailhouse occurred."

"But, we-" Finn argues.

The officer raises his hand to stop him, then says "I didn't ask. I am also aware that we brought you here, so it's not exactly as if you entered." He then sets some folders filled with papers on the table and opens it up. While reading, he says "I'll be honest, there was a lot of commotion when everyone back at base heard The Six Guns were here. Even more when they found out that only a small few of them were here. So, tell me. How did you three end up in Lebanon?" The three of them exchange glances, before the officer speaks up. "I have an understanding that your crew has adhered to your ban thus far, as well as, there was not any solid evidence that your crew tried to escape from jail that day, especially since your crew has been known to be compliant this far. But how do we know you aren't helping the enemy here?"

"Syria." Shelby says.

"I beg your pardon?" the officer asks.

"South of Daraa." Shelby adds. "There was an anti-air outpost there. We shut it down."

"That's awfully convenient." the officer replies. "And a quick answer. Quick answers are often lies."

"There were anti-air tanks stationed there. Five of them." Shelby says. "Cuts with reactive endo on the outside armor and melted pieces behind that with elemental magic. I can give you landmarks and directions if you want to inspect it."

The officer pauses for a moment, then looks at one of the guards and snaps his fingers. The guard walks over to him and leans in as the officer whispers something in his ear. After that, the guard leaves and the officer says "For now, let's get a little acquainted. I am Lieutenant Colonel Noam Mizrahi. I understand how this situation looks. But I can assure you, if we find out you are lying, it'll be far worse. Now, going from what we have on file, you are... Finn O'Leary of The Six Guns. There's a lot of wanted information on you but rarely any information on your background. I guess it's not too unusual, Israel has it's fair share of nameless, homeless people. Not the first time I've seen this come up. But at least you have a name. Then we have... Ah! This looks like the right file. Rose Atiyeh, of The Six Guns."

"Rose O'Leary." Rose replies sternly.

"O'Leary... well that doesn't seem right." Mizrahi says. "We have nothing on file matching- ahh! I see now. You're married. Mazel tov. No background at all until becoming wanted. Tch tch tch. You're the one I heard about making a fuss over her home in Egypt?"

"What about it?" Rose asks.

"Well, if you have no file outside of having a life of crime, what do you think that means?" Mizrahi asks. "Because to me, it sounds like a terrorist."

"A terrorist!?" Rose panics. "The Six Guns aren't terrorist! We've done nothing of the likes of using fear or terror tactics to control people!"

"Hey, idiot." Shelby hisses. "He's gaslighting you. Calm down."

Rose looks over at Shelby, annoyed, then sighs and sits up straight. "Not much better than a poorly trained barking dog..." Mizrahi says. "Last is... Shelby Maddox, otherwise known as Mad Cat Maddie of The X Hunters. What a cursed pair of groups you hang around." Shelby only replies by looking Mizrahi in the eyes. "Born in Ferentari, Romania. My oh my. You're just another street rat." Shelby raises an eyebrow as he says this. "I've seen your types all around. Always the same. Tell me, why is a street rat and leader of a fake and unlicensed hunters group traveling with two of the members of The Six Guns? Are you just trying out a new hobby in being a third wheel for married couples?"

After speaking, the door to the interrogation cell opens and the guard from earlier steps halfway through the door and looks at Mizrahi. He gestures his head to bring Mizrahi outside of the cell, and Mizrahi stood up and left with the guard. As Finn looks over, he notices Shelby gritting her teeth. "Deep breaths." Finn says. "That goes for all of us."

"The balls on that guy..." Shelby growls.

"He called us terrorists..." Rose mumbles.

"He also lumped all of us in as being the same as every other crook and homeless nobody." Finn says. "But we took down Naris! We started a family, and we have been out here trying to put an end to conflict after conflict without asking for pay or anything. That's not a nobody. Just shake it off. Don't let him push us into doing something we'll regret." After talking, Finn realizes there's still a guard in the room and looks over at him. The guard had one eyebrow raised as if he was in serious doubt of the things Finn just said. "Look," Finn says, looking back at Rose, "it'll be okay. They'll see we aren't the bad guys, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, but where does that get us?" Shelby asks condescendingly.

"Hopefully, not dead." Finn replies.

After a short while longer, Mizrahi steps back in the door. "Alright! We'll, good news, more good news and even better news!" Mizrahi sits back down and looks the three of them in the face. "We found the anti-air systems. Well done. We've confirmed you didn't like... about that one thing. Next good news is, higher ups gave us word on how to handle you three and what to do with you. Now the even better news is, you three are going to be working under me!"

"What?" Rose asks angrily.

"Either that, or death row for a list of crimes that I'm sure we don't need to mention to you." Mizrahi adds. "I mean, we can make up anything and the world wouldn't question it, would they?"

"Asshole..." Shelby retorts.

"So, we will be working you for your freedom." Mizrahi says. "We have no immediate pressing reasons to put you on death row. We also don't have a reason to just let you go. But you three wanted to help end this conflict? Then we'll be seeing you earn your trust by working your way through missions addressed by me and only me. I assume you three have contacts?"

"We did." Finn says. "Until your mechs fried them."

"Then we'll be doing this by word." Mizrahi. "Now, I don't want you three in my country, so we'll be escorting you back to Egypt where we can watch you. Do not try to run, we will have you stopped before you can leave this city. Of course, you can go anywhere you like, within Cairo, where our men are stationed and can keep a close watch on you."

"I won't accept." Rose says.

"Pardon?" Mizrahi asks. "You do understand the alternative is death, don't you?"

"I won't accept this deal unless I can make one final condition." Rose says.

"You're in no position to make conditions." Mizrahi says.

"I want you and your men out of my country when this is over." Rose interrupts. "I don't want Israel becoming just like Omnia before the war. I want Israel's forces out of Egypt when this is all done!"

"I don't see any reason we'd have to follow this." Mizrahi replies. "I also don't get to command the entire military and direct their presence. That condition is absurd!"

"Make it happen or I'm not accepting!" Rose says.

There was a long pause of Mizrahi trying to understand the situation. After a little bit of thinking, he snaps his fingers and looks at the guard again. He gestures to make a phone out of his hand and gestures with his head to tell the guard to bring the phone to him. The guard leaves, then comes back with a metal box with a latch door that has a phone inside and a telescopic antenna. He dials something and talks on the phone quietly for a moment, and without hanging up, sets the phone on the table sideways, pointing at Rose. "Either we help you end this war, and you accept to leave Egypt, or we're not helping. I don't care if it's a death sentence. You won't get any help from us without that one condition."

Mizrahi picks the phone back up and talks a little bit more, then hangs up. "We will... try to get preparations for pulling out of Egypt when this is all over." Mizrahi says. "I don't know why the higher ups take a liking to you, but lucky for you, they did. Congratulations. I'll have you shipped back to Cairo now. I will be joining you, as I'm now going to be stationed in Cairo with you and keeping an eye on you. But rest assured, this means we will be lessening our military presence there."

"Yes!" Rose celebrates.

"But!" Mizrahi adds. "Only because now, we have something better than watching you closely to make sure you can't run. Now you fight, or we will never leave your country. Congratulations on willingly letting your whole country be taken hostage, Misses O'Leary." Mizrahi stands up and leaves the room as two more soldiers come in with the keys for their handcuffs and begins to remove all of their handcuffs.

"That may have not been the best move." Shelby says.

"But we are alive." Finn says.

"We have a chance to save my home too." Rose adds.

"Try speaking up for me again though, and we're going to fight." Shelby argues.

A couple months pass, occasionally going on missions into Syria and Lebanon for missions to give Israel more ground to hold defenses. The three of them stayed in the hideout, hidden away from Mizrahi's watch during the nights, but knew they couldn't run away. They knew if they tried, all of Egypt would be in danger. So, they spent their nights in the hideout, and their days inside the city. Sometimes going on missions alongside special units and the Sayeret. Having very little to go by, Rose stopped dying her hair as did Shelby. Shelby's hair didn't grow any noticeable amount, but Rose's hair changed a lot since Siran last saw her. Finn looked a little thinner too. "And that's about everything up until now." Rose says to Siran.

"Man, this Mizrahi guy sounds like a real asshole." Siran replies.

"Oh, he is." Shelby confirms.

"A lot of this work has been mostly scouting missions too." Finn adds. "Occasional combat, some escorts. They've been running us around and we don't get any money for it. But we do have a little bit of money- or well, Shelby does. We've been trying to make it stretch."

"Sometimes I feel like the war will never end." Rose sighs.

"Then we'll help it end." Siran says. "If they don't like how we handle it, then I'll take it up with them personally."

Rose smiles a weak smile and says "Thanks, Siran."

After a while of chatting and catching up, Siran leaves alone to go take a walk. Eventually, Holly and Rose both follow Siran out, then Finn joins them. "Got something on your mind?" Finn asks as they approach Siran just outside of the hideout.

"Yeah..." Siran says. "I know I mentioned this to Holly, but while I was in my coma, I had this... experience."

"Experience?" Rose asks.

"Well, they were memories, of my past life, apparently." Siran explains. "It's just... a little hard to swallow all of this stuff, especially with Zia missing."

"Oi!" Satomi says as she and Mikoto wave as they approach. "What's going on?"

"We noticed you went missing." Mikoto adds.

Siran takes some time to explain the memories he went through during his coma. He explained a very short summary of his life as Ishmael, not getting into any rough details. "That's apparently why Loki and Ares kept calling me Ishmael..." Siran says. "I guess I used to be this... this thing! But being here in Egypt is making me feel... nostalgic with these memories running through my mind. You see, in my past life, I had kids. I watched them grow up and raise their very own children in this very country. Now, I kind of want to visit that place again. I want to see what changed."

"Well... where is it?" Rose asks.

"It was... Alexandria, I think." Siran says.

"We can get there by bullet train." Rose says. "Besides, I'm interested in learning more about this whole Ishmael thing."

"It would be helpful to learn more about it." Holly adds. "I would like to hear more details. It does pertain to our situation if Ares and Loki kept referring to you as your past life. They definitely know something, and as such, some of the root of this conflict may lie somewhere within the details."

"I can't make sense of any of this right now." Siran says. "Maybe it's just because my mind is just so... full right now. I think if I go see that place, maybe it'll help me sort it out a little."

"Then let's go." Satomi says. "I mean, this story sounds kinda nuts, and maybe it was all just some fever dream or something. But, I also want to understand this story more. It sounds too bizarre to believe at first."

"Yeah, Holly. He said he mentioned it to you?" Mikoto asks.

"He did, briefly." Holly says. "As strange as it sounds, Athena, Thor and Loki seemed to have confirmed it when Siran brought it up in front of them."

"No way!" Mikoto replies. "Then, this is real?"

"Oh, it's real, unfortunately." Siran says. "I wish it weren't though."

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C63
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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